HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/11/1980CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 11, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, August 11, 1980 in the City Hall Conference Room, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, William Burgess, John Towne Member Absent Martin Paulsen Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Sidney Poger, Planning Commission Chairman; David Spitz, Planner; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Director Continue review of updated Master Plan Mr. Farrar said, that according to his calculations, the city needed about 800 more acres of land zoned for non-residential uses if it wanted to keep the residential - non-residential ratio the same as it is now (about 50-50), and assuming that the residential land in the city develops to its maximum allowed at the current zoning densities. Mr. Farrar also said that if the trend for decreasing numbers of pupils per household continues, and the city continues to build at the same rate as in the past two years, the city will run out of school space in 4 years. The figures show that more people have moved out of the city than have moved in. Mr. O'Neill suggested combining recreation and school uses on the large piece of land the Commission has recommended purchasing in the Southeast Quadrant. The question of how to reserve more non-residential land was discussed - perhaps it could be designated as non-residential for the future but left open now. A new Agricultural-Industrial zone was suggested also. Mr. Poger suggested an Industrial zoning with the use to be approved by the Commission and/or Zoning Board and/or City Council. The Council wanted to have as much control over it as possible. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Spitz to find a good area on the map for the additional non-residential land to go. The zoning of the Quadrant was discussed. Mr. Poger said the Commission wanted to allow development close to developed areas and remove the 2 homes per acre bonus a developer would receive for bringing out his own services. The Council wanted to retain that 2 on 1 bonus. Mr. Farrar suggested changing the zoning to R2 in parts of the Quadrant and leaving the rest as it is now. Setting standards for city services was discussed. Mr. Poger felt the City Manager/Engineer should work on that. It will not be an easy job. Mr. Flaherty felt that such standards should be a red flag which will tell the city that when 300 more homes are added, for example, they had better start thinking about adding another fireman, or police car. He felt the city should have some standards to study to help them evaluate the necessity of adding men and/or equipment. It was suggested that wording such as the following be added to the Plan: that the city will develop standards for city services in the future. This sentence could be added to #4 on page 65. Mr. Farrar asked about water - are the mains in the city now large enough for future needs? He wanted to have a better understanding of the system and added that the city should have a sewer and water plan which matched the zoning densities. Regarding the airport, Mr. Flaherty did not like the second full sentence on page 50, and it was agreed to remove it. Mr. Burgess asked whether the improvements listed on page 54 were not in conflict with the Capital Budget. The Commission feels the first 3 projects are very important, Mr. Poger said. It was noted that Dorset Street was not going to last long, and had to be improved very soon. Mr. Spitz saw no problem with putting that first on the list. Mr. Farrar asked whether Williston Road was wide enough after it went by Hinesburg Road and all the way out to the Williston line. If it will need to be widened at any point 10 years from now, he suggested planning for that now. It might have to be 4 lanes all the way to the Williston line. Mr. Spitz said he could get traffic figures from the State and look into it. Mr. Poger suggested putting that project in as l) in the list, and changing the other letters. Mr. Farrar asked if f) meant two ramps at Kennedy Drive and was told it did not. He suggested adding a ramp to allow cars coming from the north to get off at Kennedy Drive as well as adding an on ramp. Mr. Poger said the Commission did not want a full interchange there. Mr. Farrar said that Mr. Paulsen, who was not present tonight, had some comments, and he suggested one more meeting on the Plan, after which it will have public hearings. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.