HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/03/1980CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 3, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Wednesday, September 3, 1980 at 7:30 pm in the Central School Gym at 1181 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; William Burgess, John Towne, Michael Flaherty, Martin Paulsen Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; George Crooks, Margaret Picard, Betty Bailey, Gloria Yandow, Leone Betourney, Gladys DeCesaris, Marguerite Picke, Elizabeth Wright, Jeanne Kennedy, Mark Kennedy, Bud Etherton, Rene and Lucille Racine, Joseph Sajchowski, Edwin Sanborn, P.C. McCaffrey, Nicole Chittenden, Jon Kruger, Richard Carter, Albert Audette, Marilyn Magnant, Bradley Magnant, David Kenyon, Proctor Lovell, MM F.S. Crowe, Albert Beaudoin, Gordon Root, James Lamphere, Sandy Kleppinger, Mary-Barbara Maher, Richard Picard, Lowell Krassner Minutes of August 18 and 25, 1980 Mr. Burgess moved to approve the minutes of August 18 and 25, 1980. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Discuss additional bond issue for the new municipal building Architect James Lamphere explained that the cost of the building was set at $1.4 million, but when they got into the details, they found that the cost would actually be $221,000 above that figure. The items in this amount are additional equipment for the dispatch center ($60,000), firing range and carports ($112,200), and miscellaneous items such as kitchen equipment, parking lot paving and demolition of the school building which presently houses City Hall ($48,800). Mr. Farrar stated that the original plan had been to replace dispatch equipment for the fire and police departments, but as that was studied it became clear that what was needed was to upgrade the system. The equipment now being used was specially made 10-11 years ago and it is difficult to buy spare parts for it. Mr. Farrar added that the police and fire departments operated on two different frequency bands, which made communications cumbersome and inefficient. With new equipment, this communication can be much more efficient. Mr. Gordon Root, a mechanical engineer, explained the heating and cooling system of the building. Because it is so well insulated, it will not need to have heat added until the outside temperature drops below 14° above zero. People and lights will heat it. When the outside temperature is above 55°the building will be cooled mechanically. There will be a multi-zone roof heating and cooling system, using electricity for cooling and natural gas for heating. Energy costs for the building will be about 50% of the costs for the average public building in Vermont. In response to a question, it was stated that the building windows would open. Ms. Kleppinger asked what would be done if the bond issue were denied and was told that the city would purchase a $30,000 communications system, which would at least be repairable. Mr. Lamphere was asked about a contingency figure and he replied that $15,000 had been earmarked for that. He felt that was sufficient. Mr. Farrar was asked about the contract with the architect and he replied that it was a standard agreement based on 8% of the construction cost. Mr. Etherton suggested that some money be saved by using the existing furniture in City Hall, but it was noted that much of the cost under furniture included vaults, shelving, etc. Mr. Farrar said the effect on the tax rate of this new bond issue would be about $3 per year more for the average house. Mr. Krassner asked about the existing building and was told that the decision on demolition of the building was the School Board's, but that the city would pay to tear it down if that was what the Board wanted to do. If they do not wish it demolished, that amount of money will not be borrowed. Ms. Maher asked if a city and school issue could be combined legally and was told that it was considered a city issue because it is a payment to the school for services rendered in that the city has used the building rent free for some time. Mr. Etherton asked for a breakdown of carport and firing range costs and was told the carports would cost $35,000 and the rest was the range and equipment. There will be 12 carports and Police Chief Carter said the carports would be used for storage as well as for cars. Discuss giving permission to a resident on Spear Street to destroy by shooting, woodchucks in that area Mr. Szymanski said a resident on Spear Street was having trouble with woodchucks and had tried everything he could to eliminate them. He requests permission to shoot them and has someone in mind to do it. The Council wanted to be sure the shooting, if done, was done in a reasonable and safe way. Mr. Farrar suggested that approval be given subject to the City Manager and Police Chief approving the actual method and that it be done within a month. Ms. Kennedy was not sure this was a good precedent to set and Chief Carter mentioned that perhaps an exterminator could be hired to do the job. This item was deferred so the city could give the name of the exterminator to the resident to see if the problem could be solved that way. Accept resignation of Frank Plumley from the Sign Review Board Mr. Towne moved to accept the resignation of Frank Plumley from the Sign Review Board and Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. He will be sent a letter of appreciation. Review Planning and Zoning agendas There were no comments. Old business Mr. Burgess asked about the committee being formed as a sort of salary review board. He was told that 4 people were lined up. The Council wanted the committee to start work next week, with those 4 people. Meet as Liquor Control Board to consider temporary liquor permit for Wetherbee's Barbecue and Catering Inc (dba Valway's Sawmill) Essex Junction, to cater Las Vegas Night at University Mall for United Palsy of Vermont, Inc., on September 20, 1980 Mr. Flaherty moved to adjourn as the City Council and meet as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. Mr. Szymanski explained that the event would he held from 8 pm to 1 am on September 20. Mr. Burgess noted that the event would start before the mall closed and he wondered if that would be confusing. Questions were also raised as to where in the mall this would take place. The Council asked that a representative appear before them to answer questions. Mr. Burgess moved to table this item until September 15. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.