HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/30/1982CITY COUNCIL JUNE 30, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, June 30, 1982 at 8:00 P.M. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Hugh Marvin, William Burgess, Leona Lansing Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Carl Cobb, Ralph Goodrich, John Belter, Robert Wagner, Lester Kerr, Gerald Milot, Nancy Bell, Barbara McKnight, Leon O'Brien, Vi Luginbuhl, Roberta Coffin, Judy Hurd, Frank Pichon, Nancy Boardman, Marge and Bart Simpson, Frank Boerger, Louise Kleh, Thomas Kleh, William Schuele, William Peters, Anne Peters, George Mona, Edith Hendley, Don Hooper, Gloria Yandow, Margaret Picard Amendments to Agenda Hugh Marvin moved to add to this evenings agenda two items - the appointment of a Service Officer and to go into Executive Session to discuss the Highway Contract. Leona Lansing seconded the motion and all voted for it. Minutes of June 17, 1982 The minutes of June 17, 1982 were approved on a motion by Michael Flaherty, a second by Hugh Marvin and a unanimous vote. Sewer Line Extension to Swift Street Mr. Szymanski explained the sewage problems at Swift Estates. Fourteen lots there have municipal water and on site septic tanks. The heavy soils have created some sewage problems. He recommended correcting the situation by extending the sewer line from Ridgewood Estates southerly to serve this development. There is adequate unappropriated funds remaining from prior sewer construction projects to extend the lines at the City's expense to the first lot west of the pond for a distance of approximately 630 feet. To sewer the entire development would cost $105,000. The City's share would be $30,000, the difference to be paid by the landowners. The size of the lines serving this development should be 12 inch pipe so as to accommodate future extensions. The cost of this oversized pipe is $4,000 more than the standard 8 inch pipe. The City will pay for the difference. Mr. Frank Pichon of 206 Meadowood Drive felt their was a serious sewage problem for himself and his neighbors. He would like to see the City put in the sewer line. Mr. Szymanski was directed by the City Council to develope a cost analysis of constructing these sewer lines, inclusive of the means of financing. Continue Review of Proposed Zoning Regulations Mr. Robert Wagner of the State Agricultural Department introduced Gerald Milot from Milot Realty who would present a Zoning proposal on the Southeast Quadrant. The Agriculture Department and Milot had developed these plan so as to facilitate Act 250 review and to ensure large open spaces in this part of our City. Mr. Milot presented his land use plan. Properties in residential areas would be zoned two units per acre and as much as one third of the property would be left open for later agricultural use. The City would be deeded this open space and the State Agriculture Department would contact South Burlington farmers to determine their interest in farming the land for a season. The open space land would be planned so that it would be contiguous to other open land and in this way maximize the potential usefullness for farming. Mr. Milot indicated his proposal was directed at residentially zoned areas and not industrial areas. The City Council requested this proposal be presented with greater detail at the next Council meeting. Comments were requested from the City Planner and the City Attorney. There was some discussion on the industrial zoned land. The Council requested Dave Spitz, City Planner draft a policy on planned industrial areas for the next meeting. This should better define what can or can't be done in these areas. Appointment of Constables William Burgess moved that the South Burlington City Council resolve that due to a creation of another legislative district and the absence of a constable for the coming Fall election, it is necessary to appoint two additional special constables. Michael Flaherty seconded the resolution and all voted for it. Michael Flaherty moved to appoint Al Francis and Dan Wright as second constables. Hugh Marvin seconded the motion and all voted for it. Property Tax Lien Hugh Marvin moved to approve the notice of Property Tax Lien on the Court Club, 70 Farrel Road as presented by the City Administration. Leona Lansing seconded the motion and all voted for it. Police Labor Contract Hugh Marvin moved to sign the Police Labor Contract for the period beginning July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1984. Michael Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted for it. City Hall Labor Contract Hugh Marvin moved to sign the City Hall contract for the period beginning July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1983. William Burgess seconded the motion and all voted for it. Highway Department Labor Contract Michael Flaherty moved to go into Executive Session to discuss the Highway Contract. Leona Lansing seconded the motion and all voted for it. The City Council returned from Executive Session. Hugh Marvin moved to sign the Highway Department Labor Contract for the period beginning July 1, 1982 to June 30, 1983. Michael Flaherty seconded the motion with all voting for it. Short Term Note - Landfill Compactor Michael Flaherty moved to sign an annual renewal of a short term note dated July 17, 1982 for the Landfill Compactor. The remaining principal on the note is $33,187. William Burgess seconded the motion with all voting for it. Re-appropriation of FY 1981-82 Budget William Burgess moved to transfer $12,838.70 from the Land Acquisition account #001-02092-00-26 to the reserve account for open spaces. Michael Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted for it. William Burgess moved to transfer $8,000 from the 1981-82 account 001-06027-00-38 entitled Recreation Capital Improvements to the 1982-83 Recreation Capital Improvements Account. Michael Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted for it. Michael Flaherty moved to continue this portion of the meeting to July 19, 1982 and finalize appropriation transfers at that time. Leona Lansing seconded the motion with all voting for it. Appointment of Service Officer Michael Flaherty moved to appoint William Szymanski, City Manager as Service Officer for South Burlington. Hugh Marvin seconded the motion with all voting for it. Liquor Control Board Hugh Marvin moved to meet as a Liquor Control Board. Michael Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted for it. William Burgess moved to approve the temporary liquor licenses of Old Farmhouse Restaurant for the K.C. Hall on July 10, 1982 from the hours of noon to 5:00 P.M.; and the Ice Cream Restaurant for the University Mall on August 1, 1982 from the hours of 6:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. Michael Flaherty seconded the motion with all voting for it. Other Business Leona Lansing said she would like to have labor negotiations handled differently in the future. The Council requested alternatives to the current practices be presented at a future meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. by a motion from William Burgess, a second by Hugh Marvin and all voting for it. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.