HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/07/1982CITY COUNCIL APRIL 7, 1982 CORRECTION On page 2, the sentence after the second motion on the page should be changed. The second motion is the one to amend Mr. Burgess' motion. After the motion itself, the sentence should read "Mr. Marvin seconded the amendment and the vote on the amendment was...." The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Wednesday, April 7, 1982 at 7:30 pm in the Mini-Conference Room, City Hall 575 Dorset St. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Hugh Marvin, Howard Perkett, William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; George Crooks Continue review of contract with the City Hall Association This item had to be postponed because the Association representative, Richard Ward, had been unable to make it back to South Burlington due to the recent bad snowstorm. Continue discussion of draft warning for special appropriation issues for the May 18, 1982 elections Mr. Farrar said he had spoken to the City Attorney about Article IV as previously written, and that it was unnecessary since the money for the special appropriation will not have to be borrowed. The article would only be needed if there was a cash deficit. Click here for Cost to upgrade Fire Department Equipment Mr. Farrar said the language in the last article did not match what he felt had been the intention - he thought the intention had been to borrow the full amount for the fire department and use it as needed, which would allow the city to get interest on the balance. Mr. Minnich said that had been the intention, and Mr. Farrar said the wording would have to be changed to allow that. Mr. Flaherty asked how the items under consideration would be done. Mr. Farrar felt that the refurbishing of the ladder truck should be done first, then the new pumper bought, and then should be reconditioning of Engine #2. As the last item, the additional equipment should be bought. The Council discussed the items listed on the Chief's April 5 letter. Mr. Farrar said he would be willing to leave items 3 and 4 out and only ask for the first two years' worth of money. This would leave money for the new pumper and for upgrade of the ladder truck and additional equipment for the pumper. Mr. Marvin asked whether the Chief could find a used pumper. Mr. Farrar felt a new one would be better, because he did not want all the city's trucks to be about the same age. If they were, they might all have to be replaced in one year sometime. He did not, however, want to close the door on that option if a good, fairly new truck turned up. Mr. Crooks said good used pumpers were harder to find than good used ladder trucks, because they go to more fires. Mr. Flaherty wondered if the item could be split into two pieces on the ballot. Mr. Marvin felt it should be. Mr. Burgess disagreed, feeling that if the money were not spent now, it would have to be in 2-3 years. If the city did ask for the total amount, Mr. Perkett wanted to be sure this board had another chance to see if they would spend it all. Mr. Marvin did not feel the voters would see it that way. He did not want to refurbish Engine #2. Mr. Szymanski preferred to split the item in two pieces with the ladder truck one item and the pumper and equipment as the other. He said he would postpone item #3 in the Chief's letter. Mr. Burgess moved that the City Council approve the request as proposed by the Fire Chief in his letter of April 5, 1982, to be spent over a 3 year period. Mr. Perkett seconded the motion. Mr. Flaherty moved to amend the motion to break the request down into two ballot items: the first to be $40,000 to refurbish the newly purchased ladder truck and the second to be to purchase an additional pumper and associated equipment for up to a maximum of $130,000, to be paid for over a two year period, and not to fund the refurbishing of Engine #2. Mr. Marvin seconded the motion, and the vote on this motion was Messrs. Flaherty, Marvin and Perkett yes and Messrs. Burgess and Farrar no. The vote on the amended motion was 5-0 in favor. At this point, Mr. Perkett asked the Council to reconsider the above action. Mr. Burgess moved to reconsider the question. Mr. Perkett seconded the motion and it passed with Messrs. Flaherty and Marvin voting no. Mr. Farrar said the motion now on the floor was the amendment moved and seconded by Messrs. Flaherty and Marvin, to split the item into two pieces. Messrs. Marvin and Flaherty voted yes and Messrs. Perkett, Farrar and Burgess voted no. Mr. Farrar explained that the original recommendation of the Chief was now on the floor. This is to spend $210,000 over 3 years. Mr. Burgess wanted to be sure that the Council would have a chance to check the body of the new truck before it was fixed. Mr. Perkett wanted it to be clear that this body has the last word on how the money is spent out of this special appropriation, if approved. Mr. Marvin wanted to know how the truck would be put in good shape if this item does not pass and Mr. Farrar said he felt it could be fixed for about $10,000. Mr. Marvin moved to amend the motion to delete item #3 in the Chief's April 5, 1982 letter. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion, but it failed with Messrs. Flaherty and Marvin voting yes and the other members voting no. The vote on the unamended motion was Messrs. Perkett, Burgess and Farrar yes and Messrs. Marvin and Flaherty no. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. OFFICE OF JAMES W. GODDETTE, SR. CHIEF 863-6455 APRIL 5,7962 Subject; CanZ Zo Upgtrade fhe Depatr;tmed Equipment 1. Laddm Towm Tmck; A. Rebuild Badg $22,000.00 8. Nu Gtraund Laddm $3,471.00 C. Wc. Equipment $2,200.00 ----------- SUB. TOTAL: $27,671.00 D. LAUVER TEST E POSSIBLE UNSEEN REPAIRS $7,329.00 TOTAL : $35,000.00 Nu 1500 GPM. Pumpm-Tankm RebcLied Engine #2 E2UIPMENT FOR NEW PUMPER AND ENGINE #2 4" HOSE NOZZLES 2" HOSE AXES LADDERS FOR NEW PUMP PIKE-POLES ADAPTORS 6 GATE VALVES FORCIBLE ENTRY TOOLS HAND LIGHTS SCOTT AIR PACKS RELIEF VALVES TOTAL COST TO UPGRADE FlRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT: