HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/27/1981CITY COUNCIL MARCH 27, 1981 The South Burlington City Council held a Special Meeting on Friday, March 27, 1981 at 5:00 P.M. at the City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, in the Mini- Conference Room on the 2nd floor. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Martin Paulsen, John Towne Members Absent Michael Flaherty, William Burgess Others Present Richard Spokes, Attorney; William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Howard Seaver, Chamber of Commerce, Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Betty Bailey, Secretary. The City Council reviewed a draft of the Resolution and Warning, which are for the purpose of amending the City Charter. A Public Hearing on the Charter change will be held on April 27, 1981 and voted at the Annual Meeting on May 19, 1981. Chairman Farrar explained the proposed changes and recommended a language change on the Inventory Tax proposal from the one submitted by the City Attorney. John Towne made a motion to amend the draft as proposed by the Chairman. Martin Paulsen seconded the motion, all were in favor. Martin Paulsen made a motion to approve the amended Resolution and Warning. John Towne seconded and all were in favor. A copy of the amended Resolution and Warning are made a part of these Minutes and attached. Mr. Towne made a motion to adjourn at 5:30 P.M., seconded by Mr. Paulsen. All were in favor. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. RESOLUTION City of South Durlington Be it resolved that the Council of the City of South Burlington submit the following proposal of amendments for public hearing on April 27, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. at the South Burlington City Hall on Dorset Street, thereafter said proposed amendments to be submitted to the voters of the City of South Burlington at the annual City meeting on May 19, 1981. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 1. DUDGET LIMI'PA'I'IONS, I)I?FINITIONS OF "TAX RATE FOR OPERATIONS* AND "NET L'OS'1' 01.' ~I~I:I(I\'I'IONS" - ChapLcr 13, Scction 1309.2 shall be amcncletl to read in its entirety as follows: "(1) Tax rate for operations for the purpose of section 1309.1 shall be determined by dividing the Grand List into the gross budget of the city or school district less the following deductions, if such items appear in the gross budget: Payments on account of bonded debt. Special appropriations. General State and Federal Aid except aid for debt service. Tuition income for non-resident students. Transfer payments. Federal and State Aid designated for specific pr-o<jt ,lnl!;. Ott10.r IIOII- l .IX rcvonlio, incl l~rlinq budcjct srlr- (2) Net cost of operations for the purpose of section 1309.1 shall be the gross budget of the City or school district less the following deductions (as defined in sec. 1309.3); if such items appear in the gross budget: Payments on account of bonded debt. .P Special-appropriations. Revenue or expenditure deficit. Federal and State Aid designated for specific programs. Transfer payments. Tuition income for non-resident students. Chittenden County." 2. INVENTORY TAX - Chapter 15 shall be amended by adding the following section: "Scc. 1504 - (a) The City shall cxcmpt from the business inventory - - - A - . - tax the fol1ow:ng pcrcc.ntil(~cs of business -- - - - -. . lnvcntory for-thTTESlToiilng ycars: - .- % of Total Inventory Tax Year -- and shall utilize the alternative - method . of taxin3 business macKincry and equipment as set forth in 32 V.S.A. S3GiiJ comnencin~~:;~i 7,:-r1-r7m7c pi;;: ,-,. f j .I -.v !b) Th? Council- . shall4 .f lx ancl maintain the value of the business inventory of each taxpayer by averaging the assessed value of such inventory as of April 1, 19TO and April 1, 1982. (fixcd value) --- If the fixed value of a taxpayer's invcnto r--.. - --.-- as of ~prilin -- any given year i's less than-the --- crccntacjc of the assessed value of inventory to E--- - -. - - - - c tax In accordance with subsccty6mG, --- - - ~. - --- .- such taxp;lyc~r'~~~Tirory tax shall bc bascd upon ~0O'~~tLc fixed value and not thc percentage of actual value." NOTE: Proposed additional language underlined or in bold type. . -2- Dated this 27th day of March, 1981. South Burlingtan City Council Received and recorded this 27th day of March, 1981. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 27, 1981 - 7:30 P.M. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY HALL The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby gives notice that a public hearing will be held on Monday, April 27, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. at South Burlington City Hall on Dorset Street, to consider the following proposed amendments to the City of South Burlington Charter: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 1. BUDGET LIMITATIONS, DEFINITIONS OF "TAX RATE FOR OPERATIONS" AND "NET COST OF OPERATIONS" - Chapter 13, Section 1309.2 shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: "(1) Tax rate for operations for the purpose of section 1309.1 shall be determined by dividing the Grand List into the gross budget of the city or school district less the following deductions, if such items appear in the gross budget: Payments on account of bonded debt. Special appropriations. General State and Federal Aid except aid for debt service. Tuition income for non-resident students. Transfer payments. Federal and State Aid designated fbr specific programs. Other non-tax revenue, including budget sur- plus from arecedinu vear. (2) 1309 dist sec. Net cost of operations for the purpose of section .1 shall be the gross budget of the City or school .rict less the following deductions (as defined in 1309.3): if such items appear in the gross budget: Payments on account of bonded debt. Special appropriations. Revenue or expenditure deficit. Federal and State Aid designated for specific programs. Transfer payments. Tuition income for non-resident students. 2. INVENTORY TAX - Chapter 15 shall be amended by adding the following section: "Sec. 1504 - (a) The City shall exempt from the business inventory tax the followinq percentages of business inventory for the followinq years: % of Total Inventory Tax Year and shall utilize the alternative method of taxinq business machinery and equipment as set forth in 32 V.S.A. $3618 commencinq fiscal year 1982/83. - - fiq/- (b) The Council- ' I!' ,*i,7'r shall. .'?? fix and maintain the value of the business inventory of each taxpayer bv avcraqinq the assesscd value of such inventory ;IS of April. I., 1980 and. April 1, 1982. (.iir.c?rl ----- value) If the fixed value of a taxpayer's inventory as of April 1 in any qiven year is less than the percentase of the assessed value of inventory to be taxed in accordance with subsection (a) above, such tax~aver's inventory tax shall be based upon 100% of the fixed value and not the percentage of wtual value. " NOTE: Proposed additional language underlined or in bold print. Dated this 27th day of March, 1981. , " South Burlington City council Received and recorded this 27th day of March, 1981.