HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/23/1981CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 1981 The South Burlington City Council held a Special Meeting on Monday, February 23, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. in the conference room of the Municipal Building, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, Martin Paulsen, William Burgess and John Towne MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT City Manager William Szymanski, Fire Chief Goddette, Street Supervisor Audette, Mrs. Madlyn Morrissey of 1400 Hinesburg Road, Attorney Ronald Schmucker, Kevin Hayes, Peter Lavallee, Gregory E. Mitchell, Wayne L. Parizo, Robert A. Hawke, Jr., Charles Balserus, Lansing Reinholz, Bruce O'Neill, Ethel Schuele and Marnie Kneeland Chairman Farrar called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC HEARING ON FLOOD PLAIN ZONING REVISIONS Chairman Farrar read the advertisement of the public hearing in full. After asking if those present wanted the proposed revisions read in full he called for a motion to waive the reading. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to waive the reading of the proposed revisions. The motion was seconded by Mr. Paulsen. Chairman Farrar then explained that the revisions are technical and being considered in order to conform to Federal Regulations. Mrs. Morrissey asked what effect the revisions would have on the southeast quadrant. Mr. Farrar said they would not affect that section of the city, that essentially they restrict the type of construction in the Flood Plain District. All voted in favor of waiving the reading. Chairman Farrar then asked for a motion for approval. Mr. Burgess made a motion to approve the Flood Plan Zoning Revisions. The motion was seconded by Mr. Flaherty and passed unanimously. FORMALLY ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE C-1/C-2 ZONES OF THE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE Chairman Farrar asked if those present wanted to hear the amendments read in full. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to waive the formal reading. The motion was seconded by Mr. Paulsen. Chairman Farrar explained that the changes to the commercial zones would not expand the present size of the commercial zones which were mainly on Shelburne Road and Williston Road with a section on Dorset Street. Attorney Schmucker asked what the changes do and Mr. Farrar said the city no longer operates under Interim Zoning and the amendments simply change specific language. The motion to waive the formal reading then passed unanimously. There was no further discussion. Mr. Burgess motioned to approve the adoption of the amendments to the C-1/C-2 zones of the city zoning ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Towne and passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS IN THE CITY'S 1981-1982 OPERATING BUDGET City Manager Szymanski explained that the city has revenue sharing money of $299,355 available for the proposed budget, and that $173,625 is allotted for Financial Administration in council expenses, $41,910 for Public Safety in the police department expenses and $83,830 for Public Transportation, which takes in the CCTA payment and salaries in the street department. Chairman Farrar explained that the city is required to have two public hearings on the use of Revenue Sharing monies, that this is one hearing and the second will be held at the Annual Budget Hearing in April. Mr. Paulsen made a motion to close the discussion on the Public Hearing on the use of Revenue Sharing Funds. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER INCREASE IN SIZE OF THE SEWER PRESSURE MAIN SERVING THE NEW G.B.I.C. SITE OFF HINESBURG ROAD Mr. Szymanski explained that the developer of the proposed construction is planning to install a 4״ main which would connect to the existing 8״ main and he is recommending that a 6״ main be installed with the city picking up the extra expense of $12,000. Mr. Paulsen wondered about the velocity, whether the 6״ main would maintain the velocity needed for the development. Mr. Szymanski said it would. Chairman Farrar said any motion on the matter should be contingent on the zone change taking place and the developer going ahead with his plans. Mr. Paulsen asked how Mr. Szymanski had arrived at his $12,000 figure. Mr. Szymanski said he was talking of a total of 4,000 feet, and the additional cost for installation of a 6״ main instead of a 4״ main was $3.00 per foot. Mr. Flaherty wondered if the developer would pay for the increase in the cost. Mr. Farrar said we would be able to charge new construction for hooking on to the system. Mr. Paulsen asked if the 6״ main would take care of what might happen in the next 10 years or so. Mr. Szymanski said it would depend on requests for development in the future. Mr. Burgess asked Mr. Szymanski to find out what the developer's future expansion plans were. Mr. Burgess also asked how much of the area could be served, could it serve the whole southeast quadrant. Mr. Szymanski said he would get a figure on the acreage. Mr. Paulsen made a motion to table Agenda Item #4, "Consider Increase in Size of the Sewer Pressure Main Serving the New G.B.I.C. site off Hinesburg Road". Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. There was to further discussion and the motion to table passed unanimously. REVIEW PLANNING AND ZONING AGENDAS The Council reviewed the Planning and Zoning agendas. There were no questions or comments. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business considered at this meeting. CONTINUE REVIEW OF 1981-1982 BUDGETS - (A) HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Street Supervisor Audette went over the line items in his 1981-1982 proposed budget. Three accounts, #8001 - Salaries, #8020 - Social Security and #8021 - Insurances had no figures as he is waiting to get the correct amounts. He then went over a few of the accounts as follows: 8002 - Highway Maintenance, had an increase of $3,000. Mr. Audette said there was a lot of repairs in sight patching up the roads. He pointed out that some of the expense is offset by revenue from road opening permits. 8003 - City Highway Construction was decreased by $8,000. His main plan under this account is to replace the Oakhill Drive culvert. 8007 - State Aid Construction is budgeted at the same amount $5,000. This will be used for materials for widening Airport Drive. 8008 - State Aid Retreatment, increased by $4,000, $2,000 of this is for repaving part of Cheese factory Road and will be augmented by $4,000 that the state will pay for the improvement. The balance will go for the continued repaving of Airport Drive. 8010 - Storm Drain Maintenance, reduced by $1,200. Mr. Audette said there were many drains in need of repair and mentioned the location of several that would be taken care of. 8012 - Salt, Chloride and Sand, increased by $2,000. Mr. Audette said his proposed figure of $22,000 was a guess. Salt was $27.90 a ton this year and he was told it might increase $2.00 a ton, due mostly to transportation costs. 8016 - Equipment Operating Expense, increase of $9,450. Mr. Audette said he based this figure on a cost of $1.50 for regular gas and $1.75 a gallon for regular. He also took a figure of $1.50 per gallon for fuel oil. There followed a short discussion of tapping refuse in the landfill site for methane to use for heating. 8018 - City Garage Improvements, increase of $3,000. Mr. Audette said this was needed to keep the facility in shape. Also Mr. Audette said that the school department may vacate their garage at the landfill, and if this should happen he would be able to store more of his equipment under cover. Mr. Farrar asked if there would also be room to store some of the Water Department equipment and Mr. Audette said yes. 8023 - Equipment Maintenance, increase of $6,000. Mr. Audette said the increase is due to the equipment being older and increased cost of materials and labor. 8024 - Equipment Replacement, same budgeted amount of $40,000. This will be used to replace a plow truck and plows and replace the park maintenance truck. It also includes $18,000 payment on highway equipment notes. There was a short discussion on equipment replacement and Mr. Audette said the average replacement cost would be about $50,000 a year. Chairman Farrar said it was something that should be worked out very soon. A copy of a list of the present equipment is attached to and made a part of these minutes. 8026 - Tree Care, increase of $500.00 requested. Mr. Audette said this covers removal of dead trees from city property only. Mr. Farrar remarked that Gardens For All is looking for space to plant trees for the coming Green-Up Day. Mr. Audette said he would look into it. 8050 - Landfill - The amount for this account was not inserted as Mr. Audette is waiting to get the salary figure. However $12,000 of the account's budget is ear- marked for site improvements that have to be done to assure certification by the state. Chairman Farrar asked if it will be to our advantage if the City of South Burlington picks up our refuse to burn and Mr. Audette said yes. 8052 - Traffic Lights, no increase in the budget figure. $15,000 of the amount is for new signals at Kennedy Drive and Williston Road. Mr. Audette then referred to the Capital Improvement Budget, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes. He added one more item, also with top priority, the placing of another culvert under Kennedy Drive. Mr. Audette said the city needs a serious look at where we are going. It should plan very seriously how to fund these needed capital improvements. Chairman Farrar and the other members of the council agreed this should be done. The Council thanked Mr. Audette for his presentation. Click here for Highway Department Equipment MEET WITH POLICE DEPARTMENT BARGAINING UNIT Mr. Lansing Reinholz, Police Department Union Negotiator, opened the discussion, which was on the present department-merit plan, with suggestions on how to improve it. Mr. Reinholz asked the Chairman if the council had had time to work on two items under consideration with the Police Department Union, the life Insurance and Dental Insurance programs. Mr. Farrar said no, but the council would try to wrap this up and get the material to him a couple of days before the next meeting. It was agreed that the Police Department Union would meet with the Council at its next meeting to be held on Monday, March 2, 1981 at 7:00 P.M. CONTINUE REVIEW OF 1981-1982 BUDGETS - (B) COMMUNITY LIBRARY Recreation Director O'Neill, Ethel Schuele and Marnie Kneeland arrived for this agenda item. Mrs. Schuele presented the Community Library Proposed 1981-1982 Budget. She explained the reasons for the increases requested, pointing out that $1,320 of the increase was for fringe benefits which were not included in last year's budget. The increase in staff salaries was due to an effort to bring the staff's salaries up to the same level as the school department in cases where the employee works at different times for both the school system and the community library. Marnie Kneeland explained the increase in the budget for new books, saying cost of the volumes has increased about 18%. She was pleased to have located a concern that rents best sellers for a period of 6 months, and once they are printed in paper back she is able to return any that she doesn't need to keep on the shelf. She also mentioned the need for the two new card catalogue units which are budgeted at $1,800.00. After discussion she said she felt that getting even one would be a big help. Chairman Farrar thanked Mrs. Schuele and Ms. Kneeland for their presentation and said the Council would consider their budget. Mr. Paulsen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Flaherty and passed unanimously. Approved Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.