HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/18/1982CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 18, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, January 18, 1982 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Hugh Marvin, William Burgess Member Absent Martin Paulsen Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Richard Underwood, City Appraiser; Gloria Yandow, Bookkeeper; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Pat Burgmeier, The Other Paper; Sylvia Smith, Jennifer Ely, Lynne Walther, Philip Scripture Agenda additions The following items were added: Accept a resignation from the Regional Planning Commission, and, under Old Business, review a request for traffic data. Minutes of January 4, 1982 The January 4, 1982 minutes were approved on a motion by Mr. Burgess, a second by Mr. Flaherty, and a unanimous vote. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Meet with representatives from the Chittenden County Correctional Facility to discuss general relations - Lynne Walther and Philip Scripture Mr. Scripture said he had held his present job for 2 years and that part of it was concerned with community relations. He said the correctional center wanted to expand its community services with the city. They would like to open up an ongoing dialogue to resolve issues. Mr. Farrar noted that when the center was first established in the city, a committee had been established to act as a liason between the center and the city. As relations improved, the committee gradually became dormant, but Mr. Farrar said it could be reactivated if the correctional center desired that. Mr. Scripture felt that would be a good idea. Mr. Farrar said Mr. Szymanski would look up the committee members and get back in touch with Mr. Scripture. Mr. Scripture noted that the center inmates have done some community service work for other municipalities in the area, such as sanding and stripping a gym floor, painting, cutting trees, digging ditches and washing walls and that they could perform some of those tasks for South Burlington also. They do not, however, want to put other people out of work. Mr. Marvin noted that when the correctional center opened, the city was lead to believe that it would never house people who had committed serious crimes, which has turned out not to be the case. He noted that there were now rumors that juveniles might be housed in the center. Mr. Scripture said the Corrections Department was making no plans for that and would, in fact, resist it. Ms. Walther said that anyone who had not seen the center could take a tour of it and that center staff were willing to talk to groups in the city. Meet with Winooski Valley Park District - City Representative Sylvia Smith and Park Director Jennifer Ely, on the 1982-83 budget Ms. Ely said the District was requesting $5,070 this year, which is a 0% increase over last year. They request $2408, which is the 20% local share for the grant which expires in December 1983. A new formula has been adopted for calculating how much to request from each member municipality. The new formula takes into account the equalized grand list as well as population figures. The grant will be used for work in signing, fencing and parking areas for the picnic and trail locations in 5 parks. This will complete development of the 5 parks existing now. Ms. Smith noted that the District had purchased the Ethan Allen homestead and was working on restoration of it. Review Zoning Board agenda There were no comments. Old business Traffic data - Mr. Marvin had been given the data he had requested, but the rest of the members said they would like to receive it also. Final action on Section 6.2 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations - This section pertains to overtime pay for firemen and Chief Goddette had submitted some information on calculating this amount. Mr. Farrar felt Chief Goddette's explanation was correct and that it should be included, in the appropriate language, in the Regulations, and that the Regulations should be adopted as such. This was done by common consent and Mr. Szymanski was instructed to insert the language. Mr. Farrar said this change would be retroactive to July 1. Discussion on City reappraisal - Mr. Farrar stated that he felt the city was operating under the motion, made about a year ago, which instructed the City Manager to institute a procedure for updating city appraisals to 100% of fair market value by using a sampling technique. Either the Council can change that motion, or the city will go ahead under it. Mr. Underwood felt a reappraisal could be done in 2 years, with one other person being hired to help him, for $25,000. He said residential property would be inspected one year and commercial the next, but Mr. Farrar asked how the residential done the first year could be updated to reflect the changes which would have taken place between the time it was inspected and the time the commercial property was done. Mr. Farrar felt that if the city were going to start updating values on the basis of sampling, it would be better to start sampling from the first day. Mr. Marvin felt the Assistant City Manager should look into several systems for updating values and report on the choices to the Council. It was decided to discuss this further at the next meeting. Accept resignation from the Regional Planning Commission Mr. Szymanski said he had received a letter from South Burlington's representative to the Commission, Wyane Jameson, stating that he was resigning for personal reasons. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the resignation of Wayne Jameson from the Regional Planning Commission for personal reasons, with regret. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Consider going into executive session to discuss ambulance contract renewal Mr. Flaherty moved to go into executive session to discuss the ambulance contract and to come out of executive session afterwards and do no business other than adjourning. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. The Council came out of executive session at 8:30 pm, and adjourned. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.