HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/08/1980CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 8, 1980 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Friday, August 8, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. in the Assessor's Office, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road. Members Present Council Chairman Paul Farrar, Martin Paulsen, William Burgess and John Towne. Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present City Manager William J. Szymanski, Fire Chief James Goddette, Highway Superintendent Albert Audette, Motorola Company representative Jerry Gallison, James Lamphere, Free Press Reporter Rob Eley and Richard Garrow from the City of Burlington Police Department. Continue Discussion on Proposed Additional Municipal Building Bond Issue Chairman Farrar called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Szymanski introduced Richard Garrow, Communications Supervisor for the Burlington Police Department, saying he was an expert on this type of equipment. Mr. Garrow said he was in the process of working on the updating of the Burlington system, had traveled extensively to other communities checking on the different types used in other communities and felt the system proposed for South Burlington by the Motorola Company was basically a good one. He did note that it lacked a recording system and stressed the importance of having such a system especially if there was a question of litigation. He felt a recording system would eliminate a lot of problems. In response to questions concerning a less expensive system he said we should have more than marginal equipment and not have to be adding to it at a later date, when it would be costly, that we should look at the long dollar now and save down the road. Chairman Farrar asked how much improvement are we getting for the additional money, and Mr. Garrow said 100%. Mr. Burgess questioned the cost of the tape recorder and Mr. Garrow said that it was designed to monitor between base stations, phone lines and mobiles. Mr. Gallison from the Motorola Company said it was expensive because it can record on 20 circuits simultaneously, that it was like buying a broadcasting transmitter as opposed to a common recorder. Mr. Garrow said maybe it wouldn't be necessary to monitor on 20 lines. Questioned by Mr. Burgess as to how many lines Burlington was using, Mr. Garrow said 8 lines. Mr. Burgess said we have to think of the taxpayer, that he was looking for ways to add the recording system for less money. Mr. Gallison distributed some brochures which pictured the different consoles that would make up the two base stations, and then referred to the third sheet of the "Proposed City of South Burlington Communications System." The sheet lists the prices of the Motorola Micor VHF station, accessories and antenna for the Fire Department at a cost of $15,182 and the Motorola Micor UHF station for the Police Department at a cost of $17,524, for a total of $32,706 for the equipment and accessories. Installation cost of $3,200 brings the total to $35,906. There was a general discussion as to the capabilities of the stations. Mr. Burgess noted that the city has a back-up station. Mr. Gallison said that it is now 10 years old and not adequate because of the limit of the power, that we have to have more power to overcome interference. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. Lamphere why there was such a difference in the estimate of the communications system, from $30,000, the original figure and the present one of $90,600. Mr. Lamphere explained that at the time they were considering communication systems he was in a time crunch and the engineers didn't give the architects a true figure. Mr. Gallison said that he met on January 9, 1980 with Brian Searles of the Police Department and Mr. Webster, the engineer, who did give a very rough estimate, the minimum, which did not include the two consoles or closed circuit television. There was also some talk at that time of updating the present Police Department system. Fire Chief Goddette then explained the need for separate base stations for the Police and Fire Departments. He said that all fire departments throughout the state are on the VHF band, and all Police Departments are on UHF. Mr. Gallison said that the Police Departments throughout the state were all on the UHF band because they were recepients of grants from the Governor's Crime Commission when that Commission was organized about 10 years ago. That outfit is a special product, cannot be incorporated, added to, or modified. Mr. Gallison was asked to discuss the more expensive items on the second sheet of the "Proposed City of South Burlington Communications System" entitled "Motorola Centracom" which he proceeded to do. This sheet lists the cost of cabinets, writing surfaces, Master control panels, encoders, pedestals, and related items and totals $58,941 for the items and installation. The complete "Proposed City of South Burlington Communications System" brochure including sketches is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Chairman Farrar asked if we purchased this system and Burlington gets their system updated, could we cross communicate, could the Burlington Police be able to get to our Fire Department, for instance. Mr. Gallison said yes. Mr. Paulsen asked if some of the old equipment could be sold if it was not needed in the future. Mr. Garrow said he felt there would be some small departments around the state interested. Chairman Farrar said that if we are to do this right we should consider buying taping equipment. Mr. Garrow thought it could be purchased for around $10,000, and Mr. Gallison had some figures for a 20 channel machine, with mounting arrangement, auto­scan, time code generator and reader with 35 2½ "-tapes for around $20,000. Chairman Farrar asked if there were any other questions. Mr. Goddette said there was no provision for paying for the phone installations and he knew that it was going to be quite expensive. Mr. Lamphere said the installation cost is usually billed on a long-term monthly basis. He said there was no decision on this as yet, they were working on it with the New England Telephone Company. In answer to questioning by Mr. Paulsen, Mr. Gallison said there is room in the consoles for phone installation. Mr. Gallison and Mr. Garrow were thanked for coming before the Council. Set Amount for Bond Issue and Sign Resolution for Warning Referring to a two-page "Bond Issue Breakdown" presented by Mr. Lamphere, Mr. Farrar asked why the cost of the bituminous paving had been increased. Mr. Lamphere said it appeared that it couldn't be done right away, would have to go over to next year's paving season and the price would be higher because of normal increases in the cost. The "Bond Issue Breakdown" is attached to and made a port of these minutes. Chairman Farrar went over the figures and broke the total down into three sections as follows: $ 60,600 Communications System 112,200 Firing Range and Carports 48,800 Kitchen Cabinets, Accessories and Paving $221,600 Total He asked how the Council wanted the bond issue presented, by three separate items or by using the total figure. After some discussion it was agreed that the bond issue would go to the voters using the three separate figures. Mr. Towne wondered if it would help to delete the Firing Range and Carports at this time and Mr. Burgess noted that we are in need of other matters that are going to have to be presented to the voters in the future such as a new fire truck and sewer expansion. Chairman Farrar said if we look at how we are heading, all the items are reasonable and needed to run the city government, that we are paying less taxes for municipal services than most other communities. Chairman Farrar asked for a motion. Mr. Burgess made a motion to present the ballot in three sections as follows: $60,600 for a communications system, $112,200 for a fire range and carport, $48,800 for paving, cabinets and accessories and demolition of existing city hall. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Burgess made a motion at 9:45 P.M. to recess the meeting and continue on Saturday, August 9, 1980 at 2 P.M. for the purpose of signing the resolution and warning. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion which passed unimously and the meeting was recessed. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.