HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/16/1982CITY COUNCIL JUNE 16, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Thursday, June 16, 1982 at 8:00 pm in the Mini-Conference Room, City Hall 575 Dorset St. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Hugh Marvin, Leona Lansing Members Absent Michael Flaherty, William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Richard Carter, Police Chief; Lansing Reinholz, Kevin Hayes, Charles Balserus Meet with Police Union to discuss contract Mr. Reinholz said there were two issues not settled yet and one which was settled, but there is a disagreement about how it will be computed. The first question is in Article XVII, Section 7 B. The union gave up its demand for additional personal leave time in return for leave to appear in civil court. Now discussion is centering around that being approved by the Chief. The second issue is in Article XII, Section 4, on filling vacancies. The union's records show that the only change the Council wanted and the union accepted was to add the words "or equivalent" after the various degrees listed in the article. Mr. Minnich said he thought the agreement had been to, in place of the union's draft of Article XII, Section 4, add to its draft of May 4 on Article I, Section 4 the words "unless there is a reduction in force in the Department". He felt that had been a trade for Article XII, Section 4. Mr. Reinholz felt it had been a trade for Article I, Section 5. He did not have a problem with the language in Article I, Section 4, though. The last issue is Article IX, Section ID. The union does not disagree on the language dealing with the bonus pay, but there is a dispute on how it will be computed. Mr. Reinholz said he had asked whether the new language would result in any change in how the time was computed and the answer was no. Mr. Minnich said there would be no change in the way it was computed. Mr. Farrar asked whether the new formula would result in the same number of dollars in the union members' pockets as the old formula and Mr. Minnich said it would be the same amount plus the pay increase since the last year. It will be paid at the end of June. Mr. Farrar asked if there was still a problem on this section, and Mr. Hayes said there was not. The union left the room at this point, so the Council could discuss the two other issues left unresolved. When they returned, Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Minnich if the bonus pay would come in one check or two and was told the bonus would be a separate check and it will be done at the last pay period of the year. On Article XII, Section 4, Mr. Farrar suggested that a clause be added to the end of the paragraph as proposed by the union which would say "with the exceptions as provided for in Article I, Section 4". Mr. Reinholz said that was fine. On Article XVII, Section 7B, Mr. Farrar noted that an officer would receive a subpoena to appear in civil court. When one is received, the officer will notify the Chief that one has been received. There might be cases where an officer should appear, but no subpoena has been issued, and in that case the Chief's approval would be needed. Mr. Reinholz said there was no problem with that as long as no approval was needed in case of a subpoena being received. Mr. Carter said he wanted to see the subpoena in advance and Mr. Hayes said it would be given to him as soon as possible after receiving it. Mr. Reinholz asked whether an officer going without a subpoena would be on city time the same as one with one and Mr. Farrar said the same rules would apply to that case. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.