HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/30/1980CITY COUNCIL JUNE 30, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, June 30, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Martin Paulsen, John Towne Member Absent William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; James W. Goddette, Dennis Rielly, Richard Carter, Sidney Poger, William Schuele, Joseph Picoraro, Frank Pichon, Angelo Pizzagalli, Dennis Webster, James Lamphere, Gloria Yandow, Margaret Picard, Ernest Levesque, Bruce O'Neill, Albert Audette, Rob Eley, Free Press; Laura King, WJOY Minutes of June 16, 1980 The Liquor Control Board heading should be moved from page 2 to page 3, before the consideration of a temporary liquor permit for Sheraton-Burlington Inns. Mr. Paulsen moved to approve the June 16, 1980 minutes as corrected. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and all were in favor. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Meet with New England Telephone representatives to discuss placing cable underground on Dorset Street and Hinesburg Road Mr. Farrar asked the representative, Mr. Dennis Rielly, what the phone company's plans were for replacing overhead lines with underground lines in keeping with the city's Master Plan. Mr. Rielly said that would be a phased-in project but he had no information on when it would take place. This cable is expected to last 1- 2 years, depending on the growth rate in the area. At that time the company plans to install conduit from Howard Johnson's to the Brookwood area. That will give them the capability to replace aerial with underground lines over a period of years as they need relief. Mr. Rielly noted that it was very expensive to put lines underground and he added that the power lines would still be overhead. Mr. Farrar said the city wanted from the phone and power companies a statement of their plans to conform to the city's Master Plan over some time period. Mr. Rielly said he would look into it and get back with the City Manager. Mr. Paulsen wanted to hold action on this item until the Council saw more detailed plans as to what the phone company plans for the future. Review changes to proposed municipal building Mr. James Lamphere, the architect, said they had run into budget problems with the structure as it was designed. The water table in that area is higher than anticipated, and instead of being above it, they will be below it. In addition, the roof system will be more expensive than originally thought, and the fire station roof structure is not sufficient to add a second floor there. Because of the cost overrun, the plan has been changed and Mr. Lamphere outlined the changes. The carports and firing range have been eliminated, but he noted that one improvement with the new plan was that there is a public entrance to the police station so people can enter there at any time, solving a circulation problem with the other plan. The roof on the new building is flat, not pitched, and has a membrane system similar to swimming pool liners. There are some roofs like this is the area and they have had no problems to date. Contractor Angelo Pizzagalli said he knew of one which was 6 years old. Mr. Lamphere said the roof had a 10 year full guarantee, the cost of which has been figured in to calculations. This roof will also have a 1/4״ pitch, which will channel water into interior drains. Mr. Towne was concerned about the flat roof and Mr. Flaherty also noted that the city did not want to have constant problems with this roof. Mr. Lamphere said the building had originally had 33,000 sq. ft. and now would have 31,000. The difference came out of common and circulation spaces. Mr. Flaherty asked why this type roof had not been part of the original plans and was told that the building configuration affected the type of roof. Mr. Lamphere felt this roof was better and less expensive than the other. Mr. Towne noted that people in the city had voted on this building with a drawing of it having been sent to residents and now this building would look quite different. He had problems with a change such as this and he also did not like the flat roof. Mr. Szymanski asked about drainage and was told it would drain naturally. Mr. Schuele said that since they did not know where the water table was when the last proposal was made, he felt that was an engineering mistake and he was not convinced that water would drain away without problems. Mr. Lamphere said that if the city wanted a pitched roof, they would have to rework the floor plan and he said if this plan was not acceptable, there was no need to develop it further, but they needed guidance from the city. The cost of the carports and firing range is $105,000, which could be made a separate issue for voters to decide on. Vault space was discussed. Total square footage was 864 originally and is 720 under the new plan. Mr. Poger asked what would happen to the roof material when and if it burned. He was told it would not spread poison gas throughout the building. There is only one toilet on the second floor and some employees were concerned about that. Mr. Farrar asked about the advertised and probable life spans of the roof and Mr. Pizzagalli said he could find out. Mr. Paulsen noted that this was a departure from the plan as presented to the public and he felt they should be asked if they wanted to have this building or the other one for more money. This building will still have a R40 thermal value. Mr. Pizzagalli noted that it was not unusual to have a building change as it was studied further. He felt this new plan was a good solution to the problems. Mr. Farrar said the city could go with the original plan and ask the voters for more money and delay the project, or it could proceed and ask for the money for the firing range and carports later in the year. Mr. Paulsen felt the public should see the revised plans and Mr. Lamphere said they could send out notices and be ready for a meeting in two weeks. Mr. Paulsen also asked that brochures be available for interested persons. The Council wanted to know the prognosis for a long and trouble free life with the roof, a reasonable figure for energy efficiency, a comparison of space and functions of the old and new plans, what has been left out, and why the changes are required. Mr. Flaherty noted that he was not pleased with the situation and he did not want a flat roof if it was going to be a disaster later. Mr. Levesque said he was disturbed by the project and he felt homework should have been done better. He said that if the original proposal had had a flat roof he would have voted no. Mr. Schuele reminded the city to inquire about the toxicity of the burning roof material at the next meeting. The consensus of the Council was that the architect should proceed in this direction with reservations from the fact that this is a significant departure from the original. The next meeting will be July 14. Accept the resignation of William Chepulis from the Zoning Board of Adjustment Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the resignation of William Chepulis from the Zoning Board and to ask the City Manager to send him a letter of thanks from the Council. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted aye. Accept new master plan from the Planning Commission and set date for public hearing Mr. Farrar wanted to schedule a work session on the plan before the public hearing. It was decided to have that meeting on July 21. Discuss the L.I.V.E. correspondence regarding transportation for the handicapped The Council had received a letter from L.I.V.E. regarding transportation for the handicapped (see attached copy). The problems with public transportation were discussed. Mr. Towne felt the costs of the system should be offset more by fares. Mr. Farrar felt that CCTA's subsidy as part of the total operating budget was as large as he wanted to see it and he felt they needed to look at the total budget and allocate a reasonable amount to serve each segment of the community, of which the handicapped are 1 segment. This was the consensus opinion and Mr. Szymanski was asked to prepare a letter stating that it was the Council's position that the present portion of the local subsidy for the CCTA is reasonable and in the future the city does not expect to see the subsidy grow larger in ratio to the budget. Review preliminary plans for Burlington Southern Connector as submitted for Act 250 hearing Mr. Szymanski showed the Council the revised plans and said the hearing was Tuesday night. He outlined the changes. Mr. Farrar felt that putting the connector under Shelburne Road would cause problems during construction for about 2 years and he felt putting it under did not make sense because neither Shelburne Road nor I-189 traffic could be maintained. A South Burlington representative will attend the meeting. Make appointments to Commissions, Committees and Boards Mr. Paulsen moved to make the following appointments: Mr. James Ewing to a 4 year term and Mr. George Mona to a 3 year term on the Planning Commission, John Dinklage to a 3 year term on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Everett Mitchell to a 3 year term and Thomas Schroeder to a 3 year term on the Sign Review Board. Frank Mazur to a 3 year term on the Chittenden County Transportation Authority, Sandra Yendreski to a 3 year term on the Recreation Committee. Ernest Levesque to a 3 year term, Beverly Rutherford to a 3 year term and Diana Snyder to a 3 year term on the Fine Arts Committee, Olivia Brown to a 3 year term and Sylvia Smith to a 3 year term on the Community Library Board of Trustees, and for governmental bodies, appoint Albert Audette as Civil Defense Director, James Godette as Civil Defense Director Assistant, Wayne Jameson, Harold Nolting, John Dinklage, Robert Irish, Dale Kleppinger and Frederick Maher to the City Charter Committee, Richard Carter, Alex Guyette and Catherine Neubert to the Corrections Ctr. Liason Committee, Col. George Crooks, Vernon Wamsganz, Robert LaBerge and Edwin Sanborn to the Fire Department Advisory Board, Harry Yawney to the Tree Planting Committee. Barbara Bull, Peter Yankowski, Dr. Charles Houston and Ethel Schuele to the Red Rocks Committee, and Vincent D'Acuti to the Burlington Airport Commission. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted aye. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.