HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/07/1980CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 7, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, January 7, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Martin Paulsen, William Burgess, Kenneth Jarvis Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Rob Eley, Free Press; William Schuele, Chairman of Natural Resources Committee; James McGee There were no additions to the agenda, but Mr. Farrar announced that there would be a meeting of the CCTA on January 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the Burlington City Hall Auditorium to go over compliance with the federal regulations for the elderly and handicapped. The members were urged to attend. Minutes of December 17, 20 and 26, 1979 Mr. Paulsen moved to approve the minutes of December 17, 20, and 26, 1979 as printed. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Mr. Paulsen had a question on the December 17 minutes. In those minutes a reference is made to 5 private streets the city plows. Mr. Ireland was requested by Mr. Burgess to give the names of those 5 streets to him (Mr. Burgess), because Mr. Burgess did not believe the city plowed 5 such streets. The names have not yet been given to him, even though Mr. Ireland said he would do so. Review additional data and formulate action and stipulations on the following Interim Zoning applications Norman Ramsey to construct an 18 unit motel at 1108 Williston Road - It was noted that the request had been reduced to 12 units. Mr. Farrar had reservations about the use because of possible interference with the stacking lane in front of the lot and because this would be owned and operated by the owner of the Anchorage and the two motels would have very similar names. He felt this use had the potential to create more traffic than any other use of this size because of this fact. Looking at the intent of Interim Zoning, Mr. Paulsen said he would feel very uncomfortable approving this use because of its traffic impact. He felt that left turns into the lot would be blocked a lot of the time during rush hour and that if cars turned left into this looking for the Econolodge, they would have to make two more left turns during heavy traffic periods in order to get to the right motel. He also noted that this lot was very close to the Dorset Street intersection. Mr. Jarvis shared the concerns voiced regarding traffic impact but he felt it might be discriminatory to deny the application because the owner had another motel in the area. He felt that motels had particular favored referrals even outside of their own chains. It was noted that, because of the similarity of names between the two motels, guests could be confused as to which motel to enter and that could create more traffic at this location than a 12 unit motel might normally create. There are obvious possibilities for confusion between this motel and both the Econolodge and the parent Anchorage. Mr. Burgess moved to ask the staff to prepare a motion of denial of the application of Norman Ramsey for an 18 unit motel at 1108 Williston Road based on the following considerations: 1) a motel entrance was previously denied close to this intersection, 2) that at least one approach to the intersection is operating at D level of service for many hours of the day including the a.m. and p.m. peak periods according to the City's traffic consultant, 3) that the consultant hired by the City has found discrepancies in the engineering data submitted by the applicant regarding the traffic situation at that location on Williston Road and 4) that the motel cannot be considered a 12 unit motel because of the similarity in name to the Anchorage, and even if it were a 12 unit motel, it will generate more traffic because of the possible confusion with the motel behind it, which is visible from the road and so the possibility of entrances and exits from the lot, even when there is no vacancy in the motel, exists. Therefore, it should be considered a joint operation of 100 units in terms of the traffic generated. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Joseph G. Senesac to construct a 60' x 100' building and occupy same as office and warehouse for manufacturing garages at 172 Dorset Street - Mr. Paulsen moved to ask the staff to prepare a motion of approval with the stipulations that the use of the present structure be temporarily for office space and that this use not exceed the period of one year, at which time it will revert to a residential use, 2) that the driveway be shared, and 3) that the present access to Dorset Street be closed. Construction of the new building is approved. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all were in favor. Formal action on staff prepared motions for the following Interim Zoning applications North American Shopping Center, Inc. to construct a shopping complex located easterly side at 1690 Shelburne Road Mr. Burgess moved that the South Burlington City Council approve the conditional use application of the North American Shopping Center, Inc. to construct a shopping complex to include a supermarket of 31,525 square feet, a drug store of 6,720 square feet and 10,000 square feet of satellite stores, to be constructed as shown on the plan dated 9/19/79 and submitted as part of the application, on a parcel of land containing 9.13 acres located on the easterly side of Shelburne Road at #1690, according to the proposal of record and based on the following findings and stipulations: Findings 1. That the proposed uses are consistent with the health, safety and welfare of the City of South Burlington and standards 2, 3 and 4 of Section 5 of the Interim Zoning Regulations. 2. That the proposed uses are consistent with standards 1 and 5 based on the evidence submitted by the applicant and recommendations by Traffic Engineering Associates. Stipulations 1. That the main access on Shelburne Road be located directly opposite the southerly most access of Shearer Chevrolet and be controlled by an actuated traffic control signal, and that this signal be coordinated with the existing signal at Green Mountain Drive and Bartlett Bay Road. 2. That the internal parking layout be reoriented such that parked vehicles are perpendicular to the main shopping facilities and parking lot circulation is parallel to the shopping facilities. 3. That channelization of traffic movements be established at the main access point in order to minimize traffic conflicts between inbound and outbound vehicles. 4. That left turn storage lanes be created at both intersections, and, if determined necessary by the Planning Commission, an acceleration lane, the length of which shall be approved by the Planning Commission with the assistance of Traffic Engineering Associates. 5. That the main water line be tied into Shelburne Road and Green Mountain Drive, along with the installation of three fire hydrants to the shopping complex, the location of which to be approved by the Fire Chief. 6. The additional space as shown on the plan of record is specifically not approved at this time. 7. Construction shall begin within 24 months of the date of approval by the Planning Commission. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion, and all voted aye. Ogden Associates, Richard Feeley, agent - request to occupy two existing structures as office and retail business complex, building #1 at 1161 Williston Road and building #2 at 10 Mary Street Ogden Associates as per stipulation to consider tenant (formal wear rental and sales) for occupancy of building #1 at 1161 Williston Road Mr. Jarvis moved that the South Burlington City Council approve the conditional use application of Ogden Associates, Richard Feeley agent, to occupy two existing structures as office and retail business complexes, building #1 at 1161 Williston Road and building #2 at 10 Mary Street according to the proposal of record and based on the following findings and stipulations: Findings That the proposed uses are consistent with the health, safety and welfare of the City of South Burlington and standards 2, 3 and 4 of Section 5 of the Interim Zoning Regulations. That the proposed uses are consistent with standards 1 and 5 based on the evidence submitted by the applicant and recommendations by Traffic Engineering Associates. Approval is hereby granted for the proposed use of formal wear rentals and sales in the building at 1161 Williston Road. Stipulations That the proposed tenants be approved by the City Council prior to occupancy of the buildings. That the Williston Road property provide the entrance and the Mary Street property provide the exit. The entrance is to be limited to a single curb cut to be approved as to its location and design by the City Engineer. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and it carried without dissent. Second reading of on site sewage disposal regulations Mr. Paulsen moved to waive the second reading of the ordinance and Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion, which passed 4-0. Mr. Paulsen had several comments on the ordinance. Where specific equipment was mentioned, he wanted to be sure someone at City Hall had knowledge of what it was and how it worked, and where specific documents were mentioned, he wanted to be sure City Hall had a copy. In several other places in the ordinance he had specific questions and it was decided that he and Mr. Szymanski would meet to discuss specifics. The Council briefly discussed how stringent it wanted these regulations to be. Mr. Paulsen moved to continue discussion on this item at the next meeting. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. Messrs. Paulsen and Szymanski will work out language changes to the document, and will include the comment from the City Attorney. Consider reappointments to the Economic Stabilization Board of the Vermont Emergency Resource Management Plan Mr. Szymanski said the State wanted to update the Plan and that the Board involved is #6. Members originally were appointed in 1968. He listed the communities covered by the Board. Mr. Burgess moved to reappoint the members of the Economic Stabilization Board #6 of the Vermont Emergency Resource Management Plan provided the individuals accept the responsibility. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted aye. Review Planning and Zoning Board agendas Mr. Jarvis had a comment to make regarding Planning Commission minutes. He noted that concern had been expressed by the Commission that the Council had not done a good job regarding the property at the corner of White Street and Williston Road. The city put the issue of purchasing that property before the voters and it was turned down, he said. The Council cannot do much more. Mr. Farrar added that if the city did buy the land, it might lose Urban Systems money it was counting on for widening Williston Road. He also mentioned that the city had since tried to work out land swaps with potential buyers of the land without success. Mr. Schuele said that the Natural Resources Committee was aware of a development in which everything in the 50' zone by the stream was cut down. That developer is coming to the Committee to discuss ways to correct the error. Mr. Farrar told Mr. Schuele that the Committee should make an agreement with the developer and bring it to Council as a recommendation. Consider going into executive session to discuss the Police Union Contract Mr. Paulsen moved to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing the Police Union Contract and to come out of executive session and adjourn without taking action. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and all voted aye. At 9:10 p.m. the Council came out of executive session and adjourned. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.