HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/12/1980CITY COUNCIL MAY 12, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, May 12, 1980 at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Kenneth Jarvis, William Burgess, Martin Paulsen Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Joseph Holton, Ben Harrington, Jr., Ben Harrington Sr., Art Means, Ken Jones, Angolo Pizzagalli, Bill Parker, Jim Wood, Jim Reed, Bernie Cummings, James Lamphere, architect Interview 4 contractors for the new municipal building H.P. Cummings Construction Co., Ware, Massachusetts Mr. Harrington Sr. told the Council that his firm was one of the oldest in the country and that they had worked in Burlington for over 40 years. He listed some of the projects his firm had done in the area. He felt his firm was capable of doing this job and said that their only business was building buildings. He told the Council who was likely to be the superintendent on the job and listed some projects which had been finished on time and within the budget. He said this building would be done on time and within the budget, and said they could start as soon as next week. The people working on the building will all be local he said. If the work could be started now, he said, he felt it could be done in 10 months. With an outline of specifications, he said they could have a preliminary estimate in 10 days. Mr. Harrington said the work would be handled out of the Woodsville office. He had no objection to pre-qualifying the sub-contractors. Mr. Lamphere, the architect for the building, asked about the work load of the company and was told they were looking for more work. Mr. Harrington estimated the work would take 10 months, but he emphasized that he would need to look further into it before he had a firmer estimate. He also said he was familiar with the area on which the building would be constructed. Noting that the fire station would continue to operate during the construction of the new building, he (Mr. Harrington) stated that they had done work on a hospital which had to continue to operate under similar circumstances. Kenclif Construction, Inc., Colchester, Vermont Messrs. Ken Jones and Art Means passed out information about the company. Mr. Jones felt this project was the right type and size for his firm. They are large enough to have good personnel, and small enough to be personally involved in their projects. Their work load is not heavy right now, they said. They listed jobs they had done in the area and said their last major job had come in under budget and that the building was occupied while construction was going forward. They felt that if construction started June 1, January 1 would be a realistic completion date. With a foundation plan, they said they could start tomorrow. They also felt the budget for the building was very realistic and they saw no reason they would have to exceed it. They did not object to pre-qualifying subcontractors. Mr. Lamphere asked who the project manager would be and they gave him two possible men. They also named the possible superintendents. Mr. Means felt it would take about 2 weeks to have a preliminary estimate, given the plans and outline specifications. He also noted that this was a masonry job, which his firm is very good at. He was sure the firm could meet the city's schedule, and he emphasized that they were flexible. He saw no problems working around the existing fire station. Pizzagalli Construction Co., South Burlington, Vermont Mr. Flaherty arrived at this point. Messrs. Ben Parker and Angolo Pizzagalli spoke to the Council. They told the Council who they expected to be working on the project. Mr. Pizzagalli said he expected they could finish the job before Christmas. He felt this was a 5 1/2 to 6 month job and that by starting June 1 they could be done by mid-November. There was certainly no problem with finishing by January 1, he said. Their present workload constitutes no problem, he said. Asked if they felt the budget was realistic, Mr. Pizzagalli said he had not had enough time to determine that. He noted that his firm had done a roof similar to the one on this building last year, and that they had also constructed a building in Essex which had sand storage of heat. Regarding pre-qualification of subcontractors, Mr. Pizzagalli said some could be pre-qualified. Mr. Pizzagalli said his firm would back the subcontractors' work. Reed and Stone Inc., Essex Junction, Vermont Messrs. Jim Reed and Jim Wood represented the firm. Mr. Reed said they would like to do the job and that they would give it their personal attention. Mr. Farrar asked about the schedule and was told they had not thought too much about it, but did not think it would be a problem to meet it. They felt they would be finished in January or February. Mr. Reed told the Council who he expected to be the superintendent on the job. Mr. Reed was asked about the budget, but said he had not had enough time to determine whether it was realistic or not. The Council was given a list of jobs the firm had done in the area. They (Reed and Stone) said they could have an estimate in a week to 10 days. The firm had no objection to pre-qualification of subcontractors and did not feel that working around the existing fire station would present many problems. The Council felt it would make a decision at its next meeting. Consider request of the Burlington Boy's Club (Bernie Cummings) for a carnival in the Grandway parking lot on Shelburne Road Mr. Szymanski told the Council who would put on the carnival. It is a firm from Concord, New Hampshire and they would like to use the Grandway parking lot. The dates are May 27 to June 1. None of the merchants in that plaza have any objection. Mr. Cummings said they would take care of police protection and the cleanup afterwards. He said the carnival might arrive the 26th and move out June 1 or 2. There will be rides and one or two food stands. Mr. Cummings said the city could be added to the insurance policy. He said he would be the person to look to if everything did not work out well. Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the request of the Burlington Boy's Club for a carnival in the Grandway parking lot on Shelburne Road from May 27 to June 1 with the conditions that 1) the city be added to the insurance policy, 2) that they check with the Police Chief for any appropriate stipulations from him, and 3) that they pay for any police protection necessary. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion. Mr. Cummings did not object to the conditions placed on the Club. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.