HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/09/1982CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 1982 at 8:00 P.M. in the Mini-Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Chairman Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, William Burgess and Hugh Marvin Others Present City Manager William Szymanski, Assistant City Manager David Minnich, Fire Chief James Goddette, Firearms Officer David Schmoll of the Shelburne Police Department, Lansing Reinholz, Charles Balserus, Kevin Hayes, Thomas Fraga and Charles Meade Chairman Farrar called the meeting to order and asked if anyone had anything to add to the agenda. There were no additions. Fire Chief Goddette reported on the condition of the volunteer firemen who were injured in an accident at the Burlington County Court House fire. Mr. Goddette said Mr. Brady's jaw was broken and he had already had an operation one of his hands. Mr. Parrott also had his jaw broken in 2 places and had injuries to his teeth. Operations were being set up for the injuries. MEET WITH POLICE ASSOCIATION TO CONTINUE REVIEW OF CONTRACT Mr. Reinholz introduced David Schmoll, a member of the Shelburne Police Department who has had extensive experience in the firearms training field. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Schmoll what was the shelf life for ammunition under normal conditions and what was the proper procedure for rotation of ammunition. Mr. Schmoll said that the shelf life under normal and stable conditions is almost unlimited. Once taken in the field there could be deterioration after six months, it has a difference in configuration and displays poor ignition. If it has been in the field about a year it has a lot of condensation caused from temperature changes and could misfire, the ignition timing changes when it becomes wet, and it becomes unstable as to where it will hit. He said there is really no set pattern as to what such ammunition will do. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. Schmoll what other departments do. Mr. Schmoll said they usually rotate ammunition from 6 months to a year. Then it is most often used for practice and training. Mr. Schmoll was thanked for coming before the council. Mr. Reinholz then said he would like to consider the Ground Rules. Chairman Farrar felt there should be a change in paragraphs 1 and 2 and paragraph 6 should be reviewed before signing. Mr. Reinholz questioned paragraph 8 concerning tabled items. He felt under this section it could take a long time to get articles settled. Mr. Farrar said the subjects tabled could only be reconsidered by mutual consent and the agreement couldn't be concluded until it is ratified, either side might want to go over an article again, even if it was previously discussed. He said if we think we reached an agreement, then we can go on to another article. Mr. Reinholz and Chairman Farrar initialed the following changes in the Negotiation Sessions Ground Rules after they were discussed: (Additions and/or changes are underlined) 1. Negotiations meetings will be held at least once per week, except for the second meeting, for no less than 2 hours each unless mutually agreed otherwise. 2. Meetings will begin no later than 8:00 P.M. 3. No change 4. No change 5. No change 6. After settling the ground rules, the first action will be to sign off all portions of the contract not being changed, after the union has had time to review the city's proposal. 7. No change 8. Deleted 9. No change 10. Each team may take its own notes but no official stenographic record of the sessions will be recognized. The city will take minutes of its meetings which the union recognizes only as minutes of a city council meeting. At this point Mr. Reinholz and the Police Department Union members held a short caucas. Chairman Farrar reopened the discussion of firearms. He felt that the weapons were two years old the ammunition couldn't be any older. The Council was in agreement that enough money would be budgeted to pay for 20 rounds for each person. This would enable each officer to use the old ammunition for training and practice. Mr. Reinholz felt this should be in the contract, he couldn't be sure that the Police Department administration would see that this was accomplished unless it was included in the contract. The council said there could be a problem with communication and Mr. Szymanski was instructed to forward a written memo to Chief Carter advising him that the budget contained money for ammunition and must be used for that purpose. Mr. Farrar noted that each officer has been given 50 rounds, and sometime next fall he will receive 20 rounds. There would be plenty to be used for qualifying or for practice. Mr. Hayes wondered if the chief would feel he would have to issue the new ammunition if it was not so stated in the contract. Mr. Marvin said it will be in the budget, the City Manager knows it and will see that it is brought to the attention of the chief. Mr. Reinholz asked just what was being budgeted. Chairman Farrar said the council would provide in the budget money for approximately 20 rounds of ammunition for each officer. There then was a short discussion on the type of ammunition to be used for training purposes. Mr. Reinholz then said that the association would drop its request of Article 13, Section 9 because the council said the money will be figured in the budget. Mr. Szymanski was again reminded to be sure and send a memo to the Chief on this matter. Mr. Farrar said if the officers had problems that could not be solved with the police department's supervisors they should be able to go to either the City Manager or the Assistant City Manager. The officers felt it would be like going over someone's head. Mr. Burgess agreed, saying when the contract is negotiated, the council should meet with the police department administrators and go over the contract. Mr. Marvin said that rather than having things go to grievance the Police Department management and City Council should get together every once in a while. Mr. Fraga brought up the fact that a proposed Safety Committee had never met. Mr. Reinholz said that the union appointed two men and he contacted the administration for 2 members, but did not get any action. Mr. Flaherty said he thought the council could meet once a quarter with the police department union and see if it couldn't handle any problems. This would take care of the need for any Safety Committee. Mr. Reinholz referred to the Economic Package, he remembered Mr. Farrar as stating that it was as cheap to purchase insurance separately as it was in a group purchase. Mr. Farrar said no, it is cheaper to buy by the group. Chairman Farrar asked if Mr. Reinholtz would like to proceed to Article I. Mr. Reinholtz said no, they would like to meet privately and go over the concil's proposal before going on. The next meeting with the Police Department Union was set for Tuesday, February 16, 1982 at 8:00 o'clock. Chairman Farrar reminded the councilmen that they were to meet at 7:00 P.M. on February 15, 1982 as they were to meet as the Board of Civil Authority at that time. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Approved Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 1 -' January 19, 1982 &--- NEGOTIATIONS ? South Burlington Police Department Ground Rules for Negotiation Sesaions I 0 4.1 tk $. Negotiations meetings will be held at least once per week :-tcct. j :k.w PI c L.\,e& ? for no less than hours each unless mutually agreed otherwise. . I : a 2. Meetings will begin no later than $$g PM. : I 3. Each team will be represented by a chief spokesperson at the : table. All discussion will go through the chief spokesperson. i 4 Negotiation sessions generally will be open except that they i will be private upon request of either party. I 5. Prem releases will be handled independently by the parties. nd rules, the first action will be being the authority to TA sections! or provisions of the contract. (TA - tentatively agreed to) It in recognized that only the City Council and the SBPOA have this authority to ratify the contract. All itema will be TAWed when agreed to or at the conclusion of each ensi ion. I t I I 9. Meetings will be held at City Hall in a room scheduled by the City. i 1 10. Caucus requests can be made by either party* Caucuses will I 1 be kept as brief aft possible* il* Each team,may take its own notes but no official stenographic *All articles and nections of articles which have no proposed changes will remain as printed in the 1980-82 Master Agreement and/or its amendments for entry in a new Master Agreement.