HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/02/1980CITY COUNCIL JUNE 2, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, June 2, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Michael Flaherty, Vice Chairman; William Burgess, Martin Paulsen, John Towne Member Absent Paul Farrar, Chairman Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Tony Auclair, Kenneth Jarvis, Margaret Picard, Gloria Yandow, Laura King, WJOY Because the Chairman was absent and the Vice Chairman was going to be late, Mr. Szymanski opened the meeting, and asked that a temporary Chairman be appointed. Mr. Burgess moved to appoint Mr. Paulsen as the temporary Chairman until the Vice Chairman arrives. Mr. Towne seconded the motion, and all voted aye. Sign resolution of commendation for Kenneth Jarvis and present plaque Mr. Szymanski read the resolution. Mr. Burgess moved to present the resolution to Kenneth Jarvis with appreciation for his fine efforts in the past two years as a Councilman. The motion was seconded by Mr. Towne and carried unanimously. The commendation and a plaque were presented to Mr. Jarvis, who thanked the Council. Minutes of May 19 and May 21, 1980 Mr. Burgess moved to approve the May 19 and May 21 minutes as printed. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and all voted aye. Disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Discuss dog damage claim of Mr. Auclair Mr. Paulsen noted that the Council had received a police report on this item. Mr. Burgess noted that the Council would have to appoint two appraisers and he wondered what the city's exposure was and what recourse it had when the owners of the dogs in question live in Shelburne. Mr. Auclair noted that the dogs in question were 5-7 in number and only 2 came from Shelburne. He said he had identified 4 dogs and 3 had not been identified. Mr. Auclair related that on both the 8th of May and again on the 17th, he hadhis cows chased by the dogs in question. Injuries to the cows resulted both times. There was also an incident about 3 months ago. Mr. Flaherty, who had just arrived about 5-10 minutes ago, moved to empower the City Manager to appoint two disinterested parties to appraise the damage, to authorize the City Manager to pay the damages that they concur with, and to authorize the City Manager to start whatever legal action is necessary or allowable against the people who own the dogs to collect the money that the city is paying out. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion, and all voted aye. Mr. Auclair said he had asked a vet to look at the cows in question, and that he would submit a report to the city. Mr. Auclair also noted that he had seen one of his neighbors set his dogs on Mr. Auclair's cows. Mr. Szymanski said that he would bring the issue back to the Council after it was resolved, for Council approval of the expense. Mr. Flaherty took the Chair at this point. Public hearing on proposed amendment to the sewer ordinance Mr. Flaherty noted that this was the second reading of the amendment. Mr. Paulsen moved to waive the reading of the amendment and Mr. Burgess seconded. No one in the audience objected, and the motion carried 4-0. No changes have been made to the document. Mr. Burgess moved to approve the second reading and Mr. Paulsen seconded. The motion passed unanimously. U.V.M. Horticultural Farm deer problem Mr. Szymanski said the Farm had problems with deer nipping the new plantings. UVM has permission from the Fish and Game Department to destroy the deer and they are asking the city for permission to shoot, which is not permitted in the city. Mr. Szymanski said UVM has tried every kind of repellent they can and none have worked. Mr. Burgess moved to grant the request of UVM (Greg Irish) to discharge firearms in South Burlington, specifically to destroy deer, permission to do which has already been granted by the Fish and Game Department. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and all voted for it. Set the 1980-81 tax rate Mr. Flaherty explained that the city tax rate was set using the estimated grand list. This year the actual grand list was 3.5% above the estimate and the Charter amendment states that over 3% will be rebated. The way the city handles the rebate is to direct the City Manager to only collect the amount which will raise the money the budget is based on. Thus, this year the tax rate was set at $3.89, but the city will only collect $3.79, for a decrease in the originally estimated tax rate of 2.9%. Last year the tax rate was $3.69. Mr. Paulsen moved that theCouncil establish the tax rate for the 1980-81 season at $3.88.8 based on the estimated grand list that was given to Council, which was $1,865,000 and further, that the tax bills be made out to show a reduction in the amount collected which will be equivalent to a tax rate of $3.79.7 based on the actual grand list of $1,910,000. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all were in favor. Review new municipal building office layout Mr. Szymanski showed the Council some changes the architect had proposed as a result of employee dissatisfaction with the original layout. There will be two fixed partitions with dividers inside them for the secretarial area. The Council discussed this area. Mr. Flaherty asked that Mr. Szymanski ask the architect to come up with 2 or 3 options for the area, with pictures, costs, and advantages and disadvantages of them. The Council also asked how negotiations were going with the contractor who is to construct the building. The Council noted that the estimate should have been in by this time. Review City Attorney's options for a mutual agreement on land acquisition between the City of South Burlington and the City of Burlington for the Southern Connector The Council felt it should discuss the options with the City Attorney and it was decided to meet at 7:30 p.m. on June 16, before the regular meeting, to do so. Mr. Burgess moved to table this item until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted aye. Sign renewal notes Mr. Paulsen moved to sign the renewal notes as follows: 1) $76,500 for the Bartlett Bay sewer project, 2) $18,900 for development of Red Rocks, 3) $1900 for the balance on the Xerox machine, 4) $190,000 for Phase 5 sewer construction, 5) $1700 to pay the balance of a CCTA deficit, 6) $21,000 for highway equipment, 7) $36,611 for a sewer cleaner, and 8) $13,500 for a front wheel loader. Mr. Towne seconded the motion and all voted aye. Review Planning and Zoning agendas There were no comments. Old Business Mr. Burgess asked that the City Attorney, at the next meeting, update the Council on the sign ordinance enforcement, and on the truck/sign for the Anchorage motel. The Council asked Mr. Szymanski to advertise for people to sit on city boards and commissions. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.