HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/24/1980CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 24, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, November 24, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Martin Paulsen, John Towne, William Burgess Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Ray Stearns, Walter Nardelli and Vincent D'Acuti, members of Selection Committee; Gloria Yandow, Bookkeeper Meet with Selection Committee to discuss the procedure of selection of the City Manager's assistant Mr. Farrar said the Council had a position description of what they felt the position should be. The area they want to concentrate on is that of the business management part of city government. The person will be designated the Assistant City Manager, but when the Manager is present, this person will concentrate on business and finance, freeing Mr. Szymanski to do more engineering work and to spend time in general administrative duties. Departments such as fire and police, which have department heads now and which are self-contained, would report directly to Mr. Szymanski, but the business portions of the government would report to the Assistant City Manager, who would then report to the Manager. When the Manager is away, the Assistant will be in charge. Mr. Burgess added that the Council had tried to create a department head with specific functions in addition to being Assistant City Manager. It was noted that the job was not to be an assistant to the City Manager, but an Assistant City Manager. Mr. Stearns assumed that the city wanted someone with areas of expertise, such as with computers. Mr. D'Acuti asked about the salary range and was told it had not been pegged exactly yet, but the position might be between grade 13 and 14+5, so the salary might run between $13,000-$18,000, plus benefits. Advertisements will be run and the applications will be reviewed, after which applicants will be interviewed by the Committee. Mr. Farrar asked that the Committee recommend 2 or 3 candidates, whom the Council will also interview. The final choice, however, is Mr. Szymanski's. Mr. Nardelli felt an organizational chart would be very helpful. Mr. Farrar urged the Committee to make comments on the way this had been put together, if they had any. Mr. Stearns asked about bringing applicants to be interviewed and was told that could be funded if the Committee felt it should be done. Regarding where to advertise, it was suggested that the League of Cities and Towns be contacted about suggestions. It was felt that, as long as the advertising cost was not significant, no options should be precluded and the position could be advertised nationally. Publications such as "American Cities" and the "Engineering Record" were mentioned, as well as "Vermont Business World". It was also felt that Vermont Job Service should be contacted. Mr. Nardelli was asked to work with Mr. Szymanski on wording the ads. Mr. Stearns asked about a deadline and was told that the Council would like to start on this as soon as possible, but they would have to find out the dates the publications went out, so the application deadline could be after that. It was hoped that the new person could be in the city about the time they moved into new quarters. The Committee was asked to find and interview candidates and narrow the field to no more than 3. They were asked to write up the three choices and why they had been recommended. Regarding education and experience, everyone felt there would be a wide range of both in the applicants and they did not want to be too restrictive of who might apply. Mr. Stearns said he would put together the benefit package so applicants could be informed of what the city offers. Mr. Nardelli asked about visiting the office in which a candidate currently works and was told that probably could be done if it were necessary. It was noted that there were no City Council members on the Committee. The Committee decided to elect Mr. Stearns as its Chairman. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.