HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/17/1980CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, November 17, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, John Towne, William Burgess Member Absent Martin Paulsen Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Albert Audette, Highway Department; David Spitz, Planner; Gloria Yandow, Bookkeeper; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Jodie Peck, Free Press Minutes of November 4, 1980 The minutes of November 4, 1980 were approved on a motion by Mr. Burgess, a second by Mr. Towne, and a unanimous vote. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Public hearing on updated City Master Plan Mr. Farrar noted that this was the first full rewrite of the Plan since 1972, but that it had been updated as required by State law after 5 years. There were no comments on the Plan. Mr. Burgess moved to close the public hearing and approve the Plan as printed. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and all voted for it. Review amendments to City Sign Ordinance and consider for first reading Mr. Farrar noted that it had been the feeling of all that administering the ordinance had been handled basically by the Code Officer and that it was not necessary to have a separate board to do it. Appeals under the ordinance as amended will be to the Planning Commission, as they are in the present ordinance. The only change in the ordinance is that the Sign Review Board will be replaced by the Code Officer. No one wanted the ordinance read. Mr. Flaherty moved to dispense with the formal reading of the ordinance and approve the first reading of it. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion, which passed 4-0. It was noted that this vote only applied to the first portion of the ordinance, not the second portion, which dealt with vehicles used for advertising. If the city wishes to pursue that portion of the ordinance, the Attorney must do some research. Review draft of Personnel Rules and Regulations Mr. Farrar noted that the Pay Review Committee had met to discuss the Rules and had made some changes to them. The Rules will have to be sent to the Attorney before they are finally approved. Mr. Audette noted that on insert #2, that should only be per year. It was decided to add "a maximum of" between "exchange" and "ten" and to add "per year" between "days" and "for". It was also noted that on page 15, section 6.4 I), the following should be added "one week of vacation may be taken after 6 months." Mr. Audette also brought up the question of vacations. Mr. Farrar said it had to be clarified as to exactly when an employee was eligible for two weeks, three weeks, etc. Mr. Flaherty moved to return the Rules to the City Attorney and ask for them back by the next regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted for it. Sign Bank Note for New Municipal Building Mr. Szymanski said the note had not come today and he would like to call individual members of the Council to have them sign it when it did come in. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council members be authorized to sign the note with the Chittenden Trust Company in an amount not to exceed $1.4 million for payment on the new municipal building. Mr. Burgess seconded and all voted aye. Continue discussion on Assistant to the City Manager Mr. Towne had drafted a possible job description and he passed it to the Council members. He noted that the jobs of City Manager and City Engineer had very different responsibilities. The suggested that perhaps what was needed was not an Assistant City Manager, but a City Manager, or a City Engineer, whichever is appropriate. He also suggested a financial manager or an additional person in the bookkeeping department. The city might hire both of these, he said. Mr. Towne also wondered if the city wanted a finance board to review the budget and make recommendations to the Council. Mr. Farrar said these suggestions had been discussed in the past, with the exception of a finance board. The Council has felt that it has a City Manager with engineering skills and that a full-time City Engineer is not needed. Mr. Burgess felt that his job description was basically the same as Mr. Towne's, except for the title. Mr. Szymanski hoped the new person would understand all the jobs so that he or she could fill in for persons who are ill or out for other reasons. Mr. Towne had trouble calling the new person an Assistant City Manager if his/her responsibilities would be limited to one area of city government. The Assistant City Manager's position as discussed would mean the person would be the department head for finances as well, and the City Manager could delegate whatever authority he wanted to this new person. Mr. Szymanski pointed out that by the Charter he could appoint anyone he wanted to take over for him if he were going to be out. He felt that the City Engineer position should be considered, noting that the Planning Commission felt it needed more engineering work done. Mr. Towne again asked whether the city needed an Assistant City Manager or needed to split the City Manager/Engineer jobs and hire a financial manager? Mr. Farrar felt that one new person was reasonable given the total expenditure they wanted to make. Mr. Farrar asked if anyone had a problem with the duties in the job description submitted by Mr. Burgess, but all members agreed with them. What Mr. Farrar felt this would do was relieve Mr. Szymanski of some of the administrative problems of the city, freeing him to do more engineering work. He felt that calling the position an Assistant City Manager would let Mr. Szymanski add duties for that person other than administrative ones. He thought this person could do some of the long-range planning which is part of the City Manager's job which spans all the departments. The person would also have financial responsibilities. Mr. Burgess moved that the job description that he had submitted at the last meeting be approved in concept. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. Mr. Flaherty asked what Mr. Szymanski wanted for this position and was told that he had trouble calling the person an assistant because he would have almost all the authority of a City Manager. He preferred to have a business manager or a City Hall comptroller. The motion carried with Mr. Towne voting no. Mr. Farrar asked about the committee to help select this person and Mr. Szymanski listed who was on it. It was suggested that the Council hold a meeting with the committee to discuss the position. Review Zoning Board agenda There were no comments. Old business Mr. Ward asked about the status of the committee set to review salary and grade changes and was told that the report from the State had come in and after a few questions had been settled, the Manager would meet with the committee. This meeting will probably be in two weeks and the report will probably be out in December. Mr. Ward asked about the status of the City Hall Employees contract and was told Mr. Farrar would get back to him personally. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.