HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/02/1982CITY COUNCIL APRIL 2, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a Special Meeting on Friday, April 2, 1982 at 8:00 A.M. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Bill Burgess, Hugh Marvin, Howard Perkett Others Present City Manager William J. Szymanski, Assistant City Manager David E. Minnich, Fire Chief James Goddette. Consider the purchase of a used fire ladder tower truck for the City Fire Department Chairman Farrar opened the meeting at 8:00 A.M. to discuss the possible funding for the purchase of a ladder tower truck from New York City which Chief Goddette stated at a previous meeting is required to replace the ladder truck which collapsed while on a mutual aid call in Burlington. Chairman Farrar stated that under City Charter Section 1308 the Council has the authority to increase the current adopted City Operating Budget by a maximum of 2%. Bill Szymanski reviewed the City's financial status at the start of this fiscal year (1981-82) and what the status is expected to be at the close of this fiscal year. He stated that as a result of the unexpected high interest rates for the Municipal Complex bond anticipated notes, that a considerable over expenditure is expected. An increase in other revenues is expected which will offset this amount and leave just enough to fund this $25,000 expenditure. A copy of these projections is attached to these minutes. Mr. Burgess made the motion to increase the Fire Department budget line item #3002 (Fire Department Equipment) by $25,000 from $29,945 to $54,945 for the purpose of purchasing a used ladder tower truck to replace the ladder truck damaged in the January, 1982 County Court fire in the City of Burlington. Mr. Perkett seconded the motion, no discussion followed. Mr. Burgess, Mr. Marvin and Mr. Perkett voted yes and Mr. Flaherty voted no. Click here for Article XIII The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 A.M. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. L L) L3.100 Reversal; affirmance The Board may reverse or affirm, wholly orpnrtly, or may r <[- ify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed 2, ~rn ad may make such order or decision as ought to be made, cqd to that end shall have all the powers of' the officer from whom c::s appeal is taken. The concurring vote of a majority of the Board silall 5% necessary to reverse any action of the Zoning Adminia- trrtiva Officer, or to decide in favor of' the applicant on any matter up~n which it is required to pass under thia Ordinance or to effect imp variation in this Ordinance. S 13.110 Violations, penalties 3 1% shall be unlawful to use or occupy any premises or to move, ~Ltzr- dr construct any building or structure in violation of the tara3 of this Ordinance. Any person, firm or corporation who vjol,t~:es any provision hereof or who disobeys, omita, neglects or . , Jk;s 3 to comply with the provisions hereof or any order of tj CI ,oni. . Administrative Officer pursuant hereto or who resists the en:or. daent of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall pay to thd Town of South Burlington, for its use, a sum not to exceed :an rG101 dollars for each offenae. A aeparate offenae shall be cozmicted on each day during or on which a viohtion oucurs or co.*:iinues. 13.20 Validity - Tho invalidity of any section, olause or provisions of thia Ordi- nsncd ahall not affect the validity of any other seation, clause or prov;&ion hereof. 3.130 Planning Commission Authority ?l anning Commission is authorized and empowered to enact nc regulations governing acceptance of subdivision or area me-.t plans and no building permits for the erection of - -uc:ure shall be issued unless the propoaed structure con- < .-mz JO she approved rules and regulations of the Planning Com- .rlssfon. >. -3.140 %peal ; T*i~t Protective Zoning Ordinance of the Town of South Burlington ..~vlsion of February 28, 1956, is hereby repealed provided, kcwe LT r, that the adoption of this Ordinance shall in no way cons u- cute an interruption in the effectiveneaa of prior ordinanaes ?alaclS.~g to zoning. & "a 150 Effective date r.7- ,.*&s Ordinance shall take effect upon passage. 13ate of passage. This Ordinance became effeative February 28, 1964. C S 1 Amendment ?s Ordinance may be amended by the introduction and adoption of I I I. &cir 21 ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1 o -&.- Charter of the Town OF South Burlington. In the case of the I i--u~aduction of any ordinance which proposea a change of the boUdarie of my existing distriot, sueh ordinance shall after introduction ar.2 first reading be submitted to the Planning Cornsaisaion which shall consider said proposed amendment and report its findings to