HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/25/1980CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 25, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, August 25, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Martin Paulsen, William Burgess, John Towne Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Gloria Yandow, Bookkeeper; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Sonny Audette, Highway Dept.; Peggy Picard, City Clerk; David Spitz, Planner Agenda additions 1. Report from the Sign Review Board 2. Report on the Southern Connector 3. Old business Continue discussion on additional personnel for City Hall Mr. Szymanski felt a person with bookkeeping, auditing, tax, computer, and programming backgrounds would be his first choice. He also felt the city should perhaps consider having an engineer, noting that it was a lot of work to be both manager and engineer. Since Mr. Szymanski is an engineer, it was felt that some of his time should be freed to do engineering. An administrative assistant for him was mentioned. Mr. Szymanski felt such an assistant might give him 25-30% more time. Mr. Burgess opposed hiring a programmer and Mr. Szymanski agreed, noting that someone who was familiar with programming would be helpful, but that the city did not need a full-time programmer. Mr. Burgess saw the job as a department head with responsibility for the administrative operation of City Hall, including personnel functions, office management, etc. It was suggested that this person be the first line supervisor of City Hall staff, reporting to the Manager, as do the Fire and Police Chiefs. It was decided that Messrs. Szymanski and Burgess, at least, try to write a job description. Mr. Paulsen wanted to see some figures for 5, 10 and 15 years ago to show employee number in City Hall vs. some measure of activity at the time, such as number of taxpayers, number of accounts handled, etc. Mr. Burgess suggested listing the tasks the new person would be required to do, feeling that that would limit the scope for the employee. It was suggested that a committee of 5 members be formed to do some pre-screening of applicants. They could then send 2 or 3 to the Council to interview, but the final decision would be Mr. Szymanski's to make. Act on changes to update Master Plan Mr. Burgess wanted the document the public saw to be the one hammered out by the Planning Commission and then changed in minor details by the City Council. He wanted to have the draft incorporate the changes which have been made to it. Meet as Liquor Control Board to consider temporary liquor permit for Saga Foods, "New Faculty Picnic" at UVM Farm, Spear Street Mr. Flaherty moved to adjourn as the City Council and meet as the Liquor Control Board for the purpose of considering a temporary liquor permit for Saga Foods for a new faculty picnic at the UVM Farm on Dorset Street. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and all voted aye. Mr. Szymanski said it would be from 6-10 p.m. on Friday, September 5. Mr. Burgess moved that the temporary liquor permit for Saga Foods for a "New Faculty Picnic" at the UVM Farm on Spear Street from 6-10 p.m. on Friday, September 5 be approved. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and it carried 5-0. Mr. Burgess then moved to adjourn as the Liquor Control Board and reconvene as the City Council. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Continue discussion on changes to update the Master Plan Mr. Spitz said he had done some work on changes. Regarding sewers, he said the 1961 report had planned for a 50 year period for a residential population of 32,000 over the entire city and they figured that 85%, (or 27,000) of the city would connect. Adding in commercial and industrial use, the equivalent population figure they had was 36,200. Mr. Farrar said that sounded like the pipe sizes in the city were reasonably near correct. Sewer mains installed in 1968 were based on this plan. Mr. Farrar felt this study should be referenced. Mr. Szymanski said the plant had been planned for a 25 year period and that was in 1963-4. The present plant was projected to be at its maximum capacity in 1985. As to the water plan, Mr. Spitz showed the map to the Council. There are some lines in the Quadrant where there are now no roads and these lines will later follow the streets. On this the base year is 2020 and the population is 30,000. Mr. Farrar felt that both water and sewer plans were reasonably in tune with present zoning. Mr. Farrar asked if there were any problems with the water system which the Fire Chief felt impeded his ability to fight fires. Mr. Goddette said there were a few deficiencies. It was felt that there should be a sheet similar to the water plan, which shows suggested sizes, showing existing main sizes. Mr. Spitz said there was a map of existing utilities in the Plan and it was felt that the existing utilities should be shown and this other map should be referenced. Mr. Paulsen asked whether this map deviated from the preliminary plan long range grid network and Mr. Spitz said he would check. Mr. Farrar said the Water Department should be asked if it had any plans to get from the existing line sizes in the city to the recommended ones shown on the official water map. If they have no such plan, the Council can discuss it with them. Mr. Spitz also said that the figures in the Plan regarding CWD water capacity were correct as far as they went, but those are average demand figures, and 33% has to be added for peak flows and 33% for fire protection, so with a conservative design, there is not much room left now. Mr. Paulsen felt that, with a regional system such as CWD, 33% for fire flow was an overemphasis, because one would not have a fire that large. 33% is for a small community. Mr. Farrar felt CWD General Manager Ed Blake should be asked for some input on this. The Council now looked at adding more Industrial land in the city. Mr. Spitz told them that 33% of Digital's land is now developed. Mr. Flaherty suggested that if more land were zoned industrial, minimum lot sizes be added. These could be 100-200 acres minimum and Council and Planning Commission approval could be required for development. The Council wants to reserve space for industrial uses in the future. Mr. Flaherty felt the intent of the large minimum lot sizes was to attract large industrial uses. Mr. Spitz suggested adding commercial land near Patchen Road close to the Interstate. He did not feel this land was good for residential uses. He then went over possible areas to change to industrial zoning. Mr. Burgess moved that areas 1 (196 acres), 2A (195 acres), 5 (312 acres), 6A (119 acres), 7 (56 acres), and 3 (50 acres), for a total of 928 acres, on a map entitled "South Burlington, Vermont, Proposed Land Use Map" map #7, draft dated 5/29/80, be zoned non-residential. Mr. Towne seconded the motion. Mr. Paulsen did not want area 6A included and he noted that without it there would still be 809 acres. He moved to amend the motion to remove area 6A. Mr. Flaherty seconded, but the motion was defeated with Messrs. Paulsen and Flaherty voting aye. Mr. Flaherty felt 6A would be ideal residential land and he did not think it should be zoned for industry. The motion carried with Messrs. Paulsen and Flaherty voting no. Mr. Farrar suggested that the city rezone for a permitted use of 2/acre (units) in the Quadrant the same number of units which have been built since the last plan. That number of units can be converted to a figure in acres. Report on the Southern Connector meeting Mr. Farrar reported to the Council what had occurred at the meeting on 8/21/80. Old business Mr. Burgess asked Mr. Szymanski if he had the 1/4" scale drawings of the new building for the department heads. Mr. Szymanski did not think he had. Mr. Burgess felt the building was going to be very tight and he warned that if the schedule were impeded it would cost a lot. He suggested that the Council consider shutting off the building during the winter and resuming construction in the summer. He was not sure there were any funds for contingencies in the mechanical and electrical estimates, and he felt that if anything else in the building were trimmed, they would be trimming necessities. Mr. Towne asked for a copy of the results of the water tests under the building. Sign Review Board This will be discussed at the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.