HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/25/1982CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 25, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Thursday, February 25, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Mini-Conference room of the City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Chairman Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, Hugh Marvin and Howard Perkett Member Absent William Burgess Others Present City Manager William Szymanski, Assistant City Manager David Minnich, Donald Whitten, Water Pollution Control Department; Albert Audette, Street Department Supervisor; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Planner David Spitz and Gary Ferrell. Chairman Farrar called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and asked if anyone had additions to the agenda. Mr. Flaherty said he had an item that probably should be considered with the budget. The Kiwanis Club has offered the city $10,000 for an outdoor skating facility. This was previously planned for the Central School location but because of the uncertainty as to the use of the school recently, nothing was done. In the event the rink was built the question was raised as to maintenance by the city at a cost of between $3,000 to $5,000 per year. Mr. Farrar said this item would be kept in mind as the council works on the budget. Mr. Marvin remarked that he felt the school department should share in the maintenance cost since the rink would be used by students. Mr. Farrar recapped the areas where requests were made for items, the cost of which would raise the operating budget over the allowable amount. These requests were made by the Police, Fire, and Highway departments. He could see no way that these large amounts could be included in the budget. All agreed. Mr. Szymanski said that we have about $50,000 less in Revenue Sharing to work with this year. He said the allowable operating budget would be at 94¢ this year, with the debt service it will come to $1.19. He then added 7¢ for Winooski Valley Park, Chittenden County Transportation and County Court making the tax rate 1.26. This does not include the three extra requests. In discussing the Bonded Debt Mr. Marvin asked about paying for the new city hall building in 10 years instead of 20. Assistant Manager Mr. Minnich reported that he had contacted financial advisers on this. They discussed the interest rates trying to estimate what they would be in the future and felt it might be better to make payments every 6 months to take advantage of the fluctuating rates. Mr. Szymanski and Mr. Minnich were instructed to check on accelerated payments for the building. Mr. Farrar noted that there were 4 pieces of highway equipment listed to be purchased this year. Mr. Audette said he moved the trucks back a year and all that is now on this year's budget is the grader. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. Goddette about the cost of a new fire truck. Mr. Goddette said a new truck at this year's cost is about $210,000 to $225,000. He is also looking into the purchase of used equipment, some that is 8 to 10 years old. Mr. Farrar asked if this would be a rational alternative. Mr. Goddette said yes, if the equipment fits the needs of the department it would do the job. The equipment would have to have the proper turning radius to take care of some of the roads. Mr. Marvin asked if it was necessary to have a 100 foot ladder. Mr. Goddette said that although it was not absolutely necessary there was only a difference of about $2,000 between the cost of an eighty five foot ladder and hundred foot ladder. Mr. Flaherty wondered if the vote went down on this item how the department would get along. Mr. Goddette said the problem would be in taking care of the condominiums. Mutual Aid could be used, but it would take longer to get equipment to the site. Mr. Perkett asked about the condition of the damaged truck, could it be repaired. Mr. Goddette said yes, for about $100,000 Mr. Marvin asked why a 50 foot ladder wouldn't take care of the city's needs. Mr. Goddette said the shortest ladder built is 75 feet and there wasn't much difference in price. Mr. Perkett asked if the operating cost of the fire department would increase with the purchase of a new truck. Mr. Goddette felt the insurance premium would go up but the department wouldn't need any more help, his men were experienced in the operation of this type of equipment. Mr. Farrar then asked Mr. Audette about the sludge truck purchase proposed. Mr. Audette said it was being replaced this year by the Water Pollution Control Department. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Audette about the cost of the planned Dorset Street repairs. Mr. Audette said it could be done by the city street department for about one-half of the cost, and the department employees could also do the Williston Road project. Work on the traffic lights, paving, sidewalks and curbs would have to be contracted. The department could do the excavating and move the drainage structures. Mr. Farrar asked about the status of the rights-of-way for the Williston Road widening. Mr. Farrell said he had talked with Mr. Mazel of Gaynes and Mr. Hauke, the developer, and they are both in a very cooperative spirit. Mr. Farrar asked if Mr. Mazel and Mr. Hauke would be receptive to giving the rights-of-way, and Mr. Farrell said he thought they would do so. Mr. Marvin wondered why the city had not obtained funding from the Urban Systems when such projects were receiving funding. Mr. Farrar said the city had applied for funds for the project but did not receive it. However the city did get funding under the Three-R. Program for work done on Dorset and Spear streets. We were unable to get the state people to move on some of our requests. Mr. Szymanski said that at the time of the city's application the state had wanted to put a meridian down Williston Road and this was not acceptable to the city as it would have affected entrances to Gaynes and the Sheraton. Mr. Szymanski was instructed to contact William Hauke and get some written assurance that he would be agreeable to giving a right-of-way for the work proposed for Williston Road. Mr. Farrell asked about improvements to the Spear Street road from Swift Street down. Mr. Audette said this work was listed in the Capital Improvement Budget. Mr. Marvin asked if there would be a new system of lights on Williston Road and Mr. Szymanski said yes. Mr. Farrar said that the council has to get a program for the work in place. It could be started and maybe the council might modify it, reprioritize the first three or four items. The council needs to know how much money it is talking about. Mr. Marvin wondered who would be doing the engineering. He was told that it could be done by the city. Mr. Szymanski said it was not too complex a job, the most difficult part would be in drainage work, especially at the culvert on Kennedy Drive. Mr. Farrar suggested that a vote be prepared for a certain sum to be added to the operating budget each year for the Capital Improvements in the Highway Budget. Mr. Flaherty asked about going for a bond vote, he wanted to be sure the money would be used for these highway department projects, if the money was voted to be included in the budget it might be used for other items. Mr. Marvin said asking for the money to be in the operating budget would raise the tax rate year after year, he wondered if it wouldn't be better to go for a bond issue for the $2,000,000 total. Mr. Farrar said we are now in trouble because we haven't raised the base. We have to put more money into the budget, we haven't put money into highways and now we are in trouble. Mr. Szymanski was instructed to have Mr. Spokes, City Attorney, check the legal wording and aspects of getting $200,000 into the operating budget for Highway Capital Improvements with an allowance for inflation built into it. Mr. Farrell expressed his opinion that we should go for the $2,000,000 bond issue and get the work done. The bonds wouldn't have to be sold all at once and the interest would come to about $200,000 per year. Payment could even be spread over 20 years. Mr. Farrar said we are dealing with on-going operating expense. We must keep the road system on a reasonable level and not fall behind, we have to build up on the level of expenditures that we budget. Mr. Farrell repeated that the work should be done quickly, even if we have to pay an annual cost in paying off the $2,000,000. Mr. Spitz pointed out that after 10 years there would be other road problems to handle and the principle on such a bond issue would still have to be paid. Mr. Marvin wondered when the council had to decide on this and Mr. Szymanski said within a month. Mr. Marvin made a motion that the Council go on record as accepting the Highway Department Capital Improvement Budget of February 5, 1982, with the addition of Williston Road as priority #1, to be completed in a period not to exceed 10 years. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar spoke of the request for a new fire truck and said an alternative would be to look into authorization to borrow the cost of the equipment, payment to be made in a period of two to three years. Mr. Szymanski was instructed to check on the proper and legal method of setting this up. All agreed to postpone discussion of the Police Department man-power request at this time. Mr. Szymanski was instructed to get figures on the man-power figures in all city departments for the past 10 years. He was also instructed to make comparisons with communities of the same size. Mr. Audette said the services would also have to be compared. Mr. Marvin asked if the city was re-appraised now could appraisals be kept up-to-date, and Mr. Farrar said yes. Mr. Szymanski announced that the Steering Committee would be meeting on March 18, 1982, the Budget Hearing was set for April 8, 1982 and the Annual Meeting would be held on May 18, 1982. Mr. Audette asked if the Capital Improvement Article passes would the council envision the department start with the Williston Road project or should he come in with a proposal. Mr. Farrar said he felt Mr. Audette should come in with a proposal. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Marvin and passed unanimously. 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