HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/20/1981CITY COUNCIL APRIL 20, 1981 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, April 20, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, John Towne, Martin Paulsen, William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Kevin Cole, Paul & Paula Minch, Margaret Picard, Gloria Yandow, Richard Ward Agenda additions The following items were added: 1. Discuss the new municipal building 2. Discuss the lawsuit against the members 3. Approve the budgets 4. Discuss a letter from the CCTA Minutes of April 6 and 13, 1981 The April 6 and 13, 1981 minutes were approved on a motion by Mr. Paulsen, a second by Mr. Burgess and a unanimous vote. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Meet with South Burlington City Hall Employees Association Mr. Farrar said the Council had reviewed the requests of the association and discussed them and that the Council's position was that in regard to section 1 article 2, the Council feels an 8 hour day for all employees other than the fire department is reasonable. They are, however, willing to listen to proposals for adjusting the starting and stopping times of the day, as long as the work week remains 40 hours. Regarding the pay schedule, Mr. Farrar said a complete pay schedule had been prepared for all salaried employees, which for most grades will give an increase of about 9.5%. On article 4 section 1, Mr. Farrar said the first section was not a bargainable item since the equipment was not safety-related. On section 2, since normal street clothing can be worn, the Council sees no need for a clothing allowance. On section 3, they feel this is not an appropriate use of city funds, and on section 4 they feel this is just another form of salary increase and they wish to discuss all salary increases as part of the salary package. The Council is also offering a change in the dental and life insurance programs. Mr. Ward asked to have the changes presented in writing. Mr. Farrar said that the Council would consider different benefits for different employee groups, as discussed at the last meeting with the association. Mr. Ward felt that the association always followed the police into negotiations and he asked that the Council consider splitting it. He felt that for years whatever the police were offered the other employees received. Mr. Farrar felt the Council was making the same type of offer to all employee groups. Mr. Ward asked about pay increases in lieu of more benefits. Mr. Flaherty noted that pay instead of the dental plan change would amount to .25%. Ms. Yandow was not sure the insurance coverages could be split. Mr. Farrar noted that the Council had not yet agreed with the police on any of these items and he said the Council had tried to meet with both groups and answer questions from both. Mr. Towne added that this was a separate negotiating session and that was how the Council was dealing with it. Mr. Ward said he would get back to the Council on the offer. Consider a request from Rice Memorial High School for a bazaar on May 12-17, 1981 at the parking lot of the Grand Union on Shelburne Road Mr. Szymanski said the bazaar would run from about 4:00 to 11:00 or 11:30 p.m. The rides will be run by B & B Amusements and they will carry $3 million of insurance. Mr. Burgess felt the insurance should indemnify the city. There were some questions as to when the bazaar would open on the weekend. Mr. Szymanski said there were no problems with the bazaar the last time it was held. Mr. Burgess moved that the City Manager work out the starting time for the bazaar but leave the closing time at midnight and that the City Attorney review the insurance coverage to be sure it covers the city for any liability. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and all voted for it. Meet as Liquor Control Board to consider liquor license renewals Mr. Towne moved to adjourn as the City Council and meet as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all were in favor. Mr. Szymanski said there were 45 licenses. Mr. Farrar read the ones which the fire and police chiefs and the tax collector have OKed. These are: The Brick Oven, The Boardwalk, The Cork and Board, Grand Union on Hinesburg Road, Grand Union on Shelburne Road, Martin's on Shelburne Road, Martin's on Dorset Street, Twitchell's, The Airport Grocery, Gracie's, Spillane's Service Center on Williston Road, Spillane's Service Center on Shelburne Road, U-Sav, Robert's Sav- Mor, Gaynes, Brothers Two, Airport Restaurant, Aunt Sara's, Benes, Big Ben, Bonanza, Ground Round, Holiday Inn, Sheraton, Howard Johnson, J & J Restaurant, Lakeside Tennis, Lums, Nineteenth Court, Papa Gino's, The Parkway Diner, Pauline's Kitchen, Pizza Hut, Ramada Inn, The Redwood, The Rotisserie, Tower Restaurant, Vinnie's Hot Spot, Wesson's Diner, and the Windjammer. Mr. Ward noted that Brothers Two had been in a week or two ago asking to sell wine as part of fruit baskets and asking for a wine display. If they are granted a second class license they could sell beer and that would present a zoning problems. If they are to become a variety store, they should go before the Zoning Board. Mr. Burgess moved to approve all the licenses read with the exception of Brothers Two. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted for it. The Council wanted to have further discussion on this license. Mr. Szymanski said there was incomplete information on the Sizzling Steak form and that there was incorrect information on the Swiss Fondue Pot application. Mr. Paulsen moved to return the licenses for the Swiss Pot and the Sizzling Steak to the applicants for correction and that the Council members be empowered to sign them upon correction. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted for it. Solomon's, Kuala Mauna and the Cupola Golf Course all have taxes due. Mr. Burgess moved that the Council be empowered to sign these licenses upon receipt by the City Manager of appropriate taxes or an agreement to pay said taxes. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted for it. Mr. Szymanski said that the Friendly's Restaurant application had to come from Boston and had not yet arrived. Mr. Ward noted that Brothers Two had not said they wanted to operate a variety store, but he suggested some kind of condition whereby they could not, by virtue of having a license, just start that kind of business. Mr. Burgess moved to approve the liquor license for Brothers Two with the intent that such approval is only for the incidental sale of wine as part of a fruit basket and for the display of wine. The City Manager shall inform the applicant that such is the intent of granting the license. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and it carried with Mr. Towne voting no. Mr. Flaherty moved to adjourn as the Liquor Control Board and reconvene as the City Council. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted aye. Adopt the amended South Burlington Personnel Rules and Regulations Mr. Szymanski said he had been asked to work on the section dealing with vacations, but there was still controversy about it. Some employees are on a calendar year schedule and some are on an annual schedule. Ms. Yandow said the easiest system as far as bookkeeping was the old method before the 6 months probationary period was added. Mr. Szymanski said he favored using the calendar year. Mr. Towne moved to approve the draft of the South Burlington Personnel Rules and Regulations dated 11/25/80 as amended 12/1/80, except for section 6.4. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion, and all were in favor. Mr. Szymanski said he would try to have that section ready for the next meeting. Mr. Towne asked that employees be given copies of the Rules once they are ready. Consider increase in size of sewage pressure main (4 to 6״) to serve the proposed GBIC industrial site off Hinesburg Road״ Mr. Szymanski said the industrial site plant would generate 9,000 gallons per day of waste water. A 4 ״ main will easily handle that. There is the potential to serve about 400 acres in that area by gravity feed and if the line size is increased to 6״ that will increase capacity from 89,000 gpd to 200,000 gpd. Mr. Paulsen asked how much of the 400 acres was zoned industrial and was told a lot of it was. Mr. Farrar asked whether it would ever be necessary to replace a 4״ main with a 6״ in the future, if a 4״ were put in now. He also asked how the rest of the acreage out there would be served in the future. What is the maximum area this line might be required to serve? This figure should be based on how the area is zoned. Mr. Flaherty wanted to know the total cost of the 4״ main. The item was tabled until more information was obtained. Review Planning and Zoning agendas Mr. Farrar noted that there was a request before the Zoning Board for an office complex at 700 Dorset Street. It was noted that the use seemed inappropriate on that corner and that it was a lot of coverage. Mr. Paulsen felt the city should proceed with caution on it. Discuss CCTA letter Mr. Farrar said the letter dealt with the implications of a loss in federal funding for the bus system and it asked for suggestions as to what type of service the city wanted in the future. Mr. Burgess noted that the last time the Council had talked to the CCTA about its route, they were told it would not cost anything to change it as suggested, and it has cost more. Mr. Flaherty suggested waiting until after the vote on the CCTA to discuss this with the board. Mr. Burgess said that personally, he was not prepared to pay any more for the bus than the city pays now, even if that means cutting down on service. He said that if the CCTA representatives came in to talk to the Council, he would like them to tell the Council how to keep the subsidy at present levels, and how to cut it in half. It was decided to have the regular Council meeting on May 11 and to meet with the police at 6:45 p.m. on May 7. Discuss the municipal building Mr. Towne noted that the municipal offices were not secured at night and it was decided that they should be locked up. Approve the budgets Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the budget as presented at the public hearing on April 9, 1981. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted for it. Mr. Burgess moved to approve the revenue sharing budget as presented. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and it carried 5-0. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the capital budget as presented. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all were in favor. Discuss the lawsuit against the members The lawsuit was discussed briefly. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.