HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/03/1980CITY COUNCIL MARCH 3, 1980 CORRECTION On page 1, the new road is named Twin Brooke Court. The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 3, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Kenneth Jarvis, William Burgess (late) Members Absent Martin Paulsen Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Spitz, Planner; Albert Audette, Street Dept.; James Goddette, Fire Chief; John Dinklage, Richard Taft, Kenneth Gillies, F. McCaffrey, William Schuele, Fred Maher, M. Marselli, Diane Geerken, Margaret Picard, Gloria Yandow, Betty Bailey, Steve Page, Robert and A.A. Babcock, Gary Farrell, Lowell Krassner, James Lamphere Agenda additions The following items were added: letter of resignation from a member of the Natural Resources Committee, and a discussion with the Brassard brothers about the Midas sign, if they are present. Minutes of February 25, 1980 Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the February 25, 1980 minutes and Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Resignation from the Natural Resources Committee Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the resignation of Gregory Mahler from the Natural Resources Committee. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and all voted aye. Accept a new street Mr. Szymanski said the street had been called Brigham Court, but it would now be called Twin Brooks Drive. It is constructed to city standards and he recommended that the Council accept it. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept Twin Brooks Drive and Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Review additional data and formulate action and stipulations on the Interim Zoning application of Bernard Barney, C.A. Cairns, agent for permission to construct a 30' x 40' building and occupy same as mini-mart and gas station on land located southerly of Automasters and northerly of Shelburne - South Burlington town line Mr. Farrar noted that the Council had received a letter from the state saying this plan would not interfere with the proposed Southern Connector. In addition, reports have been received from the Fire Chief and Traffic Consultant regarding the plan. Mr. Burgess arrived at this point. Mr. Jarvis moved to instruct the staff to prepare a motion of approval on the application of Bernard Barney, C.A. Cairns, agent, for construction of a 30' x 40' building. Said building to be occupied as a mini-mart and gas station, on land located southerly of Automasters and northerly of Shelburne—South Burlington town line, with the stipulation that if gasohol with more than 10% alcohol is to be sold, approval by the Fire Chief is necessary. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and it carried with Mr. Flaherty abstaining because he was not present for the entire hearing. Public information meeting on the proposed municipal center Mr. James Lamphere explained the proposal. He noted that the handicapped would have complete access to all areas of the building. As people enter the lobby area, there will be signs, and they will be able to see the dispatch area, where they can be told where to go to find the various offices. The large meeting room can be used by the senior citizens, and it will have a small kitchen next to it. This will be useful for all members of community groups. The large meeting room can hold 150 people, with another 70 if the wall is opened and the lobby used for part of the room. There is also a smaller room upstairs for smaller meetings (25 people). Concerns raised at this meeting which were also raised at the February 25 meeting included use of solar heat and room for expansion of the city offices. Three meetings could be held at the same time in the building, because there is also a small meeting room for the recreation department. There has also been some discussion about a wall to divide the large room in half. Mr. Lamphere was asked if changes could be made to the plan and he said they could, as long as the dollar amount remained the same. 75 parking spaces are shown, and overflow parking will be across the street at the high school. Mr. Taft asked if the police firing range was needed and was told that the police now go to Essex to practice. If the bond issue passes, the building will be under construction in mid-August. City Clerk Margaret Picard pointed out that the new building would have 3 vaults, which are needed. Continue public hearing on Interim Zoning Application of Gerald Milot to construct 4 buildings, housing 34 two-bedroom condominium units on land located northerly side of Kennedy Drive, bound by property of Ryan, ICV, and the city of S. Burlington Mr. Szymanski said the city's traffic consultant had not had time to review this application. Mr. Steve Page said he had brought the information requested at the last meeting on traffic. He gave the Council copies of this (copy on file with Zoning Administrator). The raw data from Treetops covers a period during which some units were under construction, and he said some of the people looked like construction workers, but they were included in the count anyway. Mr. Page felt the trip generation figures were conservative. The figures on page 2 are total cars per cycle which cleared the light. If a car waited for a light to change, it was counted in the next cycle. He said that they projected that this development would add 10 cars to this intersection through the left turn from Williston Rd. onto Kennedy Drive. The firm added the 10 vehicles it projects to the number counted. Mr. Page said it would also be possible to add an advance green cycle to the light to give left turning cars more time to get through the intersection, if there is congestion there. He concluded that the impact of traffic from this development would not substantially impact the level of service existing now. Mr. Farrar asked about putting the garages under the buildings, as was mentioned at the last meeting and was told they were moving in that direction now. Building 4 would be moved further north and west if this were done, and lot coverage would be decreased. Mr. Page was asked to send the Fire Chief a letter outlining the alternatives as far as layout. There is a 30' setback from the rear line and Mr. Page said the bank and the low area in back were not on this property. He was asked if these buildings were lower than Treetops and said he could find out. Mr. Szymanski said there was enough sewer capacity for the project. Mr. Flaherty moved to continue the public hearing until two weeks from tonight. March 17, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Continue public hearing on proposed C1-C2 amendments to the Zoning Regulations Mr. Spitz said he had done an inventory of parcels in the C1 and C2 districts and the Council had a memo with this information plus some possible zoning options to resolve possible problems. There are only two parcels which would not be large enough to form two PCDs if they were split by a city street. Mr. Spitz explained the options. He said it might be possible to allow a PCD on both sides of a street if that street were a new one and were required to meet the PCD frontage requirements. Mr. Farrar said that if that was the intent it should be spelled out. Mr. Spitz said that if a lot became non-conforming under this regulation with regard to its frontage and lot size, if the use on that lot were permitted, it could be expanded. If the use is non-conforming, he suggested that it could be expanded only if the lot met the other PCD requirements. This could be handled through variances, Mr. Farrar said. It was decided to remove the non-PCD maximum lot size, treat C1 and C2 the same regarding the 200' frontage and 80,000 sq. ft. requirements, and extend the waiver section to the entire PCD section. The Commission would handle waivers. Mr. Spitz was asked to come up with specific wording on the changes for the next meeting. Mr. Flaherty moved to continue the public hearing until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. Master Plan chapters The Council decided to have a special meeting to review these next Monday at 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission agenda There were no comments. Zoning Board member Since the Council prefers to make appointments with a full board present, it was decided to discuss this item at next Monday's meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.