HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/04/1980CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 4, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, February 4, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Kenneth Jarvis, Martin Paulsen (left early), William Burgess Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Spitz, Planner; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Tom Joselin, Dave Gove, Don Whitten, William Schuele, George Desch, Rob Eley, Free Press; Tony Cairns, Lowell Krassner, A.M. and C.M. Paquette, Tom Sullivan. Agenda Additions The following items were added: 1. Discuss appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 2. Discuss the new City Hall bond issue. Minutes of January 10, 21 and 22, 1980 On page 4 of the January 21 minutes, it should read that Mr. Jarvis, not Mr. Flaherty, made the motion on the Senesac appeal. Mr. Paulsen moved to approve the minutes of January 10 and 22 as printed and the minutes of January 21 as corrected. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all were in favor. Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Public information meeting on phosphorus reduction study at Bartletts Bay Sewage Treatment Plant Messrs. Tom Sullivan, Tom Joscelyn and Dave Gove were present to discuss this item. Mr. Sullivan explained the project and told the Council the public had been informed of this meeting by ads in the Free Press and over the radio. Notices had also been posted in several places. Mr. Desch, from the Environmental Engineering Division, said they wanted to have the public involved early in the process and have their opinions discussed. After alternatives in the phosphorus reduction project have been worked up there will be a public meeting to discuss these alternatives. A facilities plan will be worked up after this time. The work plan and fact sheet will be available for public inspection. Mr. Sullivan said copies could be given to the city for its review. Mr. Sullivan said the brunt of this project was the phosphorus reduction but that there would also be a brief inflow and infiltration study of the area done. An evaluation of the treatment plant will be done. Mr. Sullivan felt that the Bartlett Bay plant was a very well operated plant. He said the next phase would be to run the plant as a phosphorus reducing facility for 4 months. There has been a chemical evaluation of the waste at the plant and it is possible that alum will be used. It has been used successfully in two other plants. Mr. Sullivan said, and they operate below the State mandate of 1 milligram per litre in the discharge. Next will come the selection and acquisition of the needed equipment for the plant. Sludge disposal was discussed. Mr. Sullivan was asked how many acres would be needed for disposal from this plant if the sludge were spread on the land. He guessed it might be 20 acres per year, depending on the content of the sludge. He felt that 50 acres would last this plant for many years of disposal and 100 acres would almost allow operation indefinitely. He noted again that he was only guessing on these numbers. Mr. William Schuele said he was concerned about the heavy metal load and Mr. Sullivan replied that he did not know what heavy metals would be found in the sludge yet, since tests have not been run, but he noted that there was no industrial contribution to the plant, so that load might be reduced. Mr. Farrar asked whether, if there were land application of sludge, it would have to be plowed under every year and was told that was correct. It can be put on forest land, but that section of land might have to be isolated for a period of time by fencing to keep people out. Mr. Farrar asked about the schedule and was told they hope to have the equipment on line in 2 1/2 to 3 months and then the 4 month chemical addition study would be done. The city has to have the phosphorus reduction facility by June 30, 1981 and they will have the capability to do it, but the facility might not be 100% finished, Mr. Sullivan said. He felt it would be fall 1981 before the facility was totally complete. A chemical storage tank is planned as part of the plant. Mr. Schuele asked why this city was having to reduce phosphorus when a lot of other communities were still dumping raw sewage in the lake. He also asked if the city might have to hold sludge for some time and was told that was correct. Continue public hearing on the following Interim Zoning Application - Erwin Valgoi for removing 6 cottages and constructing a 12 unit two-story motel at 1272 Williston Road The Council has received from the Fire Chief a document regarding this appeal. It calls for the use of the Williston Road curb cut as entrance only and the White Street cut as an exit only (see attached copy, which is made part of these minutes). The applicant was not present at this hearing. Fire Chief Goddette said that the problem with the proposed layout of the applicant was that his department could not get equipment into the site with the island in the middle of the lot and parking on the west side. Mr. Farrar wanted to ask the traffic consultant about this new plan. Mr. Goddette said his measurement of the cut on White Street might be a little off. He was asked if he felt the only adequate way to give fire protection was from the middle of the lot and he said it was, because the men go in the doors, which all face the middle of the lot. Mr. Jarvis noted that the applicant wanted to preserve the green area on the lot presently, but it was noted that with this new plan, there would be green area to the west. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Goddette if his professional opinion was that the original plan was inadequate from a fire protection point of view and that this was his suggestion of how the plan could be modified. That was correct, Mr. Goddette said. Since the applicant still was not present, Mr. Farrar suggested ending the discussion now and continuing it if he came in. If he does not come, the city can continue the hearing and ask the traffic consultant for his opinion on the new plan. Public hearing on the following Interim Zoning Application: Bernard Barney, C. A. Cairns, Agent, for permission to construct a 30'x40' building and occupy same as mini-mart and gas service station on land located southerly of Automasters, and northerly of Shelburne-South Burlington town line Mr. Cairns gave the Council a fact sheet about the gas industry and traffic sheets of the Riverside Avenue and Williston Road gas station-convenience stores and a sheet on Shelburne Road traffic (copies attached and made part of these minutes). He said they wanted to construct a 30' x 40' building with a convenience store, double gas pumps and a diesel island on the side. The Velco power line right of way runs parallel to the town line through this lot, and they will not allow buildings under the lines. Mr. Cairns has asked Velco if they would allow part of the building under the lines, so it can be turned perpendicular to Shelburne Road. With the plan as it is now, a 6' variance would be needed on the side with the diesel pumps. Mr. Cairns said they had some traffic studies of similar operations on Williston Road and Riverside Avenue. The surveys were taken during the heaviest traffic periods of the day. After 5:15 traffic dropped off fast, he said, and the busiest time was 5:00-5:15 p.m. There is less traffic during the morning peak and the percentages are lower. Few people buy gas in the morning, he said. Mr. Cairns said he had related the figures from the two existing stations to the Shelburne Road traffic to get an estimate of how many cars might come into the new station. He felt the traffic flow on Shelburne Road might even improve with this new station because there was currently a station on the other side of the road and cars buying gas there and then going back south had to make two left turns across traffic to do it. Here they will make two right turns. Hours will be 7-11. Mr. Krassner asked about the other side of the lot in Shelburne. It is now vacant land and he felt that if another high traffic generator were put on that side of the lot, it would affect traffic on this side. Mr. Cairns said a lot of fill would be needed to use that part of the lot, perhpas $150,000 worth. He said he had no plans for that piece of land now. Mrs. Paquette did not like the idea of more diesel pumps in the area because of trucks going in and out. She owns the motel across the street from the lot. Mr. Farrar asked that the traffic consultant be consulted about the traffic impact here. He also noted that the applicant anticipated the same percentage of cars here as at the other stations, so the total business would be greater than those other stations. This use under previous and planned zoning would be a conditional use. Mr. Farrar felt the State Highway Department should be asked if this was consistent with the way they planned to handle traffic from Wickes and the bakery in this area. Mr. Paulsen moved to continue the public hearing until the next regularly scheduled meeting, on February 25 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and it carried without dissent. Review proposed C-1, C-2 amendments to the Zoning Regulations Mr. Paulsen left at this time. The Council decided to warn for the first public hearing on February 25, 1980. Review the chapters on Southeast Quadrant and Development Management Policy of the updated Master Plan Mr. Spitz noted that the new Development Management Policy chapter was not much different from the old one. He said the Commission was concerned about where growth would take place and that they wanted to encourage it in areas contiguous to areas which already have growth. This chapter suggests establishment of a zoning boundary and the removal of the option of the developer to put in city services if he wishes in certain areas. Most of the Quadrant will be 1 house on 10 acres, but the Commission wants public utilities extended first into areas contiguous with existing residential growth. The Commission feels it is easier for public servicing of contiguous areas and that with leapfrogging, the city has to be careful on sizing sewer lines, for example. The Council pointed out that the city was not a geographically large area and that it was not far from a distance or time point of view from one side of the city to the other. Retention of open space and transfer of development rights was also discussed. Mr. Farrar suggested treating the entire Quadrant as one planned development, and zoning for a maximum density. Mr. Farrar wanted to maintain the farms in the Quadrant and felt that the only way to do that would be to allow the farmer to get some money from his land. Once the development rights were sold, the only way to get money from the land would be to farm it. It was decided to discuss this again on February 25 and if there was not enough time at that meeting to do it, a special meeting would be held to discuss the chapters. Sign proposed policy statement of the Steering Committee Mr. Burgess moved to sign the "Proposed Policy Statement, South Burlington Steering Committee". Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and all voted aye. Review Zoning Board agenda There were no comments. Sign petition for New England Telephone Co. cable installation on Shelburne Road. Mr. Szymanski said that this was on the west side of the road, starting at Sears and going to Shearer. He said they would stop work at 3:00 or 3:30 p.m. Mr. Farrar recommended asking them to put all the lines underground. They will start work at 7:00 a.m. Mr. Jarvis moved to sign the petition for New England Telephone cable installation on Shelburne Road subject to the conditions that 1) all construction activity be terminated at 3:30 p.m. 2) that they close no more than one lane at a time. 3) that they provide proper traffic control, and 4) that the job be completed by June 15. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Discuss Zoning Board appointment Mr. Jarvis wanted to make an appointment to the board soon. Mr. Szymanski will work on it. Possible disbanding of the Sign Review Board was discussed. City Hall bond issue Mr. Jarvis noted that the vote on this issue was coming soon and the Council discussed how to bring it to the attention of the voters. Interim Zoning application of Erwin Valgoi Mr. Valgoi was still not present. Mr. Jarvis moved to continue the hearing at the next regularly scheduled meeting and refer to the city's traffic consultant the Fire Chief's proposal for his comments, specifically on whether it is better to exit onto Wllliston Road or White Street. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Meet as Liquor Control Board to consider liquor license for Benji's Pizza Mr. Burgess moved to adjourn as the City Council and meet as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion, which carried without dissent. Mr. Szymanski said this business would take the place of El Zorro. The Police Chief sees no problem. Mr. Burgess moved to approve the liquor license for Benji's Pizza. Mr. Jarvis seconded the motion and none voted no. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.