HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/12/1980CITY COUNCIL MARCH 12, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Wednesday, March 12, 1980 at 7:30 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; William Burgess, Kenneth Jarvis, Martin Paulsen Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Carter, Police Chief; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Albert Audette, Street Dept.; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept.; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Gloria Yandow, bookkeeper; Jim Wiggans, Brian Searles Continue budget review Police Chief Richard Carter went through his budget. He is estimating a gas price average of $1.75 per gallon for the year, but the cruisers are getting better mileage than the old ones did, so they can patrol more miles for less gas. There has also been a large jump in film costs and a new camera is necessary. New portable radios are needed this year. It was noted that the cost of the beeper the city agreed to in negotiations with the police was not part of this budget. That may cost another $300. The police may be able to share the fire department's encoder. The police are requesting an additional telephone line this year and two cruisers have to be replaced. They also want to purchase a motorcycle. It was noted that the gas gallon figure might be high and the police might use 24,500 gallons next year, not the 27,900 in the budget. Mr. Carter said an additional person in the office was needed badly. Presently uniformed men are doing some of that work. Mr. Searles gave the Council a breakdown of the costs of sick leave and overtime. The Chief is asking for 4 new people. Fire - The Chief submitted a list of budget cuts he could live with. They totalled $2,320, which is not the 3% cut requested, but it is all he feels he can remove. He stated that he did not believe these cuts would affect the operation of the department or endanger any lives. He mentioned that his projection of gas costs might prove to be low. Street Dept. - Mr. Audette said he had used a figure of $1.30 for a gallon of gas in his budget. Mr. Szymanski said the highway budget could be reduced by $16,000, by removing $1,000 from item 8007, $10,000 from 8008, and $5,000 from budget item 8011. In item 8024, Mr. Szymanski calculated a depreciation cost of $50-55,000 per year. Recreation - Mr. O'Neill had the figures requested by Council on Red Rocks beach costs. He said he would make copies for the members. The major change between this year and last besides the increase in minimum wage is the way the staff is organized. Last year he had 2 co-directors, paid $3.25 per hour, for $3,120. This year he anticipates 1 director, for $1680, plus 2 assistants for a total of $3,120. Salary for lifeguards last year was $5,736 and this year will be $6,612. This will produce a net gain in expense of about $2500, resulting from increased minimum wage plus staff reorganization. He will have the same number of people and the beach will be open 70 hours per week. They averaged 264 man-hours per week last year at the beach and some people worked more than 40 hours a week. As far as cutting 3%, Mr. O'Neill said he could cut $300 from field lights at JC park, $100 from the school custodian, $400 from tennis instruction, $300 from skating supervisors, $550 from JC park utility costs, and $25 from state meetings. Fine Arts - Mr. O'Neill said he could cut the Arts and Crafts time by 10 hours per week and cut $100 from supplies, for a savings of $207. Councilmen's Accounts - Mr. Szymanski went through this budget. It was noted that item 2014 was a transfer account and it was agreed to treat it as such. There was a lot of discussion of the costs of dog control. Mr. Burgess was not sure the city was getting its money's worth from the service, but it was felt that this was the best available. Mr. Szymanski noted that the cost of a September primary had to be added to 2024. He also noted that he was going to discuss data processing with some Digital representatives. The Transit Authority costs have jumped this year and it was suggested that the Council meet with its representatives to the authority to discuss whether the city should remain in the program. Mr. Farrar felt that, on item 2092 the Council should discuss at a Steering Committee meeting putting unallocated funds into a separate account. The Council wanted to think about how much to allocate to the Visiting Nurse Association. They have requested $7,925 and last year they made 2,799 visits in the city. Mr. Szymanski also gave the Council a list of salary adjustments and a request for an additional person in City Hall. He wanted to see if the new computer equipment would change the data processing situation also, however, before a new person was added. Mr. Szymanski said that under the Charter limitations the operating tax rate maximum was 868. The issue of the contract with the South Burlington City Hall Employee's Association came up and it was decided to meet on this item at 6:30 pm Monday, March 17. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.