HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/20/1982CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 20, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, December 20, 1982, at 7:30, pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; William Burgess, Michael Flaherty, Leona Lansing, Hugh Marvin Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Judy Hurd, Doris Schwartz, Barry Carris, James W. Goddette, Sr., Albert C. Audette, Richard & Patricia Ward, Eddie Rounds, Gary Rounds, Leon Brown, Richard F. Wood, Jr., Francis Ladue, Danny Parot, Ken Dattillio, P. Joppe-Mercure, J. Patrick Brennan Read Minutes of December 2, 1982 and December 6, 1982 Mr. Burgess moved that the minutes of the Special Meeting of December 2, 1982, and the Regular Meeting of December 6, 1982 be accepted. Mr. Marvin seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Interview applicants for Planning Commission & Regional Planning Commission The Council interviewed Judy Hurd and Doris Schwartz. Barry Carris, who had been interviewed previously, indicated his willingness to serve on the Regional Planning Commission. Continue discussion on Volunteer Firemen's insurance request Mr. Minnich indicated that he had looked at current coverages and the potential cost of coverage similar to that requested by the firemen should the rest of the City's employees request such coverage. The plan requested by the firemen would cost $2,000 per year to insure the firemen under the National Union Fire Insurance Company plan. No carrier had been found who could provide similar coverage for a lower premium. The current carrier will not participate in a $100,000 life or $100 indemnity because it bases its life insurance rates on salary, and volunteers are not on the same type of salary basis. As far as the rest of the city is concerned, two quotes were received. The first would cost $7,400 (an additional $5,100 over present coverage); the second would cost $7,500 (an additional 5,200). Mr. Audette said that 160 fire departments in Vermont now provide the National Union plan, and Mr. Szymanski added that the agent had informed him that the policy would also cover a citizen pressed into service at the scene of an emergency by an officer. Mr. Flaherty asked whether funds for this expenditure are available in the budget. Mr. Szymanski replied that with various supplemental requests that have been received, money is very tight and this would have to be the last such request to be honored. After some discussion, Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to sign the insurance contract for $100,000 accidental death, and $200 per week disability benefits at a yearly cost of $2,245. Mr. Burgess seconded with unanimous consent. Following the vote, Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Szymanski to have the City Attorney word the agreement so that the firemen would be covered completely but would not receive disability benefits if they were paid by their employers. Highways: a) Examine reasons for failure of recent bond issues Mr. Marvin cited several factors he believes have contributed to the failure of recent bond issues. Among these are the east-west split of the City, incorrect facts not secured before printing of brochures, lack of neutrality of department heads, inadequate publicity, lack of unified effort on the part of the Council. Mr. Burgess added the problem of arguing issues in a vaccuum with opposition not surfacing until after the Council has made a decision. Mr. Flaherty noted that the press doesn't cover the Council proceedings as it covers the opposition. He suggested a press conference be called the day after a bond issue is voted on. Mr. Audette added that neighborhood groups should be organized and that such people as senior citizens and high school students should be approached. Mr. Farrar stressed the fact that if the Council cannot agree among it selves, there is little chance a bond issue will be successful. b) Discuss letters from Art Hogan and Transportation Commissioner Mr. Farrar indicated that it seems the State cannot put off the federal government's requirement for a Metropolitan Planning Organization. The question now arises as to how this should be established. The Regional Planning Commission seems to believe that the Organization should, in effect, be a part of the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Burgess indicated he did not feel this should be the method of organization. Mr. Farrar stressed that the organizational system must be sent to the Secretary of Transportation by mid-February. With regard to the Commissioner's letter, Mr. Farrar stated that it had been his understanding that planning money expended up to the point that hearings were completed were not the responsibility of the City. He said he would like to have the City Attorney look the matter over and determine what he feels are the City's obligations. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Council go into Executive Session. Mr. Burgess seconded with unanimous consent. The Council then met in executive session. The Council resumed Regular Session to discuss the following: Appoint members to the Planning Commission and Regional Planning Commission Mr. Burgess moved that Judy Hurd be appointed to the Planning Commission and Barry Carris to the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the City Council join the Planning Commission in its appeal of the Knowland case decision. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Accept resignation of Larry Snyder from Regional Planning Commission Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council accept the resignation of Larry Snyder from the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Burgess seconded with unanimous consent. Liquor Control Board Mr. Burgess moved that the Council meet as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Szymanski presented a request for a second class license for Ernie's Mobil Station on Shelburne Road. He indicated there are no problems with the establishment and all taxes are up to date. Mr. Burgess then moved to grant the second class liquor license request to Ernie's Mobil Station. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Burgess moved that the City Council be reconvened for the sole purpose of adjournment. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.