HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Climate Action Plan Task Force - 01/13/2022SOUTH BURLINGTON CLIMATE ACTION TASK FORCE
13 JANUARY 2022
The South Burlington Climate Action Plan Task Force held a meeting on Thursday, 13 January 2022, at
7:00 p.m., in person at 180 Market Street and online via Zoom remote technology.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Chalnick, Bill Wargo, Darrylin Peters, Donna Leban, Ethan Goldman,
Michael Mittag, Sriram Srinivasan, Helen Riehle (Ex-Officio Council Liaison), Paul Conner (Ex-Officio Staff
ALSO PRESENT: Melanie Needle (CCRPC project consultant), Ann Janda (CCRPC Project Consultant), R.
Greco, S. Crowley, M. Murray, N. Anderson
1. Instructions on existing building in case of emergency and review of technology options – Paul
Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning
Mr. Conner provided instructions for those attending in person.
2. Agenda: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items
No changes were made to the agenda
3. Open to the public for items not related to the agenda (7:04 pm)
No comments unrelated to the agenda were provided
4. Election of Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk
Mr. Conner presided over election of chair. Mr. Srinivasan nominated Ethan Goldman to serve as
chair. Ms. Leban seconded. Mr. Goldman said that he would accept the nomination. No other
nominations were made. Mr. Goldman said that he would accept the nomination. Motion passed 7-
Mr. Goldman invited nominations for vice-chair. Ms. Riehle nominated Andrew Chalnick, seconded
by Mr. Mittag. Mr. Chalnick said he would accept the nomination. Ms. Leban offered that she would
nominate Mr. Srinivasan. Mr. Srinivasan said he would serve if nobody else wished to, but that he
was happy with Mr. Chalnick offering to serve. Motion to approve Mr. Chalnick approved 7-0.
The Task Force decided not to elect a clerk. Mr. Conner said he could generally prepare minutes.
Others offered as needed.
5. Presentation and Discussion of Draft Vermont State Climate Action Plan, Ann Janda, CCRPC
Ms. Janda provided an overview, guided by a powerpoint slide set, of the Vermont Climate Action
Plan (CAP). Ms. Needle noted that while parts of the State CAP are not relevant at the local level, it
will be used a starting point for the South Burlington Plan.
The CAP sets emissions reduction targets. It is organized around 5 areas: emissions reduction,
resilience and adaptions (natural and working lands), resilience and adaption (built environment),
cross-cutting, and Non-energy sector. It is Prepared through an equity lens. Those most impacted
prioritized. The state CAP has a Carbon Budget for Vermont
Emissions Reductions.
There are several sectors within the Emissions Reductions Area:
Transportation Sector Pathways:
• Light duty vehicle electrification via various methods
• Medium to heavy duty vehicle electrification via various methods
• Reduce Vehicle miles travelled: State transportation implementation plan focused on smart
growth, and then if feasible additional methods free transit, amtrak expansion, complete streets
• Lower the carbon intensity of fuels
Buildings and Thermal Sector Pathways:
• Weatherization and Energy Code. Prioritization on those affected most - therefore
weatherization is at the top. Residential building energy code net zero by 2030
• Reduce Carbon Content of Fuels
Electricity Sector Pathways:
• Decrease GHG emissions from electric sector purchases
• Enable all Vermonters to choose electrifications (provide 200-amp service)
• Load management and grid optimization
Agriculture Sector Pathways
• Reduce the sources of emissions and enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases
Non-energy Sector Pathways
• Reducing emissions on refrigerants
• reduce process from semiconductor manufacturing
• reduce fugitive emissions from wastewater treatment facilities
Resilience and Adaption (natural and working lands, built environment)
Land Use: support smart growth. Ms. Janda provided a sample list of a series of pathways and
actions under this heading
Support local energy and resilience projects. Ms. Janda provided a sample list of a series of pathways
and actions under this heading
Forest health and conservation
Cross-cutting pathways
Ms. Janda noted the action to update Act 250 in order to promote compact settlement
Individual Vermonters
Ms. Janda noted a list of actions that can be undertaken by individual Vermonters
Cross-cutting themes:
• Support climate action planning
• Support compliance with building energy codes
• Solar and wind capacity on new buildings
Task Force members discussed topics within the above, including measurement, clarifications,
applicability at the local level, and local authority under some of the themes.
6. Discussion of Target Audience(s) for South Burlington Climate Action Plan, Ann Janda, CCRPC
Ms. Janda said that CCRPC staff had heard the Task Force’s direction at the first meeting clearly: to
write the plan in an accessible manner. She identified the following audiences for the plan:
residents, Residents, businesses & non-profits, schools, municipal officials.
Members of the Task Force discussed other audiences: land owners of large parcels that contain
natural resource, those in the mortgage and banking sections, students, employees.
Mr. Conner suggested considering a primary audience and secondary audiences, to make sure that
the focus of the writing remains clear and concise, to be able to have the main topics discussed
easily and clearly. Members agreed.
7. Review of proposed Project Schedule and Approach, Melanie Needle, CCRPC (8:10 pm)
Ms. Needle provided an overview of the schedule. The timeline is proposed to be 9 months, a little
longer than the 6 months discussed previously, giving time for the CCRPC to turn drafts around,
answer questions, and to give time for the Task Force to work through issues and for the public to
weigh in.
Ms. Conner noted the proposed approach around Pathways / Actions. At the next meeting, the
CCRPC would provide a first draft of the full set. Recommendation would then be for the Task Force
to break into small work groups to review by topic area, and for the Task Force to have 2 full
meetings during which they would review this all together. Mr. Chalnick expressed that he felt that
there would be 1-2 areas – notably building thermal – that will be the focus of the work and the full
Task Force should focus on those. Mr. Srinivasan felt that it would be important for all sectors to be
covered, and not to pre-eliminate subjects.
Mr. Goldman asked Ms. Janda if she would be provided a pared-down list from the State Climate
Action Plan. Ms. Janda said yes, that the initial list would be South Burlington oriented. Ms. Needle
noted that the next meeting would start with a review of South Burlington demographics & existing
conditions, to help frame the key issues for South Burlington.
Mr. Goldman recommended the Task Force see the list and the consider working groups at their
next meeting.
Ms. Needle noted a conflict on the planned May 12th meeting. Mr. Conner said he would circulate
alternate dates for that meeting.
8. Update on greenhouse gas emissions work / accounting, Melanie Needle, Ethan Goldman, Sriram
Ms. Needle provided a brief overview. Mr. Conner noted that this small work group of Ms. Needle,
Ms. Janda, Mr. Goldman, and Mr. Srinivasan proposed to work through these important but
technical elements. Members agreed this was a good approach.
9. Minutes: November 29, 2021
A motion was made to approve the minutes of 29 November. The motion was seconded and
approved 7-0.
10. Other Business
11. Adjourn (9:35 pm)
Minutes Approved by the Task Force January 26, 2022