HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/29/1981CITY COUNCIL JUNE 29, 1981 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, June 29, 1981 at 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; John Towne, Martin Paulsen Members Absent Michael Flaherty, William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wayne Jameson, James McClary, Richard Leopold, Jodie Peck, Free Press; Gloria Yandow, James Goddette, Richard Ward, Albert Audette, Margaret Picard, Colleen Laberge McGrath Agenda additions The following items were added: 1. Discuss the City Hall Employees Contract in executive session. 2. Progress report on Personnel Rules and Regulations and on the Peddler's Ordinance. Interview applicants for boards, committees and commissions Planning Commission or Zoning Board - James McClary - Mr. McClary was asked why he wanted to serve and he said that he had been involved in the development of the communities he had lived in since he had started in banking 20 years ago. He said the towns he had lived in had had plans and that any developer who did not fit in with the overall plan of the town had been refused. That way the existing residents had not had to pay for extensions of sewer and other items needed in a town. He felt he would like to be part of the planning of the community. He said he had moved to the city about 2 years ago. He had not read the Comprehensive Plan, or Zoning Ordinance but was familiar with the Vermont Planning and Development Act. Asked whether he would consider another board, he said he might. Mr. McClary said he had followed some Planning Commission meetings and he felt the Commission should have stronger control over what is done. Mr. Paulsen asked what Mr. McClary saw down the road for the southeast quadrant and was told that he felt the area should be zoned industrial in campus type developments so companies which came in could expand if they wanted to. He was also a strong proponent of large areas being dedicated to farmland in perpetuity and he said there were several ways to do that. One is to have the state buy the land and lease it to farmers. Mr. McClary felt he had the time to devote to the position. Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission - Wayne Jameson - Mr. Jameson said he had discussed the position with the present representative. He said he feels the rights and wishes of the individual communities in Chittenden County should prevail over the wishes of the Regional Planning Commission or the state. The Regional Commission, he felt, should be a mechanism for the sharing of ideas and advice, but he opposed it playing a role whereby it imposed rules on its member communities, even when the Planning Commission and City Council of that community had stated that they wished to move in a certain direction. Mr. Farrar asked if Mr. Jameson had the time for the job and was told he thought he did. He said that there might be times when more of his time had to be spent than others, but he felt he could devote more time to the issues the city was interested in. He felt he would be able to serve for an extended period of time. Recreation Committee - Richard Leopold - Mr. Leopold said he felt he could help the city because of his past experience with the baseball program. He said he would like to see city facilities improved and he stated that he had the time to spend. Adopt resolution of commendation for retirement of Walter Nardelli Mr. Farrar read the resolution. Mr. Paulsen moved to adopt this resolution and to sign it for presentation to Walter Nardelli. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and all voted for it. Sign petition for installation of 500 feet of buried telephone cable on Kimball Avenue Mr. Szymanski said the cable would actually be on lower Shunpike Road up 500' from Muddy Brook toward the second entrance to Digital. He saw no problems with it. Mr. Towne moved to approve and sign the petition. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted for it. Decision on police grievance Mr. Farrar said neither he nor the city manager had had time to contact the city attorney about this item, so it would have to be postponed. Meet in Executive Session Mr. Towne moved to meet in executive session for the purpose of discussing the City Hall Employees Association contract and to immediately reconvene in regular session after that. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted for it. After about 5 minutes, the Council came out of executive session and the regular meeting continued. Meet with representative of City Hall Employees Association Mr. Farrar said he and the City Hall representative, Richard Ward, had met on Friday and the net result of that meeting was a letter sent to the board which accepted the Council's salary offer to the police department. Mr. Farrar said the Council would accept the Association's offer and that the situation could now be considered closed. Mr. Ward noted that a few Council meetings ago comments had been made in regard to the attendance of a member of the Zoning Board. He acknowledged that the member in question was gone for 3 months a year, but said that when he is in the city he doesn't miss meetings. That he would be gone for that time period every year was known when he was appointed. He felt there was no problem on that score. He noted that one member of the board would resign if there were a replacement for him. Mr. Ward, who is the Zoning Administrator, passed out copies of a letter relating to the recent peddler on the corner of Dorset St. and Williston Rd. Ms. Picard said peddlers had to be registered with the Secretary of State. Review current year's budget expenditures and revenues and authorize necessary transfers Ms. Yandow, City Bookkeeper, handed out copies of the budget figures. The question of how the city pays the school was raised. It was noted that if they wanted to be paid in three installments with the balance due the last day of the fiscal year, it could be done that way. Ms. Yandow said the city had about $6,000 in miscellaneous bills to pay tomorrow. Mr. Farrar said there was $51,000 left in the Councilmen's accounts and that there was $43,000 for land acquisition which was still being carried. Mr. Audette said the highway fund would just about balance out. The fire department will show about a $6,000 deficit, Ms. Yandow said. Mr. Farrar said that last year there had been $34,080 in the open space fund which had been unexpended, so he suggested a special appropriation of $34,080, pursuant to the charter, which allows the Council to make appropriations up to 2% of the budget at the end of the year. This sum is well within the 2% figure and he suggested that it be appropriated for the open space fund. Taking the $34,080 and the $43,374.33 the city has left in that fund today gives a sum of $77,454.33, which will be transferred. Mr. Farrar noted that the fire department deficit would be made up with the police department surplus. Mr. Paulsen moved to appropriate $34,080 and add it to account 00102092. land acquisition. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and it carried 3-0. Mr. Paulsen then moved to authorize the encumbrance of $77,454.33 and transfer it to the open space fund for the purchase of the Nowland property and South Beach and future acquisitions. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mr. Paulsen then moved to authorize the transfer of up to $6,000 from the police department fund to the fire department fund. Mr. Towne seconded this motion and all voted for it. Mr. Goddette hoped the Council realized that he could not have prevented the fire department deficit. Mr. Farrar told the chief, and the other department heads that he felt everyone in the city did a good job of budgeting and of handling their finances. Discuss Personnel Rules and Regulations It was decided to discuss this at the next meeting. When the Rules are finalized, copies will be given to city employees. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.