HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0031 Commerce AvenueE .r h*w� i,-A southh,-r�,Y77 i rig.olo PLANNING & ZONING February 22, 2016 Re: #SP-16-12 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning the above referenced application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (61 months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sinceel Raymond 1. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com I 0AM10A M'S M'�M PLANNING & ZONING f� �4 Permit Number SP- - (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ✓❑Administrative ❑Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): LNP Inc., (c/o Al Senecal) 31 Commerce Ave., South Burlington, VT 05403 p: (802) 862-0517 x207, f: (802) 862-4349 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): 722/724-726 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): LNP Inc., (c/o Al Senecal) 31 Commerce Ave., South Burlington, VT 05403 p: (802) 862-0517 x227, f: (802) 862-4349 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Paul O'Leary, O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates 13 Corporate Drive, Suite 1, Essex Jct., VT 05452 p: (802) 878-9990, f: (802) 878-9989 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: poleary@olearyburke.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 27 Commerce Ave. 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0435-00027 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com E 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): Seeking approval for as -built changes to the building mounted lighting, landscaping, curbing, and removal of an electric transformer. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): Two mixed use commercial/industrial buidings with footprints of 26,280 sq. ft. located at 31 Commerce Ave, and 14,000 sq. ft. located at 27 Commerce Ave and associated infrastructure c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): N/A, the building has been previously approved as a 14,000 sq. ft. mixed use building to be used as office and warehouse for vehicle storage and maintenance. No changes are proposed. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 31 Commerce Ave (Existing) - 26,280 sq. ft. 27 Commerce Ave (New) - 14,000 sq. ft. e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 22'-0" max building height with second floor mezzanine f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): N/A - no residential units are proposed. g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): 31 existing employees + 9 proposed employees = 40 total employees h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 182,883 Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing 7.66 % / 14,000 sq. ft. Proposed 7.66 % / 14,000 sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 65.4 % / 119,648 sq. ft. Proposed 65.4 % / 119,674 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing 29.9 % / 6,924 sq. ft. Proposed 29.9 % / 6,924 sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) 74,200 * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ 540,000 b. Landscaping: $12,406.25 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 16 additional VTE 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7:00 am to 6:00 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday through Friday 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 3/15/16 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. *NOTE: Attached please find the Administrative Site Plan review fee of $223.00 ($140.00 base fee X1.5 after- the -fact fee + $13.00 recording fee) 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. GNATIJRE OF SIGNA/fURE OF PROPERTY Do not write below this line PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Compl The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 �J LNP, Inc. To: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer From: Brian Bertsch, P.E. CC: Date: February 3, 2016 Re: 27 Commerce Ave., CO As a follow up to our January 28, 2016 walk through with Paul Conner and Cathyann LaRose please find the enclosed revised plans and an administrative site plan application for some minor as -built changes to the building at 27 Commerce Ave., owned by LNP, Inc. (c/o Al Senecal). The following issues were raised by Paul and Cathyann during our walkthrough: Building Mounted Lighting: The approved plans called for seven (7) building mounted metal halide lights; during construction eleven (1 1) building mounted LED lighting fixtures were been installed. Plan Sheet 5 'Lighting Plan' has been updated to reflect these changes. Electric Transformer: Originally a screened electric transformer was proposed on the northeast corner of the new building, during construction Green Mountain Power opted to utilize the existing transformer serving 31 Commerce Ave. Plan Sheets 2'Site Plan', 3 'Landscape Plan', and 5 'Lighting Plan' have all be updated to reflect this change. Curbing Relocation: The approved plans showed a continuous 5' green strip between the curbing on the east side of the building and 5' sidewalk. During construction the southern half of the green strip was removed and paved to create a fire lane of sorts. Plan Sheet 2 'Site Plan' has been updated to reflect these changes. Rear Parking Lot: The approved plans showed the entire parking area behind the new building as paved, during construction approximately 70' of the parking area was paved and the remainder left gravel. Plan Sheet 2 'Site Plan' has been updated to reflect these changes. Landscaping: Because the proposed transformer was not installed the thirteen (13) pyramid yews were also not installed. Despite the removal of the transformer pad landscaping, the actual cost to install the new landscaping was $12,678.00 , (see attached invoice from di Stefano Landscaping) which exceeded the$12,406.25 amount required by condition #3 of decision #SD-13-27. Because the minimum landscape budget was exceeded we're asking that the revised landscape plan be approved administratively. Revision Date: The plans reviewed during the walk through had a revision date of 8-4-14, the purpose of that revision was to eliminate revision dates associated with 31 Commerce Ave., and the 8-4-14 revision date did not involve any site change to 27 Commerce Ave 31 Comr. crce A ;. ou!h s�,rlingtno,',/t 054C3 Ffior,::: j80"j 8-;'-0�17 V`-`7 F- •' 1i1: bber'sd u, me :..7 t Corr. We are requesting administrative approval for the lighting, curbing, landscaping, and pavement changes. Following your review and approval we will schedule a second site visit to demonstrate compliance with the revised plans. Attached please find a completed application for Site Plan review w/ application fee of $223.00 ($140.00 base fee Xl .5 after- the -fact fee + $13.00 recording fee), and three (3) full size, one (1) reduced copies, and one (1) digital copy of plan sheets 1 through 8 which have been revised as part of this application. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. di Stefano Landscaping P.O Box 56 Jericho VT 05465 (802) 279-5900 Bill To Omega Ben Waterman 31 Commerce Ave. S. Burlington, VT 05403 Invoice Date Invoice # 12/4/15 5930 P.O. No. Terms Project Due on receipt Commerce Avenue 2... Item Description Est Amt Prior Amt Prior % Qty Rate Curr % Total % Amount Landsca... Planting Commerce Avenue 12,678.80 1 12,678.80 100.00% 100.00% 12,678.80 Total $12,678.80 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $12,678.80 go south PLANNING & ZONING February 18, 2016 Brian Bertsch LNP, Inc. 31 Commerce Avenue So. Burlington, VT 05403 SwT Ulf ikAIG Re: New Tenant & Changes in Use — 27 & 31 Commerce Avenue Dear Mr. Bertsch: This is in response to your letter dated February 18, 2016 requesting approval under your umbrella permit for a new tenant at 27 Commerce Avenue and a change in tenant at 31 Commerce Avenue. The new tenant at 27 Commerce Avenue is Omega Electric who will occupy the entire building with 15,155 sq. ft. of "contractor or building trades facility" use and 3,045 sq. ft. of "auto service & repair" use. The use change at 31 Commerce Avenue involves the conversion of 2,880 sq. ft. of "auto service & repair" use to "'contractor or building trades facility" use for Omega Electric. This results in Omega Electric occupying the entire building for "contractor or building trades facility" use. A review of the new parking demand indicates that the limits established under the umbrella permit will not be exceeded. A review of the new traffic generation indicates that the limits established under the umbrella permit will also not be exceeded. Since these changes result in changes in use, a zoning permit is required. Please contact me to apply for the zoning permit. Since r I , aymond 1. Belair Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com LIMP, Inc. To: Ray Belair, Administrative Officer From: Brian Bertsch, P.E. CC: Date: February 18, 2016 Re: 27 & 31 Commerce Ave. As a follow up to our phone conversation on February 18, 2016 1 am writing to correct the information previously sent on February 10, 2016. You mentioned that the existing building located at 31 Commerce Avenue has been previously approved for two uses, a contractor or building trade facility, and an auto service and repair facility. Approximately 23,400 sq. ft. of space is dedicated to a contractor or building trade facility and the remaining 2,880 sq .ft. is used as an auto service and repair facility. The current proposal is to relocate the auto service and repair facility to the new building at 27 Commerce Ave. and use the remaining square footage in both buildings as a contractor facility occupied by Omega Electric. As proposed the building at 27 Commerce Ave will have 3,045 sq. ft. of auto service and repair space and the remaining 15,155 sq. ft. of space will be used as a contractor facility. The existing building at 31 Commerce Ave will be used entirely as a contractor facility (apx. 26,280 sq. ft.). In accordance with stipulation #5, below are parking calculations, based on table 13.2, for both the existing and proposed uses and trip generation estimates based on ITE trip generation estimates - 9th edition. Existing parking requirements: 27 Commerce Ave (not built) - 0 spaces 31 Commerce Ave (based on contractor facility and auto service and repair use) 23,400 sq. ff. of contractor facility x 0.5 sp./1,000 sq. ft. & 1 space per employee (22 emp.) = 34 spaces 2,880 sq. ff. of auto service and repair x 2 sp./1,000 sq. ft. = 6 spaces Total parking required = 40 spaces Total parking proposed = 43 spaces Proposed parking requirements: 27 Commerce Ave (Contractor facility and auto service and repair use) 15,155 sq. ft. of contractor facility x 0.5 sp./1,000 sq. ft. & 1 space per employee (20 emp.) = 28 spaces 3,045 sq. ff. of auto service and repair x 2 spaces/1,000 sq. ff. = 7 spaces 31 Commerce Ave (Contractor facility) 26,280 sq. ft. of contractor facility x 0.5 sp./1,000 sq. ft. & 1 space per employee (22 emp.) = 36 spaces Total parking required = 71 spaces Total parking proposed = 79 spaces Existing trip generation (based on LUC 130 'Industrial Park*, see attached): 27 Commerce Ave. - 0 VTE 31 Commerce Ave. - 21 VTE Proposed trip generation (based on LUC 130 'Industrial Park*, see attached): 27 Commerce Ave. - 15 VTE 31 Commerce Ave. - 21 VTE Total vehicle trip ends proposed: 36 VTE Total vehicle trip ends approved: 37 VTE *NOTE: Industrial parks are areas containing a number of industrial or related facilities. They are characterized by a mix of manufacturing, service, and warehouse facilities with a wide variation in the proportion of each type of use from one location to another. Many industrial parks contained highly diversified facilities, some with a large number of small businesses and others with one or two dominant industries As discussed we would like to include the proposed uses to the Site Plan Amendment application submitted on February 3rd. If you have any questions or require any additional information please do not hesitate to call. 18-Feb-16 Suck ITE Trip Generation Rates - 9th Edition Instructions: Enter Expected Unit vok,mecinto commn•M Pass -by rates from ITE Trip Generation Handbook - 2nd Edition Notes on Color Coding at_B_ottom (copyrights, Insitute of Transportation Engineers) - Description/ITE Code ITE Vehicle Trip Generation Rates Units (peak hours are for peak hour of adjacent street traffic unless highlighte Expected Units Total Generated Trips Total Distribution of Generated Trios Weekday I AM I PM JPass-ByJ AM In JAM Outl PM In I PM Out Daily AM Hour I PM Hour AM In AM Out Pass -By PM In PM Out Pass -By Industrial Park 130 (27 Commerce 18,200 sq. ft. KSF2 82% 18%1 214 7 182 124 15 1 15 12 3 0 3 12 0 Industrial Park 130 (31 Commerce 26,280 sq ft. KSF2 82% 18'.6 21% 79 26.3 179 22 22 17 4 0 5 17 0 RED Rates = CAUTION - Use Carefully - Small Sample Size Green Rates = Peak Hour of Generator - (no peak rate for the rush hour of adjacent street traffic) Blue Rates = Saturday Daily total - (no weekday daily rate) 'Pass -By % are Rates from Weekay PM Peak Period "The Total Pass -By Trips will be Distributed: 50% IN / 50 % OUT NA = Not Available KSF`-Units of 1,000 square feet I DU = Dwelling Unit Fuel Position = the number of vehicles that could be fueled simultaneously Occ.Room = Occupied Room 18-Feb-16 October 3, 2011 Al Senecal LNP. Inc. 300 Cornerstone Drive, Ste. 130 Williston, VT 05495 Re: New Tenant — Omega Electric Construction Co., Inc. — 31 Commerce Avenue Dear Mr. Senecal: This is in response to your letter dated September 30, 2011 requesting approval under your umbrella permit for a new tenant, Omega Electric Construction Co., Inc., at 31 Commerce Avenue. It is my understanding that this new tenant is a contractor or building trade facility use and will'replace vacant space. A review of the new parking and traffic demands indicate that the limits established under the umbrella permit will not be exceeded; therefore this new tenant is approved. Since this tenant change does result in a change in use, a zoning permit is required. Please contact me to apply for the zoning permit. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer 40+ VERMONT State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED io V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective December 1, 2010 Landowner(s): Alfred Senecal 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington VT 05403 LNP Inc. c/o Alfred Senecal 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington VT 05403 Permit Number: WW-4-3296-2 PIN: EJog-0212 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 0435-00027 referenced in a deed recorded in Book 722 Pages 724-726 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, to add floor drains and an oil and grit separator to a 14,000 square foot commercial building previously approved under Permit Number #WW-4-3296-1 on Lots 39 and 40, to operate as an equipment maintenance facility, located on 27 Commerce Avenue in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. i.GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by Paul O'Leary from O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC, with the stamped plan listed as follows: Sheet Number Title Plan Date Plan Revision Date 1 Site Plan 8/05/2013 3/30/2015 1.2 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits PRIOR to construction including, but not limited to, those that may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission; the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division; the Watershed Management Division; the Division of Fire Safety; the Vermont Department of Health; the Family Services Division; other State departments; or local officials. 1.3 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall record and index this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.4 The landowner shall record and index all required installation certifications and other documents that are required to be filed under these Rules or under a specific permit condition in the South Burlington Land Records and ensure that copies of all certifications are sent to the Secretary. 1.5 No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a qualified Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) that states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the wastewater system was installed in accordance with the permitted design and all the permit conditions, was inspected, was properly tested, and has successfully met those performance tests", or which otherwise satisfies the requirements of §1-3o8 and §1-911 of the referenced rules. x Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable Water )ly Permit WW-4-3296-2 Page 2 of 2 1.6 This project is approved for the addition of floor drains and an oil and grit separator to a 14,000 square foot commercial building previously approved under Permit Number #WW-4-3296-1. Construction of additional nonexempt buildings, including commercial and residential buildings, is not allowed without prior review and approval by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. No construction is allowed that will cause non-compliance with an existing permit. 1.7 All conditions set forth in Permit Number #WW-4-3296-1 shall remain in effect except as amended or modified herein. 1.8 Each purchaser of any portion of the project shall be shown a copy of the Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit and the stamped plan prior to conveyance of any portion of the project to that purchaser. 1.9 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations, and permit conditions. 1.10 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with io V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 This project (#27 Commerce Avenue) is approved for connection to the municipal water supply system for an increase of ioo gallons of water per day, for a maximum of 235 gallons of water per day. 2.2 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their water distribution system. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. 3.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 The components of the sanitary wastewater system herein approved shall be routinely and reliably inspected during construction by a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) who shall, upon completion and prior to occupancy of the associated building, report in writing to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division that the installation was accomplished in accordance with the referenced plans and permit conditions, as specifically directed in Condition #i.5 herein. 3.2 This project (#27 Commerce Avenue) is approved for connection to the municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the plan stamped by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division. The project is approved for an increase of ioo gallons of wastewater per day for a maximum of 208 gallons of wastewater per day. 3.3 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required if the project is served by the municipal wastewater collection system. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. David K. Mears, Commissioner Departm t of Environmental Conservation By i Dated April 22, 2015 Dolores M. Eckert, Assistant Regional Engineer Essex Regional Office Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division cc South Burlington Planning Commission Paul O'Leary Act 25o District Environmental Commission (4Co643-26) Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety & South Burlington Planning Zoning /' New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees ONN Project Completed by April 1, 2015 Project Name & Address 27 Commerce avenue Property Owner LNP, Inc. Effective Date TOTAL IMPACT FEE $19,515. Fire Impact Fees: Value of New Construction: Type of Construction Type of Use Fireproofed Steel Skeleton or Reinforced Concrete 866 SF Masonry or Concrete Bearing S69 _ _ S96 S113 S71 SF Wood Frame Structure SF Pre -Fab Steel Structure _ S64 _ S88 _510 S67 SF 14,000 Industrial/Manufacturing S65 Engineering & Research - _ _ _ S88 S93 5110 General Office S123 S133 Medical Office_ - _ S69 General Retail_ 884 — S54 S51 S41 Auto Service Facility S10 884 S741 S81 08 Elder Care Facilitv __ S721 _ S72 Sprinkler credit? (Enter 1 if yes) Total Value of New Structure: Total Value of New Structure & Contents: Current grand list value of property: Past payments credit: Post construction value of structure & land Future payments credit: Base fee: NET FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE: Road Impact Fee PM Peak Hour VTEs 1 $896,000 $2,240,000 $199,000 $165.17 $1,095,000.00 $0.00 $1,350.72 $1,185.55 South Burlington Planning Zoning ANew Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Project Completed by April 1, 2015 Past payments credit: $329.79 Future payments credit: $525.60 OTHER CREDITS: NET ROAD IMPACT FEE $15,142.37 Police Impact Fee Square Feet of New Structure or Addition Base Fee: Square feet of existing structure to be removed Creditable amount Existing Single family homes to be removed Existing 2-3 Family structures to be removed Existing 4+ Family Structures to be removed Creditable Amount Current Grand List Value of Site Past Payments credit: Estimated Post -Construction Value Future payments credit: NET POLICE IMPACT FEE 1 $3,328.64 1 1 $0.00 1 K1 199000 $79.60 $742,000.00 $140.98 $3,187.66 TABLE PD-7 ESTIMATED POST -DEVELOPMENT VALUES PER SQUARE FOOT OF FLOOR SPACE Type of Use Industrial/Manufa cturing Engineerin g and Office (General) Medical General Retail $96 Auto ServiceJ Elderly Care Motels Fireproofed Steel Sketloton or Reinforced Concrete Structure $76 $100 $141 _Office $152 NA $117 NA SF Masonry or Concrete Bearing Wall Structure SF $56 $79 $110 $129 $81 $62 $96 $85 Wood Frame Structure $53 $74 $106 $126 $79 $58 $93 $82 Q� South Burlington Planning Zoning New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Project Completed by April 1, 2015 f� SF Pre -Fab Steel Structure $53 $73 $101 $119 $77 $47 $89 $82 SF 14,000 04/10/2014 City of South Burlington Grand Ast Page 1 of 1 10:26 am Parcel Report ray For Parcel: 0435-00027. LNP INC Name LNP INC 31 COMMERCE AVE S BURLINGTON VT 05403 Location (A) LOT 40 911 27 COMMERCE AVE Tax Map 08-049-000 Desc. 1.99 ACRES COMM Codes: (1) (Category)M (Equipment) (Owner)C Wood Crop Pasture Other Site Total Acres: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.99 Real Land Building Equipment Inventory Values: 199,000 199,000 0 0 0 Homestead Veterans Farm Stab. L.U. Acres Land Use 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contract Lease Prev. Egpm Land Use Amt Prev. Real 0 0.00 0 0.00 199,000 Housesite Special Exmp Grand List 0.00 0.00 1,990.00 Misc: Status: T Bill #: 50887 Updated: 06/03/2013 Last sale was: Invalid on 08/10/2005 for $420000 recorded on 722/724 Grievance Info: Flag: N Remarks: (1) Misc Fields: (0): 150057000 (8) : N (9): 06/16/00 SPAN: 600-188-10449 „, ” southburlin2ton PLANNING & ZONING May 8, 2014 Tatum Lauten O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suite # 1 Essex Jct., VT 05452 Re: Approval Extension — 27 Commerce Avenue - #SD-13-27 Dear Mr. Lauten: Please be advised that the So. Burlington Development Review Board at its May 6, 2014 meeting approved your request of April 23, 2014 for a six (6) month extension to the time limit in condition #8 of the above referenced decision. You now have until November 5, 2014 to obtain a zoning permit for this project. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sinc y R ymond J. Belair Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING April 23, 2014 %T'. Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: 27 Commerce Ave - #SD-13-27 - Request for extension of deadline to obtain zoning permit. Dear Ray: I am writing on behalf of LNP, Inc. c/o Al Senecal to request a six month extension of the deadline to obtain a zoning permit for his project at 27 Commerce Avenue. The project received final approval at the October 15, 2013 meeting of the Development Review Board (effective 11/05/13). Per condition #8 of the Decision the applicant is required to obtain a Zoning Permit within six months of the approval (05/05/14). The applicant is in the process of renewing the State stormwater discharge permit for the property to satisfy a condition required by the District Environmental Commission prior to issuance of an Act 250 permit for the project. The stormwater discharge permit is an umbrella permit for the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park subdivision and the Applicant is in the process of working with the original permittees, John and Joyce Belter, and the City of South Burlington to bring the Ethan Allen Farms stormwater system into compliance and obtain a stormwater discharge permit renewal. The Applicant is requesting the extension in order to postpone payment of the impact fees required by the City for the zoning permit until after an Act 250 permit has been issued by the State. Consideration of this request by the Development Review Board at the next scheduled meeting would be appreciated. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, Tatum Lauten, E.I. 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE 41 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke com 40`-;�eVERMONT > State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective December 1, 2010 Landowner(s): Alfred Senecal Permit Number: WW-4-3296-1 LNP, Inc. PIN:EJog-0212 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington VT 05403 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 0435-00027-C, 0435-00031-C referenced in a deed recorded in Book 722 Pages 724-726 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of amending Permit #WW-4-3296 to construct a 14, 000 square foot warehouse and office building with nine employees on Lots 39 & 40 with an existing commercial building with thirty one employees, construction of new water service line, and wastewater collection system, served by municipal water supply services and municipal wastewater disposal services located on 27 & 31 Commerce Avenue in the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park, South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. 1. GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the following plans and/or documents prepared by Paul O'Leary, P.E. of O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, with the stamped plans listed as follows: Sheet Number Title Plan Date Plan Revision Date 1 - Existing Conditions 8/o6/2013 2 Site Plan 8/05/2013 3/24/2014 8 Sewer and Water Details 8/05/2013 3/24/2014 1.2 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits PRIOR to construction including, but not limited to, those that may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission; the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division; the Watershed Management Division; the Division of Fire Safety; the Vermont Department of Health; the Family Services Division; other State departments; or local officials. 1.3 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall record and index this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.4 The landowner shall record and index all required installation certifications and other documents that are required to be filed under these Rules or under a specific permit condition in the South Burlington Land Records and ensure that copies of all certifications are sent to the Secretary. 1.5 No permit issued by the Secretary shall be valid for a substantially completed potable water supply and wastewater system until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a Vermont Licensed Designer that states: "I hereby certify that, in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment, the installation -related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply and wastewater system were installed in accordance with the permitted design and all the permit conditions, were inspected, were properly tested, and have successfully met those performance tests", or which otherwise satisfies the requirements of §1-3o8 and §1-911 of the referenced rules. Regional Offices — Barre Essex Jet. Rutland S rin eld St. Johnsbury / / / P 9.fi / y Wastewater System and Potable Water ' ply Permit W W-4-3296-1 i Page 2 of 3 1.6 All conditions set forth in Permit Number WW-4-3296 shall remain in effect except as amended or modified herein. This project is approved for the construction of a 14,000 sf warehouse and office with 9 employees on Lots 39 and 40 with the existing 26, 28o sf commercial warehouse and office building with 31 employees. 1.7 Construction of additional nonexempt buildings, including commercial and residential buildings, is not allowed without prior review and approval by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division and such approval will not be granted unless the proposal conforms to the applicable laws and regulations. No construction is allowed that will cause non-compliance with an existing permit. 1.8 Each purchaser of any portion of the project shall be shown a copy of the Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit and the stamped plan(s), if applicable, prior to conveyance of any portion of the project to that purchaser. 1.9 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations, and permit conditions. 1.10 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with 10 V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 The components of the potable water supply herein approved shall be routinely and reliably inspected during construction by a Vermont Licensed Designer who shall, upon completion and prior to occupancy of the associated building, report in writing to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division that the installation was accomplished in accordance with the referenced plans and permit conditions, as specifically directed in Condition #1.5 herein. 2.2 This project is approved for connection to the water supply system owned by the City of South Burlington for an increase of 135 gallons of water per day for the new building and an existing 465 gallons for the existing building. 2.3 This project is approved for connection to a public water system. The installation of the public water system shall be completed in accordance with the conditions of the Public Water System Permit to Construct'PID#C-3o85- 13.0 WSID #5o9i dated 04/04/2014 or any subsequent approvals for this system issued by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division. 2.4 The landowner shall install and maintain backflow prevention devices that conform to Vermont Department of Public Safety standards and NFPA 13 for any connection of a sprinkler fire suppression system to a public drinking water system. 2.5 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their water distribution system. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. .q.WASTEWATER DISPOSAL 3.1 The components of the sanitary wastewater system herein approved shall be routinely and reliably inspected during construction by a Vermont Licensed Designer (or where allowed, the installer) who shall, upon completion and prior to occupancy of the associated building, report in writing to the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division that the installation was accomplished in accordance with the referenced plans and permit conditions, as specifically directed in Condition #1.5 herein. 3.2 This project is approved for connection to the city of South Burlington wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the plan(s) stamped by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division. The project is approved for an increase of io8 gallons of water per day for the new buildings and an existing 465 gallons for the existing building. Wastewater System and Potable Water P ply Permit WW-4-3296-1 I Page 3 Qf 3 3.3 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval. If the municipality approval expires, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required for the project. A new municipal approval letter shall be required if the project is served by the municipal wastewater collection system. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. David K. Mears, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Dated April 9, 2014 Jes ne Wyman, Reg n�Engineer Essex Regional Office Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division cc South Burlington Planning Commission Paul O'Leary Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division -Public Program Act 25o District Environmental Commission-4Co643-26 Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety /` VERMONT Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natural Resources Drinldng Water and Groundwater Protection Division 1 National Life Drive [phone] 802-241-3400 (Main Building — Floor 2) [in -state] 800-823-6500 Montpelier, VT 05620-3521 [fax] 802-828-1541 www.chinldngwater.vt.gov PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PROJECT #C-3085-13.0 WSID #5091 PIN # EJ09-0212 PERMITTEE: ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: TOWN LOCATION A. General LNP, Inc. c/o Al Senecal, Jr. 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington, VT 05403 27 Commerce Avenue South Burlington, VT This Construction Permit is issued under the authority of 10 V.S.A., Chapter 56. This Construction Permit is granted based on a review which determined the proposed project, if built in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, will conform to design standards contained in the Vermont Water Supply Rules (Rules) and will therefore not constitute a public health hazard or a public health risk. The review did not, however, include the structural engineering aspects of this project which are not subject to the Rules. B. Project Description The project involves an extension of South Burlington City Water System's existing water supply main located off of Commerce Avenue. The extension of the water supply main will be made with approximately 50 linear feet (If) of 8-inch and 10 if of 6-inch Class 52 Ductile Iron pipe for the connection of one new hydrant assembly and of a water service line for a proposed office/warehouse building. C. Project Conditions 1. The project shall be constructed, tested, and inspected in accordance with this permit and the following plans and specifications prepared and submitted by O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC. Sheet No. Drawing Date Last Revision Date. 2 and 8 August 5, 2013 March 24, 2014 The total number of sheets reviewed by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation for this project is two. To preserve, enhance, restore, and conserve Vermont's natural resources, and protect human health, for the benefit of this and future generations. 1 Permit to Construct 27 Commerce Avenue Page 2 of 3 2. All construction on this project must be completed by April 30, 2016. If construction has not been completed by that date, this permit shall expire and a new permit must be obtained before construction can continue. This construction completion date may be extended for good cause if a written request for an extension is received by the Department of Environmental Conservation by April 1, 2016. 3. No changes shall be made in the project without the written approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation. Approval of major modifications will require a permit amendment. 4. An inspection of the completed project shall be performed by a competent inspector under the general supervision of a registered professional engineer. 5. Record Drawings shall be prepared by the professional engineering firm responsible for observation of construction. Record Drawings shall depict the system as it was constructed, including any field modifications. Record Drawings shall be submitted within 60 days of final project field inspection and approval by the responsible engineer. 6. Prior to being placed in operation for potable use, all new portions of the system shall be flushed, pressure tested, disinfected and flushed again. Following this procedure, at least two samples must be collected from representative sample points and sent to the Vermont Department of Health Laboratory at 195 Colchester Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401 (or any other Vermont Department of Health certified laboratory) for Bacteriological Examination of Public Water Supply and indicate on the form that it is for a new system. Coliform Absent sample results are required before the system may be placed "on line" for potable water use. The pressure/leakage and bacteriological test results shall be submitted to the Department of Environmental Conservation along with the Record Drawings. 7. Until the construction authorized by this Construction Permit has been completed and the Record Drawings have been submitted, this permit is not transferable or assignable and shall automatically become invalid upon a change of ownership or upon suspension or revocation. 8. By acceptance of this Construction Permit, the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the project, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental laws and this permit. 9. This Construction Permit may be appealed to the Environmental Division of the Superior Court within 30 days of the date of the decision in accordance with 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. Signed at Montpelier, VT this 46 day of April, 2014. Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation David K. Mears, Commissioner Christine Thompson, Director Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Permit to Construct 27 Commerce Avenue Page 3 of 3 IM South Burlington City Water System O'Leary:Burke Civil Associates, PLC (poleary@olearyburke.com) Ernestine Chevrier, James Sandberg, Jessanne Wyman, Essex Junction Regional Office, DWGPD Tim Raymond, Engineering & Operations Section Chief, DWGPD Greg Bostock, RE, Senior Environmental Engineer, DWGPD AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCEb ) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WATERSHED MANAGEMENT DIVISION MAIN BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR ONE NATIONAL LIFE DRIVE MONTPELIER, VT 05620-3522 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: June 12, 2014 - June 23, 2014 PERMITTEE INFORMATION PERMITTEE NAMES AND ADDRESSES: Ethan Allen Farms 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington, VT 05403 GENERAL PERMIT NUMBER: 3-9010 PERMIT NUMBER: 3870-9010.R PREVIOUS PERMIT NUMBER: 3870-9010 and 1-0621 DISCHARGE INFORMATION NATURE: Treated stormwater VOLUME: As necessary City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RECEIVING WATER: Unnamed tributaries of the Winooski River EXPIRATION DATE OF AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE: Ten years from issuance date of final permit DESCRIPTION: This is a draft authorization to discharge proposed for issuance to Ethan Allen Farms and the City of South Burlington for the discharge of stormwater runoff from Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision Phase III located in South Burlington, Vermont to unnamed tributaries of the Winooski River. The means of treatment include overland flow, grass swales, and a detention basin. FURTHER INFORMATION The complete application is on file and may be inspected at the VANR, Montpelier office. Copies will be made at a cost based upon the current Secretary of State Official Fee Schedule for Copying Public Records and may be obtained by calling 802-828-1535 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. -2— PUBLIC COMMENTS Written public comments on the proposed authorization to discharge are invited and must be received on or before the close of business day (7:45 am - 4:30 pm) June 23, 2014, by the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Watershed Management Division, Stormwater Management Program, Main Building, Second Floor, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, Vermont 05620-3522 or send via email to am.wsmdstormwatercommentsnstate.vt.us. If sending by mail, the general permit number should appear next to the VANR address on the envelope and on the first page of any submitted comments. If sending by e-mail, the general permit number should appear on the subject line. All comments received by the above date will be considered by DEC prior to issuance of an authorization to discharge under the general permit. FINAL ACTION/APPEAL At the conclusion of the public notice period and after consideration of additional information received during the public notice period, the VANR will make a final determination to issue or to deny an authorization to discharge under the general permit. Renewable Energy Projects — Right to Appeal to Public Service Board: Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Vermont Public Service Board pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §8506 within 30 days of the date of this decision. The appellant must file with the Clerk an original and six copies of its appeal. The appellant shall provide notice of the filing of an appeal in accordance with 10 V.S.A. §8504(c)(2), and shall also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Vermont Department of Public Service. For information, see the Rules and General orders of the Public Service Board available on line at www.psb.vermont.gov. The address for the Public Service Board is 112 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05620-2701 (Tel. #802-828-2358). All Other Projects — Right to Appeal to the Environmental Court Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $250.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be sign_ed_bv the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciary.oriz. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Telephone #802-828-1660). David K. Mears, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENT CASE: #4C1258-1 A & C Realty c/o Al Senecal 31 Commerce Street South Burlington, VT 05403 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 — 6092 (Act 250) Act 250 Rule 34(D) District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Administrative Amendment #4C1258-1 pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A., §§ 6001-6093. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 453, Page 578, of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont. This permit hereby incorporates all of the following revised plans: Sheet 1 - "100-Scale Overall Plan, Lands of A & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, last revision 10-23- 13; Sheet 2 - "30-Scale Site Plan, Lands of A & C Realty" -dated 03-22-12, last revision 10-23-13; Sheet 3 - "30-Scale Landscaping Plan, Lands of A & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, last revision 9- 27-13; Sheet 4 - "30-Scale Lighting Plan, Lands of A & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, revision 9-27-13; Sheet 5 - "Roads & Sewers Details & Specifications, Lands of & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, last revision 10-23-13; Sheet 6 - "Water, Landscaping & Erosion Control Details & Specifications, Lands of A & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, last revision 12-27-13; Sheet 7 - "Storm, Landscaping & Erosion Control Details & Specifications, Lands of A & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, last revision 9-27-13; Sheet 8 - "30-Scale Sewer Profile, Lands of A & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, last revision 12-27- 13; and Sheet 9 - "Entrance Road (sta 0+00 to 3+00) & Utility Connections, Lands of A & C Realty" dated 03-22-12, last revision 05-03-13. 2. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit #ww-4-4046-1 issued on January 8, 2014 by the Regional Engineer, Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division, Department of Environmental Conservation, Agency of Natural Resources. Any nonmaterial changes to the above -referenced permit shall be incorporated herein automatically. LUP #4C1258-1 Page 2 of 2 3. Except as amended herein, all terms and conditions of Land Use Permit #1258 and subsequent amendments remain in f.6HI force and effect. Dated at Essex Jct. Vermont, this / day of January, 2014. By`� l Pete E. Keibel, District #4 Coordinator District #4, Natural Resources Board 111 West Street Essex Jct., VT 05452 802-879-5658 Peter. Keibel@state.vt. us This permit is issued pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34(D), Administrative Amendments, which authorizes a district coordinator, on behalf of the District Commission, to "amend a permit without notice or hearing when an amendment is necessary for record -keeping purposes or to provide authorization for minor revisions to permitted projects raising no likelihood of impacts under the criteria of the Act." The rule also provides that all parties of record and current adjoining landowners shall receive a copy of any administrative amendment. Prior to any appeal of this Administrative Amendment to the Superior Court, Environmental Division, the applicant or a party must file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this Administrative Amendment, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34(D)(2). w:\nrb\dist4\projects\4c1251-4c1500\4c1258\4c1258-1\4c1258-1 aa.docx 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify on this 215t day of January, 2014, a copy of the foregoing ACT 250 LAND USE PERMIT #4C1258-1, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the following individuals without email addresses and by email to the individuals with email addresses listed. Note: any recipient may change its preferred method of receiving notices and other documents by contacting the District Office staff at the mailing address or email below. If you have elected to receive notices and other documents by email, it is your responsibility to notify our office of any email address changes. All email replies should be sent to n rb-act250essex(a) state. vt. us Please note you can now fill out and submit the Act 250 survey online at: http://permits.vermont.gov/act250-survey instead of printing and mailing the attached pdf version. A & C Realty LLC c/o Al Seneca[ 31 Commerce Street South Burlington, VT 05403 asenecal(5)omegavt.com Cobloka Trust c/o Finard Development 155 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05401 Paul O'Leary O'Leary -Burke Civil Associate 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1 Essex Jct., VT 05452 polearyCa.oleary-burke.com Chair, Selectboard/Chair, Planning Commission City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Charlie Baker, Exec. Dir./Regina Mahony, Sr. Planner Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission 110 West Canal Street, Suite 202 Winooski, VT 05404 cbaker a()ccrpcvt. orq rmahony(aDccrpcvt org Elizabeth Lord, Land Use Attorney Agency of Natural Resources National Life Drive, Davis 2 Montpelier, VT 05602 anr.act250(a)state.vt. us Barry Murphy Vt. Dept. of Public Service 112 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 barry. murphyQ_state. vt. us Craig Keller Utilities & Permits/VTrans One National Life Drive, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633 craig. keller(c)-state. vt. us Louise Waterman Vt. Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets 116 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2901 louise.waterman6bstate.vt. us Division for Historic Preservation National Life Building, Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620 scott.dillon(a.state.vt. us 0ames.duggan(c�state.vt.us FOR YOUR INFORMATION DISTRICT #4 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Tom Little, Chair 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 ADJOINING LANDOWNERS On File at District Commission Office Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 215t day of January, 2014.A/' /s/ Barbara J.-Cady Administrative Secretary 8 9-5610 VV\NRB\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C1251-4C1500\4C1258\4C1258-1\4C1258-1 csPermit.docx o State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Essex Regional Office ill West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septtic.vt.gov December 9, 2013 Alfred Senecal 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington VT 05403 LNP, Inc. 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington VT 05403 Agency of Natural Resources [phone] 802-879-5656 [fax] 802-879-3871 RE: WW-4-3296-1, amend WW-4-3296 to construct a 14, 000 square foot warehouse and office building with nine employees on Lots 39 & 40 with an existing commercial building with thirty one employees located at 27 & 31 Commerce Avenue in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above -referenced project on December 9, 2013, including a fee Of $245.00 paid by check #8oi9. Under the performance standards for this program, we will have a maximum Of 3o days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 30 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. If you submitted your application electronically through eDEC, your consultant will need to upload any revisions and send an email to Ernestine Chevrier, James Sandberg and the reviewer notifying us that you have resubmitted information. This email should reference both the eDEC number and the WW number for the project. For the Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division Ernestine Chevrier Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Paul O'Leary/O'Leary-Burke Civil Associates Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT Dedicated to Quality Water & Service November 22, 2013 Mr. Tatum Lauten O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1 Essex Junction, VT 05452 RE: Act 250 Review — 27 Commerce Avenue, South Burlington, Vermont Dear Mr. Lauten: 403 Queen City Park Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 864-7454 Fax: (802) 864-0435 In response to your request for information regarding the Champlain Water District's capability to supply water to the referenced proposed project, we submit the following: 1. Water is supplied to the referenced area via a 24" transmission main and local distribution mains. 2. Existing water storage is located south of the Dorset Street and Swift Street intersection, as provided by a 2,100,000 gallon water storage tank. 3. Your water supply requirement for this proposed office / warehouse could be furnished by the Champlain Water District without restricting or encumbering its present users on the CWD supply system. CWD water treatment and transmission capacity is sufficient to supply this increase in system demand. 4. Capability of the local water distribution system and adequacy of local water storage volume must be verified by the local water system official. 5. This letter of availability is valid for a 3-year period commencing on today's date and ending on November 22, 2016. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT Richard A. Pratt Chief Engineer / Assistant General Manager cc: J. Fay J. Tymecki J. Rabidoux R. Belair (r southburlington_ PLANNING & ZONING November 6, 2013 Paul O'Leary O'Leary — Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Circle, Suite #1 Essex Jct., VT 05452 Re: Preliminary & Final Plat Approval #SD-13-27 — 27 Commerce Avenue Dear Mr. O'Leary: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision of the Development Review Board on the above referenced project, the hearing for which was closed on October 15, 2013 (effective 11/05/13). Please note the conditions of approval, including that the final plat plan must be recorded in the land records (in mylar format) within 180 days (must be submitted to me in time for recording along with a $15 recording fee by May 2, 21D14) or this approval is null and void. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT: 7010 0290 0000 2215 5723 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: October 11, 2013 SD_13_27_27CommerceAvenue_prelim_and_final_Oct_15_m Application received: August 9, 2013 tg Agenda #2 Owner/Applicant LPN, Inc., c/o Al Senecal 25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 Williston, VT 05495 AL SENECAL — 27 COMMERCE AVENUE PRELIMINARYAND & FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-13-27 Meeting Date: October 15, 2013 Engineer Property Information O'Leary Burke Civil Associates Tax Parcel 0435-00027 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1 4.2 acres Essex Junction, VT 05452 Industrial Commercial Zoning District CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtq.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION Preliminary & final plat application #SD-13-27 of LNP, Inc. to amend a previously approved plan for a 26,280 sq. ft. mixed use commercial/industrial building with an umbrella approval. The amendment consists of a planned unit development to construct a new 14,000 sq. ft. building with its own umbrella approval for a mixture of potential commercial/industrial uses, 27 Commerce Avenue. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on August 9, 2013 and have the following comments. This application was continued from the October 1, 2013 meeting to provide the applicant an opportunity to revise the landscaping plan to provide additional plantings and to add a hydrant. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements Nixed Industrial and Commercial Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 40,000 SF 182,850 Max. Building Coverage 40% 20.3% Max. Overall Coverage 70% 65.4% Front Yard Coverage 30% 29.9% Min. Front Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. 10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. Zoning compliance SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The City of South Burlington Water Department has no comments with respect to the water system. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer has no comments with respect to the wastewater system CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mta.doc The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Preliminary wastewater allocation has not been obtained. 1. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. 2. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control asset forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to the subject lot is proposed via an existing driveway that connects to Commerce Avenue and that is currently used to serve a two story existing warehouse at 31 Commerce Avenue. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The plan delineates a Class Two wetland located to the south of the property and its associated 50 ft. buffer. The parcel itself as well as the proposed building is located outside of the buffer. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed building is compatible with those already built in the area and the proposed use is consistent with the purposes of the Mixed Industrial Commercial Zoning District. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The proposed building and parking are located outside a wetland buffer area to the south. Existing trees and new tree plantings are also proposed along the parcel's southern boundary. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The SBFD Fire Chief provided the following comments to staff on September 271h: We have reviewed the plans for this proposed project. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. Commercial structures will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtq.doc 2. Sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of allfire alarm and protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxe(s), location to be specified by SBFD. 6. A minimum of one (1) new fire hydrant shall be added on the north side of the building. 3. The applicant should adhere to the Fire Department's recommendations. On October 10, 2013 the Fire Chief provided the following additional comments: I have reviewed the updated plan which shows the additional fire hydrant as requested per our review of September 27, 2013. The placement/positioning looks acceptable. Water flow information will need to be provided when the fire protection plans are submitted to the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Code. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The plans provide a safe access to the lot via the proposed access drive. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. This criterion is being met. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision of this property is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Based upon a 9,800 SF warehouse and an 8,400 SF office, a total of thirty-five (35) new parking spaces are required. Thirty-six (36) parking spaces are proposed of which two (2) are handicapped -accessible. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtg.doc Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street, (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re -used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s), or, (v) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all building(s) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate. a) The proposed 15 parking spaces along the eastern edge of the lot will become part of the lot to the east that serves the building at 31 Commerce Avenue. This would trigger the requirement contained in Article 13, Section 13.06 (B) Landscaping of Parking Areas that "parking areas containing twenty-eight (28) or more contiguous parking spaces .......... at least ten percent (10%) of the interior of the parking lot shall be landscaped islands planted with trees, shrubs and other plants. The applicant has submitted a plan sheet showing that 12.8% of the parking lot interior is green space with proposed plantings of trees, shrubs or other plants as detailed in the applicant's landscape plan. Staff feels that this requirement of Section 13.06 is met. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtq.doc b) Upon completion of the building, this will complete the PUD with 31 Commerce Avenue. The 31 Commerce Avenue building is currently approved for a total of twenty-one (21) pm peak hour vehicle trip ends (vtes) and 43 parking spaces. The applicant is requesting an allocation of 16 additional vtes in connection with the construction of the new building at 27 Commerce Avenue and will have to pay the road impact fee based upon this number. The combined uses of the two buildings will become the parameter regulating vte and required parking. This project would bring the total requested number of vtes to thirty-seven (37) for the PUD as a whole. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. A bicycle rack is shown on the plans. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The scale of the proposed buildings is compatible with the site and existing buildings in the area. The height of the proposed building is two stories and 20', which is under the 35' height maximum for the City. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 4. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has submitted building elevations and landscaping plans. Staff feels that the proposal is consistent with this requirement. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant has submitted building elevations and landscaping plans. Staff feels that the proposal is consistent with this requirement. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff feels the reservation of additional land is not warranted. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtq.doc Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). No new dumpster is proposed to serve 27 Commerce Avenue. An existing dumpster located at 31 Commerce Avenue is shown and will serve both lots. Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to Section 13.06(G) (2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. The overall construction budget for the building is $540,000. Pursuant to Table 13-9 Landscaping Value Requirements of the Land Development Regulations, the minimum landscaping requirement is $12,400. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan detailing proposed new landscaping with a budget of $12,406.25. The City Arborist has reviewed the plan and indicated to staff via email on October 9th that he considers it to be satisfactory. Staff feels that this requirement is being met. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B)(4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. The plans show a snow storage area for the subject property. As noted in the applicant's comments below concerning stormwater, any snow that is unable to be stored in the snow storage area will be trucked off site. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. The applicant has submitted a lighting point by point plan l CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtq.doc and lighting cut -sheets with submission of the site plan application. Staff feels that this requirement is being met. Section 3.09(B) (2) Umbrella Permit The applicant is seeking an umbrella approval for the new building for the following permitted uses: Office; Contractor or building trade facility; Distribution and related storage; Equipment service, repair & rental; Retail warehouse outlet; Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance; Auto and motorcycle sales and service, and Light manufacturing If the land development regulations change so that any of the above uses are no longer permitted, then those uses which are no longer permitted shall no longer be approved. These uses shall not exceed in need the current approved number of parking spaces without further review and approval by the Development Review Board. Department of Public Works Comments, stormwater: provided to staff on September 20, 2013: I reviewed the plans for the proposed office/warehouse located on lot 40 of the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park project located at 27 Commerce Avenue, dated 815113, and prepared O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC. I would like to offer the following review comments: 1. The project will disturb greater than I acre of land and will require a construction stormwater permit (3- 9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. This should be noted on the final decision. 2. Theproject will create greater than 1 acre of impervious area and will require a stormwaterpermit (3- 9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The project may be subject to an existing State stormwater permit issued to the Ethan Allen Industrial Park, which may satisfy State permitting requirements. The applicant should provide information to clarify the State stormwater permitting status for this project. The DRB should note the requirement for State stormwater permitting on the final decision, or if the property is covered under an existing permit the permit number should be provided by the applicant and indicated in the final decision. 3. The project proposes to utilize a swale along the south, west and north property boundary to direct stormwater runoffgenerated on site to a 15"pipe that connects to an existing drainage system under Commerce Avenue. This existing drainage system under Commerce Avenue eventually discharges into a stormwater pond located to the west. a. The plans show an existing drainage pipe (labeled 8"PVC) crossing the northwest corner of the property. What is the condition of this pipe? Records at the DPW indicate that there is a storm drain included on this pipe run that is located at the NW corner of the property. The plans do not show this storm drain. Please confirm that this storm drain does not exist and that water will not leave the site via the 8"PVCpipe. b. The proposed project includes addition of - 46,750 s. f. of pavement and walkway, but snow storage is limited to a - 1,200 sf. area located in the southeast corner of the property. Please confirm that this is enough space for snow storage. If snow is pushed into the swale surrounding the property it could cause water to flow onto adjacent properties. c. A detail for the proposed drainage swale shows a 12" bottom and 2:1 side slopes. Please provide information showing that this Swale is has adequate capacity to convey runoff from the site to the CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 9 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtq.doc drainage system under Commerce Avenue and that the swale will not overtop during larger storm events (e.g. the 10 yr or 25 yr, 24 hour event.). 4. Is invert information available for the existing storm manhole with rim located at 218 5. Provide an invert elevation for the parking lot underdrain that discharges to the drainage swale near the 15"pipe inlet? 6. The "typical parking and underdrain detail" on page 7 indicates that the underdrain pipe is 4"solid PVC, but a note indicates that this is 4"perforated PVC pipe. 7. Confirm that the property will not contain additional dumpsters. 8. The plans contain a detail for an outlet structure. Where is this structure located on the property? 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. 10. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be kept on file. The applicant's engineer, Paul O'Leary, responded to the above comments in a letter dated 9/25/13. I have reviewed your comments on the plans for the proposed officelwarehouse located on lot 40 of the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park project located at 27 Commerce Avenue dated 9-18-13. In response I have the following comments: 1. The applicant will apply for a Construction Stormwater Permit #3-9020 from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. 2. The project is subject to State Stormwater Permit #3870-9010. The permit specifically authorizes stormwater runoff from Lots 22 through 40 to be conveyed via an existing closed collection system to a detention basin located on Lot 35. The permit assumes up to 70% impervious coverage on the lot. Please refer to the copy of Permit #3870-9010 included with this letter. 3. a) The existing drainage pipe was found to be in poor condition and no easement rights to utilize the storm pipe were found. Therefore, the pre-existing 8"drainage pipes were not utilized as part of the Stormwater conveyance design for the applicant's lots. Instead Stormwater will be directed to the 15" pipe that connects to an existing drainage system under Commerce Ave. Field investigations have not revealed the existence of the storm drain in the northwest corner of the parcel referenced in your letter and therefore were not included on the plans. b) Snow which cannot be plowed onto the snow storage area will be collected and trucked offsite as needed. No snow will be plowed into the proposed swale. c) Two Hydro CAD models were developed to confirm the ability of the swale on the property to convey stormwater runoff and prevent overtopping onto neighboring property. Please refer to the attached HydroCAD data for details on the model. The swales were originally designed for a 10 year storm event and have been modified slightly to now accommodate the 25 year storm event. The model output sheets titled `Upper Swale'refer to the portion of the swale along the southerly and westerly edges of the parcel. The swale was expanded to a bottom width of 2.5' and depth of 1 ' to accommodate the peak 25 year runoff from the site of 4.55 cfs. The model output sheets titled Design Swale' refer to the portion of the swale along the northerly edge of the parcel. The 4' wide and 1.5' deep channel is sufficient to convey the peak 25 year runoff of 5.51 cfs. 4. The existing storm manhole invert is at 218.6' and the rim is at 223' the plans have been corrected to reflect these values. 5. The invert elevation for the parking lot underdrain that discharges to the drainage swale is 220.1. 6. The detail has been corrected to reflect that the proposed underdrain pipe is a 4"perforated PVCpipe. 7. The property will not contain any additional dumpsters. 8. The outlet structure depicted on the detail sheet is located on the currently developed portion of the property (Lot 39) and is shown on Sheet 1-Existing Conditions. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 10 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final Oct 15 mtp.doc 9. All stormwater treatment and conveyance structures will be regularly maintained by the applicant. 10. The final hydrologic modeling will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for their files. The Public Works Department indicated via an email on October 4ch to staff that they reviewed the applicant's response and had no further comment RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the applicant addresses the numbered items in the "Comments Section" of this document and present them to the Board before the Board closes the hearing. Respectfully submitted, l Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer Copy to: Paul O'Leary, contact person South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-846-4110 October 10, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair, Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Proposed mixed use commercial/industrial building 27 Commerce Avenue Dear Ray: I have reviewed the updated plan which shows the additional fire hydrant as requested per our review of September 27, 2013. The placement/positioning looks acceptable. Water flow information will need to be provided when the fire protection plans are submitted to the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Code. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, D—gz.& s. Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief Page 1 of 3 ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 2:22 PM To: ray Subject: RE: 27 Commerce Ave. Ray, I reviewed the updated information and have no further comment. Please note that my prior comments included recommendations for inclusion in the final decision. Also, please note Paul's comment about snow storage in his 9/25/13 response to comments. Their plan is to truck snow off site if it can't be stored in the area indicated on the plan. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works City of South Burlington Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared. for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you.for your cooperation. From: ray Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 8:59 AM To: Tom Dipietro Subject: RE: 27 Commerce Ave. No, it got continued for a couple of reasons, one of them being the Board wants to have your comments in before they close the hearing. The project was continued to 10/15 so could we have your comments by Monday the 7th? Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainabilitv.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 7:41 AM 10/4/2013 1 Page 2 of 3 To: ray Subject: RE: 27 Commerce Ave. Ray, Found this hidden amongst the many "to do" items in my inbox. Did this get approved finalized by the DRB last night? -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works City of South Burlington Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. !f you have received this message in error, please notify its immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: ray Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 1:32 PM To: Tom Dipietro Subject: FW: 27 Commerce Ave. Tom, Please copy me on your response to Paul O'Leary's comments so I can pass them along to the DRB. Can you have them by next Tuesday? Ray Belair Administrative Officer City of So. Burlington 575 Dorset Street So. Burlington, VT 05403 802-846-4106 www.sburl.com www.sbpathtosustainability.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Paul O'Leary [mailto:poleary@olearyburke.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 3:31 PM To: Tom Dipietro Cc: ray; tlauten(ftlearvburke.com Subject: 27 Commerce Ave. Hi Tom — 10/4/2013 Page 3 of 3 Thanks for your comments on 27 Commerce. Please find attached a response. We will send a hard copy in the mail. Paul O'Leary Jr. O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Drive Suite # 1 Essex Junction, VT (802) 878-9990 poleary(2olearyburke.com 10/4/2013 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD I Report preparation date: September 27, 2013 SD_13_27_27CommerceAvenue_prelim_and_final Application received: August 9, 2013 AL SENECAL — 27 COMMERCE AVENUE Agenda #5 PRELIMINARYAND & FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD-13-27 Meeting Date: October 1, 2013 Owner/Applicant LPN, Inc., c/o Al Senecal 25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 Williston, VT 05495 Engineer Property Information O"Leary Burke Civil Associates Tax Parcel 0435-00027 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1 4.2 acres Essex Junction, VT 05494 1 Industrial Commercial Zoning District CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION Preliminary & final plat application #SD-13-27 of LNP, Inc. to amend a previously approved plan for a 26,280 sq. ft. mixed use commercial/industrial building with an umbrella approval. The amendment consists of a planned unit development to construct a new 14,000 sq. ft. building with its own umbrella approval for a mixture of potential commercial/industrial uses, 27 Commerce Avenue. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Planner Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on August 9, 2013 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Reauirements Mixed Industrial and Commercial Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 40,000 SF 182,850 Max. Building Coverage 40% 20.3% Max. Overall Coverage 70% 65.4% Front Yard Coverage 30% 29.9% Min. Front Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. 10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. � Zoning compliance SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The City of South Burlington Water Department has no comments with respect to the water system. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer has no comments with respect to the wastewater system The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Preliminary wastewater allocation has not been obtained. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc 1. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. 2. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control asset forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to the subject lot is proposed via an existing driveway that connects to Commerce Avenue and that is currently used to serve a two story existing warehouse at 31 Commerce Avenue. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The plan delineates a Class Two wetland located to the south of the property and its associated 50 ft. buffer. The parcel itself as well as the proposed building is located outside of the buffer. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed building is compatible with those already built in the area and the proposed use is consistent with the purposes of the Mixed Industrial Commercial Zoning District. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The proposed building and parking is located outside a wetland buffer area to the south. The proposed parking is located adjacent to existing parking and open space between the existing parcel to the south is maintained. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The SBFD Fire Chief provided the following comments to staff on September 271h: We have reviewed the plans for this proposed project. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. Commercial structures will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. 2. Sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of allfire alarm and protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxe(s), location to be specified by SBFD. 6. A minimum of one (1) new fire hydrant shall be added on the north side of the building. 3. The applicant should adhere to the Fire Department's recommendations. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The plans provide a safe access to the lot via the proposed access drive. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. This criterion is being met. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision of this property is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. Based upon a 9,800 SF warehouse and an 8,400 SF office, a total of thirty-five (35) new parking spaces are required. Thirty-six (36) parking spaces are proposed of which two (2) are handicapped -accessible. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street; (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re -used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s); or, (v) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all building(s) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate. a) The proposed 15 parking spaces along the eastern edge of the lot will become part of the lot to the east that serves the building at 31 Commerce Avenue. This would trigger the requirement contained in Article 13, Section 13.06 (B) Landscaping of Parking Areas that "parking areas containing twenty-eight (28) or more contiguous parking spaces .......... at least ten percent (10%) of the interior of the parking lot shall be landscaped islands planted with trees, shrubs and other plants. The applicant has submitted a plan sheet showing that 12.8% of the parking lot interior is green space. However, the landscape plan sheet does not show any preexisting or proposed plantings of trees, shrubs or other plants on these green space islands. 4. The Board should determine whether this requirement of Section 13.06 is met. b) Upon completion of the building, this will complete the PUD with 31 Commerce Avenue. The 31 Commerce Avenue building is currently approved for a total of twenty-one (21) pm peak hour vehicle trip ends (vtes) and 43 parking spaces. The applicant is requesting an allocation of 16 additional vtes in connection with the construction of the new building at 27 Commerce Avenue and will have to pay the road impact fees based upon number. The combined uses of the two buildings will become the parameter regulating vte and required parking. This project would bring the total requested number of vtes to thirty-seven (37) for the PUD as a whole. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. A bicycle rack is shown on the plans. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The scale of the proposed buildings is compatible with the site and existing buildings in the area. The height of the proposed building is two stories and 20', which is under the 35' height maximum for the City. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 5. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has submitted building elevations and landscaping plans. Staff feels that the proposal is consistent with this requirement. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. The applicant has submitted building elevations and landscaping plans. Staff feels that the proposal is consistent with this requirement. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff feels the reservation of additional land is not warranted. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). No new dumpster is proposed to serve 27 Commerce Avenue. An existing dumpster located at 31 Commerce Avenue is shown and will serve both lots. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to Section 13.06(G) (2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan detailing proposed new landscaping with a budget of $5,222.50. The City Arborist has reviewed the plan and considers it to be satisfactory. The overall construction budget for the building is $540,000. Pursuant to Table 13-9 Landscaping Value Requirements of the Land Development Regulations, the minimum landscaping requirement is $12,400. On a dollar value basis, the proposed new plantings fall below the minimum requirement. Section 13.06(G) notes that "(i)n evaluating landscaping requirements, some credit may be granted for existing trees or for site improvements other than tree planting as long as the objectives of this section are not reduced. The landscape plan details the location of seventeen (17) existing trees. These existing trees were approved and planted in order to meet the Section 13.06 requirements associated with the development of the adjacent Lot #39, also known as 31 Commerce Avenue. The application also notes a $2,000 value in the creation of stormwater treatment features on site although staff feels that this is not applicable towards meeting the objectives of this section. Staff reviewed the findings associated with the approval of the building at 31 Commerce Avenue. The value of those plantings exceeds the landscaping requirements by $254. The plan should be revised to add $6924 of additional landscaping to meet the minimum requirement. 6. The plan should be revised to add $6924 of additional landscaping to meet the minimum requirement. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B)(4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. The plans show a snow storage area for the subject property. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. The applicant has submitted a lighting point by point plan and lighting cut -sheets with submission of the site plan application. Staff feels that this requirement is being met. I CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc Section 3.09(B) (2) Umbrella Permit The applicant is seeking an umbrella approval for the new building for the following permitted uses: Office; Contractor or building trade facility; Distribution and related storage; Equipment service, repair & rental; Retail warehouse outlet; Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance; Auto and motorcycle sales and service, and Light manufacturing If the land development regulations change so that any of the above uses are no longer permitted, then those uses which are no longer permitted shall no longer be approved. These uses shall not exceed in need the current approved number of parking spaces without further review and approval by the Development Review Board. Department of Public Works Comments, stormwater: provided to staff on September 20, 2013: I reviewed the plans for the proposed officelwarehouse located on lot 40 of the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park project located at 27 Commerce Avenue, dated 815113, and prepared O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC. I would like to offer the following review comments: 1. The project will disturb greater than I acre of land and will require a construction stormwater permit (3- 9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. This should be noted on the final decision. 2. The project will create greater than I acre of impervious area and will require a stormwater permit (3- 9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The project may be subject to an existing State stormwater permit issued to the Ethan Allen Industrial Park, which may satisfy State permitting requirements. The applicant should provide information to clarify the State stormwater permitting status for this project. The DRB should note the requirement for State stormwater permitting on the final decision, or if the property is covered under an existing permit the permit number should be provided by the applicant and indicated in the final decision. 3. The project proposes to utilize a swale along the south, west and north property boundary to direct stormwater runoffgenerated on site to a 15 "pipe that connects to an existing drainage system under Commerce Avenue. This existing drainage system under Commerce Avenue eventually discharges into a stormwater pond located to the west. a. The plans show an existing drainage pipe (labeled 8"PVC) crossing the northwest corner of the property. What is the condition of this pipe? Records at the DPW indicate that there is a storm drain included on this pipe run that is located at the NW corner of the property. The plans do not show this storm drain. Please confirm that this storm drain does not exist and that water will not leave the site via the 8"PVCpipe. b. The proposed project includes addition of-46,750 s.f ofpavement and walkway, but snow storage is limited to a -1,200 sf. area located in the southeast corner of the property. Please confirm that this is enough space for snow storage. If snow is pushed into the swale surrounding the property it could cause water to flow onto adjacent properties. c. A detail for the proposed drainage Swale shows a 12" bottom and 2:1 side slopes. Please provide information showing that this swale is has adequate capacity to convey runoff from the site to the drainage system under Commerce Avenue and that the swale will not overtop during larger storm events (e.g. the 10yr or 25 yr, 24 hour event.). 4. Is invert information available for the existing storm manhole with rim located at 218 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 9 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 13 27 27CommerceAvenue prelim and final.doc S. Provide an invert elevation for theparking lot underdrain that discharges to the drainage swale near the 15 "pipe inlet? 6. The "typical parking and underdrain detail" on page 7 indicates that the underdrain pipe is 4" solid PVC, but a note indicates that this is 4"perforated PVCpipe. 7. Confirm that the property will not contain additional dumpsters. 8. The plans contain a detail for an outlet structure. Where is this structure located on the property? 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater treatment and conveyance structures on -site. 10. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be kept on file. The applicant's engineer, Paul O'Leary, responded to the above comments in a letter dated 9/25/13. The City's Stormwater Superintendent has not had an opportunity to address this response prior to finalization of this staff comment document. The Superintendent shall provide comments on Monday, October 1" Staff recommends that the applicant addresses the numbered items in the "Comments Section" of this document and present them to the Board before the Board closes the hearing. Respectfully submitted, Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer Copy to: Paul O'Leary, contact person O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING September 25, 2013 Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Comments on 27 Commerce Ave. Plans- 9-18-13 Dear Tom, I have reviewed your comments on the plans for the proposed office/warehouse located on lot 40 of the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park project located at 27 Commerce Avenue dated 9-18-13. In response I have the following comments: 1. The applicant will apply for a Construction Stormwater Permit #3-9020 from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. 2. The project is subject to State Stormwater Permit #3870-9010. The permit specifically authorizes stormwater runoff from Lots 22 through 40 to be conveyed via an existing closed collection system to a detention basin located on Lot 35. The permit assumes up to 70% impervious coverage on the lot. Please refer to the copy of Permit #3870-9010 included with this letter. 3. a) The existing drainage pipe was found to be in poor condition and no easement rights to utilize the storm pipe were found. Therefore, the pre-existing 8" drainage pipes were not utilized as part of the stormwater conveyance design for the applicant's lots. Instead stormwater will be directed to the 15" pipe that connects to an existing drainage system under Commerce Ave. Field investigations have not revealed the existence of the storm drain in the northwest corner of the parcel referenced in your letter and therefore were not included on the plans. b) Snow which cannot be plowed onto the snow storage area will be collected and trucked off site as needed. No snow will be plowed into the proposed swale. c) Two HydroCAD models were developed to confirm the ability of the swale on the property to convey stormwater runoff and prevent overtopping onto neighboring property. Please refer to the attached HydroCAD data for details on the model. The 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 8/8 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com swales were originally designed for a 10 year storm event and have been modified slightly to now accommodate the 25 year storm event. The model output sheets titled 'Upper Swale' refer to the portion of the swale along the southerly and westerly edges of the parcel. The swale was expanded to a bottom width of 2.5' and depth of 1' to accommodate the peak 25 year runoff from the site of 4.55 cfs. The model output sheets titled 'Design Swale' refer to the portion of the swale along the northerly edge of the parcel. The 4' wide and 1.5' deep channel is sufficient to convey the peak 25 year runoff of 5.51 cfs. 4. The existing storm manhole invert is at 218.6' and the rim is at 223' the plans have been corrected to reflect these values. 5. The invert elevation for the parking lot underdrain that discharges to the drainage swale is 220.1. 6. The detail has been corrected to reflect that the proposed underdrain pipe is a 4" perforated PVC pipe. 7. The property will not contain any additional dumpsters. 8. The outlet structure depicted on the detail sheet is located on the currently developed portion of the property (Lot 39) and is shown on Sheet 1-Existing Conditions. 9. All stormwater treatment and conveyance structures will be regularly maintained by the applicant. 10. The final hydrologic modeling will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for their files. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Pau ' earyJr., P.E. I I El �J I Permit Number 3870-9010 Project ID Number EJ85-0002 VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER GENERAL PERMIT 3-9010 AMENDED A determination has been made that the applicant: John & Joyce Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington VT 05403 and City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington VT 05403 meets the criteria necessary for inclusion under General Permit 3-9010 Amended. Here after the named applicant shall be referred to as the permittee. Subject to the conditions of General Permit No. 3-9010 Amended, the permittee is authorized to discharge stormwater from the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision Phase III located on Ethan Allen Drive and Commerce Avenue in South Burlington, Vermont to unnamed tributaries of the Winooski River as previously described in Individual Permit No. 1-0621: Manner of Discharge: S/N 001: Storm 'water runoff from Lots 41, 42 and small portions of the backs of Lots 35, 36, and 37 'is conveyed via overland flow across vegetated terrain and grassed swales,to an unnamed tributary of the Winooski River. S/N 002: Stormwater runoff from parts of Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26 is conveyed via overland flow across vegetated terrain and grassed swales to an unnamed tributary of the Winooski River. SIN 003: Stormwater runoff from the roadway and Lots 22 through 40 is conveyed via a closed collection system to a detention basin located on Lot 35 for treatment and control prior to discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Winooski River. Compliance with General Pennit 3-9010 Amended and this Authorization The permittee shall comply with this authorization and all the terms and conditions of General Permit 3-9010 Amended, including the payment of annual operating fees to the Department. A billing statement for such fees will be sent to the permittee each year. The first year's statement is enclosed. Any permit non-dompliance, including a failure to pay the annual operating fee, constitutes a violation of 10 V.S.A. Chapter 47 and may be grounds for an enforcement action or revocation of this authorization to discharge. rTransferability This authorization to discharge is not transferable to any person except in compliance with Part VLD. of General Permit 3-9010 Amended. A copy of General Permit 3-9010 Amended is available from the Department via the internet at hU:Ihvww Awwaterquality org/StormwaterlGenPefmitUnimpairedWaters.pdf Changes to Permitted Development In accordance with Part V.G. of General Permit 3-9010 Amended, the permittee shall notify the Department of any planned development or facility expansions or changes that may result in new or increased stormwater discharges. The Department shall determine the appropriateness of continued inclusion under General Permit 3-9010 Amended by the modified development or facility. Annual Inspection and Report The stormwater collection, treatment and control system authorized herein shall be properly operated and maintained, An inspection shall be conducted between the conclusion of spring snow melt and June 15a'. of each year. The inspection shall evaluate the operation' and maintenance and condition of the stormwater collection, treatment and control system. The permittee shall prepare an annual inspection report on a form available from the Department. The permittee shall submit an inspection report to the Department by July 15d' of each year or by July 3e if performed by a utility or municipality pursuant to a duly adopted stormwater management ordinance. Restatement of Compliance Every 3 years, the permittee shall submit to the Department a written statement signed by a designer that'the stormwater collection, treatment and control system authorized herein is properly operating and maintained. The first re -statement of compliance is due January 25, 2009. Failure to submit a designer's restatement of compliance shall constitute a violation of General Permit 3-9010 Amended and may result in the revocation of this authorization to discharge. Filing of this Authorization with Local Land Records In accordance with Part VI.M. of General Permit 3-9010 Amended, the permittee shall file a copy of this authorization to discharge in the land records within seven (7) days of its issuance and a copy of the recording shall be provided to the Department within fourteen (14) days of the permittee's receipt of a copy of the recording from the local land records. Rights to Appeal to the Environmental Court Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from;.must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, projector facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any'pernut involved in the appeal. The appellant must also l serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(13) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontiudiciary.ore. The address for the Environmental, Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641 (Tel. # 802-828-1660). Effective Date and Expiration Date of this Authorization This authorization to discharge shall become effective on January 25, 2006 and shall continue until August 5, 2010. The permittee shall reapply for coverage at least sixty (60) days prior to August 5, 2010. Dated at Waterbury, VT this 5 tL, day of 2006. Jeffrey Wennberg, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation Wallace McLean, Director Water Quality Division J File No. 04-14 Permit No. 1-0621 Project ID No. EJ85-OWZ STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DISCHARGE PERMIT In compliance with provisions of 10 V.S.A. 1263 and 10 V.S.A. 1264 and in accordance with "Terms and Conditions" hereinafter specified. John and Joyce Belter 44D6A-5 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 The above named permittee is hereby granted permission to discharge stormwater runoff from the existing Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision, Phase III (Lots 22 through 42), located off Commerce Avenue in South Burlington, Vermont to an unnamed tributary of the Winooski River. 1. Expiration Date: March 31, 2005. Note: This permit, unless revoked, shall be valid until the designated expiration date despite any intervening change in water quality, effluent, or treatment standards or the classification of the receiving waters. However, any such changed standard or classification shall be applied in determining whether or not to renew the permit pursuant to 10 V . S . A - 1263. Reapply for a discharge permit by September 30, 2004. 2. Revocation: 10 V.S.A. 1267 provides as. follows: "The Secretary may revoke any permit issued by him pursuant to this subchapter if he finds that the permit holder submitted false or inaccurate information in his application or ,has violated any requirement, restriction, or Condition of the permit issued. Revocation snail be effective upon actual notice thereof to the permit holder. " 3. Operating Fees: This discharge is subject to operating fees. The permittee shall submit the operating fees in accordance with procedures provided by the Secretary. 4. Transfer of Permit: This permit is not transferable without prior written approval of the Secretary, All application and operating fees must be paid in full prior to transfer of this permit. The permittee shall notify the Secretary immediately, in writing, of any sale, lease, or other transfer of ownership of the property from which the discharge originates. The permittee shall provide a copy of this permit to the new owner or tenant and inform him of the responsibility to make application for a permit which shall be issued in his name. Any failure to do so shall be considered a violation of this permit. Permit No. 1-0621 Page 2 of 4 5. Right of Entrv: The pennittee shall allow the Secretary, and other Agency personnel, upon presentation of proper credentials, to enter the permittee's -premises where the effluent sources authorized by this permit are located, and at reasonable times to have access to and copy any records reqaired to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit, to inspect any collection or treatment device, and to sample any discharge of pollutants. 6. Receiving Waters: Unnamed tributary of the Winooski River 7. Manner of Discharge: SIN 001: Stormwater runoff from Lots 41, 42 and small portions of the backs of Lots 35, 36, and 37 is conveyed via overland flow across vegetated terrain and grassed swales to an unnamed tributary of the Winooski River. SIN 002: Stormwater runoff from parts of Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26 is conveyed via overland flow across vegetated terrain and grassed swales to an unnamed I tributary of the Winooski River. SIN 003: Stormwater runoff from the roadway and Lots 22 through 40 is conveyed via a closed collection system to a detention basin located on Lot 35 for treatment and control prior to discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Winooski River. 8. Wastes Permitted: Stormwater runoff from the roadway, buildings, and parking after treatment via vegetated terrain and/or a detention basin. 9. Volumes Permitted and Frequency of Discharge: Such volumes and frequency as required by the discharge specified in #7 above. 10. Approved Project Design: This project shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the Fitzpatrick -Llewellyn, Inc. site plan (Overall Site Plan, dated June 10, 1988) and the Lamoureux & Dickinson, Inc. site plan (Stormwater Basin Site Plan, dated 3/20/00, and supporting information). By reference, the above noted plans are made a part of this permit. 11. Maintenance and Maintenance Reporting Reguirements: All stormwater conveyance and treatment devices including stormwater ponds, grass and stone lined swales, and vegetated buffer strips shall be properly maintained. Stormwater management devices shall be inspected at least semiannually and shall be cleaned and maintained as necessary. Any sediment removed from the swales, or other devices shall be disposed of properly and not within 100 feet of waters of the State. Any instances of erosion shall be corrected promptly. Permit No. 1-0621 Page 3 of 4 No later than September 30 of each year the permittee shall submit a written report to the Department of Environmental Conservation, Wastewater Management Division, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0405, summarizing the condition of stormwater management devices at the site and the nature and dates of all cleaning and maintenance operations carried out in the past year. 12. Personnel and Training Requirements: Such personnel and training as necessary to fulfill the requirements of #11 above. 13. Monitoring and Reporting Requirement: No monitoring required; reporting requirement as specified in #11 above. 14. Other Requirements: a. All improvements to the stormwater management system, as described in the application (under Conclusions and Recommendations, #1 through #3, on page 4 of the 3/22/2000 letter from Lamoureux & Dickinson), which will allow compliance with the Agency's 1997 Stormwater Management Procedures, shall be completed by June 30, 2000. Written notification to the Department shall be made within 30 days of completion of the improvements. b. This permit provides authorization for discharge from the individual lots (Lots 22 through 42). Each lot is limited to 70% lot coverage (impervious area). C. Treated stormwater runoff is the only waste authorized for disposal under the terms and conditions of this permit. The discharge of any hazardous materials or hazardous waste into the stormwater management system is prohibited. d. The issuance of this permit does not relieve the permittee-from obtaining coverage under General Permit 3-9001, if applicable. r'G, 15. Issue Date of Permit: %s �"� Canute E. Dalmasse, Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation B. y �. Marilyn J. D vis, trector Wastewater Management Division PRE POST PRE - Entire Site POST - Entire Site Swale Design Swale E UP POST -UP PRE - Upper Swale POST - U t er Swale Upper Swale Upper Swale 3u4 Reach on Link PRE -CONDITIONS Upper Swale HYDROCAD MODEL >"= 60' -►- Sketch �f I f� 33 -- carr+e + , ' r L-�-�-- �O- _ MirirRi it I B�i 7 WOflr4W` ntrFRannMal 1'" II `C IFIKW+itl+a �- 1 rArL ?YWDMV i [ k I` 34 1 ,`�1 � 1�1-.r..�,.. �^ iww.a � ��� ranwrrJa a �x �� I" � � -•f �..J =-- IFre1rKtFl13(riMM'� _ ,]]I 1 �rL GILMNiX.t % %� DFIAIIJAG£ ra _ 57,360- SF 1 f ss.�no�wn� Le (Umenck) p ©©I � .�� Glass c L�+,�1 r cam i 32,6 0s SF TM � f i ! i i 1 + ( � i ! t errwn wn�rhourrrnr a7a 4 t 1 Wo r'Wmooskq V POST CONDITIONS Upper Swale HYDROCAD MODEL 1 "= 60'± Sketch �I ' � r�1 . 33 Dom I farm Ir --f �•�un� � rwr*o�� ca..t. 3I J � m 22' a 77 5050 - New Expansion Type 11 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 02009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment PRE -UP: PRE - Upper Swale Runoff = 1.66 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.119 af, Depth= 1.09" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-40.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Area (sf) CN Description 32,630 71 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG C 24,730 58 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG B 57,360 65 Weighted Average 57,360 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description min feet ft/ftft/sec cfs 11.6 100 0.0200 0.14 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.30" 4.0 225 0.0180 0.94 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 15.6 325 Total 5050 - New Expansion Type // 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4. 10 " Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 HvdroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment PRE -UP: PRE - Upper Swale Hydrograph ■ Runoff Type II 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Runoff Area=57,360 sf Runoff Volume=0.119 of Runoff Depth=1.09" Flow Length=325' I I M Tc=15.6 min M CN=65 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Time (hours) 5050 - New Expansion Type 11 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here) Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 02009 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment POST -UP: POST - Upper Swale Runoff = 5.03 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.353 af, Depth= 3.21" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-40.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Area (sf) CN Description 2,033 71 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG C 6,750 58 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG B * 48,577 98 New Impervious - Upper Swale 57,360 92 Weighted Average 8,783 15.31% Pervious Area 48,577 84.69% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.0 100 0.0150 0.13 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.30" 3.1 200 0.0230 1.06 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 16.1 300 Total 5050 - New Expansion Type 1124-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCADO 9.00 s/n 05093 ® 2009 HydroCA© Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment POST -UP: POST - Upper Swale 51 4 3 LL 2- 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 Hydrograph Type II 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Runoff Area=57,360 sf Runoff Volume=0.353 of Runoff Depth=3.21" Flow Length=300' Tc=16.1 min CN=92 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Time (hours) ■ Runoff 5050 - New Expansion Type I/ 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 H droCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 02009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Reach Upper Swale: Upper Swale [55] Hint: Peak inflow is 102% of Manning's capacity Inflow Area = 1.317 ac, 84.69% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.21" for 25-Year event Inflow = 5.03 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.353 of Outflow = 4.55 cfs @ 12.21 hrs, Volume= 0.353 af, Atten= 10%, Lag= 8.3 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.00-40.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.88 fps, Min. Travel Time= 4.9 min Avg. Velocity = 0.22 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 19.9 min Peak Storage= 1,361 cf @ 12.13 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.97' Bank -Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank -Full= 4.93 cfs 2.50' x 1.00' deep channel, n= 0.150 Sheet flow over Short Grass Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 T Top Width= 8.50' Length= 260.0' Slope= 0.0154 '/' Inlet Invert= 225.00', Outlet Invert= 221.00' 5050 - New Expansion Type li 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 © 2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Reach Upper Swale: Upper Swale Hydrograph ■ Inflow s, dF ■ Outflow 5 Inflow Area=1.317 ac 4.65d. Avg. Depth=0.97' 4 Max Vet=0.88 fps n=0.150 3 L=260■0' LL S=0.0154 '/' 2- Capacity=4.93 cfs 0. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 Time (hours) PRE POST PRE - P ST Swale Design Swale Drainage Diagram for 5050 - New Expansion Bobcat Reach an Link Prepared by {enter your company name here}, Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 © 2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC on PRE -CONDITIONS FULL -SITE HYDROCAD MODEL >"= 60' - Sketch e.mef/YAGE mmser i %� V71 R ��^tn-.ate ! J -s PasEK%M'M{RwF�M ]7' 3 .._-__.,. ljl ...0 „",..,.._ ................................lalC4I1¢'I! .......... ...... - ..-._-_ .._.., Eli F � Le /Ltmenck, K ` C/ass C t O - Le 48 &OOt .SF � ::77{( ! - 22, Wo (WtnooBAJ i+ vur,o— b p� _ 1 'r•.i�... .'.car ......-.......... I \ i11 �Iy_I FFt�� ! J ,b LST10 xMMxr i . f _ ` �F�/�► lw1V«IP POST CONDITIONS FULL -SITE HYDAOCAD MODEL > "= 60'-'- Sketch it /' " I a. ,_ 1 x ' �� �� � 1 _ mnt. �rq 32 F' ^— _ � wrnv i I r I 1 Ili JJWN46Ei� 1 1� \ "Sol � awe *As wee,w i .zze� 5050 - New Expansion Type 11 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by (enter your company name here) Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment PRE: PRE Runoff = 2.39 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.170 af, Depth= 1.21" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-40.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type 11 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Area (sf) CN Description 48,800 71 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG C 24,960 58 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG B 73,760 67 Weighted Average 73,760 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.0 100 0.0150 0.13 Sheet Flow, Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.30" 3.1 200 0.0230 1.06 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fas 16.1 300 Total 11 K 5050 - New Expansion Type 1l 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment PRE: PRE Hydrograph ■ Runoff Type II 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" 2- Runoff Area=73,760 sf Runoff Volume=0.170 of Runoff Depth=1.21" LL Flow Length=300' 1 Tc=16.1 min CN=67 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Time (hours) 5050 - New Expansion Type 11 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by (enter your company name here) Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 © 2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment POST: POST Runoff = 6.47 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.454 af, Depth= 3.21" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-40.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Area (sf) CN Description 8,295 71 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG C 4,715 58 Meadow, non -grazed, HSG B 60,750 98 New Impervious 73,760 _ 92 Weighted Average 13,010 17.64% Pervious Area 60,750 82.36% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.0 100 _ 0.0150 0.13 Sheet Flow, ^ Grass: Short n= 0.150 P2= 2.30" 3.1 200 0.0230 1.06 Shallow Concentrated Flow, Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps 16.1 300 Total 5050 - New Expansion Type 11 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4. 10 " Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 H droCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 ©2009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment POST: POST Hydrograph t Runoif 7 4.47 Fh Type II 24-hr 25-Year 6 Rainfall=4.10" 5 Runoff Area=73,760 sf Runoff Volume=0.454 of 4 Runoff Depth=3.21" 0 Flow Length=300' 3 Tc=16.1 min 2 CN=92 r n . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Time (hours) 5050 - New Expansion Type/1 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 05093 02009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Reach Swale: Design Swale Inflow Area = 1.693 ac, 82.36% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 3.21" for 25-Year event Inflow = 6.47 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 0.454 of Outflow = 5.51 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 0.454 af, Atten= 15%, Lag= 11.5 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method, Time Span= 0.00-40.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.56 fps, Min. Travel Time= 7.1 min Avg. Velocity = 0.13 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 31.9 min Peak Storage= 2,382 cf @ 12.15 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1.27' Bank -Full Depth= 1.50', Capacity at Bank -Full= 7.85 cfs ` �) 4.00' x 1.50' deep channel, n= 0.150 Sheet flow over Short Grass Side Slope Z-value= 3.0 '/' Top Width= 13.00' Length= 240.0' Slope= 0.0042 '/' Inlet Invert= 221.00', Outlet Invert= 220.00' 5050 - New Expansion Type // 24-hr 25-Year Rainfall=4.10" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 9/24/2013 HydroCAD®9 00 s/n 05093 02009 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Reach Swale: Design Swale Hydrograph Inflow Area=1.693 ac 6 5151cb Avg. Depth=1.27' 5 Max Vet=0.56 fps n=0.150 3 L=240.0' u. 3. S=0.0042 T Capacity=7.85 cfs 2 fi I.............y....�.... �..�.�.... �... �....�.... �.. _. �....�- ... .. . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Time (hours) ■ Inflow ■ Outflow - - - - r �Ir 1 _ ----- - i /--[.vc our-maz - �ro O uar�urnen `•� \ 1 \ � ` \\ ?; spy ' / / -- - LEGEND \ n�rironsu. .nnr � CR4PHlr S'CFI.E ErrsrmcrwErncuvrEo uc�rr � � r NOTE FOR ANY TRENGH / UTILITY WORK WITHIN THE -�..,�� rnoecr�euram _ „_ moEw yeruRn VELGO RIGHT-OF-WAY, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE wrr ��- M.AAKING TAPE OVER THE PIPE c w rsn f,;�q" "K �.•� VICINITY PLAN PROJECT STATISTICS ET10"rA FKiNS Mtl(tS , S/MWIS/GN /LOTS SDi M/ P,rG,�GrAAfAs cor.vamsf cores-�QxesF 1DTK ARE1 = / W SF e[oG 7, GP a ffO = /i,[UITSF/PRCNGsf01 . zS rw (ElZS1AVGJ = S�IASF /)GrKI G.4 Sx PALEMEMANG IWLA3=AQl50 SF(PgQ^OSEO/+JS,!?'J(EN/STWG) =aSrosFGRux TOTK WPERN�G!/S' = A3 r50 SF7RGP<6•f0J +SI, aN/fTisr,RYi) V,g E SSe% STORNWArtT rA'FAIAIFMGN$IIFANOOFTSRfSrORMAONG A2116>;NK SEVER ANOWAIFACLWNfCRGNS FRGWI YMG sETAACX COVERAGE lS 91 x ZONING STATISTICS Or SYE�EXS/xU[O15sAN' r4wr5% ---- ---- --------- - - — AUYfAI n[W/✓AM3EILMR RF/ aoFEFI �xWwArti�ErAbff,�� ,nFEEr - - .x/AwA,A5NYA1p5E,Mcf- PARKING STATISTICS PAOPC DCO"VICNL OFA. nvARfhtl BUtDAG OFMApl6'f R/�s/GFA fAREAlgQKtl sr GFA mrAc lfma FA PARMIAYi RfOU56'wE I%AffAVt6E Qf SPACESPER/"bs A OFF�(ffNEW SSS ACF$PER1CtlOe/ A REIXA4fOPMA]NG. WAREEpy/sE`SSPACES Pl. SCWrOppIO S = � 9/ CFAJOSMCES(QlW/ItRbr15-191j rorAL nsrAcrs PROPOSMPK ' .kl SPACfs zs ayr anw srr. air WKIRSlGN, YlASIIS South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-846-4110 September 27, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair, Planning and Zoning City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: Proposed mixed use commercial/industrial building 27 Commerce Avenue Dear Ray: We have reviewed the plans for this proposed project. We have the following concerns and/or recommendations. 1. Commercial structures will need fire protection plan review from the South Burlington Fire Marshal's office to review for compliance with the Vermont Fire and Building Safety Codes. 2. Sprinklers, fire alarms, and standpipes per the VFBSC. 3. Trees, fences and floral outcroppings should be placed so as not to interfere with the deployment of the aerial ladder, hoselines, portable ladders and other firefighting equipment. 4. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and protection systems. 5. Provide emergency key boxe(s), location to be specified by SBFD. 6. A minimum of one (1) new fire hydrant shall be added on the north side of the building. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, /D.VJics Cr. 6� N Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief Page 1 of 2 ray From: Tom Dipietro Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:53 AM To: Justin Rabidoux Subject: Comments on 27 Commerce Avenue Plans Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Green Justin, I reviewed the plans for the proposed office/warehouse located on lot 40 of the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park project located at 27 Commerce Avenue, dated 8/5/13, and prepared O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC. would like to offer the following review comments: The project will disturb greater than 1 acre of land and will require a construction stormwater permit (3-9020 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. This should be noted on the final decision. 2. The project will create greater than 1 acre of impervious area and will require a stormwater permit (3- 9015 or individual permit) from the State of Vermont DEC Stormwater Division. The project may be subject to an existing State stormwater permit issued to the Ethan Allen Industrial Park, which may satisfy State permitting requirements. The applicant should provide information to clarify the State stormwater permitting status for this project. The DRB should note the requirement for State stormwater permitting on the final decision, or if the property is covered under an existing permit the permit number should be provided by the applicant and indicated in the final decision. 3. The project proposes to utilize a swale along the south, west and north property boundary to direct stormwater runoff generated on site to a 15" pipe that connects to an existing drainage system under Commerce Avenue. This existing drainage system under Commerce Avenue eventually discharges into a stormwater pond located to the west. a. The plans show an existing drainage pipe (labeled 8" PVC) crossing the northwest corner of the property. What is the condition of this pipe? Records at the DPW indicate that there is a storm drain included on this pipe run that is located at the NW corner of the property. The plans do not show this storm drain. Please confirm that this storm drain does not exist and that water will not leave the site via the 8" PVC pipe. b. The proposed project includes addition of—46,750 s.f. of pavement and walkway, but snow storage is limited to a —1,200 s.f. area located in the southeast corner of the property. Please confirm that this is enough space for snow storage. If snow is pushed into the swale surrounding the property it could cause water to flow onto adjacent properties. c. A detail for the proposed drainage swale shows a 12" bottom and 2:1 side slopes. Please provide information showing that this swale is has adequate capacity to convey runoff from the site to the drainage system under Commerce Avenue and that the swale will not overtop during larger storm events (e.g. the 10-yr or 25-yr, 24 hour event.). 4. Is invert information available for the existing storm manhole with rim located at 218'. 5. Provide an invert elevation for the parking lot underdrain that discharges to the drainage Swale near the 15" pipe inlet? 6. The "typical parking and underdrain detail" on page 7 indicates that the underdrain pipe is 4" solid PVC, but a note indicates that this is 4" perforated PVC pipe. 7. Confirm that the property will not contain additional dumpsters. 8. The plans contain a detail for an outlet structure. Where is this structure located on the property? 9. The DRB should include a condition requiring the applicant to regularly maintain all stormwater 9/20/2013 1 Page 2 of 2 treatment and conveyance structures on -site. 10. The final decision should require that final hydrologic modeling be submitted to the Department of Public Works so that this information can be kept on file. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. -Tom Thomas J. DiPietro Jr. Deputy Director Department of Public Works 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: (802) 658-7961 x108 Email: TdipietroCcDsburl.com Web Site: www.sburl.com Twitter: @SBPubWorks Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or prepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which maybe inspected by any person upon request, unless otherwise made conf[dential by law. !f you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email. Thank you for your cooperation. 9/20/2013 02-Aug-13 ITE Trip Generation Pass -by rates from Rates - 8th Edition ITE Trip Generation Handbook - 2nd Editioi Description/ITE Code Units ITE Vehicle Trip Generation Rates (peak hours are for peak hour of adjacent street traffic unless highlighted Weekday AM PM Pass -By AM In AM Out PM In PM Out Waterport/Marine Terminal 010 Acres 11.93 NA NA NA NA NA NA Waterport/Marine Terminal 010 Berths 171.52 NA NA NA NA NA NA Commercial Airport 021 Employees _ 0.82 8k 55% 45% 54% 46% Commercial Airport 021 Avg Flights/Day 104.73 5.40 _ .7t 54% 46% 45% 55% Commercial Airport 021 Corn. Flights/Day 122.21 6A3 6.8E, 55% 45% 54% 46% General Aviation Airport 022 Employees 14.24 0.69 1.01 83% 17% 45% 55% General Aviation Airport 022 Avg. Flights/Day 1.97 0.24 0.30 NA NA NA NA General Aviation Airport 022 Based Aircraft 5.00 0.24 0.3- 83% 17% 45% 55% Truck Terminal 030 Acres ;1.90 7.28 6.51 41 % 59% 43% 57% Truck Terminal 030 Employees 6.99 0.66 0.5` 40% 60% 47% 53% Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Parking Spaces 4.50 0.72 0.62 1 81 % 19% 23% 77% Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Acres 372.32 48.811 43.71 NA NA NA NA Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 occ. Spaces 9.62 1.26 0.81 69% 31 % 28% 72% Light Rail Station w/ Park. 093 Parking Space ZF 1.07 80% 20% 58% 42% Light Rail Station w/ Park. 093 occ. Spaces 1.14 1.3. 80% 20% 58% 42% General Light Industrial 110 KSFZ 6.97 0.92 0.97 88% 12% 12% 88% General Light Industrial 110 Acres 51.80 7.51 7.26 83% 17% 22% 78% General Light Industrial 110 Employees 3.02 0.44 0.42 83% 17% 21 % 79% General Heavy Industrial 120 KSF2 1.v_: 0.5` !.1 NA NA NA NA General Heavy Industrial 120 Acres 6.75 1.98 �.1r NA NA NA NA General Heavy Industrial 120 Employees ^ 0n " �" 0.88 NA NA NA NA Industrial Park 130 KSFZ 6.96 0.84 0.86 82% 18% 21 % 79% Instructions: Enter Expected Unit Volumes into Column 'M' Expected Units Total Generated Trips Total Distribution of Generated Trips ' 00 0v0 0v0 ' 00 v00 0v0 ' 00 v00 v00 � 0 v00 v00. ' 00 v00 000 ' 00 000 v00 ' 00 000 v00 ' sssisasss ' o0000000 ' o0000000 ' o0000000 o0 000 000 ' oov00000 ' 00000voo oo mma mmo 0o mmo Imo oo��o�mo th-Other Paper • www.otherpapervt.com • September 12, 2013 • 19 �Y< k �j���'M1Q�II�(�-;"�N YG `y��]j" c3;Aj 1jri.` f`. A �CfJ`�"` 5v y MTV`, b iY'ii TIC F 3a � M. �C ►PARTMENTS ty in South Burlington offers Rent includes all utilities. i health services. ednesday at 12:30 p.m. 109 ,ombo Drivers/Dock Workers! i benefits! CDL-Aw/Combo and ,OE-M/F/D/V. Able to lift 651bs. reight.com/careers FURNITURE: Two solid cherry wood end tables and one hall console table, made in NH by Leister's, excellent condition. $375. Call 324-7630. (09/05) FURNITURE: Bar stools - 2 for $50; desk, $25; end table, $25 lift top cafe table, $50. 578-2060.(09/05) FURNITURE: Antique wood set, includes 2 end tables, Icocktail table and behind the sofa table, $125. Two velvet club chair rock- ers with ottoman, $75. Oversized antique club chair, $30. have Other items for sale for the asking. Call 865-2749. (09 / 12) GE REFRIGERATOR: G.E. side by side is 1/2 years old, new with unit. Has an ice/ water dispenser in door. Sells for $1,500, asking $650. Measurements: H 691 /2 (with hinge), width 33", depth 33". Call 658-2334 to view. (08/29) ICE RINK FORM: Brackets for making your own 20'x 40' Backyard ice rink. Brackets hold your wood and plastic liner to create a rink for backyard fun! 658-2013 $50.00 or PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board will hold a public hearing in the South Burlington City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street, South Burl- ington, Vermont on October 1, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following: 1. Preliminary & final plat application #SD-13-27 of LNP, Inc. to amend a previously approved plan for a 26,280 sq. ft. mixed use commercial/industrial building with an umbrella approval. The amendment consists of a planned unit development to construct a new 14,000 sq. ft. building with its own umbrella approval for a mixture of potential commercial/industrial uses, 27 Commerce Avenue. 2. Final plat application #SD-13-29 of Larry & Leslie Williams to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of a six (6) lot subdivision. The amendment consists of resubdividing the six (6) lots into 10 lots, 1630 Dorset Street. Mark Behr, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burl- ington City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to"the right to take any subsequent appeal. September 12, 2013 LAWN MOWER: Self-propelled push lawn mower, like new, $25. call 865-4924 MONITOR: Flat screen monitor Dell 21", like new, $50; keyboard $10. Call 881-1304. (09 / 05) STAND UP PADDLEBOARD - Tahoe SUP Alpine Explorer Inflatable SUP 11Ft 6In. Comes in sturdy backpack carrying bag, complete with pump with gauge, repair kit, 2 detachable fins. Used twice. Retail $1199. Selling for $799. More info, call Mark at 863-2037 (08/29) TENT.10x20 white wedding tent with sides. Used once, asking $150. Contact 999-9724. (9/05) 2004 SAAB 9-3 ARC 4 Door Sedan, Auto- matic, with power sunroof. 125K miles, very good condition, one owner, includes 2 set of rims -winter and summer rims. Color: Bordeaux Red. $5,000.802-734-0355 (08 / 15) www.otherpapervt.com LANDSCAPE REVIEWS 9/13/13 636 Hinesburg Rd: No landscaping shown on plan Williams Subdivision 1630 Dorset St: • Red Maple is an acceptable species provided that soil tests show a pH of 6.5 or lower, otherwise trees will suffer manganese deficiencies and another species should be selected(results of soil test should be documented) Lot 40 Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Pk Heartwood Landscaping • Recommend identifying existing tree species on plan. If existing deciduous trees are maples, I'd recommend planting something other than maple to diversify species on site Landscaping Specifications; • Fertilizer rates should specify amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium being applied. The recommended rate of 500 pounds per acre is meaningless without a fertilizer analysis being specified • Rates of lime being applied should be based on soil tests in order to achieve optimum pH Robert and Sheila Rochefort Vermont Tire Landscape plan is acceptable as is � 1 IMMI i60101.1'. southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- - 7 (of%ce use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PLAT REVIEW A Preliminary A Final PUD Being Requested? A Yes ❑ No All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #) LPN Inc., c/o Al Senecal, 25 Omega Drive, Suite #201, Williston, VT 05495 Phone: (802) 862-0517 x 207 Fax: (802) 862-4349 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #) Book 722, Pages 724-726 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax#) LPN Inc. c/o Al Senecal, 25 Omega Drive, Suite #201, Williston, VT 05495 Phone: (802) 862-0517 x 207 Fax: (802) 862 4349 4. CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Paul O'Leary O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1, Essex Junction, VT 05452 Phone: (802) 899-9990 Fax: (802) 878-9989 a. Contact email address: poleary@olearyburke.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 27 Commerce Avenue 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0435-00027 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General Project Description (describe what you are proposing): The applicant is seeking approval to construct a 14,000 sf footprint warehouse and office building. The office portion of the building will have two floors, and the warehouse portion will have one floor. The gross floor area will be approximately 18,200 sf. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): A 26,280 sf GFA office and warehouse building with a footprint of 23,104 sf at 31 Commerce Ave. Current uses: Office; contractor or building trade facility; Distribution and related storage; Equipment service and repair; processing & storage; retail warehouse outlet Private provider of public services including vehicle storage and maintenance; Auto and motorcycle sales and service; light manufacturing c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): The applicant is seeking an umbrella permit for the project to approve the following uses: Office; contractor or building trade facility; Distribution and related storage; Equipment service and repair; processing & storage; retail warehouse outlet; Private provider of public services including vehicle storage and maintenance; Auto and motorcycle sales and service; light manufacturing. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): Total footprint area: 23,104 existing+14,000 proposed = 37,104 total Total Gross Floor Area (GFA): 26,280 existing + 18,200 proposed = 70,760 e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): Height of building: 20 it Building will have two stories in the office portion f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): No residential units exist or are proposed g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): 31 existing employees + 9 proposed employees = 40 total employees h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): i. List any changes to the subdivision, such as property lines, number of units, lot mergers, etc. Subdivision Application Form Rev 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE (ALL information MUST be provided here, even if no change is proposed) a. Size of Parcel: 182,850 (acres /sq. ft.) b. Building Coverage: Existing 23,104 square feet 12.6 % Proposed 37,104 square feet 20.3 c. Overall Coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc): Existing 58,924 square feet 32.2 % Proposed 119,674 square feet 65.4 d. Front Yard Coverage(s) (commercial projects only): Existing 3,542 square feet 15 % Proposed 6,924 square feet 29•9 % 9. WETLAND INFORMATION a. Are there any wetlands (Class I, II, or III) on the subject property? 8 Yes ❑ No b. If yes, is the proposed development encroaching into any of these wetlands associated 50' buffers (describe) Yes, there is a class 3 wetland which has been delineated in the southerly portion of the parcel. No disturbance will occur within the 50' buffer. The delineation is depicted on the site plan c. If yes, please submit the following with this application: 1. A site specific wetland delineation of the entire property or a written statement that the applicant is relying on the City's wetland map. 2. Response to the criteria outlined in Section 12.02(E) of the Land Development Regulations (applicant is strongly encouraged to have a wetland expert respond to these criteria) 10. AREA DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION: 74,200 SQ. FT. * *Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one (1) acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 3 Subdivision Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 11. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations) $ 540,000 b. Landscaping: $ 5,615.50 (Please submit itemized list of landscaping proposed) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost) creation of stormwater treatment features ($2,000) 12. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 16 additional p.m. peak trips; 21 currently permitted 13. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 14. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday through Friday 15. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 8/5/14 16. PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (l I" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. A subdivision application fee shall be paid to the C' at the time of su mitting the application. iSeyet/h/City ee schedule for tails. l� NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the4�p) City prior to the start of any public hearing. Subdivision Application Form Rev 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SI TURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this prelimin ry plat application and find it to be: ZComplete , ❑ Incomplete inistratKre Officer The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 8 79-56 76 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Subdivision Application Form Rev. 12-2011 O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC i CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 9'h day of September, 2013, a copy of the foregoing public notice for Preliminary and Final plat application #SD-13-27, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) John & Joyce Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Alan Brusoe & Ann Soutiere 11 Mayfair Street South Burlington, VT 05403 David & Laurie Cota 6 Curtis Avenue Essex Jct., VT 05452 Same — VT LLC C/o Independent Pipe & Supply Corp. Whitman Road Canton, MA 02021 Roth Family Partnership P.O. Box 22 Warren, VT 05674 Joe Eddy Holdings, LLC 12 Liberty Lane Colchester, VT 05446 James Barron P.O. Box 9362 South Burlington, VT 05403 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEXForm. Rev 1-2012 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke com /) O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 9th day of September, 2013. Printed Name: Tatum Lauten, E.I. Phone number and email: 802 878- 90• tlauten olear burke.com Signature: Date: September 9, 2013 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX4WA(&T* tort✓,�ZW0ZWti Service Form Rev. 1-2012 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING August 5, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. — 27 Commerce Avenue Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of LPN, Inc. c/o Al Senecal to apply for a combined Preliminary and Final Site Plan review for his commercial site at #27 Commerce Avenue (lots 39 and 40 of the Ethan Allen Industrial Park). Mr. Senecal is proposing to add a new 14,000 sf footprint (18,200 GFA) office and warehouse building with parking to the undeveloped westerly portion of the property. A 23,104 sf footprint (26,280 sf GFA) office/warehouse building and parking currently occupy the eastern portion of the property. According to the ITE Trip Generation Handbook, the proposed use will generate 16 P.M. peak hour trips. Please find the following attachments for your review: 1) Site Plan Review application; 2) Application fee of $2,026.00 Preliminary: 10,000 sf x $0.05 + 4,000 x $0.03 + $500 + $13.00 = $1,1'33.00 Final: 10,000 sf x 0.03/sf + 4,000 sf x 0.02/sf + $500 + $13.00 = $893.00 Total: $893.00 + $1,133.00 = $2, 026.00; 3) Five (5) 24" x 36" copies of the project plans; 4) One (1) 11" x 17" set of project plans; 5) Parking lot green space summary 6) One (1) CD with PDF's of project plans 7) List of abutters; 8) ITE trip generation worksheet 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING If you have any questions or comments you can contact me at (802) 878- 9990. 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com Abutter List — Office/Warehouse Project — Al Senecal 27 & 31 Commerce Avenue John & Joyce Better 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Alan Brusoe & Ann Soutiere 1 l Mayfair Street South Burlington, VT 05403 David & Laurie Cota 6 Curtis Avenue Essex Jct., VT 05452 Same — VT LLC C/o Independent Pipe & Supply Corp. Whitman Road Canton, MA 02021 Roth Family Partnership P.O. Box 22 Warren, VT 05674 Joe Eddy Holdings, LLC 12 Liberty Lane Colchester, VT 05446 James Barron P.O. Box 9362 South Burlington, VT 05403 5050\abutterlist.doc PROPOSED OFFICEAND WAREHOUSE BUILDING / PROPOSED PARK/ AREA EXP ION EXISTING PARKING AREA EXISTING WAREHOUSE AND OFFICEBUILDING do ,� _i' , ' �' so RECEIVED - AUG 0 9 2913 City of So. Burlington PARKING AREA COVERAGE SUMMARY TOTAL AREA=19,829 EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL PERCENT GREEN SPACE 1,464 sf 1,070 sf 2,534 sf 12.8 % PARKING 10,236 sf 7,059 st 17,295 sf 87.2 % OWNER and APPLICANT ,�``�i��r'', GRAPHIC SCALE oio LNP, INC. � C/O AL SENECAL�- a FnT25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 I mcn - 20 m WILLISTON, VT 05495 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: May 31, 2013 F:\USERS\Planning & Zoning\Development Review Board\Staff Application received: April 5, 2013 Comments\2013\SD_13_12_27CommerceAvenue_sketch.doc AL SENECAL — 27 COMMERCE AVENUE SKETCH PLAN APPLICATION #SD-11-13 #5 Meeting Date: June 4, 2013 Owner/Applicant LPN, Inc., c/o Al Senecal 50 Joy Drive S. Burlington, VT 05403 Engineer Property Information O"Leary Burke Civil Associates Tax Parcel 0435-00027 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1 4.2 acres Essex Junction, VT 05494 Industrial Commercial Zoning District CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SD 13 12 27CommerceAvenue sketch.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sketch plan application #SD-13-12 of Al Senecal to amend a previously approved plan for a 26,280 sq. ft. mixed use commercial/industrial building with an umbrella approval. The amendment consists of a planned unit development to construct a new 14,000 sq. ft. building with its own umbrella approval for a mixture of potential commercial/industrial uses, 27 Commerce Avenue. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair, City Planner Cathy Larose and Planner, Temporary Assignment Dan Albrecht, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on April 5, 2013 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements Mixed Industrial and Commercial Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 40,000 SF 182,849 Max. Building Coverage 40% 22% Max. Overall Coverage 70% 67% Min. Front Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. 10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. SUBDIVISION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, subdivisions shall comply with the following standards and conditions: Sufficient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the existing public water system shall be extended so as to provide the necessary quantity of water, at acceptable pressure. The Water Department has not yet reviewed the plans and has stated that they will do so at the preliminary plat level when more details are available. 1. The City of South Burlington Water Department shall review the plans for the subject project, prior to preliminary plat approval. According to Section 15.13 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the subdivider or developer shall connect to the public sewer system or provide a community wastewater system approved by the City and the State in any subdivision where off -lot wastewater is proposed. The City Engineer has not yet reviewed the plans and has stated that they will do so at the preliminary plat level when more details are available. 2. The City Engineer shall review the plans prior to preliminary plat approval. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING PADevelopment Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SD 13 12 27CommerceAvenue sketch.doc The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to preliminary plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. The applicant shall obtain preliminary wastewater allocation prior to final plat approval and final wastewater allocation prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Sufficient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. 4. The applicant shall include sufficient site grading and erosion control plans as part of the preliminary plat application. 5. The proposed project shall adhere to standards for erosion control asset forth in Section 16.03 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. In addition, the grading plan shall meet the standards set forth in Section 16.04 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. Access to the subject lot is proposed via an existing driveway that connects to Commerce Avenue and that is currently used to serve a two story existing warehouse at 31 Commerce Avenue. The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. The sketch plan delineates a Class Two wetland located to the south of the property and its associated 50 ft. buffer. The parcel itself as well as the proposed building is located outside of the buffer. The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed building is compatible with those already built in the area and the proposed use is consistent with the purposes of the Industrial Commercial Zoning District. Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. The proposed building and parking is located outside a wetland buffer area to the south. The proposed parking is located adjacent to existing parking and open space between the existing parcel to the south is maintained. The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. The Fire Chief has not yet reviewed the plans and has stated that he would prefer to do so at the preliminary plat level, after any changes to layout and parking are made by the Board at the sketch plan level. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SD 13 12 27CommerceAvenue sketch.doc The South Burlington Fire Chief should review the plans for the proposed subdivision, prior to preliminary plat approval. Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. The plans provide a safe access to the lot via the proposed access drive. Roads, utilities, sidewalks, recreation paths, and lighting are designed in a manner that is consistent with City utility and roadway plans and maintenance standards. Staff has already noted that the City Engineer shall review the preliminary plat plans and provide comments prior to approval of the preliminary plat application. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels the proposed subdivision of this property is in conformance with the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. 27 parking spaces are proposed to be provided on site. Chapter 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations states the following: Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING PADevelopment Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SD 13 12 27CommerceAvenue sketch.doc (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street, (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re -used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s); or, (u) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. (c) Where more than one building exists or is proposed on a lot, the total width of all parking areas located to the side of building(s) at the building line shall not exceed one half of the width of all building(s) located at the building line. Parking approved pursuant to 14.06(B)(2)(b) shall be exempt from this subsection. (d) For through lots, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front of the building adjacent to the public street with the lowest average daily volume of traffic. Where a lot abuts an Interstate or its interchanges, parking shall be located to the side of the building(s) or to the front adjacent to the Interstate. Parking areas adjacent to the Interstate shall be screened with sufficient landscaping to screen the parking from view of the Interstate. Staff recommends that the Board discuss the following issues related to parking and provide guidance to the applicant prior to submission of a formal site plan. a) The proposed 27 parking space lot will become part of the lot to the east that serves the building at 31 Commerce Avenue. This would trigger the requirement contained in Article 13, Section 13.06 (B) Landscaping of Parking Areas that "parking areas containing twenty-eight (28) or more contiguous parking spaces .......... at least ten percent (10%) of the interior of the parking lot shall be landscaped islands planted with trees, shrubs and other plants. b) The proposed parking space located at the most northerly end of the proposed new line of parking spaces is located on the front side of the building rather than the side. c) Upon completion of the building this will complete the PUD with 31 Commerce Avenue. Therefore, the Board should discuss with the applicant the number of Vehicle Trip Ends (VTE) they are requesting and what uses are anticipated as the combined uses of the two buildings will become the parameter regulating VTE and required parking. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. A bicycle rack is shown on the plans. Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The scale of the proposed buildings is compatible with the site and existing buildings in the area. The height of the proposed building is two stories and 24', which is under the 35' height maximum for the City. Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 6. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SD 13 12 27CommerceAvenue sketch.doc The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. Z The applicant should submit architectural details with the preliminary plat plans. Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Again, the applicant should submit architectural details with the preliminary plat plans. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff feels the reservation of additional land is not warranted. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). No new dumpster is proposed to serve 27 Commerce Avenue. An existing dumpster located at 31 Commerce Avenue is shown. Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations requires parking facilities to be curbed and landscaped with appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants including ground covers. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B)(4) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be shown on the plans. The plans should show snow storage areas for the subject property. 8. The plans shall be revised to depict snow storage areas as part of the preliminary plat plan application. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SD 13 12 27CommerceAvenue sketch.doc Landscaping budget requirements are to be determined pursuant to Section 13.06(G) (2) of the SBLDR. The landscape plan and landscape budget shall be prepared by a landscape architect or professional landscape designer. 9. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan and budget in compliance with Section 13.06 of the SBLDR as part of the preliminary plat plan application. laThe applicant should submit estimated construction costs with the preliminary plat application, so that the exact minimum landscaping requirement can be determined. See prior discussion above concerning required landscaping in the parking area. Lighting Pursuant to Appendix A.9 of the Land Development Regulations, luminaries shall not be placed more than 30' above ground level and the maximum illumination at ground level shall not exceed an average of three (3) foot candles. Pursuant to Appendix A.10(b) of the Land Development Regulations, indirect glare produced by illumination at ground level shall not exceed 0.3 foot candles maximum, and an average of 0.1 foot candles average. All lighting shall be shielded and downcast. The applicant has submitted a lighting point by point plan and lighting cut -sheets with submission of the site plan application. Other 11. The site plan shall adhere to all standards of Section 14.05(D) of the SBLDR. This shall include, but not be limited to, a symbol indicating north, the location of water and sewer lines, the whole of the subject lot, and abutting property owners, as part of the preliminary plat application. 12. The preliminary plat plans shall show all ground mounted HVAC units, generators, and utility cabinets. Section 3.09(B) (2) Umbrella Permit The applicant is seeking an umbrella approval for the new building for the following permitted uses: Contractor or building trade facility, Distribution and related storage, Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance; auto and motorcycle sales and service, equipment service, repair & rental, light manufacturing; general office; processing & storage, and retail warehouse outlet. If the land development regulations change so that any of the above uses are no longer permitted, then those uses which are no longer permitted shall no longer be approved. These uses shall not exceed in need the current approved number of parking spaces without further review and approval by the Development Review Board. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the applicant address the numbered items in the "Comments Section" of this ) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING P:\Development Review Board\Staff Comments\2013\SD 13 12 27CommerceAvenue sketch.doc document and present them to the Board before proceeding to any further plan review. Respectfully submitted, Raymond Belair, Administrative Officer Copy to: Paul O'Leary, contact person southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD- -� (office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax#) LPN Inc., c/o Al Senecal, 25 Omega Drive, Suite ##201, Williston, VT 05495 Phone: (802) 862-0517 x 207, Fax: (802) 862-4349 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #) Book 722, Pages 724 - 726 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Al Senecal, 25 Omega Drive, Suite # 201, Williston, VT 05495. Ph: (802) 862-0517, Fax: (802) 862-4394 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) Owner/Developer 5) CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) Paul O' Leary, P . E . O'Leary Burke Civil Assoc., 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1, Essex Jct, VT 05495 Phone: (802) 878-9990, Fax (802) 878-9989 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS poleary@olearyburke.com 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 3T-Commerce Avenue 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 0 4 3 5 - 0 0 0 2 7 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): The applicant is seeking approval to construct a 14,000 sf warehouse and office building. The office portion of the building will have two floors while the warehouse portion will have one floor. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com b) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) 15 , 4 00 s f office and warehouse; Contractor or building trade facility; Distribution and related storage; Private provider of public services; Vehicle storage and maintenance; Auto and motorcycle sales and service; Equipment service repair and rental; Light manufacturing, office, Processing and storage; retail warehouse outlet. c) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) No new uses are being proposed. Proposed uses include all of the existing uses d) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) 29,400 e) Proposed height of building (if applicable) Proposed building is two stories, approx. 24 0 Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) N/A no residential units g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) The project is not located within any overlay districts. 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing 14 % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 34 c) Front yard (along each street) Existing n • a • % Proposed 22 % Proposed 67 % Proposed n.a. 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPO$FD ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) footyelco R.O.W. crosses property. 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) Proposed proi ect will connect to existing sewer and storm stubs, and existing water supply gate valve. 2 Sketch Plan Application Form, Rev. 12-2011 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE April 2014 13) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be pai to the City at the time of submitting the application. See the City fee schedule for details. NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. 1 hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICA T J ? �. /�-�> _ SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: 1� Comp MI The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Sketch Plan Apphcation Form. Rev. 12-2011 N r southburlington PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP-- (office use only APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑ Administrative Zevelopment Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): L.N.P., Inc. C/o Al Senecal 31 Commerce Avenue, South Burlington, VT 05403 Ph: 862-0517 Fax: 862:4349 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page ft Vol. 722, pages 724-726 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): Same as Owner 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): Howard Snider, O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1, Essex Jct., VT 05452 Ph: 878-9990, Fax: 878-9989 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: hsnider@olearyburke.com 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 31 Commerce Avenue 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 0435-00027 & 0435-00031 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): Add seven (7) uses to the property, 1) Auto & motorcycle sales; 2) Equipment service, repair and rental; 3) Light manufacturing; 4) Office, general; 5) Processing and storage; 6) Retail warehouse outlet; 7) Warehousing, processing,storage and distribution; Included with the new uses will be an equipment storage area and eleven (11) new parking spaces located in the existing parking area (front yard). b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): 22,920 sf office building and warehouse with parking. c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): No changes to building or pavement. Proposed equipment storage area and parking spaces are to be located within the existing parking areas. d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): 22,920 sf existing building (no proposed buildings). e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): N/A. f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): N/A. g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): No changes to total of 31, 22 office employees and 9 non -office. h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: 182,883 Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing 12.53 % / 22,920 sq. ft. Proposed 12.53 % / 22,920 sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing 32.08 % / 58,663 sq. ft. Proposed 32.08 % / 58,663 sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing 15.5 % / 3,580 sq. ft. Proposed 15.5 % / 3,580 sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) N/A* * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ N/A (Existing) b. Landscaping: $ N/A (Existing) c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): $ N/A (parking striping) 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 90 (No changes) 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 AM to 6 PM (No changes) 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday (No changes) 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: Upon approval 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (I V x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. .0 1 �� it-'C'j //' - SIGNATURE OF APPLICAKT IL SEAJFC-OL SIGNATTURE OF PROPERTY OWNER PRINT NAME Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: 0 1 I /� REVIEW AUTHORITY: L DeveloP ment Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: /Complete ❑ In mp ete G Administrative Officer The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 southburlington PLANNING & ZONING October 12, 2012 Re: #SP-12-37 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Development Review Board concerning your recent application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincer ly, Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL -Return Receipt Requested # 7010 0290 0000 2215 4634 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com A0, I fthl I southburlington PLANNING A IONING MEMORANDUM TO: South Burlington Development Review Board FROM: Dan Albrecht, Contractor, Chittenden County RPC & Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: August 7, 2012 CC: LNP, Inc., Applicant Re: #SP-12-37, 31 Commerce Ave Site Plan Application #SP-12-37 31 Commerce Avenue Agenda #5 LNP, Inc. is seeking to amend a previously approved plan for 26,280 sq. ft. mixed use commercial/industrial building. The amendment consists of: 1) adding additional uses under an umbrella approval, and 2) seeking approval to add parking spaces in the front of the building, 31 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 0 Commerce Avenue. Administrative Officer Ray Belair and Dan Albrecht, Chittenden County RPC Contractor, referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on June 29, 2012 and have the following comments. Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements Table 1. Dimensional Requirements Mixed Industrial & Commercial Zoning District Required Proposed 4 Min. Lot Size 40,000 SF 22,920 SF J Max. Building Coverage 40% 12.53 % 4 Max. Overall Coverage 70% 32.08 % 4 Max. Front Yard Coverage 30% 15.5 % �l Min. Front Setback 30 ft. >30 ft. Min. Side Setback 10 ft. >10 ft. Min. Rear Setback 30 ft. >30 ft. � Zoning compliance SITE PLAN APPLICATION SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: Section 14.06(A). Relationship of Proposed Development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the goal of the Comprehensive Plan. Section 14.06(B). Relationship of Proposed Structures to the Site. (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. No new structures are proposed on the site. (2) Parking: (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board rinds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; SP 12 37 31 CommerceAve LNP Umbrella page 2 of 5 (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street; (iv) The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be re- used and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s); or, (v) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. The applicant is proposing to add eleven (11) vehicle spaces to the front of the building in an existing paved area. This request includes four (4) spaces that will be for the display of cars for sale and seven (7) parking spaces. 1. The Board should discuss and detennine whether the four (4) spaces for vehicles for sale are "display areas" or "parking areas" under this section. With regards to the parking spaces, the applicant testified that the property qualifies under subsection (iii) due to the presence of steep slopes to the rear of the structure. The Board should discuss this request. Staff feels that the request may not meet the standard under subsection (iii) as there is no restriction upon the placement of structures towards the front of the lot. However, staff also feels that the Board should discuss whether the project meets the standards of subsection (iv), as the building is to be re -used, parking is not possible to the rear of the building, and the proposed parking area is already paved from previous uses. 2. The Board should discuss the applicant's request to place seven (7) parking spaces to the front of the building. (3) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or anticipated adjoining buildings. No new structures are proposed. (4) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansion shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. No new utilities are proposed. Section 14.06(C) Relationship of Structures and Site to Adjoining Area. (1) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. There are no changes proposed to the existing structures. (2) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. There are no changes proposed to the existing structures. SP 12_37 31 CommerceAve LNP Umbrella page 3 of 5 In addition to the above general review standards site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: (A) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not find the reservation of any additional land is warranted as part of this application. (B) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. No changes are proposed. (C) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The plans show a proposed dumpster, adequately screened. (D) Landscaping Pursuant to Section 13.06(A) of the Land Development Regulations, landscaping and screening shall be required for all uses subject to site plan and PUD review. There are no changes proposed to the existing landscaping. The plans depict adequate snow storage areas. OTHER STANDARDS Section 3.09(B)(2) Umbrella Permit The applicant is seeking to expand the permitted uses within the existing umbrella approval.. Current permitted uses for the site include Contractor or building trade facility; Distribution and related storage; Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance; and Auto and motorcycle sales and service. The applicant is seeking to add for the following uses under an umbrella approval: Equipment service repair and rental; light manufacturing; Office, general; Processing and storage; Retail warehouse outlet; Warehousing, processing, storage and distribution. There are currently 36 approved parking spaces provided on site and the applicant is seeking to increase this by seven (7) parking spaces for a new approved total of 43 approved parking spaces. Staff finds no issues with the approval of these permitted uses on the subject property. SP 12 37 31 CommerceAve LNP Umbrella page 4 of 5 If the land development regulations change so that any of the above uses are no longer permitted, then those uses which are no longer permitted shall no longer be approved. These uses shall not exceed in need the current approved number of parking spaces without further review and approval by the Development Review Board. Traffic 3. Staff is presently researching with the City Attorney whether a traffic budget should legally be established for the site. Staff will strive to have a response for the DRB by the August 7t" hearing date but may request a continuance of the application if a determination has not yet been completed. Section 13.01(G) (5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. A bicycle rack is shown on the plans. SP 12_37 31 CommerceAve LNP Umbrella page 5 of 5 South Burlington Planning Zoning New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Project Completed by April 1, 2011 Project Name & Address 31 Commerce Avenue Property Owner LNP, Inc. Effective Date TOTAL IMPACT FEE $2,439.28 Value of New Construction: Tv -De of Construction Type of Use Fireproofed Steel Masonry or Wood Pre -Fab Skeleton or Concrete Frame Steel Reinforced Concrete SF Bearing SF Structure SF Structure SF Wall Structure Industrial Manufacturin Enizineering & Research General Office Medical Office General Retail Auto Service Facility Elder Care Facility Motel Sprinkler credit? (Enter 1 if yes) Total Value of New Structure: Total Value of New Structure & Contents: Current grand list value of property: Past payments credit: Post construction value of structure & land Future payments credit: Base fee: NET FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE: PM Peak Hour VIES Past payments credit: Future payments credit: OTHER CREDITS: ROAD IMPACT FEE: $1,602.3t5 $757.64 1 $2,439.28� 1 $0 $0. $1,329,20 $983.61 $1,329,200.00 $13.29 $0.00 $0.00 12/05/2012 Ci J of South Burlington Grand Jt Page 1 of 1 09:22 am Parcel Report ray For Parcel: 0435-00031. LNP INC Name LNP INC 300 CORNERSTONE DR WILLISTON VT 05495 Location (A) LOT 39 911 31 COMMERCE AVE Tax Map 08-054-000 Desc. 2.19 ACRES; COMM Codes: (1) (Category)M (Equipment) (Owner)C Wood Crop Pasture Other Site Total Acres: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.19 Real Land Building Equipment Inventory Values: 1,329,200 229,000 1,100,200 0 0 Homestead Veterans Farm Stab. L.U. Acres Land Use 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contract Lease Prev. Egpm Land Use Amt Prev. Real 0 0.00 0 0.00 1,329,200 Housesite Special Exmp Grand List 0.00 0.00 13,292.00 Misc: Status: T Bill #: 50888 Updated: 06/23/2011 Last sale was: Invalid on 08/10/2005 for $420000 recorded on 722/724 Grievance Info: Flag: N Remarks: (1) Misc Fields: (0): 150058000 (8) : N (9): 06/16/00 SPAN: 600-188-10450 J South Burlington Overlay Districts Effective January 9, 2012 Legend [ _ wJ Airport Approach Corridors Traffic Major Intersections — Zone t High Volume Roadway Segments —Zones 2A, 213, 2C Balance of Restricted Roads — Zone 3�'' i View Protection Zones E3 DORSET PARK HINESBURGRD -NORTH nr lit ® HINESBURG RD. -SOUTH ® SPEAR ST. - OVERLOOK PARK ' •''y SPEAR ST. - RIDGE I SMtormwater Management Overlay District W Stomiwater Management Overlay District i•�');i - y' �, rr " Design Review Overlay Districts q� DESIGN DISTRICT I DESIGN DISTRICT 2 d lr DESIGN DISTRICT 3 'r Flood Plain Overlay District Zone A 100-year Flood Plain { "i a, 1 " Tax Parcel boundaries Water Body 1 -�"-- Perennial Stream g — - Intermittent Stream i Roads Transit Route c _ f t` Transit Overlay District huna3� � 1, Awl Alas 'r". I t'dF„„"!"�'"'i•�� ti'6',"r'��aC tll��'-'Ise� � l�� A lRd Ali klu'� m, � t�l„l Fy 1 tµ , S .,I Feet g 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 d 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Miles Disclaimer The accuracy of information presented a determined by its sources. Errors and omissions may exist. The City of South Burlington Is not responsible for these. Questions of on-th"mund location can beresolved by site inspections and/or surveys by registered surveyors. This map Is not sufficient for delineation of features on the gound. This map Identifies the presence of features, and may Indicate relationships between features, but it is not a replacement for surveyed information or engineering studies. Map updated by H. Shaw using ArcGIS 10.0. All data Is In State Plane Coordinate System, NAD 1903. \\PWSaMGISDahWYnninMOwNryMep%OvoMyM*p tixl7 Abutter List — Office/Warehouse Project — Al Senecal 27 & 31 Commerce Avenue John & Joyce Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Alan Brusoe & Ann Soutiere 11 Mayfair Street South Burlington, VT 05403 David & Laurie Cota 6 Curtis Avenue Essex Jct., VT 05452 Same — VT LLC C/o Independent Pipe & Supply Corp. Whitman Road Canton, MA 02021 Roth Family Partnership P.O. Box 22 Warren, VT 05674 Joe Eddy Holdings, LLC 12 Liberty Lane Colchester, VT 05446 James Barron P.O. Box 9362 South Burlington, VT 05403 5050\abutterlist.doc southburlington PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM To: Development Review Board �t From: Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer Date: September 14, 2012 Re: Agenda #5, Application #SP-12-37, L.N.P., Inc. Via a memo dated September 5, 2012 the applicant has submitted a revised Site Plan that now details silt fencing around the topsoil stockpiles and the limits of work area per the DRB's request. The applicant has calculated this area as pervious as it will not be paved or lain with gravel except where noted. The Director of Public Works reviewed the plans and recommends that the "proposed equipment storage area" be either (a) lined with a silt fence along its southern boundary or (b) lain with gravel, as the site will over time likely become compacted and prone to erosion. The Director also reviewed the "limit of disturbance" for equipment access and found the size (40 feet around the stockpile limits) to be appropriate in terms of equipment turning area needed. 1. The Director of Public Works recommends that the 'proposed equipment storage area "be either (a) lined with a silt fence along its southern boundary or (b) lain with gravel, as the site will over time likely become compacted and prone to erosion. In addition, staff has reviewed the proposal under the following criteria: 3.12 Alteration of Existing Grade B. Standards and Conditions for Approval. (1) The Development Review Board shall review a request under this Section for compliance with the standards contained in this sub -Section 3.12(B). and Section 3.07, Height of Structures of these regulations. An application under Section 3.12(A) above shall include the submittal of a site plan, planned unit development or subdivision plat application showing the area to be filled or removed, and the existing grade and proposed grade created by removal or addition of material. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com f As this application is for a stockpile that will be added to and removed from, there is no "proposed grade." The maximum height standards for this zoning district — 35 feet — does apply pursuant to Section 3.07. The applicant should confirm that the stockpiles will not exceed 35 feet in height and include a notation on the site plan to this effect. 2. The applicant should confirm that the stockpiles will not exceed .35 feet in height and include a notation on the site plan to this effect. (2) The Development Review Board, in granting approval may impose any conditions it deems necessary, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Duration or phasing of the permit for any length of time. The proposed application is for the stockpile to be used on a regular basis, rather than for a single alteration of grade. The Board may discuss compliance with this standard and whether it is applicable in this case. (b) Submission of an acceptable plan for the rehabilitation of the site at the conclusion of the operations, including grading, seeding and planting, fencing, drainage, and other appropriate measures. The proposed application is for the stockpile to be used on a regular basis, rather than for a single alteration of grade. The applicant has proposed a silt fence to surround each of the stockpiles. As noted above, the Director of Public Works recommends additional measures for the equipment storage area. (c) Provision of a suitable bond or other security in accordance with Section 15.15 adequate to assure compliance with the provisions of these Regulations. The proposed application is for the stockpile to be used on a regular basis, rather than for a single alteration of grade. This section is not applicable. (d) Determination of what shall constitute pre -construction grade under Section 3.07, Height of Structures. The site plan indicates existing grades as between 224' and 226' in the area of the stockpiles. O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING � CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 17th day of May, 2013 a copy of the foregoing public notice for Sketch Plan application 4SD-13-12, was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of- way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the amity of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: John & Joyce Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Alan Brusoe & Ann Soutiere 11 Mayfair Street South Burlington, VT 05403 David & Laurie Cota 6 Curtis Avenue Essex Jct., VT 05452 Same — VT LLC C/o Independent Pipe & Supply Corp. Whitman Road Canton, MA 02021 Roth Family Partnership P.O. Box 22 Warren, VT 05674 Joe Eddy Holdings, LLC 12 Liberty Lane Colchester, VT 05446 James Barron P.O. Box 9362 South Burlington, VT 05403 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX fSeryice Form. Rev 1-2012 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this 17th day of May, 2013. Printed Name: Tatum Lauten Phone number and email: (8002)$78-9990, auten@olearyburke.com Signature: Date: 5-17-13 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEXForm Rev. 1-2012 TEL 802 878 9990 I FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com j � T s14OP O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING March 28, 2013 Mr. Ray Belair RECEIVED Zoning Administrator MAR 2 8 2013 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 aty of so, Burlington Re: LNP, Inc. — 31 Commerce Avenue Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of LPN, Inc. c/o Al Senecal to apply for a Site Plan review for his commercial site at #31 Commerce Avenue (lots 39 and 40 of the Ethan Allen Industrial Park). Mr. Senecal is proposing to add a new 14,000 s.f. office and warehouse building with parking to the undeveloped westerly portion of the property. A 22,920 s.f. office/warehouse building and parking currently occupies the eastern portion of the property. Please find the following attached information for your review: 1) Site Plan Review application; 2) Application fee of $1475.00 + $13 recording fee = $1488.00; (10,000 sf x 0.10 + 4,000 sf x 0.05 + $275.00 + $13.00 = $1488.00) 3) Five (5) 24" x 36" copies of the Site Plan; 4) One (1) 11" x 17" Site Plan; 5) List of abutters; If you have any questions or comments you can contact me at (802) 878- 9990. Sincerely, Tatum L ten, E.I. 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke.com Land Use: 130 Industrial Park Description Industrial parks contain a number of industrial or related facilities. They are characterized by a mix of manufacturing, service and warehouse facilities with a wide variation in the proportion of each type of use from one location to another. Many industrial parks contain highly diversified facilities —some with a large number of small businesses and others with one or two dominant industries. General light industrial (Land Use 110), general heavy industrial (Land Use 120) and manufacturing (Land Use 140) are related uses. Additional Data Average weekday transit trip ends — 0.03 per employee — 0.05 per 1,000 square feet grass floor area — 0.69 per acre Truck trips accounted for 1 to 22 percent of the weekday traffic at the sites surveyed. The average for all sites that were surveyed was approximately 8 percent. Vehicle occupancy ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 persons per automobile on an average weekday. The average for all sites that were surveyed was 1.37. The peak hour of the generator typically coincided with the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. Facilities with employees on shift work may peak at other hours. The sites were surveyed in the late 1960s, the early 1970s and the mid-1980s throughout the United States. Source Numbers 3, 7, 10, 14, 68, 74, 85, 91, 100, 146, 162, 184, 251, 277, 422 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 132 Institute of Transportation Engineers I Industrial Park (130) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Weekday, P.M. Peak Hour of Generator Number of Studies: 36 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 473 Directional Distribution: 21 % entering, 79% exiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.86 0.13 - 2.95 1.09 uata riot and Equation F 2,OC 1,90 1,80 1,70 1,60 1,50 1,40 1,30 1,20 1,101 1,Oa 901 801 701 601 50( 40( 30( 20( 10( 0 1000 2000 3000 X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Pointe Fitted Curve ------ Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.73(X) + 59.62 R2 = 0.54 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 146 Institute of Transportation Engineers O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING 40, June 29, 2012 Mr. Ray Belair RECEIVED Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street _ ON 2 9 2012 South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. — 31 Commerce Avenue City of So. Burlington Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of Al Senecal to apply for a Site Plan amendment for his commercial site at 31 Commerce Avenue (Lots 39 and 40 of Ethan Allen Industrial Park). Mr. Senecal is proposing to add seven (7) new uses to the commercial property and included with the new uses will be an equipment storage area and eleven (11) parking spaces. The parcel is accessed from Commerce Avenue over a 60' wide portion of the property that is situated between two commercial properties. Currently the site is occupied by a 22,920 sf office/warehouse building with 36 approved parking spaces and is permitted for the following uses: • Contractor or building trade facility; • Distribution and related storage; • Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance. • Auto and motorcycle sales and service (pending); With this amendment, Mr. Senecal is proposing to add an equipment storage area and eleven (11) parking spaces to his existing parking area located in the front yard of the site and also to include seven (7) new uses for the property. • Auto and motorcycle sales; • Equipment service repair and rental, • Light manufacturing; • Office, general; • Processing and storage, • Retail warehouse outlet; • Warehousing, processing, storage and distribution, 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@olearyburke com } The project was originally approved on 1-20-09 (#SP-08-119) with seven (7) parking spaces in the front yard. Before the project was completed, changes to the VELCO transmission lines that are located in the front yard, resulted in the seven (7) parking spaces being moved to the side yard. The South Burlington Land Development regulations have since been changed to not allow parking within the front yard, unless one of the criteria of Article 14.06 B. (2) Parking: (b) can be met. Article 14.06 B. (2) Parking: (b) —'The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below.' (i) The parking area is necessary to meet minimum requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; (ii) The parking area will serve a single or two-family home; (iii) The lot has unique site conditions such as a utility easement or unstable soils that allow for parking, but not a building, to be located adjacent to the public street; (iv)The lot contains one or more existing buildings that are to be reused and parking needs cannot be accommodated to the rear and sides of the existing building(s) or, (v) The principal use of the lot is for public recreation. We believe that the situation meets the conditions of 14.06 B. (2) (b) (iii) as per the following; • The existence of a 150' wide VELCO right-of-way encompassing a large part of the northerly portion of Lot 39. Parking, but not buildings are allowed within the VELCO right-of-way, which severely limits the development of the parcel with regards to building location. • Prior to the completion of construction in 2009, seven (7) approved parking spaces were removed from the front yard in order to accommodate changes to VELCO transmission pole locations. • The existence of a Class Two wetland and buffer in the southerly portion of the property further limits the location and the size of a buildable area. While not listed as a `unique site condition', the area that is classified as `front yard' is located to the rear of the commercial lots that front on Commerce Avenue. The proposed locations for the equipment storage area and the parking spaces will not be located `adjacent to a public street' and will not be visible from the public street, being screened by the existing buildings, existing parking and equipment storage and a very high and dense cedar hedge. Please find the following attached information for your review: 1) Site Plan Amendment application; 2) Application fee of $275.00 + $13 recording fee = $288.00; 3) Five (5) 24" x 36" copies of the Site Plan; 4) One (1) 11" x 17" Site Plan; 5) List of abutters; If you have any questions or comments, please call. Sincerely, Howard Snider 5050\BELAI RAMEND06-25-12.doc W (\ill W II W I 0-4 A I; 4 Nq \Main J j { 1+ / — — — ,rm �� 1 Il 1 I Jf lilt jib 77 ON 16 Wit IL 5 _ W.WWA JInTO. I \ t� it I ; l /o�� $ .I I o /�; �I (//+I l l//lI I ; / s \ � �I�.1 � I I ne I/l� � ll li I � 1 O �� � I ���� �I�I I II ' �� 1 I `� / 1,•`'•-I � I>/r///I��J/% / / / 1 / I U 2-0 9 W y 1 � r iQ E�3�Q��gr �g 0 ��► 11x pP:5 1111111 ou .9 on Du §1 Z U J �y W �I LZ I / � _ I I /-l/�\l)JI/ I j/l ��• c9 9ixx nli� � '' �� � � � I 11 ,. \/� i�(f i I(�!/I/j��/// ///�/%/) -__cP �////ii a/ii�i. NZ, �///j///j///�/j/////� ➢V 9b:6£:OI ZIOZ/6Z/9`SAiP'PIIaUMQ?IOOHI-0909\gA%P\0909\900Z\:Z Abutter List — Office/Warehouse Project — Al Senecal 27 & 31 Commerce Avenue John & Joyce Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Alan Brusoe & Ann Soutiere 11 Mayfair Street South Burlington, VT 05403 David & Laurie Cota 6 Curtis Avenue Essex Jct., VT 05452 Same — VT LLC C/o Independent Pipe & Supply Corp. Whitman Road Canton, MA 02021 Roth Family Partnership P.O. Box 22 Warren, VT 05674 Joe Eddy Holdings, LLC 12 Liberty Lane Colchester, VT 05446 James Barron P.O. Box 9362 South Burlington, VT 05403 5050\abutterlist.doc MEMORANDUM TO: RAY FROM: 110WARD SNIDEIR SUBJECT: .UL SENF:(;11L — #SP-1 1-56 (#31 (;(>NINI1?RCE' ,\Vl1'NLTF DATE: SEP"IT'NMER 5, 2012 CC: Ray — \ttachcd are fivc (5) full-size and one (1) 11" x 17" copies of the revised Site plan for the continued #31 Commerce Avenue application. Additions to this plan include silt fencing around the topsoil stockpiles and a delineated work area. ,A pdf of the plan has also been emailed. Howard. Fr " F� 201" CiN, of So. Budington O'Leary -Burke (:111-11 .associates, 1)1,(; 1 Corporme Dr'Ve, Suite 1, Essex Ict., VT 05.152 Tel : 802-878-9990 Fax : 802-878-9989 Email : obca q-)olearN-burke.com 611 W LOUO ' ® 0 --� LJ.I a g� > N L1j COO m 0 (� a. v) cn O W r U 3 Ilk/ —==h= I I �'� nos�a• � — —� 1 � sib e ( I / � I :4z f I� \ tit I J I � � I II j i I I Q I U — , blI �I \ --1/ �� I ►� f Ei� a i u o � Q 14 tl onOU9 • a n •lololo a •I5I�mI��a�I��� s l Q U O 3U�hy v Raorescwd� .y /1 IRV � // /� \Itl / /II!/I If '� � � �• r qr i / i //// �f I / I l / ! ' I J \I V ) i4 I �I �� lf•/ I ' � : lll� l/iill / I /l I 11,E/// /// / /// , ////// �/ /i//�////// ➢\iV 19:8Z:8 ZiOZ/S/6`2MP'PAauIUQ2IODgN-0S0S\$MP\0S0S\SOOZ\:Z MEMORANDUM TO: RAY FROM: l l(AVARD SNIDFI? SUBJECT: _\l,Sl?N1:C_U,—#till-11-56 (#31 DATE: \t•(,L'S'I' 9, 201? CC: Rai — Atttchcci arc fivc (5) and one (1) 1 l" s 17" copies of tic 431 Commerce AN-enue Site Plan. Additions to this plan include the existing, and hr()1,()secl storage areas that arc located \x-cst of the csisting building and revisuns to the inipci- ions calculations. Howard. ( )'l ,card-13urkc Cn it Assoctatcs, PLC 1 Corporate llrn c, tiuitc 1, 1?ssc� act., \"1' 05152 Ycl : 802-875-9991t lax : 802-87h-9989 1?mail . olxa(t�olcar�Uurlce rum s� south PLANNING & ZONING MEMORANDUM To: Development Review Board n From: Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer ,j�` Date: August 31, 2012 Re: Application #SP-12-37, Agenda #6 This item was continued pending an opinion from the City Attorney regarding the applicability of the road impact fee to this property. We have received the opinion and it is that this property is subject to the road impact as it was constructed after 2005. Both the City Attorney and staff agree that we need to establish a baseline for traffic generation for this property. Therefore, staff and that applicant have agreed that the current trip generation for this property is 16 pm peak hour trip ends (vtes). The applicant is requesting approval for five (5) additional pm peak hour trip ends for a total of 21 vtes. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802,846,4101 www.sburl.corn CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 24t" day of July, 2012, a copy of the foregoing public notice f01' Site Plan amendment [type of application] #SP-12-37 [application number], was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development. without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that Hats notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: (full names and addresses) ,John & Joyce Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Alan Brusoe & Ann Soutiere 11 Mayfair Street South Burlington, VT 05403 David & Laurie Cota 6 Curtis Avenue Essex Jet., VT 05452 Same — VT LLC C/o Independent Pipe & Supply Corp. Whitman Road Canton, MA 02021 Roth Family Partnership P.O. Box 22 Warren, VT 05674 Joe Eddy Holdings, LLC; 12 Liberty Lane Colchester, VT 05446 James Barron P.O. Box 9362 South Burlington, VT 05403 Amirli lilt 11h I,, ron A4Iit, h, C(vlilrc un r!l At II II t I'm Iit H4 �. 1-a11 Dated at Essex jet. [town/city]. Vermont, this 241h day of July, 2012. Printed Name: 1100,qgo 5.,VJ/Oe2 Phone number and email: 878-9990 Signature: Date: ?- 4,Y— !z- Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Plannim, & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington. VT 05•t03 Solelil Allhilgim? �aa. /( (u'tifhuh of Acr,ar, 1'or,u. Ho. i 2012 south urlineton PLANNING & ZONING June 8, 2012 Re: #SP-12-28 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning the above referenced application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning Dermit must be obtained within six (6) months. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincer y, U / R mo J. Belalr Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 0,1rAl ll south ur noton PLANNING & ZONING Pe _ rmit Number SP- (of5ce use orO — APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW VX'd'ministrative ❑ Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): f� �y .3aV Dk'. Z,1///, f/xi 117- ev Sy/ 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page ft lyo bjue- 1 Z pn c U q U6- 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): �' eV 3/ i�07 1-IV276 le e? e l 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax ft Xe se- / 31 1,1t7127,,n e,,— e c2 ,e FbI,-u!5i7 94,1.- 4k5�`- Fa,x 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: �a,SEi?rc4-/ p�s:rg�yr, co.y 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 31 Com-lox --ce- eetz, 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): & 1135 - QOo Z 7 c)vt35 3 t 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): f�. b. Existing Uses on Property (including description .. and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): fee et. cl,b ye, d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): A'10 (?4Y e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine):i'� L� , f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): pe h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 8. LOT COVERAGE It'd Total Parcel Size: Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing % / sq. ft. Proposed % / sq. ft. d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations) b. Landscaping: c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC *�,I) C'lly�,Vye- a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 14. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)1 regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy. 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. 4Ag��c GNATURE OF APPLICANT �T OF PROPERTY Do not write below this line PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board LJ Administrative Officer I have reviewed this site plan application and find it to be: Ili Complete ❑ Inco le Administrative Of cer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 MEMORANDUM TO: RAY FROM: JlOW_1RD SNIDER SUBJECT: .�I, S1:Nl:Ca, — #SP 1 1 5C (#31 CON,'�IERCI,: ,�\'ENl'I DATE: DJ"C'I `NIBFR 19,201 1 CC: Rai- — Per Stipulation #3a of the 12-05-1 1 al->proA,al cond�ttons, nc� sno�I- storage areas arc shorn on the Sitc Plan (l moved one area out of the \'I'.l,CO right-of-A-,"n'.) ,attached arc three (3) full size topics of the Site Plan. Howard. O'Lcin-Burke Cn-Il .Associates, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suitc 1, Lsscs )ct , Vl' 05452 1'el : 8024878-9990 I{a� . 802-878-9989 I1-.rnatl obca@olearyburke.com Z:\2005\5050\dwg\5050-RECORD.dwg, 5/30/2012 9:21:19 AM r G) A 19 19 g rr 6 a� $ CO) n F a 140 A S $o tip Y N f o (t Q a IN 1:n,u,Iw�C'• � �I� � ..� Wl 04 south ur ingtou PLANNING & ZONING December 5, 2011 Re: #SP-11-56 Dear Applicant: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Administrative Officer concerning your recent application. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months If you have any questions, please contact me. :Since ly, y nd J. Belair Administrative Officer Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846,4101 www.sburi.com (r mv southburfing o PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SP-�- (ofice use o y) APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW ❑ Administrative ❑ Development Review Board All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax ft /!/ ��C� ��'.�'�/lip Tc' ✓.� J�i�, �s- 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #): 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax ft 5 t-17 ecei z FG'L V4' " e S/ J 4a. CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:: r Se ,,r; ct / &,,_ ' ")i 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: &l ('�M „� t��L at,/, 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a. General project description (ex lain what you want approval for): b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): AloAlz= c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain):�� d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): 46-e"e+�1, '7X ZSr rj f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): g. Number of employees (existing and proposed, note office versus non -office employees): h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2010 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: a. Building: Existing % / Proposed % / Sq. Ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % / Proposed % / c. Front yard (along each street) Existing Proposed d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. / sq. $. / sq. ft. * * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ b. Landscaping: $ c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC Ale') L�Zhrz� e— a. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION: 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: 14. OWNERS OF RECORD OF ALL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES & MAILING ADDRESSES' (this shall be provided on a separate attached sheet and on pre -stamped and pre - addressed envelopes. The city will add the return address). Not required for Administrative Site Plan Applications 3 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2010 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5)2 regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application in accordance with the city's fee schedule. I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. G ATURE O PLICA SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY Do not write below this line PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: REVIEW AUTHORITY: ❑ Development Review Board Administrative Officer I have reviewed t ' site plan application and find it to be: Complete ❑ Inco lete A ministrative Officer Ibate The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. 2 Administrative site plan applications require three (3) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") 4 Site Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2010 MEMORANDUM TO: R.\Y FROM: IIONX".1RD SNII)FR SUBJECT:_�l.S}?NEC.11,—lil?l;l'1?RP.�R1� DATE: DLCFNIBFlZ ?, 3(111 CC: Ray — Attached arc three (3) full size copies of the revised Site Plan and the Landscaping Plan (and an I I" s 17" set). I added the bike rack and relocated the four parking spaces to the rear of the building. ,\]so included is a photo of the bikerack that had bean omitted from the plans. H mvard. O'Learv-Burke Cavil ,\ssociatcs, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1, 1?sscl Ict., N'T 05452 Tel : 803-878-9990 I ix : 802-878-9989 Finail : obca n?olcaryburkc.com Why y. a ♦ I `x t l r A,w <- i JAI+ ra&�Y'"x• w~°- _ \ _ Y " Y. ry rcn dy" I ?'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC GNG I`,EERiN.(S PEGLl A.T:)F, AV7-) PERP.-17 PREPARAIPON ,'_,',NU SURVE, I,NG, CONS'IRUCTION SER`KES I L.',ND USE PL,NN.NG November 9, 2011 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. — SP-08-119 Lots 39 & 40 Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of Al Senecal to apply for a `Certificate of Occupancy' for his recently completed facility off of Commerce Avenue in the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision, Our office recently surveyed the property to locate the `Record Locations' on the property and have revised the plans to depict what is different from the approved plans. Changes from the approved plans are as listed below. There are several parking area changes that were necessitated by relocation of VELCO transmission poles and also lowering of the transmission wires that were done concurrently with the LNP, Inc. construction. These changes include relocating the seven spaces on the north side of the building to an area near the dumpsters and expanding the pavement at the east end of the building to provide truck access to the building. Also VELCO requested that some of the trees within their right-of-way be changed to a shorter specie. The four parking spaces that were depicted in the rear of the building have been relocated to the east end of the front parking area. There are a total of 36 spaces as per the approval. The curbed area approved for the northwest corner of the building has been eliminated. The bike rack that was depicted in that area has been relocated to the southwest corner of the building. The revised Landscaping Plan depicts what was actually planted. The new cost total of $21,760.75 slightly exceeds the approved cost total of $21,754.25. Changes from the approved plan were necessitated by the VELCO right-of-way and also planting stock availability. Attached are copies of the revised Site Plan and Landscape Plan for your review. Please call if you have questions or comments. Z2� z Howard Snider 505MELAIRAMEN011-09-11 doc 1 CORPORP.TE DRIVE SUIJ #1 ESSEX JUNC HON VERMONT 05A52 TEL 802 878 91)90 1 FAX 802 878 9989 1 obca@o[ear, burke.conm �V009 �� southburlington PLANNING & ZONING October3, 2011 Al Senecal LNP: Inc. 300 Cornerstone Drive, Ste. 130 Williston, VT 05495 Re: New Tenant — Omega Electric Construction Co., Inc. — 31 Commerce Avenue Dear Mr. Senecal: This is in response to your letter dated September 30, 2011 requesting approval under your umbrella permit for a new tenant, Omega Electric Construction Co., Inc., at 31 Commerce Avenue. It is my understanding that this new tenant is a contractor or building trade facility use and will replace vacant space. A review of the new parking and traffic demands indicate that the limits established under the umbrella permit will not be exceeded; therefore this new tenant is approved. Since this tenant change does result in a change in use, a zoning permit is required. Please contact me to apply for the zoning permit. Since Administrative Officer r 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com UIP, INC. 300 Cornerstone Drive Suite 130 Williston VT 05495 September 30, 2011 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: Request for change of use at 31 Commerce Avenue South Burlington, VT SP-08-119 Dear Ray, I am writing this letter to request a change of use from the commercial building approved to the contractor or building trade facility use as it was approved by the Developmental Review Board. Omega Electric Construction Co., Inc, will be taking the entire 26,280 sq. ft. building which will include all office and warehouse space. I would appreciate you assistance with this matter, Please call me with any questions 802-862-0517 Se incere necal RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2011 i ity of So. 13uriir)dtor! tat 1006359 V -. 903 PG: 185 LOT MERGER AGREEMENT NOV. THIS AGREEMENT entered into and effective thi day of Qt 2009 by and between LNP, a Vermont Limited Liability company with a principal place of business in illiston, Vermont (hereinafter "Owner"), and City Of South Burlington, a Vermont municipality located in Chittenden County, State of Vermont (herein "Municipality"); WHEREAS, LNP is the owner of two contiguous parcels of land acquired by Warranty Deed of John H. Belter & Joyce N. Belter dated 8-11-2005 and recorded in Volume 722 at Page 724-726 of the Municipality's Land Records and being more particularly described therein as Lot 39 and Lot 40; and WHEREAS, Lot 39 and Lot 40 are shown and depicted on a plan entitled Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40 Ethan Allen Farms prepared by OleW- Burke Civil Associates, dated 10-08-2008, last revised 10-02-2009, and recorded at Map Volume 252, Page 22 of the Municipality's Land Records; and WHEREAS, LNP desires to develop and use Lots 39 and 40 as a single parcel of land in conjunction with its planned commercial development of said Lots; and WHEREAS, on.1-20-2009, the Municipality's Development Review Board granted Application #SP-08-119 site plan approval fora Commercial building to be constructed on Lot 39 and associated parking and other improvements be located on Lot 40; and WHEREAS, a condition of the site plan approval is that Lot 39 and 40 be legally merged for purposes of the Municipal Land Use Ordinances, and that —a Lot Merger Agreement be executed and recorded in the Municipality's Land Records prior to the issuance of a zoning permit to construct the approved improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Municipality issuing a zoning permit under its Zoning Regulations for development of the two above -described parcels of land as a single parcel by LM the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. From the date of this instrument, Lots 39 and 40 as described herein shall constitute a single lot for purposes of compliance with the Municipality's Zoning Regulations and Subdivision regulations, which may not be conveyed separately, or otherwise subdivided, without the express written approval of the Municipality's Development Review Board. 2. This Lot Merger Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, and shall run with the land. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Received Nov 04r2009 10:15€+ Recorded in VOL: 9'A3 F0: 185 OF Oa. Burlington Land Recor_ls Attest -- Dow Kinville city Clerk 00006359 V : 903 P(i: 186 DATED at South Burlinato Vermont, as of the date first above written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Owner s By. Witness) Its y Authorized Agent STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CRITTENDEN, SS. At S. , this4 da ofA/ , /, Duly y y-rA��or2009 �4lfre�Scn Authorized Agent o 1. N P personally appeared, and he acknowledged, this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free a"ci and deed of fiT4 5entco,( +. LAIP ..,, Before me, l/ '� ,• ' - Notary Public IN THE PRESENCE OF: City of b; 4tness) By:� Its my A �.-rized-Aggent STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CRITTENDEN, SS. At5v • �i i ;� this�day of 2009,1/11-1 Authorized Agent of �- personally appeared, and he acicmoyvled ed this - instrument '� by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, a id�th_ e ee.,a " grid deed of � L)KZ Gq rr�� �Be f e *, Notary ubli END OUU41;UMOE'NIT 71 presently at or exceeds the allowable lot coverage, can I substitute coverage by (say) removing existing impervious area in "exchange' for new impervious area? This property is actively on the market, so If you could answer my questions quickly, I may make a run at it. Many thanks, Eric Eric F. Farrell efarrellgfarrellrealestatevt. com FARRELL REAL ESTATE Mailing: PO Box 1335, Burlington, VT 05402-1335 Physical: 875 Roosevelt Highway, Suite 120, Colchester, VT 05446 P: 802-861-3000 x12 F: 802-861-3003 C: 802-343-7055 South Burlington Planning Zoning New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Grand List April 1, 2oo8 L&T., Project Name & Address 27-31 Commerce Ave. Property Owner LNP,Inc. Effective Date TOTAL. IMPACT FEE 4/1/10 $7,862.778 Value of New Construction: Tvne of Construction Type of Use Fireproofed Steel Skeleton or Reinforced Concrete Masonry or Concrete SF Bearing SF Wall Structure Wood Frame Structure Pre -Fab Steel SF Structure SF Industrial/Manufacturing S66 S69 S65 S64 26,280 Engineering & Research S88 S96 S93 S88 General Office S123 S113 5110 0 S104 Medical Office S133 S71 S69 S67 General Retail S84 S54 S51 S41 Auto Service Facility 84 S81 S78 Elder Care Facility 102 S74 S72 S72 Motel Sprinkler credit? (Enter 1 if yes) Total Value of New Structure: Total Value of New Structure & Contents: Current grand list value of property: Past payments credit: Post construction value of structure & land Future payments credit: Base fee: NET FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE: PM Peak Hour VTEs Past payments credit: Future payments credit: OTHER CREDITS: ROAD IMPACT FEE: 1 $1,681,920 $4,204,800.0 $428,000 $145.52 $2,109,920.00 $632.98 $2,535.49 $1,757.00 8.41 $298.62 2,004•42 $6 go ► YI Project Name &Address Property Owner Effective Date TOTAL IMPACT FEE South Burlington Planning Zoning New Non -Residential Construction Impact Fees Grand List April 1, 2oo8 Value of New Construction: Tvne of Constructinn Fireproofed Steel Masonry or Wood Pre -Fab Skeleton or Concrete Frame Steel Reinforced Concrete SF Bearing SF Structure SF Structure SF Wall Type of Use Structure Industrial Manufacturin 66 S69 S65 64 26.28 Engineering & Research S88 S96 S93 88 General Office S123 S113 silo 0 S104 Medical Office S133 S71 69 S67 General Retail 84 S54 S51 S41 Auto Service Facility 84 S81 S78 Elder Care Facility 102 S74 S72 S72 Motel Sprinkler credit? (Enter 1 if yes) Total Value of New Structure: Total Value of New Structure & Contents: Current grand list value of property: Past payments credit: Post construction value of structure & land Future payments credit: Base fee: NET FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE: PM Peak Hour VTEs Past payments credit: Future payments credit: OTHER CREDITS: ROAD IMPACT FEE: 2. 1 $1,681,920 $4,204,800— $428,000 $145.52 $2,109,920.00 $632.98 $2,535.49 $1,757.00 LOT MERGER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into and effective this _day of Oct, 2009, by and between LNP, a Development company with a principal place of business in Williston, Vermont (hereinafter "Owner"), and Town Of South Burlington, a Vermont municipality located in Chittenden County, State of Vermont (herein "Municipality"); WHEREAS, LNP is the owner of two contiguous parcels of land acquired by Warranty Deed of John H. Belter & Jo ce N. Belter dated 8-11-2005 and recorded in Volume 722 at Page 724-726 of the Municipality's Land Records and being more particularly described therein as Lot 39 and Lot 40, and WHEREAS, Lot 39 and Lot 40 are shown and depicted on a plan entitled Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40 Ethan Allen Farms prepared by Olearv- Burke Civil Associates dated10-08-2008, last revised 10-02-2009, and recorded at Map Volume 722. Page 724-726 of the Municipality's Land Records; and WHEREAS, LNP desires to develop and use Lots 39 and 40 as a single parcel of land in conjunction with its planned commercial development of said Lots; and WHEREAS, on 1-20-2009, the Municipality's Planning Commission granted Application #SP-08-119 site plan approval for a Commercial building to be constructed on Lot 39 and associated parking and other improvements be located on Lot 40; and WHEREAS, a condition of the site plan approval is that Lot 39 and 40 be legally merged for purposes of the Municipal Land Use Ordinances, and that a Lot Merger Agreement be executed and recorded in the Municipality's Land Records prior to the issuance of a zoning permit to construct the approved improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Municipality issuing a zoning permit under its Zoning Regulations for development of the two above -described parcels of land as a single parcel by both, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. From the date of this instrument, Lots 39 and 40, as described herein shall constitute a single lot for purposes of compliance with the Municipality's Zoning Regulations and Subdivision regulations, which may not be conveyed separately, or otherwise subdivided, without the express written approval of the Municipality's Planning Commission. 2. This Lot Merger Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, and shall run with the land. 1, Post -it® Fax Note 767, Date /0 VA, pages► From Co/Dept Co Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # DATED at South Burlington, Vermont, as of the date first above written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: itness) STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. Owner By: //a//// - Its lhly Authorized Age Atl�frn--, thisz�rday of , 2009, A��o-�`-ZzDuly Authorized Agent of LNG? .:j� , personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed IN THE PRESENCE OF: (Witness) STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. Before me, _ o Public L-In Town of Its Duly Authorized Agent At , this —day of , 2009, , Duly Authorized Agent of , personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of Before me, Notary Public 2 ?J / October 16, 2009 City of South Burlington, Vermont Ray Belair, Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit #1844121 LNP, Inc. 300 Cornerstone Drive, Suite 130 Williston, VT 05495 Dear Beneficiary: Peoples United Bank d/b/a Chittenden Bank hereby establish our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit #1844121 in favor of City of South Burlington, Vermont for the account of LNP, Inc. up to an aggregate amount of $21,500.00 available by your draft or drafts on us at sight accompanied by: 1.) the original Letter of Credit and all amendments, if any, 2.) a written statement signed by an authorized officer of City of South Burlington, Vermont that these funds are due you under the terms of your agreement with LNP, Inc., accompanied by 3.) a current secretary certificate or resolution from City of South Burlington, Vermont that the officer is authorized to sign on behalf of City of South Burlington, Vermont. If your demand represents a partial drawing hereunder, we will endorse the original credit and return same to you for possible future claims. If, however, your demand represents a full drawing, or if such drawing is presented on the day of the relevant expiration date hereof, we will hold the original for our files and remove same from circulation. Two Burlington Square PO Box 820 Burlington, Vermont 05402 802-658-4000 www chittenden.com All drafts must be marked under Letter of Credit #1844121. We engage with you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms and conditions of this credit will be duly honored on delivery of documents as specified if presented at this office on or before October 15, 2011. Except so far as otherwise expressly stated, this credit is subject to the "International Standby Practices ISP 98 (1998 Revision), International Chamber of Commerce Publication #590" Very truly yours, Brian D. Messier Manager of Loan Documentation Two Burlington Square PO Box 820 Burlington, Vermont 05402 802-658-4000 www.chittenden.com SITE PLAN LETTER OF CREDIT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, executed in triplicate between Z .4/100 of 'i/; j� f�,y r�T , hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER", of /// of hereinafter referred to as "BANK", and the City of South gurlington, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, DEVELOPER has received site plan approval from the MUNICIPALITY's Development Review Board for the development of property located at 1177 <21--1 31 as depicted on a site plan entitled .. dated /p�.f�� , and prepared by fj ,4e►,,,��r�< WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is required by said approval, at its own expense, to complete the construction of the development site in accordance with the plan approved by the Development Review Board; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement wish to establish a mechanism to secure the obligations of the DEVELOPER for the work as set forth above; and WHEREAS, the BANK executes this Agreement solely in the capacity of issuer of a Letter of Credit hereinafter specified; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. DEVELOPER will, at its own expense, complete the following construction as depicted and in accordance with the specifications set forth in said site plan and related documents: L 4&(VlAe�, 2. DEVELOPER shall complete the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1 no later than )Ok(Ce/ he` - j uw�/47) 3. DEVELOPER shall replace or repair any defective or improper work or materials which may be recognized within one year after completion of the improvements set forth in Paragraph 1. For the purpose of this Agreement "completion" shall be deemed to have occurred when the MUNICIPALITY has inspected and approved the construction of all the improvements required by this Agreement and issued written notice to the DEVELOPER that the construction is complete. 4. For the guarantee of DEVELOPER's performance of all requirements hereunder set forth, DEVELOPER has caused the BANK to issue its Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the MUNICIPALITY, the original of which is attached to the MUNICIPALITY's copy of this Agreement, and a copy of which is attached to the DEVELOPER's copy of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall cause the attached Letter of Credit to be renewed at least thirty (30) days before the maturity date thereof. Failure of DEVELOPER to deliver evidence of such renewal to MUNICIPALITY thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration of said Letter of Credit shall constitute a default of the terms of this Agreement. 5. Said Irrevocable Letter of Credit provides that the drafts drawn under said credit, must be accompanied by a written statement signed by a duly authorized agent of the MUNICIPALITY, that in the judgement of the MUNICIPALITY, the DEVELOPER is in default under the terms of this Agreement, and that the funds to be drawn by the draft are in payment for, or in anticipation of payment for materials, labor and services required for completion of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Payment of each draft will be made at sight when presented to the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY, the payment limited only by the aggregate amounts presented in relationship to the maximum amount of the Letter of Credit. If DEVELOPER shall be in default of the Agreement for seven (7) days because of its failure to provide evidence of renewal of the Letter of Credit, required in paragraph 4 above, the MUNICIPALITY shall notify DEVELOPER by certified mail of said default. DEVELOPER shall then within three (3) business days provide MUNICIPALITY with evidence of said renewal of Letter of Credit or MUNICIPALITY may notify BANK of such default and request payment under said Letter of Credit. 6. The DEVELOPER and MUNICIPALITY hereby agree that the sum of Tge4Cm., . „���� �N � ( $ .21,500 , vu ) shall be sufficient to sec re DEVELOPER's obligations under this Agreement but shall not relieve DEVELOPER from the obligation to pay any additional costs, if actual costs exceed the above -stated cost. 7. The MUNICIPALITY will promptly submit to the DEVELOPER a COPY of any draft it submits to the BANK. The consent of the DEVELOPER to payment of said draft by BANK to the MUNICIPALITY under said Letter of Credit shall not be required. 8. The MUNICIPALITY shall not file with the BANK a Statement of Default until ten (10) days after notice has been sent to the DEVELOPER, by certified mail, setting forth its intention to do so. 9. All funds drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to the Letter of Credit shall be used solely by the MUNICIPALITY for the purpose of completing construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 1. Any work contracted for by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant hereto shall be let on a contractual basis, or on a time and material basis, or shall be performed by the MUNICIPALITY's own work force and equipment, or shall be accomplished in such other manner as in the judgement of the MUNICIPALITY shall accomplish the work more expeditiously and economically. 10. If payments are drawn on the BANK by the MUNICIPALITY pursuant to said Letter of Credit, and it shall later develop that a portion of the monies drawn are in excess of the MUNICIPALITY'S needs, any such excess amount shall be refunded by the MUNICIPALITY to the BANK, to be credited by said BANK to the DEVELOPER. 11. This Agreement and said Letter of Credit shall terminate and shall be of no force and effect upon completion of the one year warranty period as described in the above Paragraph 3. If the MUNICIPALITY has not delivered any written notice to the DEVELOPER of any defective or improper work or materials in the construction of the improvements within the twelve (12) month period, or if notice has been given and the defective work or materials have been corrected by the DEVELOPER, the MUNICIPALITY shall forthwith notify the BANK in writing that the Letter of Credit may be canceled, and shall return the original Letter of Credit to the BANK, and both the DEVELOPER and the BANK shall be released from all obligations hereunder and under said Letter of Credit. 12. The BANK may not modify the Letter of Credit without first receiving written consent of the MUNICIPALITY. 13. DEVELOPER hereby agrees to indemnify and hold BANK harmless from all claims, causes of action or liability of any kind arising out of this Agreement or the issuance by BANK of this Letter of Credit, including attorney's fees, as long as BANK follows the terms and conditions outlined in said Letter of Credit. 14 This Agreement shall be binding on all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. �j .s Dated at ,,[� (Z 1_ , �E' rt�,) , Vermont this day of _n ��t��',r{?_ i S , 20�. IN T PRESENCE OF: By: Dul Authorized Agent (DEVELOPER) Dated at 8 L - R-I_. , � > E ` � �` �, Vermont this day of 200,-. THE T SENCE OF: By: Duly Authorized Agent (BANK) Dated at / L I64Verm nt this day of 20 Duly Authorized Agent (MUNICIPALITY) 11 l i "M south1), F ;, V I R M U 1 I IMPACT & PERMIT FEES WORK SHEET Zoning Permit @ $500/SFD OR $350/MF unit OR $5/$1, 000 Permit Recording Fee = $1-I".00 r� i Sewer Impact Fee #204 = bedrooms x b d. x 9.20 Bartlett Bay Plant: Airport Parkway Plant: V S oo � ct (# Recreation Impact Fee (#220) South Village Recreation Impact Fee (#243) Road Impact Fee (#221) Fire Protection Fee (#203) Dorset Street Waterline Fee (#230) Sewer Inspection Fee = $25.00 Sewer Inspection Recording Fee = $1T.00 TOTAL Property Address: Property Owner: 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com -- - v�coo�7ts7 10:8028464101 P-2/4 FOR �IlVTERNAL IISE ONLY WWA Permit #_Q - I� *Items marked with an asterisk,most be wed in bYALL applcant. 'APPLICANT EWORMATION Applicant: LIMP, Inc. Q Contact Person: P-sy Paul 0_ Mailing Address: 1 COMOrate Drive. Suite 7 Essex Junction. VT. 05452 a Telephone & Fax for COntact Person: (802W"QA0, 'bix M20 g ggw —�" Property Owner Nance (if not appliCant); At SemwW -Property Owner Mailing Address: 26 Omega eve Williston, VT 05496 d *Phylsieal. Location of project: W g, "1 Co111Ff1 = Avenue, SOU& Budingin,, (Both apph'cm:t �PrOP tP owner 'sign the a aii� f r F ttar o *Project ]'izformatian If the project is a stngl f-"dy hOw. please cheO one; New If not a single-fmffy home, pwiect n me: 27 -31 COSUMMe Avenue *Application or Pernitit Numbers; (ism plRRUMg &Ong offim} Ealdnea'S 116m ti> u"On fOr ftwss OvOP 1,00© gpd Name of Engineer: M. AQ mess: P F PE Iacen" r: --- oMIcatt377r7 Ta:602646410 P. 3/4 'Flow Calculatfoas (You rrr(UJ substitute cin ent�pir€ecrt�'s below) ccflcuSadalt a'.letterhr the i*mwdon requested Far carnrnercial and induabial projects, list ezdsd and Proposcd to sF Bs a�€i flows: VUOGLL& t/ I Ype. or use , Number of Flows per Other 'i' t 13t1Sin eeat4, 3F, etc K turn Ad�Ustmen� w Office / warehouse31 ecnpbyUes X 159Rd = y 465gpd TOTAL-""""*.- _. "Total dcveWpment wastewater flow regoe.�ted= aes �i clay��s per Flow charaeftMstim (fOr Commercial and industri.1 Volume: 463 gallons pgr day Now tC: NIA MA {6: dUeB, 64101 j7 4/4 Mwe day not write below this lure APPlicatiOn. & Recording Fee received: _ Name .gate Receiving Plant. �___ r rt P pQ` ^'3` Bartlett Bay City Center District _ _yes --No Approved by'f+' :ter pollution Control Projects) Dep ut (Commercial and Tndustriad Director of Water Pollution Contra! Date Pro'"'lil"17 allocution issued: QxWment of fee is Director of Planning and ZoningS Y 2 Dake Final a1100*l'on issued: (MY"eentof ee is repaired, eitfree-irtftfll orpad r pmjeeft with multiple. zc mR9 Perth involved) � .Director of Planning and Zouing Date Final allocation expire. (Date) permit ?.otiictg permit issued (bate.) . perMit _ _-� Associated ww Amon p== (,f applwabL For extensions of ill acwtion EXTENSION GRANTED to f Date) (D of iratioa 50% EXTENSION FEE PATD $ (Date) (Aautui t) LOT MERGER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into and effective this _day of Oct, 2009, by and between LNP, a Development company with a principal place of business in Williston, Vermont (hereinafter "Owner"), and Town Of South Burlington, a Vermont municipality located in Chittenden County, State of Vermont (herein "Municipality"); WHEREAS, LNP is the owner of two contiguous parcels of land acquired by Warranty Deed of John H. Belter & Joyce N. Belter dated 8-11-2005 and recorded in Volume 722 at Page 724-726 of the Municipality's Land Records and being more particularly described therein as Lot 39 and Lot 40; and WHEREAS, Lot 39 and Lot 40 are shown and depicted on a plan entitled Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40 Ethan Allen Farms prepared by OleW- Burke Civil Associates, dated10-08-2008, last revised 10-02-2009, and recorded at Map Volume 722, Page 724-726 of the Municipality's Land Records; and WHEREAS, LNP desires to develop and use Lots 39 and 40 as a single parcel of land in conjunction with its planned commercial development of said Lots; and WHEREAS, on 1-20-2009, the Municipality's Planning Commission granted Application #SP-08-119 site plan approval for a Commercial building to be constructed on Lot 39 and associated parking and other improvements be located on Lot 40; and WHEREAS, a condition of the site plan approval is that Lot 39 and 40 be legally merged for purposes of the Municipal Land Use Ordinances, and that a Lot Merger Agreement be executed and recorded in the Municipality's Land Records prior to the issuance of a zoning permit to construct the approved improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Municipality issuing a zoning permit under its Zoning Regulations for development of the two above -described parcels of land as a single parcel by both, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. From the date of this instrument, Lots 39 and 40, as described herein shall constitute a single lot for purposes of compliance with the Municipality's Zoning Regulations and Subdivision regulations, which may not be conveyed separately, or otherwise subdivided, without the express written approval of the Municipality's Planning Commission. 2. This Lot Merger Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, and shall run with the land. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont, as of the date first above written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: - 4-2 L—,,ky— itness) STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CRITTENDEN, SS. Owner By. �. I*-vuthorized Agent At A/// AU/V l , thiselOday of�/Cbv-!2009, /�/6W-C-0 �� Duly Authorized Agent of 14-VP; ryG , personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, b him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of Before me, Public IN THE PRESENCE OF: LE (Witness) STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF CHITTENDEN, SS. Town of Its Duly Authorized Agent At , this —day of 2009, . Duly Authorized Agent of . personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, by him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed, and the free act and deed of Before me, Notary Public 2 O'Leary -Burke Jvi8 Associates, PLC C� _ CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING October 5, 2009 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. - #SP-08-119 27-31 Commerce Avenue Dear Ray: In response to the January 20th, 2009 Decision regarding the proposed 26,280 sq. ft. office/warehouse building, please find the following: • Comment #1, Doesn't require any plan changes. • Comment #2, Doesn't require any plan changes. • Comment #3, a) No comments from the Town Engineer. b) The Fire Chief comments have been addressed. c) The plans now shows snow storage areas. d) The front yard coverage is shown on the plan. • Comment #4, No comments from the Town Engineer. • Comment #5, The Fire Chief comments have been addressed. • Comment #6, The South Burlington Water Department comments have been addressed. • Comment #7, The project will adhere to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations. • Comment #8, The "Lot Merger Agreement" is attached. • Comment #9, Agreed. • Comment #10, A maximum of 36 parking spaces is provided. • Comment #11, Agreed. 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 I FAX 802 878 9989 I obca@olearyburke.com d Comment #12, The wastew.:ter allocation has been obtained. • Comment #13, Agreed. • Comment #14, An extension has been approved. o Comment #15, Agreed. Comment #16, Agreed. o Comment #17, Agreed. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Ray H. Paul 5050\BELAIR_Zon i ng. doc OMEGA ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO., .i1C. 25 Omega Drive, Suite #201 WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495 (802) 862-0517 Fax (802) 862-4349 TO OF s,�j/� V���✓�C�%-G� WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Change order ❑ KEVVI ) @P 4�e alM44QM DATE / Z C U i JOB NO ATTENTION RE: Z 7 - 3 / ❑ Samples the following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION rE" A L 41,J JO& f bVI e'16 S 2- fi Cu L cJ — -gip / .^r'�'✓LiCY�'T dl/ 'Vk 60: IF THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ Resubmit ❑ Submit ❑ Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS �) QAIC c)ee Q-Z etc L v14� zV-& '6&X- ,f6eQ&:VA4&-kV r Tz L Cc--77"e q v/,:7- c iz,- o / i Az/ < ©C- Sdvr- COPY TO SIGNED:__S /f enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. AGENCY OF NATUr RESOURCES (ANR) AND NATURE`' RESOURCES BOARD http://www.Enr.5Je.vt.us/dec/ead/pa/index.htrn / http://, .nrb.state.vt.us/ PROJECT REVIEW SHEET THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TOTAL # OF DEC PERMITS: PRE -APPLICATION REVIEW: RESPONSE DATE:. PENDING APPLICATION #: WW-4-3296 DISTRICT: TOWN: South Burlington PIN: EJ09-0212 OWNER OF PROJECT SITE: APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE: (Name) LNP, Inc / AI Senecal (Name) (Address) 25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 (Address) (Town) (State) (Zip) Williston VT 05495 (Town) (State) (Zip) (Telephone) 802-862-0517 (Telephone) Project Name: Based on a written or oral request or information provided by Paul O'Leary, received on 5/21/2009, a project was reviewed on a tract/tracts of land of 4.2 acres, located on 27 & 31 Commerce St. The project is generally described as: Permit the construction of a 26,280 square foot commercial building on lots 39 and 40, for office space w/ a total of 31 employees and warehouse space, all served by municipal water supply and wastewater disposal. Prior permits: EC-4-1183, C-2432-09.0 PERMITS NEEDED FROM THE DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ® I hereby request a jurisdictional opinion from the District Coordin o, s , strict Coordinator regarding the jurisdiction of 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151 (Act 250) over the project described above. M—Er-doeVAgent ® Permit Specialist ❑ Other Person 1. ACT 250: THIS IS A JURISDICTIONAL OPINION BASED UPON AVAILABLE INFORMATION, AND A WRITTEN REQUEST FROM THE ANR PERMIT SPECIALIST, THE LAN DOWNER/AGENT, OR OTHER PERSON. ANY NOTIFIED PARTY OR INTERESTED PERSON AFFECTED BY THE OUTCOME MAY REQUEST RECONSIDERATION FROM THE DISTRICT COORDINATOR (10 V.S.A. § 6007 (c) AND ACT 250 RULE 3 (C)) OR MAY APPEAL TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS OPINION (10 V. S.A. Chapter 220). (#47) ** Project' .wommercial- - ❑ Residen I Municipal Has the landowner subdivided before? Ye . ❑ No When/where: # of lots: AN ACT 250 PERMIT IS REQUIRED: 'Ries, 0 No Copes sent to Statutpry Parties: Yes�lo BASIS rr��OR ECi ION: SIGNATURE: ��'�?" % �'�' DATE: ' �? ��` ADDRESS: District # Environmental Commission Astrict Coordinator Telephone: 2 WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGIONAL OFFICE: PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRED? ® Yes ❑ No ® Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (#1 & #J2** ❑ Notice of Permit Requirements (deferral language ) (#2) ❑ Floor Drains (#1.2) ❑ Campgrounds (#3j ❑ Extension of sewer lines (#5j REGIONAL ENGINEER ASSIGNED: Ernest Christianson SIGNATURE: DATE: 10-8-09 ADDRESS: Dept. of Environmental Conservation ® Environmental + nce Office, Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Telephone: 802-879-5676 ❑ Wastewater Management Division, Telephone: 802-879-5656 OVER »»»»»»» **NOTE: NUMBERS /N PARENTHESES (#) REFER TO PERMIT INFORMATION SHEETS /N THE VERMONT PERMIT HANDBOOK http://www am state.vt.us/dec/permit hb/index.htm THIS IS A PRELIMINARY, NON-BINDIN 'ETERMINATION REGARDING OTHER PER S WHICH YOU MAY NEED PRIORTO COMMENCEMENT OF CON, UCTION. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPART NTS INDICATED BELOW. 3. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3822) Contact: ❑ Discharge Permits: pretreatment; industrial, municipal (#7_1, 7_2, & 8) ❑ Indirect Discharge Permits (#9 & 9_1) ❑ Residuals Management #10) 4. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION, ANR (888-520-4879) Contact: ❑ Construction/modification of source (#14) ❑ Open Burning #18) ❑ Wood Chip Burners (>90 HP) #14) ❑ Furnace Boiler Conversion/Installation #14) ❑ Industrial Process Air Emissions (#14) ❑ Diesel Engines (>450 bHP) #14) 5. WATER SUPPLY DIVISION, ANR (802-241-3400) (800-823-6500 in VT) Contact: ❑ New Hydrants I#22) ❑ >500' waterline construction (#22) ❑ Community Water System (CWS) ❑ Bottled Water #20) ❑ Operating permit (#21) ❑ Transient Non -Community water system (TNC) #21) ❑ Capacity Review for Non -transient non -community water systems (NTNC) #21) WATER QUALITY DIVISION, ANR STORMWATER PERMITS #6 — 6_5 ) Contact: Contact: Kevin Burke 802-241-1418 ❑ Flood Plains (241-3759) ❑ Ponds (#32.1) ® Construction General Permits >1AC of disturbance (#6.1) ❑ Shoreland Encroachment (241-3777) Steve Hanna #28) ❑ Stormwater from new development or redevelopment sites #6.2 & 6_3) El Wetlands (241-3770) #29) ElMulti-SectorGeneral Permit (MSGP) industrial activities w/ SIC codes #6.4) ❑ Stream Alteration / Section 401 Water Quality Certification / Stream Crossing Structures (476-2679 / 879-5631 / 786-5906) #27 & 32) C7 �VASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, ANR Contact: Dennis Fekert 241-1493 ❑ Hazardous Waste Handler site ID (241-3888) #36) ❑ Underground Storage Tanks (241-3888) June Reilly #33) ❑ Lined landfills; transfer stations, recycling facilities drop off (241-3444) #37,39,40) ❑ Asbestos Disposal (241-3444) ® Disposal of inert waste, untreated wood & stumps (241-3444) #41 & 44) ❑ Composting Facilities (241-3444) #43) ❑ Waste oil burning (241-3888) . ❑ Waste transporter permit #35) ❑ Demolition waste 241-3477 ❑ Used septic system components/stone #41) 8. FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION, ANR Contact: _ ❑ Dam operations (greater than 500,000 cu. ft.) (241-3451) (#45) ❑ State -funded municipal water/sewer extensions/upgrades and Pollution Control Systems (241-3750) 9. POLLUTION PREVENTION & MERCURY DISPOSAL HOTLINE (1-800-974-9559) #46) Contact: SMALL BUSINESS & MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE (1-800-974-9559) Contact: RECYCLING HOTLINE (1-800-932-7100) Contact: Judy Mirro/John Daly 10. FISH & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT (802-241-3700) Contact: ❑ Nongame & Natural Heritage Program (Threatened & Endangered Species) #47.4) ❑ Stream Obstruction Approval 9. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (802-479-7561) or District Office 879-2300 Contact: ® Construction Permit fire prevention, electrical, plumbing, accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act) #49, 50, 50.1, 50.2) ❑ Storage of flammable liquids, explosives ❑ LP Gas Storage ❑ Hazardous Chemical Use/Tier II Reporting (800-347-0488) ❑ Plumbing in residences served by public water/sewer with 10 or more customers #50.2) ❑ Boilers and pressure vessels #50.3 12. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (800-439-8550 in VT) (802-863-7221) (Lab 800-660-9997) Contact: ❑ Food, lodging, bakeries, food processors (##51, 51.1, 52, 53, 53.1) ❑ Program for asbestos control & lead certification #54, 55, 55.1) ❑ Children's camps —]Hot Tub Installation & Inspection — Commercial 451.1 13. AGENCY OF HUMAN SERVICES Contact: ❑ Child care facilities (1-800-649-2642 or 802-241-2159) #57) ❑ Residential care homes (241-2345) (Dept. of Aging & Disabilities) #59) ❑ Nursing Homes (241-2345) #59) ❑ Assisted Living and Therapeutic Community Residences (241-2345) (#59) 14. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION ❑ Access to state highways (residential, commercial) (828-2653) #66) ❑ Signs (Travel Information Council) (828-2651) #63) ❑ Development within 500' of a limited access highway (828-2653) #61) ❑ Construction within state highway right-of-way (Utilities, Grading, etc.) (828-2653) #66) Contact: ❑ Junkyards (828-2053) (#62) ❑ Railroad crossings (828-2710) (# ❑ Airports and landing strips (828-2833) (#65� ❑ Motor vehicle dealer license (828-2067) (#§8) 15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (800-675-9873 OR 802-828-3429) Contact: ❑ Use/sale of Pesticides (828-3429) (#72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78) El Slaughter houses, poultry processing (828-3429) (#81 ❑ Milk Processing Facilities (828-3429) (#83, 83.1, 85, 87) ❑ Animal shelters/pet merchant/livestock dealers (828-3429) (#89, 89.1) ❑ Golf Courses (828-2431) (#71) Green Houses/Nurseries (828-2431)(#79) ❑ Weights and measures, Gas Pumps, Scales (828-2436) ❑ Medium and Large Farm Operations (828-2431) ❑ Retail Sales/Milk/Meat/Poultry/Frozen Dessert/Class "C" Pesticides (828-3429) (#75.1, 80, 16. VERMONT ENERGY CODE ASSSISTANCE CENTER TOLL FREE 888-373-2255 ❑ VT Building Energy Standards (#47 2) 17. DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (802-828-3211) ❑ Historic Buildings (#47.1 & 101) Archeological Sites (#47.1 & 101) 1DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR CONTROL (1-800-832-2339) ❑ Liquor Licenses (#90) General Info (1-800-642-3134) SECRETARY OF STATE (1-802-828-2386) ® Business Registration (#90.1) ❑ Professional Boards (1-800-439-8683) (#90.2) 20 DEPARTMENT OF TAXES (802-828-2551 & 828-5787) ® Income & business taxes (sales, meals/ rooms, etc) (#91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 9J DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (802-828-2070) El Taxes; Commercial Vehicle (#69-Z 22 LOCAL PERMITS (SEE YOUR TOWN CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING COMMISSION, OR PUBLIC WORKS) 23. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 8 Carmichael St., Ste. 205, Essex Jct., VT 05452 (802) 872-2893 (#97, 98, & 99) 24. OTHER: Sections #3424 above have been completed by Permit Specialist Jeff McMahon Date: 10-8-09 1 may be reached at 802-879-5676 Copies have been mailed to: Revised 6/06 CASE NO APPLICANT ADDRESS State of Vermont LAND USE PERMIT AMENDMENT 4C0643-26 LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED LNP, Inc. 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6092 (Act 250) c/o Al Senecal 25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 Williston, VT 05495 and John Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 District Environmental Commission #4 hereby issues Land Use Permit Amendment 4C0643-26, pursuant to the authority vested in it by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092. This permit amendment applies to the lands identified in Book 722, Pages 724-726, of the land records of the City of South Burlington, Vermont, as the subject of a deed to LNP, Inc., the Permittees as Grantees. This permit specifically authorizes the Permittees to construct 26,280 sf. office building r_.n lots #39 & #40 of the Ethan Allen Farms Subdivision and transfer 19 peak hour trips from Phase II of the Ethan Allen Farm subdivision to Phase III. The project is located on Commerce Avenue in the City of South Burlington. The project is subject to Act 250 jurisdiction because the project is a material change to a development over which the Commission has jurisdiction and thus a land use permit amendment is required pursuant to Act 250 Rule 34. The Permittees, and their assigns and successors in interest, are obligated by this permit to complete, operate and maintain the project as approved by the District Commission in accordance with the following conditions: 1. All conditions of Land Use Permit #4C0643 and amendments are in full force and effect except as amended herein. 2. Representatives of the State of Vermont shall have access to the property covered by this permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this permit. 3. The project shall be completed, operated and maintained in accordance with: the plans and exhibits on file with the District Environmental Commission, and the conditions of this permit. 4. The approved plans are: Land Use Permit #4C0643-26 Page 2 of 6 Sheet 1 - "Site Plan, Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40" dated 10/08/08; Sheet 2 - "Landscape Plan, Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40" dated 10/08/08; Sheet 3 - "Lighting Plan, Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40" dated 10/08/08; Sheet 4 - "Road - Storm - Landscape Details, Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40" dated 10/08/08; Sheet 5 - "Water and Sewer Details, Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40" dated 10/08/08; and Sheet 6 - "Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plan, Proposed Office/Warehouse on Lots 39 & 40" dated 10/08/08. A copy of this permit and approved plans shall be on the site at all times throughout the construction process. 6. No changes shall be made in the design or use of this project without the written approval of the District Coordinator or the Commission, whichever is appropriate under the Act 250 Rules. 7. Pursuant to Act 250 Rule 51(G), the permit application and material representations relied upon during the review and issuance of this permit by the District Commission shall provide the basis for determining future substantial and material changes to the approved project and for initiating enforcement actions. 8. The District Environmental Commission maintains continuing jurisdiction during the lifetime of the permit and may periodically require that the permit holder file an affidavit certifying that the project is being completed, operated and maintained in accordance with the terms of the permit, as provided by 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001-6092 and the rules of the Natural Resources Board (Act 250 Rules). 9. The conditions of this permit and the land uses permitted herein shall run with the land and are binding upon and enforceable against the Permittees and their successors and assigns. 10. The project is approved for the following maximum impacts (the lots are located in Phase III): 36 - vehicle parking spaces 465 - gallons per day of water and wastewater; 90 - vehicle trips per day (550 vehicle trips per day remaining in Phase III); 14 - AM peak hour vehicle trips (9 AM peak hour trips remaining in Phase III, 54 AM peak hour trips remaining in Phase 11) 11. This permit hereby incorporates all of the conditions of the following Agency of Natural Resources Permits: • Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit #WW-4-3296 issued on May 27, 2009 by the Wastewater Management Division; • Construction General Permit #3-9020 (NOI #3870-9020) issued on June 9, 2009 by the Water Quality Division; and Land Use Permit #4C0643-26 Page 3 of 6 • Final Discharge Permit #3870-9010 issued on January 25, 2006 by the Water Quality Division. Any subsequent nonmaterial changes to these permits shall be automatically incorporated herein upon issuance by the Agency of Natural Resources. Subsequent amendments involving material changes to the Act 250 permit shall not be constructed prior to review and approval of the District Coordinator or the District Commission under applicable Act 250 Rules. 12. The Permittees shall apply and maintain calcium chloride and/or water on all roadways or disturbed areas within the project during construction and until pavement and/or vegetation is fully established to control dust. 13. Immediately upon initial roadway clearing, a stabilized construction entrance must be installed and maintained as shown on Sheet 6 (Exhibit #26). This entrance must be constructed and maintained in accordance with the specifications as described in the Vermont Standards & Specifications for Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control (2006). No further clearing or construction beyond may occur until the stabilized construction entrance is complete. 14. There shall be no floor drains installed at the facility without first acquiring the required Underground Injection Control Permit from the Water Supply Division of the Agency of Natural Resources. 15. No later than 30 days prior to commencement of building construction, the Permittee shall submit a Construction Waste Reduction Plan imp ohww an,-stale,f ns;a�<;Wa,, a,, rt u i,,, :pnb. A(125010 phiie (!,,c to be approved by the Agency of Natural Resources Solid Waste Management Program. The contractor shall be obligated to implement the Plan. 16. The Permittees and all subsequent owners or lessees shall install and maintain only low -flow plumbing fixtures in any buildings. Any failed water conservation measures shall be promptly replaced with products of equal or better performance. 17. The Permittees shall comply with Exhibit #26 (Sheet 6) for erosion control. The Permittees shall prevent the transport of any sediment beyond that area necessary for construction approved herein. All erosion control devices shall be periodically cleaned, replaced and maintained until vegetation is permanently established on all slopes and disturbed areas. The Commission reserves the right to schedule hearings and site inspections to review erosion control and to evaluate and impose additional conditions with respect to erosion control as it deems necessary. 18. All mulch, siltation dams, water bars and other temporary devices shall be installed immediately upon grading and shall be maintained until all roads are permanently surfaced and all pernianent vegetation is established on all slopes and disturbed areas. Topsoil stockpiles shall have the exposed earth completely mulched and have siltation checks around the base. 19. All areas of disturbance must have temporary or permanent stabilization within 14 days of the initial disturbance. After this time, any disturbance in the area must be stabilized at the end of each work day. The following exceptions apply: i) Stabilization is not required if work is to continue in the area within the next 24 hours and there is no precipitation forecast for the next 24 Land Use Permit #4C0643-26 Page 4 of 6 hours. ii) Stabilization is not required if the work is occurring in a self-contained excavation (i.e. no outlet) with a depth of 2 feet or greater (e.g. house foundation excavation, utility trenches). 20. All disturbed areas of the site shall be stabilized, either seeded and mulched or covered in stone or rolled erosion control matting immediately upon completion of final grading. All disturbed areas not involved in winter construction shall be double mulched and seeded before September 15. Between the periods of October 15 to April 15, all earth disturbing work shall conform with the "Winter Construction" standards and specifications of the Vermont Standards & Specifications for Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control (2006). 21. Prior to construction of the approved work, the Permittees shall complete the following: a) construction limits shall be clearly delineated with flagging or snow fencing; b) diversion ditches shall be placed on the uphill limits of the construction area; and c) temporary siltation controls shall be placed on the downhill limits of the construction. Immediately following the above, the permanent drainage system and/or roads shall be installed after which normal construction can begin. 22. A copy of the approved erosion control plan shall be on the site at all times during construction. 23. In addition to conformance with all erosion control conditions, the Permittees shall not cause, permit or allow the discharge of waste material into any surface waters. Compliance with the requirements of this condition does not absolve the Pennittees from compliance with 10 V.S.A. (§§ 1250-1284) Chapter 47, Vermont's Water Pollution Control Law. 24. The Permittees shall maintain a 50-foot undisturbed, naturally vegetated buffer strip bet,.veen all watercourses on the project site and any disturbed areas. 25. All stumps shall be disposed of on -site above the seasonal high water table or at a State of proved landfill so as to prevent groundwater pollution. 26. The Permittees and all assigns and successors in interest shall continually maintain the landscaping as approved in Exhibit #22 (Sheet 2) by replacing any dead or diseased plantings within the season or as soon as possible after the ground thaws, whichever is sooner. 2.7. The installation of exterior light fixtures is limited to those approved in Exhibit #23 (Sheet 3), and shall be mounted no higher than 20 feet above grade level. All exterior lighting shall be installed or shielded in such a manner as to conceal light sources and reflector surfaces from view beyond the perimeter of the area to be illuminated. 28. The Permittees shall not erect additional exterior signage without first obtaining approval from the District Commission. Signage includes banners, flags, and other advertising displays, excepting temporary real estate marketing signs. 29. Pursuant to 21 V.S.A. § 268, energy design and construction shall comply with The 2005 Vermont Guidelines for Energy Efficient Commercial Construction and shall further include any custom energy measures referenced in comments by the Department of Public Service if found by the applicant to be cost-effective on a life -cycle -cost basis. Land Use Permit #4C0643-26 Page 5 of 6 30. The installation and/or use of electric resistance space heat is specifically prohibited without the prior written approval of the District Environmental Commission. 31. At the completion of the project, and prior to the occupancy of the building, the Permittees shall certify by affidavit that the site improvements have been constructed in accordance with this permit pursuant to Act 250 Rule 32(A). 32. Each prospective purchaser of any lots shall be shown a copy of the approved plot plan, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit, the Land Use Permit and Amendments and the Findings of Fact before any written contract of sale is entered into. 33. No further subdivision, alteration, and/or development of any parcel of land approved herein shall be permitted without the written approval of the District Commission or a written determination from the District Coordinator that a permit is not required. 34. The Permittees shall reference the requirements and conditions imposed by Land Use Permit #4C0643-26 in all deeds of conveyance and leases. 35. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6090(c) this permit amendment is hereby issued for an indefinite term, as long as there is compliance with the conditions herein. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, this permit shall expire three years from the date of issuance if the Permittees have not commenced construction and made substantial progress toward completion within the three year period in accordance with 10 V. S.A. § 6091(b). 36. All site work and construction shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans by October 30, 2012, unless an extension of this date is approved in writing by the Commission. Such requests to extend must be filed prior to the deadline and approval may be granted without public hearing. 37. The Permittees shall file a Certificate of Actual Construction Costs, on forms available from tht, Natural Resources Board, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6083a(g) within one month after construction has been substantially completed or two years from the date of this permit, whichever skull occur first. Application for extension of time for good cause shown may be made to the District Commission. If actual construction costs exceed the original estimate, a supplemental fee based on �wtual construction costs must be paid at the time of certificatio:. in accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of application. Upon request, the Permittees shall provide all documents or other information necessary to substantiate the certification. Pursuant to existing law, failure to file the certification or pay any supplemental fee due constitutes grounds for permit revocation. The certificate of actual construction costs and any supplemental fee (by check payable to the "State of Vermont") shall be mailed to: Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Center Building, National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-3201; Attention: Certification. 38. Failure to comply with all of the above conditions may be grounds for permit revocation pursuant to 10 V.S.A., § 6027(g). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont, this 14`h day of October, 2009. Land Use Permit #4C0643-26 Page 6 of 6 By /s/ Kate Purcell as authorized by Kate Purcell, Vice Chair District #4 Commission Members participating in this decision: Larry Veladota Parker Riehle Any party may file a motion to alter with the District Commission within 15 days from the date of this decision, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 31(A). Decisions on minor applications may be appealed only if a hearing was held by the district commission. Please note that there are certain limitations on the right to appeal. See 10 V.S.A. § 8504(k). Any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of issuance, pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220. The Notice of Appeal must include all information required by Rule 5(b)(3) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings (VRECP). The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal on the Natural Resources Board, National Life Records Ctr. Bldg., Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT, 05620-3201, and on other parties in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the VRECP. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vennontiudiciarv.ort. The address for the Environmental Court is: Environmental Court, 2418 Airport Rd., Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701. (Tel. # 802-828-1660) W:\Act250\DIST4\PROJECTS\4C0501-4C0750\4C0643\4C0643-26\4C0643-26 PMT logo.wpd I LAND USEAGREEMENT I'his agreement entered into and effective this ___ day of October. 2009. by and between the City of South Burlington, a Vermont municipality and I.NP, Inc., a Vermont corporation with offices in Williston. Vermont. NKI IFIREAS. LNP, Inc. is the owner of two contiguous parcels of land at 27 and 31 Commerce Street in South Burlington. Vermont. acquired by Warranty Deed of John 11. Belter. Jr. and Joyce N. Belter dated August 10. 2005 and recorded in Volume 722. Pages 724-726 of the South Burlington band Records. and WI II,RI ,AS. I.NP, Inc. desires to develop and use said two parcels of land as a single parcel of land. NOW THE:RI_:FORE'. in consideration of the City of South Burlington issuing a Zoning Permit under its Zoning Regulations for the development of the two above mentioned parcels of land as a single parcel. I.NP. Inc. agrees that f'rotn the date of this agreement. the above -stated parcels of land shall constitute a single lot for purposes of compliance with the City of South Burlington 'Zoning Regulations. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors, heirs and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. Dated at Williston, Vermont this ­ day of October, 2009. I.NP. Inc. By.--_ - -- - - - -- -- - - — - Alf'red R. Senecal. Jr.. President and Duly Authorized Agent 1 Dated at South Burlington. Vermont this - , __ day ol' Uctober. 2009. Cite ol' South Burlington 1)ul-v Authorized Agent STATE OF V ERMON F Cl 11 FIT I -,N COUNTY. SS. At Williston. Vermont this day of October. 2009. Alfred R. Senecal. Jr. personally appeared and he acknowledged this instrtument, by him signed and sealed to be his free act and deed and the free act and deed of LNP. Inc. Before me,--- Notar,' Public - My Commission Expires: 2/10/ 1 l STATE 01, VERMQNT CI11 1'1:Nll1-IN ('01 fNTY. SS. At South Burlington. Vennont this _,_,-. day ol'October. 2009. personally appeared and he/she acknowledged this instrument. by him/her signed and :pealed to be his/her free act and deed and the free act and deed of'the City of South Burlington. Before me._._ --- Notary Public My Commission Expires: 2/10/11 .00.VERMONT 1 State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Agency of Natr(l'al Resources WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND POTABLE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT LAWS/REGULATIONS INVOLVED io V.S.A. Chapter 64, Potable Water Supply and Wastewater System Permit Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules, Effective September 29, 2007 Chapter 21, Water Supply Rules, Effective April 25, 2005 Permit Number: WW-4-3296 Landowner: LNP, Inc. c/o AlSenecal 25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 Williston VT 05495 This permit affects property identified as Town Tax Parcel ID # South Burlington: 0435-00027, 0435-00031 and referenced in deeds iecorded in Book 722 Pages 724-726 of the Land Records in South Burlington, Vermont. This project, consisting of constructing a 26, 28o square foot commercial building comprising of 6.720 square feet for office space with a total of 31 employees and 19,56o square feet of warehouse space on Lots 39 and 40 referenced by Permit #EC-4-i183 served by municipal water and wastewater services, located at 27 and 31 Commerce Street in South Burlington, Vermont, is hereby approved under the requirements of the regulations named above subject to the following conditions. it. GENERAL 1.1 The project shall be completed as shown on the application, plans and/or documents prepared by Paul O'Leary, P.E. for O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC, with the stamped plans listed as follows: Plan Sheet Number Title Plan Date 1 Site Plan 10/08/2008 5 Sewer and Water Details 10/08/2008 1.2 The project shall not deviate from the approved plans in a manner that would change or affect t'£, exterior water supply or wastewater disposal systems, building location, or, the approved use of the building, without prior review and written approval from the Wastewater Management Division. 1.3 This permit does not relieve the landowner from obtaining all other approvals and permits as may be required from the Act 25o District Environmental Commission, the Department Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety— telephone (802) 879-23oo, and local officials prior to proceeding with this project. 1.4 The conditions of this permit shall run with the land and will be binding upon and enforceable against the landowner and all assigns and successors in interest. The landowner shall be responsible for the recording of this permit in the South Burlington Land Records within thirty, (3o) days of issuance of this permit and prior to the conveyance of any lot subject to the jurisdiction of this permit. 1.5 Each prospective purchaser of the lot shall be shown copies of the Wastewater System And Potable Water Supply Permit, and the approved plans. 1.6 By acceptance of this permit, the landowner agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations. Regional Offices — Barre/Esser Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury Wastewater System and Potable 'SA � Supply Permit / WW_4.3296 Page 2 of 3 1.7 In issuing this permit, the Division has relied upon the licensed designer's certification that the design - related information submitted was true and correct, and complies with the Vermont Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules and the Vermont Water Supply Rules. This permit may be revoked if it is determined that the project does not comply with these Rules. 1.8 Any person aggrieved by this permit may appeal to the Environmental Court within 3o days of the date of issuance of this permit in accordance with io V.S.A. Chapter 22o and the Vermont Rules of Environmental Court Proceedings. 2.WATER SUPPLY 2.1 No permit issued by the Secretary shall remain valid after substantial completion of a potable water supply until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a designer or an installer, as specified in the permit, that states: 7 hereby certifij that in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment the installation - related information submitted is true and correct and the potable water supply was installed in accordance with: the, permitted design and all permit condk- ,ins; or record drawings and such record drawings are in compliance with the applical le rules, were filed with the Secretary, and are in accordance with all other permii conditions; was inspected; was properly tested; and has successfully met those performance tests." This certification shall include the water supply system and water service lines to each structure. 2.2 This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal water system as depicted on the approved plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 465 gallons of water per day. No changes to the water supply shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. 2.3 The water main extension is approved provided the water main extension is constructed in strict accordance with the Agency of Natural Resources, Water Supply Division's "Public Water System Permit to Construct" Project #C-2432-09.0 WSID #5092. 2.4 The connection of a sprinkler fire suppression system to a public drinking water supply systein shall require the installation and maintenance of back -flow prevention devices which conform to the standards acceptable to the Department of Labor & Industry. 3_WA.STF_WATER DISPOSAL 3.1 No permit issued by the Secretary shall remain valid after substantial completion of a wastewater systern until the Secretary receives a signed and dated certification from a designer or an installer, as specified in the permit, that states: '7 hereby certifij that in the exercise of my reasonable professional judgment the installation - related information submitted is true and correct and the wastewater system was installed in accordance with: the permitted design and all permit conditions; or record drawings and such record drawings are in compliance with the applicable rules, were filed with the Secretary, and are in accordance with all other permit conditions; was inspected; was properly tested; and has successfully met those performance tests"' This certification shall include the wastewater system and wastewater service lines to each structure. 3.1 This project is approved for connection to the South Burlington municipal wastewater treatment facility as depicted on the approved plans. The project is approved for a maximum of 465 gallons of wastewater per day. No changes to the wastewater disposal system shall be allowed without prior review and approval by the Wastewater Management Division. Wastewater System and Potable Wa. _ 1upply Permit WW-4-3296 Page 3 of 3 3.2 This permit is based, in part, on a municipal approval for connection to their wastewater treatment facility. If the municipal approval expires, and the municipality files a written request with the Secretary, the Secretary will remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve capacity. If the municipal approval expires, this permit shall be invalid unless the municipality renews its approval and does not request that the Secretary remove the sewage allocation for this project from the list of committed reserve. Once the project is removed from the list of committed reserve capacity, a new permit must be issued for the project. An updated application form and an application fee will be required. The rules in effect at the time of the filing of the application for a new permit will be applied to the project. Justin G. Johnson, Acting Commissioner Department of Environmental Conservation By Ernest Christianson, Regional Engineer Dated May 27, 2009 cc: South Burlington Planning Commission O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC Water Supply Division Act 25o District Environmental Commission — Case #4Co643 Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Safety South Burlington Fire Depar,,�Ient 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802)846-4110 Douglas S. Brent, Fire Chief September 16, 2009 Mr. Ray Belair, City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. Lots 39 and 40, Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park Dear Ray: I was recently contacted by Mr. Ray Paul of O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates regarding their project at Lots 39 and 40, Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park. I was unable to find any information on this project as I had never reviewed it. After speaking with you and getting copies of the site plans, I have reviewed the plans the way I normally do. I have also spoken by telephone to Mr. Paul. I have the following comments. 1. Compliance with all requirements of Vermont Division of Fire Safety codes and standards. 2. Automatic sprinklers, standpipes and fire alarm system as required by Vermont Division of Fire Safety. 3. Fire Department Sprinkler Connection location to be specified by SBFD. 4. Fire Alarm panel and enunciator location to be specified by SBFD. 5. Provide 24 hour per day off -site (central station) monitoring of all fire alarm and protection systems. 6. Provide an emergency key box(s), location(s) to be specified by SBFD. 7. Before final approval I request that I be shown building elevations in case I have additional comments or requirements. 8. Elevator car(s) to be sized large enough to accommodate an ambulance stretcher in the flat position. 9. Due to fire apparatus response, deployment and placement for a fire at this property, I would request that the new fire hydrant be relocated to the southwest corner of the building. 10. I have some concern that the "end unit" of this building (2880 sq ft section) may be difficult to access for firefighting because of the loading ramp. Page - 2 At this point these seem to be the major issues which present themselves. As this project moves forward additional items may surface which could be dealt with as needed with the assistance of the developer and the Vermont Division of Fire Safety. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. ec�Zely, Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief Electronic copy to: Ray H. Paul O'leary-Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Drive, PLC Essex Junction, VT. 05452 Phone (802)-878-9990 Fax(802)-878-9989 r southburlington PLANNING & ZONING July 22, 2009 Howard Snider O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC 1 Corporate Drive, Suite #1 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: LNP, Inc., 27-31 Commerce Avenue, One Year Extension Dear Mr. Snider: Please be advised that the South Burlington Development Review Board at their meeting held on July 21, 2009 granted your request for a one (1) year extension to site plan approval #SP-08-119. This site plan approval will now expire on 7/20/2010 unless a zoning permit is issued prior to the expiration date. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Administrative Officer 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tal 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburl.com O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING July 14, 2009 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. 27-31 Commerce Avenue Request for one (1) year approval extension Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of LNP, Inc. c/o Al Senecal to request a one (1) year extension to the approval for the 27-31 Commerce Avenue project. The project (#SP- 08-119) received Site Plan approval on January 20, 2009 and pursuant to Section 17.04 of the City of South Burlington Land Development Regulations, the deadline for obtaining a Zoning Permit is July 20, 2009. We have recently applied to the State of Vermont for a Land Use Permit, but will not receive it prior to the July 20 deadline, therefore we are requesting a one (1) year extension to the approval. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Sincerely, Howard Snider 5050\BELAIRExtensionRequest doc 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 I FAX 802 878 9989 I obca@olearyburke.com ro^»�-'VERMONT State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation [phone] 802-879-5656 Wastewater Management Division [fax] 802-879-3871 Essex Regional Office iii West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.seoti c.vt. eov May 28, 2009 LNP, Inc. c/o Al Senecal 25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 Williston VT 05495 Subject WW-4-3296 LNP, Inc. construct a 26, 280 square foot commercial building on Lots 39 & 40; 6.720 square feet for office space with a total of 31 employees and 19,56o square feet of warehouse space; municipal water and sewer services located on 27 & 31 Commerce Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Mr. Senecal: I reviewed the application and technical information submitted for the above referenced project. Unfortunately, there were items that were not included or were insufficient and I was unable to determine if this project meets the minimum standards of the Environmental Protection Rules. Please provide the following information: 1. Please provide the approval by the Water Supply Division for the water line extension. Please respond within thirty, (30) days from the date of this letter. Re -submittals that are incomplete or made after thirty days may result in the denial of the project. I will continue my review of the project once I receive the information requested. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ernest Christianson Regional Engineer cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Paul O'Leary Act 25o Environmental Commission #4 - Case #4Co643 Water Supply Division Regional Offices - Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury ��VERMONT ' State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Departinent of Environmental Conservation [phone] 802-879-5656 Wastewater Management Division [fax] 802-879-3871 Essex Regional Office iii West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695 www.septic.vt.gov May 22, 2009 LNP, Inc. c/o Al Senecal 25 Omega Drive, Suite 201 Williston VT 05495 RE: WW-4-3296, LNP, Inc.; construct a 26, 28o square foot commercial building on Lots 39 & 40; 6.720 square feet for office space with a total of 31 employees and 19,56o square feet of warehouse space; municipal water and sewer services located at 27 & 31 Commerce Street in South Burlington, Vermont. Dear Applicant: We received your completed application for the above referenced project on May 21, 2009, including a fee of $105.00 paid by check #61gi. Under the performance standards for this program, we have a maximum of 30 days of "in-house" time to review your application. If we require further information from you to make a decision, the time until we receive it is not included in the in-house performance standards. If you have any questions about the review process, or if you have not received a decision on your application within the 30 in-house days, please contact this office. We have forwarded the information contained in your application to the Information Specialist for this region. A Project Review Sheet will be sent to you indicating other state agencies and departments you should contact regarding additional permits or approvals you may need under their programs. If you have not already done so, you should also check with town officials about any necessary town permits. For the Division of Wastewater Management Ernestine Chevrier Regional Office Coordinator cc: South Burlington Planning Commission Paul O'Leary/O'Leary-Burke Civil Associates, PLC Regional Offices — Barre/Essex Jct./Rutland/Springfield/St. Johnsbury � 1 c O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING April 29, 2009 Mr. Ray Belair City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: 27 - 31 Commerce Drive South Burlington, VT Dear Ray: Enclosed is a site plan for a proposed commercial development located on Commerce Drive in the Town of South Burlington, VT. The project site is approximately 4-acres and located just off of Ethan Allen Drive. The applicant, LNP, Inc., c/o Al Senecal owns Lots 39 and 40 in the Ethan Allen Farms subdivision and is proposing to build an Office / Warehouse facility on the parcels. The new building will be two stories with an overall footprint of 22,920 sf. The site is accessed from Commerce Avenue by a 50' wide strip between existing developed Lots 30 and 31. The existing paved drive that currently accesses Lot 30 will be widened to 24' and extended into the parcel. Sewer and water lines will be extended to the proposed building from the municipal lines on Commerce Avenue. Please find the attached Municipal Impact Questionnaire for your execution in accordance with criteria 7, 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151 (Act 250). If you have any questions, please contact this office Sincerely, Ray H. Paul Enclosures Z: \2001\5050\ACT250\5050- mu n ici pa I i m pacdetter. doc 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 I FAX 802 878 9989 I obca@olearyburke.com P southburlington PLANNING & ZONING January 21, 2009 Paul O'Leary Howard Snider O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: Site Plan Application #SP-08-119, 27-31 Commerce Avenue Dear Mr. O'Leary & Mr. Snider: Enclosed, please find a copy of the Findings of Fact and Decision rendered by the Development Review Board on January 20, 2009. Please note the conditions of approval including that a zoning permit must be obtained within six (6) months If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT: 7008 0150 0003 6150 5072 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846.4101 www.sburi.com .r southf-t, n"Th no on PLA�,NIKG & ZONING January 8, 2009 LNP, Inc. c/o Al Senecal 300 Cornerstone Drive Suite 130 Willisotn, VT 05495 Re: 27-31 Commerce Avenue Dear Property Owner: Enclosed is the draft agenda for the January 20, 2009 South Burlington Development Review Board Meeting. Please note that this hearing will be held at South Burlington Public Works, 104 Landfill Road (off Patchen Road) in the 2"d floor conference room. It includes an application for development on your property. This is being sent to you and the abutting property owners to make aware that a public meeting is being held regarding the proposed development. The official agenda will be posted on the City's website (www.sburi.com) by the Friday prior to the meeting. Under Title 24, Section 4464 of State law, participation in a municipal regulatory proceeding is required in order to preserve your right to appeal a local development approval to the Vermont Environmental Court. State law specifies that "Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding." If you would like to know more about the proposed development, you may call this office at 846-4106, stop by during regular office hours, or attend the scheduled public meeting. Sincerely, &b] &3au Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. cc: Howard Snider, O'Leary -Burke f0i '14'T 0540r:, td 3„'l2 `:, ;;"f! 1,x-A e!:;. i,�tf, ,!Ij i"" St,s! ..... l POA-2 OWN /► I' southburliugton PLANNING 8' ZONING January 16, 2009 Howard Snider O'Leary -Burke 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1 Essex Junction, VT 05452 Re: 27-31 Commerce Avenue Site Plan Dear Mr. Snider: Enclosed is the agenda for next Tuesday's staff comments to the Board. Tuesday, Y' Development Review Board January Please be sure that someone is held at -the Department 20 2009 at 7:30_ meeting and partment of Public p m' Also the meeting on Road o Works Also, note that this hearing (Off Patchen Road). 2 Floor Conference will fi If you have an Room, 104 Landfill Y questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, &� a 4 &&) A'� Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Encl. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846.4106 fax 802.846,4101 www.sburl.com southburlington PL'ft., VWfW'G' Z0NI1WG January 21, 2009 Ryan Burnie 6 Ledgemere Street Burlington, VT 05401 Re: 27-31 Commerce Avenue Dear Mr. Burnie: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, uh")N' Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant Cen:�ri alreat S zzi urE:FM ;f �,'�'z 5�f"� Eei BRa,llfi+ ?"�? lax 602'846+c.'31 �a..s?,,zu•.cc<F� .. ,� PL A NNINa & 7 0 N t N G January 21, 2009 Nicole Senecal 17 Kristen Ct. Williston, VT 05495 Re: 27-31 Commerce Avenue Dear Ms. Senecal: Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464(b)(3), enclosed please find a copy of the Development Review Board decision regarding the above referenced matter. You are being provided a copy of this decision because you appeared or were heard at the hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, Betsy McDonough Brown Planning & Zoning Assistant r'i7s Ga;zrt itrvst S rsisn Sijrl;nglr�r, YT tel SM2 0411 'Dfl #ix ,v.ssa •. .:m CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon recei t ofnotice of a d appehaval the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the eal to appellant in five working days. 24 V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: 3-'Pt�, NAME MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT OF INTEREST C��JKGJU-r/ 060 ?ays4 L - Y,-, ST ` PW� o�y '- NAY/N CIV�I¢ I I I� K�iste�Cf. WES v-r ) CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon receipt of otice of an appeal to the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the appellant in five working days.Z V.S.A. § 4471(c). HEARING DATE: ZA9 NAME MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT OF INTE 6 L- fW sko, REST SNP A-I'ko�o 1�bleo/I G rbj �C-je)49opT Vub CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Interested Persons Record and Service List Under the 2004 revisions to Chapter 117, the Development Review Board (DRB) has certain administrative obligations with respect to interested persons. At any hearing, there must be an opportunity for each person wishing to achieve interested person status to demonstrate compliance with the applicable criteria. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). The DRB must keep a written record of the name, address and participation of each person who has sought interested person status. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b). A copy of any decision rendered by the DRB must be mailed to every person or body appearing been heard by the DRB. 24 V.S.A. § 4461(b)(3). Upon recei t of otice of a d a peal the environmental court, the DRB must supply a list of interested persons to the eal to appellant in five working days. 2 V.S.A. § 4471(c). €y�A.-R/NG DATE: `�/ , NAME MAILING ADDRESS PROJECT OF INT L D1DjL0yr%j-' MIcV,ucqO7grt' EREST kv- SWh 70 �.Wi400c Liar It) M° ate `+x.+► . Site Plan Application Permit Number Sp- 0!b - �J � APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the site plan will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. 1. OWNER OF RECORD (Name as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax #): IA'& , e-/v -4L 5in-N� ca d Pam: ,Y6,Z-05V 7 :Sck)" Lotz/vFnsTDn1E .50i'7-V 1iU fla-y r Irk I_ -q.iYV it.0 s 2. LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED (Book and page #): 7 Z- z 3. APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #): 5&1:-- Qk:;, J&—rZ 4. CONTACT PERSON (person who will receive all correspondence from Staff. Include name, address, phone & fax #): f/ !2,020 _StiliZI 72 - ����r �u- 6004cF Civ,'(_ 4,.-Sov, a;tr7=S �� r — 7 <. , : 4 G,-c,:-v a. Contact e-mail address: h Oleee �Y la)rke, Cori 5. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: �Z#-_ 3I 6. TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office): 05F :3.- 000 Z 7 � 7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 643.5- GAG'©31 a. General project description (explain what you want approval for): CC- FW 6 - S'7-rP / 196r--!Cx I A U L- 01; "u'�� ©6CF5s DiZIvC 4,1_ ; YA2UK;6- Afi-49 QA Ai6K7-iQN� 7a %Z4-C-- MaN'iCII -c- ujA-ro- l AyvD 50,vio2 1_iAe7:5 1 Site Plan Application b. Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use): c. Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain): , 0 L�Al,4E-EfO J-�C_ d. Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain): zz) t2F- FO-"TFn(ZIAJ e. Height of building & number of floors (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain, specify if basement and mezzanine): ZO -?57nc_ 4-C-t&� — 'Tt o SrvfL,c s f. Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain): ,044 g. Number of employees & company vehicles (existing and proposed, note office versus non - office employees): Z7 FFrc C Z� h. Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable): 8. LOT COVERAGE Total Parcel Size: UZ Y3 Sq. Ft. a. Building: Existing -- % / sq. ft. Proposed r Z. 53 % l ZZ 9LC sq. ft. b. Overall impervious coverage (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing % / — sq. ft. Proposed 12,08 % / sq. ft. c. Front yard (along each street) Existing — % / sq. ft. Proposed AJ a? % sq. ft. � N u Fi2�r�'T� Cry 2 Site Plan Application d. Total area to be disturbed during construction (sq. ft.) * Projects disturbing more than one-half acre of land must follow the City's specifications for erosion control in Article 16 of the Land Development Regulations. Projects disturbing more than one acre require a permit from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 9. COST ESTIMATES a. Building (including interior renovations): $ _ 4110 b. Landscaping: Z9 c. Other site improvements (please list with cost): 10. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC a. Average daily traffic for entire property (in and out): b. A.M. Peak hour for entire property (in and out):_ c. P.M. Peak hour for entire property (In and out): 11. PEAK HOURS OF OPERATION:_ 7 4,UJ — �,y Qm 12. PEAK DAYS OF OPERATION: & / — Al 1'0 4 LL 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE. Sc=) )T 7 00 61 14. ABUTTERS (please list all abutting landowner. Include mailing address. Also include those across a street or right-of-way. You may use a separate sheet if necessary) Site Plan Application 15. SITE PLAN AND FEE A site plan shall be submitted which shows the information listed on Exhibit A attached. Five (5) regular size copies and one reduced copy (11" x 17") of the site plan must be submitted. A site plan application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the site plan application (see Exhibit A). 4 Site Plan Application I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. S—*1— IGNATURE OF APPLICA 4SA14 OF PROPERTY OW ER Do not write below this line .JC- . PRINT NAME DATE OF SUBMISSION: ( /�� ! 6� REVIEW AUTHORITY: Development Review Board ❑ Administrative Officer I have review d this site plan application and find it to be: Complete ❑ Incomplete r of Planning & Zoning or Designee `Date Abutter List — Office/Warehouse Project — Al Senecal 27 & 31 Commerce Avenue John & Joyce Belter 2 Country Club Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 Alan Brusoe & Ann Soutiere 11 Mayfair Street South Burlington, VT 05403 David & Laurie Cota 6 Curtis Avenue Essex Jct., VT 05452 Same — VT LLC C/o Independent Pipe &•Supply Corp. Whitman Road Canton, MA 02021 Roth Family Partnership P.O. Box 22 Warren, VT 05674 Joe Eddy Holdings, LLC 12 Liberty Lane Colchester, VT 05446 James Barron P.O. Box 9362 South Burlington, VT 05403 5050\abutterlist.doc General Office Building (710) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Employees On a: Weekday Number of Studies: 62 Avg. Number of Employees: 610 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per Employee Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 3.32 1.59 - 7.28 2.16 Data Plot and 10,000 T 9,001 6,00( y 7,OOf v c W a 1= 6,000 N L CD 5,000 m 4,000 Q II ~ 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 ...... 65�Y�) ... V-14w-r ----------------- --- --' ----- ..--- ---.... ----X. X. X X- X X' X ..--- X------x ...-- --'---... ---------------------- X - X X X X X X X X X ... X ...X.. X X X XX X - . v 1000 20W 3000 X = Number of Employees �27, X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - - - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.84 Ln(X) + 2.23 R2 = 0.88 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 1151 Institute of Transportation Engineers ueneral Office Building (710) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: On a: Number of Studies: Avg. Number of Employees: Directional Distribution: Trip Generation per Employee Employees Weekday, A.M. Peak Hour 163 695 88% entering, 12% exiting Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.48 0.20 - 1.62 0.71 Data Plot anci 4,000 3,000 N C W a am U L 2,000 H 1,000 0 Z �11T72�r1/G ZX�Tlv�r ----,----- --. ---- i-- ------------ lam' --------- ------ -------- .... ..-----X-- ..------ X ...... X ------- •....................... • -------- ----------- X X IX X X X X X X X X X X X 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 X = Number of EmployeesCZi ) X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.86 Ln(X) + 0.24 5000 6000 7000 - - - - - - Average Rate R2 = 0.88 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 1152 Institute of Transportation Engineers F 1 General Office Building (710) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Employees i On a: Weekday, P.M. Peak Hour r Number of Studies: 173 Avg. Number of Employees: 688 Directional Distribution: 17% entering, 83% exiting Trip Generation per Employee Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.46 0.16 - 3.12 0.70 uaza root ancf Equation 4,00( 3,000 c W a H m t 2,000 4) 4) Q 1,000 0 U5iA16— :iqtJEWGei— J 47F �7?N..G X ---------------- X X ...... , .X.. .... i X------------------------ --------- XX ' X 'XX X X X X X ; X X' 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 X = Number of Employees ('2.7) X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - - - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.37(X) + 60.08 R2 = 0.84 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 1153 Institute of Transportation Engineers Warehousing (150) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Employees On a: Weekday Number of Studies: 15 Avg. Number of Employees: 358 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per Employee Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 3.89 1.47 - 15.71 -q nA Data Plot and 11,00- 10,001 9,001 8,00( N a C LLJ 7,000 G. 'C N v 6,000 t N rn 5,000 m N Q 4,000 II H 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 X. 1000 2000 X = Number of Employees() X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.75 Ln(X) + 2.87 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 3000 - - - - - - Average Rate R2 = 0.85 190 Institute of Transportation Engineers Warehousing (150) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Employees On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 12 Avg. Number of Employees: 414 Directional Distribution: 72% entering, 28% exiting Trip Generation per Employee Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.51 0.37 - 2.14 0.74 Data Plot anti 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 rn V C W 900 a m 800 v L 700 m 600 m Q 500 II H 400 300 200 100 0 - ----- - -- -- - -- --- - -- -------- ---- - - ---- --- --- " i ' ------ ----- 0 1000 2000 3000 X = Number of Employees C4, X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - - - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.37(X) + 54.64 R2 = 0.95 Trip Generation,7th Edition 191 Institute of Transportation Engineers Warehousing } (150) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Employees On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: 14 Avg. Number of Employees: 392 Directional Distribution: 35% entering, 65% exiting Trip Generation per Employee Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.59 0.37 - 2.22 0.80 Data Plot and Equation 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 600 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -- _ - -- . - N]t� iti ... Z : �x /Ti�vG- a-----.---- ------------------------------ --- ... .......--'-I---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- X.......... ------------------•------------------ .._........... .... . ..... ----------------------------- -----------,'----- ... ----------------------------------.-------------.._- ---- --------------- .. :a.. ----------------- X ------------ ---- ' .............................. --------------------- .... -- .X--- ----- -------------------- -------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ y11--------------------------- -------- ----------------- --- 0 1000 X = Number of Employees & 1 X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.44(X) + 58.43 2000 3000 - - - - - Average Rate R2 = 0.93 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 192 Institute of Transportation Engineers l c O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING December 22, 2008 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. — Lots 39 & 40 Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of Al Senecal to submit a Site Plan application for a proposed project in the Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision. Mr. Seneca] owns Lots 39 and 40 in the Ethan Allen Farms subdivision and is proposing to build an Office / Warehouse facility on the parcels. The new building will be two stories with an overall footprint of 22,920 sf. The site is accessed from Commerce Avenue by a 50' wide strip between existing developed Lots 30 and 31. The existing paved drive that currently accesses Lot 30 will be widened to 24' and extended into the parcel. Sewer and water lines will be extended to the proposed building from the municipal lines on Commerce Avenue. Stormwater will be detained onsite with an overflow to an existing storm system that discharges to an existing storm pond on Lot 35 within the industrial park. Please find the following attached information for your review: 1) Site Plan application; 2) Application fee of $175.00+ $11 recording fee = $186.00; 3) Five (5) full size plans (sheets 1-6 ); 4) One (1) reduced (I I" x 17") set of plans; 5) List of Abutters; 6) ITE Traffic data sheets; If you have any questions or require additional information, please call 5050\BELAIR.doc Sincerely,e,-, f J�� Howard S nider UNCTION 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JVERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 I FAX 802 878 9989 obca@olearyburke.com CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Report preparation date: January 13, 2009 Application received: December 29, 2008 SITE PLAN APPLICATION #SP-08-119 LNP INC — 27-31 Commerce Avenue Agenda # 7 Meeting date: January 20, 2009 Owner/Applicant LNP Inc 300 Cornerstone Drive Suite 130 Williston, VT 05495 Engineer Property Information Howard Snider Tax Parcel 0435-00027 & 0435-00031 O'Leary Burke Civil Associates Mixed Industrial & Commercial (IC) District; 1 Corporate Drive Suite 1 182,883 square feet (4.2 acres) Essex Jct VT 05452 Location Map CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING LNP Inc, hereinafter referred to as the applicants, is seeking site plan approval to: 1) construct a 26,280 sq. ft. GFA building, and 2) seek approval for an umbrella approval for multiple uses, 27- 31 Commerce Avenue. Associate Planner Cathyann LaRose and Administrative Officer Ray Belair, hereinafter referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans and have the following comments: ZONING DISTRICT & DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS Table 1. Dimensional Requirements IC Zoning District Required Proposed Min. Lot Size 40,000 SF 182,883 SF �l Max. Building Covera e 40% 12.53% Max. Total Covera a 70% 32.08% ® Max. Front Yard CoverageW00% ®% �1 Min. Front Setback Min.Side Setback Min. Rear Setback prox 70 ft. prox 70 ft. rApprox50 ft. zoning compliance zoning non-compliance ® coverage not provided by applicant; the front yard shall be considered the portion of the lot adjacent to where the drive enters (the northern property line of this property) 1. The applicant shall provide the percentage of the front yard covered by impervious surfaces. In no case shall it exceed 30 percent. There are two existing lots proposed as part of the subject application. The applicant is proposing to use both lots as if they were one: dimensional requirements are calculated on the whole and the access to the proposed buildings straddles both lots. Furthermore, the layout of the site is such that if one lot were to be sold independently, that the other would be poorly planned. Staff finds that the two lots should be combined in all senses. This can be accomplished through a lot merger agreement. 2. The applicant shall submit a "Lot Merger Agreement" for review by the City Attorney and to be recorded it the South Burlington Land Records prior to permit issuance. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following .general review standards for all site Dian applications CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING (a) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. The proposed building will accomplish a desirable transition from structure to structure or from structure to site. The applicant is requesting an umbrella approval of uses (see attached letter). All of the proposed uses are permitted uses in the district. Staff is not concerned at this time about the availability of parking spaces as all of the uses proposed have low demand for such. Staff will assess the availability of parking as each use is proposed in the building. Staff has concerns regarding some of the proposed uses as they will involve outside storage of equipment, materials, and auto sales display. Staff therefore recommends that only the following uses be approved as part of the umbrella approval: a) Contractor or building trade facility b) Distribution and related storage c) Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance Should the applicant wish for other uses, they should resubmit a site plan application which would detail where such storage will be placed and how it will be accessible. 3. The uses of the subject property shall be limited to the following: d) Contractor or building trade facility e) Distribution and related storage t) Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance The City Engineer is currently reviewing the plans but was not able to have comments prepared prior to the hearing. Staff does not expect any significant alterations to the plans. 4. The applicant shall adhere to the stipulations of the South Burlington City Engineer. The South Burlington Fire is currently reviewing the plans and should have comments available at the meeting. 5. The applicant shall adhere to the stipulations of the South Burlington Fire Chief. The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans and provided comments in a letter dated January 5, 2009 (attached). 6. The applicant shall adhere to the stipulations of the South Burlington Water Department per the letter dated January 5, 2009. (b) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings to the greatest extent practicable. There are several spaces which are located to the front of the building. The Development Review Board should discuss the proposed parking layout on the site. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING 7. If so directed by the Board, the applicant shall revise the layout so that the parking is located to the rear or sides of the building. (c) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or adjoining buildings. The building is proposed to be one (2) stories and be 20' high, which is consistent with the development on surrounding properties. (d) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansions shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. 8. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (e) The DRB shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics, landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. The applicant has not submitted any elevations for the proposed building. Given the nature of the property and surrounding properties as intensive industrial use and that the applicant is not requesting any waivers of the height limitations; staff is not overly concerned with the applicant's ability to meet this criterion. (f) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain, and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. Again, the applicant has not submitted any elevations for the proposed building. The Board may wish to discuss this matter and request elevations if they see fit. Site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: (a) The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial of collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Access to the property is already shared with the property at 33 Commerce Avenue. Staff does not feel it is necessary to create access to the properties that abut the subject property. (b) Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. As noted above, pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. (c) All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The plans depict one (1) screened dumpster, accessed from the southern portion of the parking area. (d) Landscaping and Screening Requirements Pursuant to Table 13-9 of the Land Development Regulations, the proposed project will require a minimum of $21,500 of landscaping. The applicant is proposing $21,754 worth of landscaping. The South Burlington City Arborist has reviewed the proposed landscaping plan and stated he has no comments or need for changes. Pursuant to Section 13.06(B) of the Land Development Regulations, snow storage areas must be specified and located in an area that will minimize the potential for run-off. The plans do not depict the snow storage area(s). 9. The plans shall be revised to show adequate snow storage area(s). Lighting Pursuant to Section 13.07(A) of the Land Development Regulations, all exterior lighting shall be shielded and downcasting to prevent light from spilling onto adjacent properties and rights -of - way. The applicant has submitted exterior lighting details and point by point plans for the proposed lighting which are in compliance with the SBLDR. Access/Circulation The proposed access to the subject property is a 50' wide right of way off Commerce Ave, between 19 and 33 Commerce Ave. The applicant has demonstrated legal use of the easement. Staff finds this acceptable. Circulation on the site is adequate. Section 13.01(G)(5) requires that bicycle parking or storage facilities are provided for employees, residents, and visitors to the site. A bicycle rack is depicted on the plans. Traffic Due to a previous agreement, this property is subject to a previously defined dollar amount for traffic impact fees of $880/lot. Other 9. The applicant shall obtain wastewater allocation approval from the Director of Planning and Zoning prior to issuance of a zoning permit. Wetlands The subject property is touched by a class two wetlands. The delineation shown on the location CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING map included in this report represents a delineation done using aerial photography. The applicant has submitted a plan showing ground delineation. These two delineations do not match. The Board should consider this and determine whether further research is necessary. Staff concedes that ground delineation is more accurate. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Development Review Board approve Site Plan application #SP-08-119, subject to the numbered conditions above. Respectfully submitted, y Cathyann LaRose, Associate Planner c O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates, PLC CIVIL ENGINEERING I REGULATORY AND PERMIT PREPARATION I LAND SURVEYING I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES I LAND USE PLANNING January 8, 2009 Mr. Ray Belair Zoning Administrator 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 Re: LNP, Inc. — Lots 39 & 40 Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Subdivision Dear Ray: We are writing on behalf of Al Senecal regarding the recent Site Plan application submittal for the above referenced property. The project has been submitted to the city as an `Office -Warehouse' use, but Mr. Senecal currently does not have tenants contracted for the proposed facility. He would like to have an `Umbrella Permit' for the project that would a number of the allowed uses within the Industrial — Commercial (IC) zone. The `Umbrella Permit' would include the following selected uses, which are listed in Appendix C — Uses and Dimensional Standard of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. • Agriculture & construction equipment sales, service & rental; • Auto & motorcycle sales, service & repair; • Contractor or building trade facility; • Distribution and related storage; • Equipment service, repair & rental; • Lumber and Contractors yard; • Private providers of public services, including vehicle storage and maintenance; If you have any questions or comments regarding this request, please call. Sincerely, a Zvd 0" Howard Snider 5050\Be1airUmbre1I a doc 1 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE #1 ESSEX JUNCTION VERMONT 05452 TEL 802 878 9990 I FAX 802 878 9989 I obca@olearyburke.com Gilman & Briggs Environmental 1 Conti Circle, Suite 5 Barre, Vermont 05641 (802) 479-7480 gbenvironmental@eatrtblink net 10 May 2006 Paul O'Leary, P.E. O'Leary Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1 Essex Jct., VT 05452 Subject: Tewft Meademoxo&mdr I?C-L T L-Y7 - AlAx Dear Paul, Enclosed is a sketch showing the general location of Class Two wetland south of the Belter Park site in South Burlington. I began the delineation at the eastern end of the property and ended it at the point where'the wetland clearly becomes a stream (Flag 28). Because the wetland is only a few feet wide at the western end, a case could be made that the stream section actually begins sooner than I have indicated. However, a 50-foot buffer along the wetland edge would encompass less land than a 50- (or 100-) foot buffer drawn from the top of bank as recommended in the ANR's new Riparian Buffer Guidance. I also enclose Corps of Engineers Dataforms documenting the delineation at Flag 409 with information on vegetation, hydrology and soils. Sincerely, Errol C. Briggs ECB/s Encls. y LEHK'S UFF1C0 0 �19� aIs "03M _ on page-'1�-� 4 nd Recor �IQtiKp, WARRANTY DE ED A, Plce d, City Clod KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT ROBERT BUTLER of Charlotte in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, and EDDY BUTLER of Mont Tremblant, ouebec, Canada, Grantors, in the consideration of TEN AND MORE DOLLARS paid to our full satisfaction by ROTH FAMILY PARTNERSHIP,,a Vermont Partnership of warren in the County of Washington and State of Vermont, Grantee by these presents, do freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL, CONVEY AND CONFIRM unto the Grantee, ROTH FAMILY PARTNERSHIP and its heirs, successors and assigns forever, a certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows: Being a parcel of land with all improvements thereon, said property depicted as Lot 30 on a Plan entitled "Ethan Allen Farm Industrial Subdivision - Phase 31 Lots 22-42: Overall Site Plan," dated February 19, 1987, last revised January 8, 1988 and recorded in Volume 252, Page 43 of the South Burlington City Land Records. Said property is more particularly described as follows: beginning at a point in the southerly sideline of an unnamed road right of way marking the northwesterly corner of said Lot 30; thence proceeding S 09/2915111 W for a distance of 335.00 feet in and along the easterly sideline of a private drive to a point; thence turning to the right and proceeding S 80130110"E for a distance of 120.00 feet to a point;. thence turning to the right and proceeding N 090291511, E for a distance of 335.00 feet to a point in the sideline of said unnamed road right of way; thence turning to the right and proceeding N 800301101, W for a distance of 120.00 feet to the point or place of beginning. The rear or southerly portion of the above -described Lot is subject to utility easements granted to VELCO and Green Mountain Power Corporation. The above -described property is conveyed with the benefit of a right of way over the private drive located adjacent to and westerly of Lot 30 for purposes of ingress and egress by vehicle and other means to the unnamed road right of way as shown on said aforementioned Plan. If said private drive is accepted by the City of South Burlington as a public roadway, this right of way shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect. Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Eddy Butler and Robert Butler by Warranty Deed of Timothy R. Miller Page 1 CITY LLi,r.i..,.,---- V-A 20at1%wee. Received t— on page 'j a7(o Recorded in vof. ` 724 of So. Burlington Land RecordsAllest. Q 1 ter' WARRANTY DEED Donna S. Kinvirie, City Clerk ?'. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS THAT JOHN H. BELTER, JR., AND JOYCE N. BELTER, husband and wife, of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden, and State of Vermont, Grantors, in the consideration of Ten or More Dollars paid to their full satisfaction by L.N.P. Inc., a Vennont Corporation with offices in Williston, Vermont, Grantee, by these presents, does freely GIVE, GRANT, SELL and CONFIRM unto the said Grantee, L.N.P. Inc., and its successors and assigns forever, a certain piece of property in the City of South Burlington, in the County of Chittenden, and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: Being two parcels of land with all improvements thereon, identified as Lot 39 and Lot 40 on a plan entitled "Ethan Allen Industrial Stibdivision- Phase 3, Lots 22-42: Overall Site Plan" dated February,1987. last revised September, 1987, and recorded in Map Volume 252 at page 22 of said land records (the "Promises"). Being a small portion of the premises conveyed to John H. Bolter, Jr., and Joyce N. Belter, by Warranty Deed of Rene J. and June A. Berard, dated May 8,1979, of record in Volume 148 at Pages 225-228 of the City of South Burlington Land Records. Each of the above -described lots is conveyed with a right-of-way, in cormnon with others, over the private drive located adjacent to and westerly of Lot 30, and adjacent to and easterly of Lot 31, for purposes of ingress and egress by vehicle and other means, to the unnamed road right of way as shown on the aforementioned plan. If said private drive is accepted by the City of South Burlington as a private roadway, this right-of-way shall automatically terminate and be of no further force or effect. The above -described lots are each conveyed subject to and with the benefit of "Protective Covenants for the Belter Industrial Park: South Burlington, Vermont", dated August 22, 1985, and recorded in Volume 213 at Page 389-393 of the City of South Burlington Land Records, as amended pursuant to: (i) Amendment No. 1, dated September 4, 1985 and recorded in volume 213 at Page 426 of said land records; (ii) Amendment No. 2, dated October 8, 1985 and recorded in Miscellaneous Volume 214 at Page 83 of said land records; (iii) Amendment No. 3, dated August 10, 1988, and recorded in Miscellaneous Volume 267 at Page 133 of said land records; and (iv) Amendment No. 4 dated April 14, 1939 and recorded in Miscellaneous Volume 277 at Page 452'of said land records, and recorded ill Volume 444 at Page 202 of said land records. The Grantee acknowledges and agrees that the acceptance and recording of this deed constitutes an agreement by the Grantee to the formation of a Lot Owner's association, which will assume responsibility for the stoma water drainage system including periodic maintenance of the system and Aiture repairs and upgrades. Provided the owners of a majority of the lots ill the Etharl Allen Industrial Park (Lots 1- _J become members of the Association, the Grantee will become a member of the Association and pay a pro-rata share of the costs related to the maintenance of the January 5, 2009 Mr. Paul O'Leary O'Leary -Burke Civil Associates 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 1 Essex Jct. VT 05452 RE: Lots 39 & 40, Ethan Allen Farms Dear Paul: The South Burlington Water Department has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project. Please find my comments below. 1. The attached Application for Water Allocation must be completed and returned to the South Burlington Water Department as soon as possible. As this project continues, the Application for Water Allocation will need final approval from this Department, which will be contingent upon available water storage capabilities within the City. 2. Based upon the final water allocation request, water service fees shall be applied to the project based on the current Rate and Fee Schedule. It must be recognized by all developers that the Rate and Fee Schedule established by the South Burlington City Council may be modified by resolution at an open meeting of the City Council, and therefore subject to change prior to completion of the project. 3. All construction drawings and plans shall have a note saying "All water line and related work to be performed in accordance with the Champlain Water District Specifications and Details for the Installation of Water lines and Appurtenances henceforth the "CWD Specification." 4. The CWD Specifications are applicable to all new construction and reconstruction of water infrastructure. Variations from the CWD Specifications will not be permitted except as provided within the CWD Specifications. The appropriate CWD Supervisor as defined in the CWD Specifications shall determine the acceptability of any deviation from the those specifications. Private water lines and appurtenances shall be designed to the same standards as public water lines and appurtenances. All water installation work and water distribution material must comply with the "CWD Specifications". Details for this project must be the same as those within the above referenced CWD Specifications. 5. All domestic services and fire sprinkler systems that are connected to the public water system shall be protected with a backflow prevention assembly, and an appropriate thermal expansion system in compliance with the Ordinance For The Control Of Cross Connections Within The Water System Of the City Of South Burlington, henceforth the `Backflow Ordinance." Please contact this department for more information on the installation and proper setting of backflow prevention devices. 6. The above referenced CWD Specifications state that no water lines shall be installed after November 15 or before April 1 without prior approval of the Superintendent. The appropriate CWD Supervisor may restrict work before November 15 and after April 1 during adverse weather conditions. 7. Eight -inch and larger Ductile Iron (DI) water pipe shall have no less than three (3) brass wedges installed at each joint. Bury depth to the new mains shall be six feet (6') to the top of the pipe. DI water pipe shall be Class 52, cement lined. All water pipe within this project shall be poly wrapped. 8. Stainless Steel Tapping sleeves shall be used on Asbestos Cement (AC), Cast Iron (CI), Ductile Iron (DI) and PVC C900 distribution mains. Sleeves shall be Powerseal Model 3490MJ Stainless Steel tap sleeve with mechanical joint outlet, or approved equal. 9. Plan Sheet # 1 comments: a. The proposed water line shall be eight -inch up to the proposed fire hydrant. From that point the line size can be reduced to one that is sufficient to supply the needs of the new building as determined by the engineer. The line size if reduced beyond the hydrant, shall have a reducer and correctly sized building service line gate valve secured to the hydrant tee. In any event, the building service line gate valve shall be secured to the hydrant tee and not placed near the building as shown on these plans. b. Two 45-degree bends shall be installed on the building water main service line instead of a ninety -degree bend as shown. c. The proposed light pole shall be installed no less than ten -feet (10') away from the water line. d. Based on these plans it is expected that there will only be one water meter for this building. More than one water meter will require independent curb stops to each meter, thus requiring a design change. 10. Water and Sewer Detail Sheet comments: a. The Gate Valve Detail does not conform to the above referenced CWD Specifications and actually differs from #12 in your General Water Specifications. Please correct this detail to the CWD Specifications. b. The Water Connection Detail should include a tapping valve. c. Please correct #6 in your General Water Specifications to reflect current specifications. d. #11 in your General Water Specifications should read "Mechanical joint restraints with twist off nuts shall be EBAA or Sigma, or approved equal." 11. It is a violation to discharge chlorinated water into waters of the state. All water used during flushing and testing of the new main must be dechlorinated prior to entering any water of the state. 12. All gate valves shall be made from a corrosion resistant material, and all valve bolts, studs and nuts shall be made from corrosion resistant materials. 13. Fire hydrant assemblies shall consist of an anchor tee or a Swivel Joint Hydrant Tee, a six-inch RW gate valve, the appropriate length of 6" DI pipe secured to the gate valve with the appropriate retaining glands, the fire hydrant, and appropriate thrust block. All hydrants shall meet the aforementioned CWD Specifications, and an approved hydrant flag shall be supplied with each hydrant at the time of installation. Hydrant drains shall be plugged prior to installation. Note: Waterous fire hydrants must be installed with a "Boston Operating Nut." 14. The South Burlington Water Department ordinance states that "All water lines and appurtenances not located in the City right-of-way or public grounds shall be considered private pursuant to the ordinance and others of the City." Therefore, the water line and appurtenances for this project shall be considered private. 15. Historically, the South Burlington Water Department has practiced overseeing the repair and routine maintenance of all water mains and appurtenances off from those mains not located in the ROW or deeded over to the City after formal approval. It must be understood that this Department would only provide the service of overseeing the repair and maintenance of the water mains and appurtenances after we have inspected and approved the installation of the water main and service lines beyond the City owned locations. 16. The labor rate would be the same as approved in the Management Contract by the Champlain Water District and the City of South Burlington, revised annually. 17. The above referenced labor and material charges are in addition to any fee required under the South Burlington Water Department Ordinance, such as but not limited to private fire hydrants and sprinkler systems. At this time private fire hydrants are assessed a $100 per hydrant annual fee. 18. Gate valves and curb stops outside of the City ROW must have a Warranty Deed filed for the South Burlington Water Department to gain access for operation in emergencies and for disconnecting service to delinquent accounts provided that the City of South Burlington follows the requirements set forth in State Statute Title 24 V.S.A. Chapter129, Uniform Water and Sewer Disconnect. 19. No parallel underground utility shall be designed or installed within four feet (4') of the water main from either side, or above the water main from the bottom of the main to finish grade. The exceptions of storm sewer and sanitary sewer are only as allowed by the CWD Specifications and the VT Water Supply Rule. No building or structure shall be built above the water line or within the water line easement. Generally storm sewer and sanitary sewer will be designed to be installed with no less than a five-foot (5') separation unless provisions have been included to allow for proper support of either the storm water or sewer structures or water lines in the event of a needed excavation of the water main. The gas line, telephone line, and electric service are not shown on these plans. No utility shall be placed within five feet of any gate valve or ten feet of any fire hydrant. Generally, trees and shrubs shall not be placed over any water main or service line, nor placed within 20' of any appurtenance, including fire hydrants. 20. Prior to any building construction, the building contractor must contact this Department to discuss City requirements for meter sizing, meter settings, and backflow protection. 21. The SBWD shall be notified in advance to inspect all mechanical joint fittings, main line taps, appurtenances, thrust blocks, water line crossings, and testing prior to occurrence or backfilling. 22. Upon completion of the construction project, "Record Drawings" shall be supplied to the appropriate C WD supervisor in the form of one (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy in Auto -CAD Version 2003 Format (.DWG) or newer. All Record Drawings are to include valve ties, and manufacturer make and casting date for all gate valves. Location ties for all curb stops, and water shut offs (WSO's) shall also be provided on the Record Drawings. On given projects CWD may require that submittals and/or O&M manuals be submitted in electronic Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) format. 23. Further review changes may be required as this project proceeds through the permit process. Future plans must include details and specifications as required in above. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please call me. Sincerely, Jay Nadeau Superintendent CC. Cathyann LaRose Bruce Hoar Doug Brent Enc. Plan Reviews: Lot 39 Ethan Allen Farm 1-09 M ! j FIR., VT i and Types trine and Marine peepwater trine and Marine Wetland mater ErmergentWetland mater ForestedrShrub Wetland mater Pond . `N OF IS VSI r IC, j• r V boomv ` ltdoo 11 ( ALBERT a SUSAN GENIES EXISTING Orr CONC. PARKING ` ` EXISTING BIT CONC PARKING I EXIsnNG 77RCEL 08 E A 32 BR CONC 1 r I CONC � EXISTING �� IN-zfsr EXISTING xv-z15 z BIT CONC BIT CONC RIM-220e' I \ BERARD PROPERTIES LLC EJIsT. CB ol/r-z132 PARKING PARKING 1 IN=2f�5 ) �n0NO40O� I 151N=b�' II EXIST 16'PVC STORM II EXIST Y SDR 35 PVG _ _ — — — _ry— T —_ — EXIST &' SOR 35 PVC_-, _ _ _ _ _ _ f-TO LIME KILN ROAD d•�SDR�S��_--,,,IL — — — _ — — — — — _ — APPROXIMATE LOCATION EXIST a._- / TRANS _ - EXIST- SMH EXIST SMH YD.1. GATE V r 15 T==2117 a 1 EwyST22SMH POUT=211 T VEHICLEWE/GM - H1%=2p C` +I I ., I RES7RI SHiN °I 'oj`I ' a EXISTING XISTI ' 8'OUT-2107' NC r I ' I� PARKING MST awl,� I NN-P21 d 34 1 I 1 BIT rOUT-275 ar-z13 n' ° a I 32 III I 33 ' 31 9`3 j I SAME VT LLC O m II ( PARCEL 04%-WDIO I 1�CONMERCEAVE IrL II SAME- VTLLG 2 ° 3O II 1 �1 PARCEL 3I.E3d00E3 3 N I COMMERCE AVENUE II \�\ EXISTING 1 BIT CONC PARKING ` I II ExlsnNc 1 BR CONC PARKING I I 19COANMERMAW p I V no EXf9RNG ROTH FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 29 AO AR co n� DAVID a LAURIE COTA I I all. PAnCEL w33aoav I Lv L L 1 - _ CONC D 6 33 CQMMERCEAVE I — - iI PARCEL 31NL 15 1 r � j 13 COMMERCE AVE ' I I ° _ I 1 ) L_______ 24'WIDE BIT I DRIVE r I SUSPENDED CLEARANCE i. I � .`I � I � I I 1 , I BAROVE KA ALLAN ANN SOURUERE `�\ `•_(' II- — - _ — _ OOf THEVEL ; jI . BR CONC. 1 —+ _RJG�T _WAY /ARCEL3NSm311 ` I - - _ _ x , I---'---- I 11 COMMERCEAVE IEXISTING IXISTING_______' �I OVER 1$ PARKING 1 GRAVEL� _ _ - _ - JOE EDDY HOLDINGS, LLC PARKING I; I'II�! NFADL/NE LL; °yj iI PARCEL 0435-G7W7 IXI"NO� y I "S I 37COMMERCEAVF JOE EDDY HOLDINGS, LLC GRAVEL ji I ry I Ili I EXMS 22 �, I � _ - I PARCEL CW35-OW41 I I JAMES BARRON IXIS7 CB �- PARKING e'PVC OUT=220.02'I4 41 COMMERCEAVE. ° I I - t l' I 45 PARCEL 0435-00045 t i____ ,` I �' __________I I _ COMMERCEAVE ' RIM==25' _ I I i &'PVC IN-21e 45' C II _ -------J 3 \ e"rvcour=zle3s' - - •C,I L I ppUTLET STRUCTURE _�__ _ _ ___ F___- ° C N a 4 ERFIAI Fx1sr, a Pvc lM _ _ J I0., 4'PERFIN=2200' - - _ UN OWnI -� CHkM LANK FENCE xz I � x Ct}AIN JAW FENCE 15" PE OUT=21940' �•P �� - _ OUTLET NEµ. TYPE a PVC ( ,� . x - "--• - _ - - I'- STORMMHIf _ i15'PE 4• PERF PVC � EXIS )e•P� I - EDGE 15'OUr=2fa 6' APPRO..R --- -- - - ---- --- - - - — _ " `O'�w — _- 9oLUROs - -- ,G J LOGE OF - — - — .+U r ° (4 rout' 1 &'PESTOSTORM PIPE SMH RIM - 1 5 zsPn SF y� d?,00e SF &'IN=2tT - BIT CONC n �I --zz, yT LNP, INC. POUT=21733' ' - 13 _ LOADING AREA 3`� LNP, INC. 3' - _ — ` i --'- 6I- OVERNEAp PAIICEL 3133AWP7 ' - lz 0 PAGCEL 0115d369f I' NE �' P7 CGMMEHCEAVE lr� /01 31 COMMERCEAVE \ \ I za SNOWSTOARIX I� VIP- ----------------------------- � _ — - ��-]- _ I� ( OVERNE.IO LINE ,:-32 2 1 STIR 2200' EJW REHOUSE / X 11 TOPSOIL 1 TOPSOIL - FFE=22e 0' STOCKPLE STOCKPILE t 2e,2D0 SF GFA / / f0 I_ i - _ _— o e zap ' / ` 1 �a� Ctf' � 2UUW / / - -¢ TRANSFORMER BIKE RACK 1 1 \ \ \ zn \ 8 J / — PROPERTYUAEE \PE/ANO � c ur ® ti \ \ \ BEGINNING OF UNDERDRAIN— \ CLASS TWO WETLAND \ OWNER and APPLICANT �i ✓OHN5 ✓OYCEBELTER LNP, INC. \ PARCEL OMaW1oz CIO AL SENECAL ,per I@ETHANALLENpI11VE DUMPS7ER PAD AND ` � 25 OMEGA OR/YE, SUITE #201 CHAINLINKFENCE WILLISTON, V7-05495 EWOVEN FABRIC WOVEN 1I n 11 GRAPHIC SCALE ��o o V _ a 5477 a SIN FEED) \ \ J 1 °h = 40 It. ,CAI I�11113�, , VICINITY PLAN LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY OTHER PROPERTY LINE SIDELINE OF EASEMENT CONTOUR LINE �2 U77LITY POLE EDGE OF WOODS --- -- --- WETLANDBUFFER EDGE OF WETLAND PROJECT STATISTICS ETHANALLENFARMS /NDUSTR/AL SUBD/✓S/ON LOTS 39 6 40 PRO✓ECTAREAS LOT 39 - 95,978 SF LOT 40 - 8B,905 SF TOTAL AREA = 182,883 SF EX/STING COMMERCIAL OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING BLDG. FOOTPR/NTAREA=13,10I SF BUILDING G.F.A. = 26,,280 EXISTING PARKING AND WALKS= 35,820 sl EXIST/NG TOTAL IMPERY/OUS = 58,924 s/ MUNICIPAL SEWERAND WATER CONNECTIONS STORMWA7ER TRE47MENT.ON-SI7EAND OFF -SITE STORM POND FRONT YARD SETBA CK CO VERA GE IS 15% UT/UTYR O. w. 221 BERMASNECESSARY I TO CREATEA 12' DEEP X 2 6 WIDE BOTTOM SWALE as 223 ` OtENy ' I I \I O LANE �O I x 33 EXSTING l W I I I EXIST CB {On SAME -VTLLC 31 - L-- GRAVEL l I aPCIN-221845• "L PARCELpp6appp3 z - - - - - - _ - - - PARKING I 4 I I l a' PVC OUT-21a35' ,a coMMEecenvE Y x PAIICESAME1.Ousmefs IXISTINGGG� CONNECT 3�Y GRAVEL STORM DRAIN TO 7� R° _ - 1-34 r♦ EA� PARKING I NEW STORM OnTING STUB Ux I 13 I OAVID & LAURIE COTA - i 'I U - RIM=��2)2)300' }k ♦ARCELOres0=5 �ERHEADUNE 15'IOIlT=219T �,�EXI!! O rs txaMMEBCEAVE OFFM'' - - - - - ��- _ -- - - - - - - xL---- �vAF x >a ��--_-- X X_ X_ X X X—X—�S X—X X—X -- G' DUR.ET UNKNOWN - - - _ - 15"PEINV OUT= �G EXIS7 C PVC ( l22p '� --- — - } - 2201 991 �222 I AEWBYYE- K �-----22} -- �_ ------VAZv 9 W4ILA0 Wit'DLMT _ PROPOSED PARKINCF AXTERE (RPJ, PROPO 4 SPACES P/10111t1EPOLONDANki / /-P�XEMOUN7FD 4 M.1f]EfrUNCAlE7E i ' ��; - 2 / UGf/'FlXiURE RETAIr►i91Vi11L y GRAVEL All j 9 iz,y ,'y;, , , sJ 12 BAY C 0 40DOOR 22-3 PARCEL 27COMMERIERCCEAPEAVE NEWSMi 84itl8 SF.;- ,;, v 8YN.2f1.4 e•otn.216L LOADING RAMP Ar 1rBAr � D i 224 \ DOOR „�, '•+` .. t wl ry IXISTiNG BIT CONC EXIST CB PARKING _ - _ --- RIM-2219Z a 2 - x Lr PVC OUT=220 02' IL-- lo — o ti 30 % ROTH FAMILYPARTNERSHIP Q x PARCEL 0435mao3 �22 ;1 COMMEBCEAVE I ICmI 24' I CHAIN LANK FENCE X—X—X---X—X- _t C— _ _ IXlS71NGSTORM MANHOLE __ -- RIM22,7 1 223 IN = 218 6 _ 5'INV_QGr--146-Il: 1 J ---________O1,ERHE�UNE �EWCBJ� RIM-224 20' 15'OUT=2197 u\�� _ P x 9'CURBED CC RNER CONNECT —SEWER SERVICE TO EYJS77NG S717B / Z� / CONNECTS' OZ. CL52 WATER SERVICE TO STUB 8 VALVE I 1 2O BIT CONC LOADING AREA EXISTING WAREHOUSE/OFFICE Rs, N.0 T1NMOGFN ANEW ASSEMIRE —j 227 / ADDED TO D(ISTI G _ � I POLE ASSEMBLY NEWCBY2 EKIS77NG TRANSFORMER RIM=22620' E _ -220 EXISTING BIKE RACK ryL3 -•w� I 15'OUT=22040' JJ CHARGING I PROPOSED PARING 85,943 SF \ 22b I 2SPACES _ STATIDN GRAVEL (FOR EXISTING BUILDING) FORMER LOT LINE - CD "0' \ �\ _ \ 22-7 \ NEW CATCH BASIN \ / �9� ELEV -2245 CG990 \ \ ! "N' ` 15" PE OUT=221 5' \ ` SNOWREMOVAL CLASS nM WETLAND \_ ` ` STORAGEAREA LEGEND - S S S - SEWER - OTHER PROPERTY LINE - G G G - GAS - - SIDELINE OF EASEMENT - W W W - WATER CONTOUR LINE SPOT GRADE rp., UTILITY POLE FIRE HYDRANT EDGE OF WOODS x GATE VALVE ]2Z FINISHED GRADE EXISTING POLE MOUNTED LIGHT WALL MOUNTED LIGHT PROPOSED POLE MOUNTED LIGHT - - - - - - - - WETLAND BUFFER PROJECT BOUNDARY EDGE OF WETLAND i 22s - ^Illl llrr� OBCA GRAPHIC SCALE :��� 0 LFy NOTE: FOR ANY TRENCH / UTILITY WORK WITHIN THE aV 54]T = HL5 cwecxm VELCO KI&HT-OF-WAY, THE CONTKA(,TOK IS TO PROVIDE =? �e +� P^o IN FEET MAKKIN& TAPE OVER THE PIPE inch 20 In '"rtoIlil=zo' COLCHESTER SOUTH BURLINGTON E SITE BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT VICINITY PLAN NTS PROJECT STATISTICS ETHANALLENFARMS/NDUSTRIALSUBD114310N (LO7S39d40) PRCUECTAREAS LOT 39 - 95,978 SF LOT 40 - 86,906SF TOTAL AREA = 182,883 SF BLDG FOOTPR7NTAREA = 14 000 SF(PROPOSED) + 23,104 (EX1S77NG) = 37,104 SF (TOTAL) OR 20.3% PAVEMENTAND WALKS = 43,100 SF(PROPOSED) + 35,820(EX7STING) = 78,920 SFOR 431 % TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 57,100 SF(PROPOSEO) + 58,924(SIOSTING) = 116024 SF OR 635% S7ORMWATER TREATMENT ON.SITEAND OFFSITE STORMPOND MUNICIPAL SEWERAND WATER CONNECTIONS FRONT YARD SETHACKCOVERAGEIS 30% ZONING STATISTICS MIXED INDUSTRIAL/COMMERC44L(IQ ZONE REQUIRED/ ALLOWED PROPOSED MINIMUM L0TSIZE (iVS'RNG L0IS 398401 40,000 SF 182,883SF MINIMUM FRONT YARD SE7B4CK 30FEET 30 FEET MINIMUM SIDE YARD SETBACK 10FEET 10 FEET MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK 30FEET 30 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE 40% p'% (26,280BOS71NG 8 14, 000 PROPOSED = 37,,104 SF/ MINIMUM TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 70% 635% 7S920SFPAVE. +37,104SF8LDG = 116,024SF MINIMUM GREEN SPACE 30% 365% (86,869SFJ PARKING STATISTICS PROPOSED COMMERCIAL OFFICEIWAREHOUSEBUILDING' WAREHOUSE AREA: 9,8010 sf GFA OFFICE AREA: 8,400 sf GFA TOTAL 18,200sfGFA PARKING REQUIREMENTS. WAREHOUSE.- 0.5 SPACES PER 1000 sf GFA OFFICE (GENERAL): 3.5 SPACES PER 1000 sf GFA REQUIRED PARKING. WAREHOUSE.- 5 SPACES (9,80011000x 0.5 = 4.9) OFFICE- 30 SPACES (8,40011000x 3.5 = 29.4) TOTAL:35 SPACES PROPOSED PARKING 36 SPACES UWNLH and APPLICANT LAP. ANC C10AISerleca/ °" Aatw+lp�hr.wxvavMw,wwr^Ym,'aMdxrrNwkvw kvnnv.w�wnwgxV� '*wrz � Aare,wAy�r,.-vouae. aPow.wd�.�� s*wrz mwav naanxnanw.c'arr rorAwArro al,.roi.nv, rnV PaYrAonwrro•b+r,mrViaV whn.,e,w»a�aM •rwa eM9ox fllklvnO.fw�k ��b'Vnoro an twos A-^iawAreP.�l,va,.tro„rr<.toz doalt'd.veMmvncpwp�n.Plrwx er N'1t o ^^— 0 AAz.MA^• � nx,u C vrc.w/covcc*, PROPOSED OFFICE/WAREHOUSE on Lot 40 - Ethan Allen Farms Industrial Park #27 Commerce Ave -South Burlington „�I 5050 1 Q LEARY-BURKE CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC solo-s,s SITE PLAN rtwu sHm. 2 rz�'rz' LAND5GAP I NG 5PEG I F I GAT I ON5 RUBBER BUNCEE TYPE TIES OR A FLAT, SOFT WOVEN MATERIAL ALL P15TURDED AREAS SHALL DE STABILIZED WITH 5EEDIN& AND MULCHING PRIOR TO OLTODER D OF EACH YEAR 015TURDED AREAS 5HALL DE SEEDED AND MU-CHED WITHIN D DAYS OF FINISH GRADING ANY WORK PERFORMED AFTER OLTODER D OF EACH YEAR SHALL DE 5TANI-IZED WITH MULCH (2 TO 3) 2- X 2- OR NETTING SUFFICIENT TO PREVENT ER05ION AND SHALL DE IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND REMULCHED AS SOON AS WEATHER MKMIT5 IN THE SPRING ALL DI5TURDED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM HAROWOW STAKES DRIVEN (MIN I6') STAKEIRMLY DR SUB- OF 4' OF TOPSOIL AAD DE SEEDED, FERTILIZED, LAN LIMED, AND MULCHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWIN( GRADE PRIOR TO BACKRLUNG. L SEED MIXTURE IN ALL AREAS SHALL DE URDAN MIX CONFORMING TO THE TA15LE SHOWN WHEN REQUIRED (SEE NOTE /2), ON THESE PLAN5 FOR SEEDING AFTER OLTODEK D, WINTER STAKE ABOVE FIRST BRANCHES RYE SHALL DE USED AT AN APPLICATION RATE OF 100 POUNDS PER ACRE OR AS NECESSARY FOR FIRM 2 FERTILIZER SHALL DE STANDARD COMMERCIAL GRADE CONFORMING TO THE STATE SUPPORT, STAKES SHALL BE PLUMB TREE TRUNK FERTILIZER LAW AND THE STANDARDS OF THE ASSOCIATION AGRICULTURAL CAPABLE OF STANDING FIRM E TE OF LI AT THE RATE OF 500 POUNDS CHEMISTS DRY FERTILIZER, IF USED. SHALL DE FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR PER ACRE IN A-2-I RATIO LIQUID FERTILIZER, IF USED, SHALL DE APPLIED IN A 1-2-I RATIO WITH , IF USED, ]' MULCH - DO NOT THE MINIMUM RATE TO INCLUDE IOU POlxOS OF NITROGEN. 200 POMDS OF PHOSPHATE, FORM 4' SAUCER APPLY AROUND TRUNK AND 100 POUNDS OF POTASH PER ACRE 3 LIMESTONE 5HALL CONFORM TO ALL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND TO THE BREAK APART EDGE OF EXCAVATION W/SHOVEL STANDARDS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS RATES OF LIMESTONE DIEING APPLIED SHOULD DE OASED ON 501L TESTS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE OPTIMJM PH W BACKFlLL WITH EX 1� AND BLEND PLANT MIX WITH EXISTING SOIL TO 4 WITHIN 24 HOURS OF APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER. LIME, AND SEED, THE SURFACE SHALL DE 5MEAD OVER THE AREA WATER AND TAMP TO REMOVE III IIIIII AIR POCKETS ll- i'WTf IiT m - PROVIDE SOIL TRANSITION DE MULCHED WITH A HAY MULCH MULCH SHALL UNIFORMLY AT A KATE OF TWO TONS PER ACRE OR AS ORDERED DY THE ENGINEER 'Ire ,�rmTA W L `OJT AND REMOVE WRE UNDISTURBED SOL lil W W�Tw.r MESH BASKET, ROPE AND/ OR BURLAP WRAP FROM ROOTBALL AT TIME OF PLANTING TlllmW 2 X BALL DIA NOTES 1 PUNT TREE SO THAT THE ROOT COLLAR IS AT OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 2 STAKING AS REQUIRED ONLY IN SITUATIONS WERE TREES WILL BE SUBJECTED TO WNDY CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3 TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AFTER PLANTING 4 EXAMINE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSERY TAGS, ROPE, STRING AND SURVEYOR TAPE PRIOR TO PLANTING TO PREVENT GIRDLING TREE PLANTING DETAIL NT5 TREE PLANT I NCB 5PEG I F I GAT I ON5 I ALL TREEES WILL BE SINGLE STEMMED AND TREE FORM PRUNED PRUNE INJURED OR MASHED ROOTS 2 REMOVE BURLAP OR ROOT PROTECTION FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL 3 TREE ROOT COLLAR SHALL BE PLANTED AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS IT WAS PLANTED AT THE NURSERY (DO NOT OVER -EXCAVATE PIT) 4 EXCAVATE 4' WIDE TREE PIT BACKFlLL WITH EXIS17NC SOIL UNLESS SOIL STRUCTURE IS POOR SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED BENEATH THE TREE BALL FILL TREE PIT WITH SOIL MIX OF TWO PARTS TOPSOIL. ONE PART PEAT MOSS, ONE PART MANURE AND SIX OUNCES OF 'MAGAMP' 5 ALL REFILLED PITS WILL BE MULCHED WITH FOUR INCHES (4-) OF COMPOSTED BARK MULCH AND WATERED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING 6 ALL BOLES WILL BE WRAPPED WITH TREE WRAP FROM GROUND LINE TO BASE OF LIVE CROWN 7 STAKE TREE USING STEEL OR HARDWOOD 2' X 4' STAKES SECURE TREE WITH WIDE BELT STRAPPING DO NOT USE WIRE B FERTILIZE AND WATER AS NECESSARY O 2 - PJM Rt ododenL 1- Pyramid Yew J ® 3- Spreading Yew Ldec O 1 - Tinkerbe/!e 5 Limelight Hydra (Day 3 B - Lillies \ /(�/ OYI�c 2 - PJM Rhododendron 1 - Pyramid Yew 3- Spreading Yew 1 - Tmkerbelle Lilac 5 - Limelight Hydrangea FOUNDATION PLANT I N& DETAIL NITS Foundation Pl"Bed 1r-A-K reYAmMai I. /iluabd 'Nlw� f0-LhM/9a7/AVHepW1 �P,-.d Y., 2- TRA.0.6 Lbw bpiclh MAo' EXISTING LANDS SYMBOL Ob ANTIfY COMMONAMME IZM B RED MAPLE T WH/TEMOUNTAIN FLOWERING CHERRY 4 WHITESPRUCE PROPOSED TREE PLANTING SCHEDULE SYMBOL OUANRTY COMMONMAME SIZE COST 1 RED MAPLE Acwrubrrxn 3'- 31/2'GAL $W5 M /$395 I 4 PR/NCETONAMERICANELM Ukrrus Arrroncora PrmceMn' 2'-21/r GAL $248 at/5992.00 2 SERV7CEBERRY Prw4As cm f"x awl— 2 1/2' - 3' GAL. S2J0 av /5540.00 TREES TOTAL Sf,9f7007OTAL PROPOSED FOUNDATION PLANTING DETAIL SYMBOL QUANTITY COMMON M ME BOTAAMCNAME SIZE COST ® 4 PJMRHODODENORON R/roabaWx1ron PJM 10 24L. $133-453200 O10 LIMEL/GHTHI'ORANGEA hynYrgxgvMDUYd'LNnsw 5" $2550ml$25500 ® B SPREADIMG YEW TiAus,MdmGiiierI"w 30'-36'HGT. $55501rc/533300 CA 2 TTNAFABELLEL/LAC S)'#Wx8eLne6' 3r-42'HGT. $4a251N 1=50 13 PYRAMID YEW TM8 CWAD✓aY6 5-d'HGr S1B7 k/S70D,RA7 FOUNL11710N TOTAL f3,301x50 TOTAC PROPOSED LANDSCAPING TOTAL (TREES 6 FOUNDATION) 1 $5,222.50 c" E 7 `!.P1 1 City of Sri. Bur l";1 toll GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) I _h = 20 rt A111N1IIIrA I OWNER and APPLICANT LNP, INC. C/O Al SENECAL 25 Omega Ores, Suite 201 WILL1STON, VT 05495 ]411 HLS i rJf 'Rlmw9 `\�� PJO In AAA �r 111 l l�I�A,A =40' nIM M4aPH1 Tra A crmnwiM1 .I , __ - __ — A IMF xIMIYn. -4 —11 -1— - —w - -- o M aro DRAxnc E3 PRBAIWIRY PROPOSED OFFICE/WAREHOUSE A�16-13 a-s-73 � RNAI C 4QTCNAYWQIT on Lot 40 - Ethan Allen Fars Industrial Park 050 O RLEARY-BURKE #27 Commerce Ave. - South Burlington CIVIL ASSOCIATES, PLC Soso-ss D M1FET A LANDSCAPE PLAN .Fl Inn+�10 oecl�YVNww rem 3 EXISTING BIT C 13, PARKING JJJ^^^'nnn1111 I I EXBSTTN029' I x O wsoe err. cowc. O OAV/O & LAUR/E COTA ' I I / / � I ORNE I PARCEL ERCE V ' 15 COAM/ERCEAVE XI I I SAME - VT LLC snNG SAME - of LLC I x ' ,I I ) PA �019 IB COMMVE % G VEL PARCEL fM36L0023 19COMMERCEAVE. 33 �I I XI I I x I ��lppppO--LOGiIOM - x o � _.__ ,M/ tA•� x—x —x —x—J CHAW LMW(R3CE v NOTE: USE ONLY MANUAL METHODS I TOP VIEW SEMON JOINT I \ OF INSILLATION AND CLEANING WITHIN WETLAND AND BUFFER ZONES \ SILT FENCE DETAIL \ TS \ OWNER and APPLICANT LNP, INC. C/O AL SENECAL 25 Omega Drive, Suite #201 WILLISTON, VTO5495 I I xl RO7H FAMILY PARTNERSHIP \ PARCEL 0935d0O93 XI MCOMMERCEAVE. \ xL— _------ }I I x x—x— \ q. iS PE j INV OUT =227.5 % Ali ;roFr Nlr;s � GRAPHIC SCALE _tr IN FEET ) I inch = 20 ft. NOTES I. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WALL PREVENT TRACKING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL SEDIMENT TRACKED, SPILLED, OR WASHED ONTO PUBUC RIGHTS -OF -WAY SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2. THE USE OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR WATER MAY BE NECCESSARY TO CONTROL DUST OURING DRY PERIODS. 3. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION BETWEEN CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND EDGE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY. 5TA6 I L I ZED G0N5TKUGT I ON ENTRANCE N TS SILT FENCE ACROSS SWALE SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY UPGRADIENT OF STONE DAM (SEE SEPARATE DETAIL) •x• [yT V WNN LENGTH OF DITCH WITH DIRECTIONQ STONE EQUALS WIDTH OF •x•, OF FLOW QF� O`OV� STOE, MEASURED AT TOP OF STONE. FINISH GRADE OF SWALE / MIN. S• MIN. 15" T O CLEAN 4• TO e• DIAMETER STONE (ANGULAR OR ROUND) CROSS SECTION VIEW NOTES: 1. STONE DAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 2. SWALE SHALL BE SEEDED k MULCHED (IF GRASS -LINED) PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE STONE FILTER. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREVENTING CLOGGING / SILTATION OF THE STONE DAM DURING AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THE PROJECT'S PERMANENT EROSION CONTROLS ARE IN PLACE ( VEGETATION ESTABLISHED. ETC. ) AND THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER. IF NECESSARY THE STONE SHALL BE CLEANED AND REPLACED. STONE CHECK DAM N Ts 0 ALED3T50 rn..n, M.nMaiwa. sunab�wl .., w.nw. a. anavnFPn S�'w-rror p."'I.N pMIry,Mrmm m.nap.mwn aya, 4n Flow H,?aPwbn iru NFni �nw nan wnn. wMa is Leo. "'w•u^'wrmwm,no a,m min o-,.��N a,w��.. cwNamumm� �N..z �.ovm�.zn� ' o.,....wr .gym lase a,Lsi c.z n z a«.o sm�. wl»w 1s,.�ll —1-1ANs, c,.3„2111:0„ MNT..,....a. WPLED521►CS a,•o RAP WPLED26/PC RAM. I 1 I I I I I c--------------- SAME-VTLLC SAME -VTLLC L_ PARCEL W3l ll PARCEL0111-0OOPI m-19C0MMEIICEAW I IICOMWE AW I I i L----------------------- ---- \ AAA ��r . \\ 2B commerce (5050) LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE TYP SYMBOL DESCRIPTION LAMP LUMENS MGUNTING/BALLAST LLF QTY Al RAB LIGHTING, I GRAVEL LOT POLE 15' SQUARE 1 ° 'A' ALED3T50 (6) 4964 1.00 Bl RAB LIGHTING, I BLDG BACK/SIDES NONE 7 ° 'B' WPLED52 (2) 5834 1.00 Cl RAB LIGHTING, I BLDG FRONT NONE 4 'C' WPLED26 (1) 2660 1,00 C2 RAB LIGHTING, I PARKING POLES 2 TV WPLED26 (1) 2660 1.00 01 '°dD p, n OWNER and APPLICANT LNP, INC. CIO AL SENECAL 25 OMEGA DRIVE, SUITE 201 WILLISTON, V7'05495 o' GRAPHIC SCALE = 14.. l �Fff (w FEET) INl L 10 p�9 r oNouiT F« sr — LUMINARE DETAIL NM 5EE MANUFAGTURER5 DETAIL SHEETS FOR REOD BOLT PATTERNS 24' FIN15H GRADE $4 REBAR 4 HORIZ 6AR5 W 5 VERT STIRRUPS 4G 2' 5GH 40 PVG GONDU IT —1 24" 1- 6' LONG COPPER GROUND ROD WITH 06 COPPER WIRE FOR GONNELTION TO POLE TYPICAL LI&HT POLE FOUNOAT I ON NTS LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY — OTHER PROPERTY UNE SIDELINE OF EASEMENT CONTOUR LINE UTIUTYPOLE EDGE OF WOODS ----`------ WETLAND BUFFER v PROPOSED POLE MOUNTED UGHT o-Q EXISTING POLE MOUNTED LIGFTT WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE I xl I I uNE I X xl E16sT ce 1 RIM=220.25' I EXIST CB a I ' PVC IN=21a 15' t U RIM=221 9P' --------_—_ _ I l aPvcour=z1e� x a +� a•Pvcour=22o02' J xl \ /) I o ❑I CONNECT XI STORM DVWN -HI _ I NEW STORMMNB X ro x I 1 3 Q o _ RIM=��222)) OU OVE OWRHEAO LTN fb'IOUT=2f9TI. _E)n $ U ' C/NE!__ X G 1 X c E � unLmPOLE xL-------------------s—=------- ----- i x-x_—x——�x�x x x —�c =x—�x x—x U7%C/7ygOW _o EJ(LST a'PVC (OUTLET UNp,1pWN) - INv 15' I X—X—X—x— PE=220.0 o � _ EXISTING STORM E RI-=2fa' 1 _1_ _ S DUC77LE IRON GATE w OVERHEADL/NE VALVE WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FUTURE (TYP) :3 B _ MISTING SMH RIM-223 75' 6' IN=217I3' a'OUT-21733' BIT CONC LOADING AREA RIM=2242d 15 849M _ _ _ - ;,,�, C 6 _ 15'OUT=2197 LNP, INC. PARCEL 0054"7 CONNECT 27COMMERCEAVE SEWER SERVICE TO DUS77NG STUB RIM�22571' 6•IN=2f a 6' � ..6�9q�N��4M' 6.OUT�2fa5 CONNECT6' - - D.I CL 52 L WATER SERVICE 70 STUB a VALVE y EXISTING WAR SE/OFf/CE ' O VICINITY PLAN ms OWNER and APPLICANT LNP, INC COAL SENECGIL 25 Omeye Drive, Sulle 201 WILLISTON, V7-05495 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 5PEGIFICATION5 1 THE cONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL UTILITIES BEFORE EXCAVATION TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND LINES ME CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY 'DIGSAFE' AT 1-8116-MG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION 2 UTILITIES INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WERE OBTAINED FROM BEST AVAILABLE SOURCES AND MAY OR MAY NOT BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ME EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING UTIUTIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY UTILITY, PUBUC OR PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT OR RECONNECT ALL UTILITIES TO THE NEAREST SOURCE THROUGH COORDINATION "M UTIUTY OWNER 3 ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY AND IN ACCORDANCE WTI ME LATEST WRMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPOtTATON STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION. THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THESE PLANS 4 PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER 5 ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING VEGETATION, PAVEMENT AND STRUCTURES NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT THIS PROJECT UNLESS OMERWSE NOTED ON THESE PUNS TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EXCESS MATERIAL DEBRIS AND TRASH FROM THE SITE UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION 6. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSBLE AT HIS/HER OWN EXPENSE FOR ENSURING MAT ME DUST CREATED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION DOES NOT CREATE A NUISANCE OR A SAFETY HAZARD WHERE AND WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY BY ME ENGINEER. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO NET SECTIONS OF ME CONSTRUCTION AREA WM WATER OR APPLY CALCIUM CHLORIDE 7 ANY SURFACES, UNES, 01R STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE BEEN DAMAGED BY ME CONIFIACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO THE CONDITION AT LEAST EQUAL TO MAT IN WHICH THEY WERE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO ME BEGINNING OF OPERATIONS 6 ME DESIGN ON THESE PLANS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY OlEARY-6URKE CIVIL ASSOCIATES. PLC, ESSEX JUNCTION, WNMMT, TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WIM ME PLANS AND REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS O'LEARY-BURKE WAIVES ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND UABILITY FOR PROBLEMS THAT MAY ARISE FROM ME FAILUNE CI` ME CONTRACTOR TO FOLLOW THESE PLANS, SPEGFICATIONS AND ME DESIGN INTENT THAT ME PUNS CONVEY. AND FROM FAILURE TO HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED TO INSPECT ME WORKS AND TESTS IN PROGRESS B FOR ANY WORK "MIN ME HIGHWAY FIGHT -OF -WAY A MINIMUM OF ONE-WAY TRAFFIC SMALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES CONTINUOUS TWO-WAY TRAFFIC WILL BE REQUIRED AT NIGHT, DURING PEAK -HOURS, AND WHENEVER POSSIBLE WNW ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ACTINTIES UNIFORMED TR MC CONTROL OFFICERS SHALL DIRECT TRAFFIC DURING PEAK HOURS WHEN MERE IS ONE-WAY TRAFFIC OR WHEN DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE TOWN OR STATE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL BE ERECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE MM STATE AND TOWN STANDARDS 10 TO ENSURE COMPUANCE WITH ME PLAN(S), ME CONTRACTOR SHALL MODIFY ME ENGINEER 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF STARTING ANY WORK. BEGINNING ME INSTALLATION O ANY UTILITIES' BRINGING IN ANY NEW GRAVEL FOR ME NEW BASE ALL TESTING AND FINAL INSPECTION 11 SEE OTHER DETAIL SHEETS OF THESE RUNS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS 12 MARKING TAPE TO BE UMMD OVER BURIED UTILITIES WHIN ME WILCO RIGHT-OF-WAY GRADATION RZQUMEKU TS MATENAL PASS. CRUSHED GRA�r Fa r. SUA< W SPEC 7a4M ] 1 N 1. x No -Fox /IOU 12O0 o-12 x o-M x DENSE GnADED CLASHED STOLE ] 1/2-YT iW R H/2' M /Tao ]o-Nlx 1sA0z o-M x f HICK 3500 PSI CONCRETE WALK 12' .� 4'TOPSOIL 12' CRUSHED ��•�}-- GRAVEL BASE�y _, / ` ` .' ` (VT SPEC // 1 / 1 70405-FINE) �/-' \� ALL E%POSED SURFACES TO RECEIVE 2 COATS OF AN ANTI-SPALLING COMPOUND TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION NTS STOP SIGN (20'-]0' OFF ut COMMERCE AVENUE Y 2'-5'\ OFF EDGE O DRIVE) / EDGE OF EXISTING PAVED ROAD 2 REMOVE SECTION OF EXISTING CURBING COMMERCE AVENUE t)MCA TO INS THE UNDEIKMAIN TRNOICS W GRAMT THE CONTIAD1a SHAH TH -TALI E EN( Ea FO11 rt1AE�THON OF THE suMAZ 6M15 THE CaWAC1a TnXx a WmN soEs THE n 'E s1iEPCR T"LLilAw i ON _ IR• THKx Ia RT cac TONAL GRA- ug AS ;Ea uNsIITrrLE E FXTOgEp m HNEE T" •• 1f aANTl .roE k MN¢ Wvw FAi II ') GAAss LTWTR (IwANUL'l—SE 9=CXDT— TIM :Hlou1.m it DTI uD',NIx'ss T m.NO AND O) M ll NLL SEED ! NULF�II TQSaI S111DII PA\4NENT LANE PAVEMaI Luc W £16E�C gT�McwmriS511NSN lP mIIRaSEm !A!f— WRAF SOW FAI II srau6HE0 SAND—DE M 7W ¢SA a l/oAa tr .TA. PF ,tl191a As Fa TTw O r PYD gTWn (SEE PLAN FOR vM) LGCATaS TYP I GAL PRIVATE ROAD GROSS SECTION NTS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER TO INSPECT SUBGRADE SOILS BEFORE PLACING ANY GRAVEL 2 1/2- TYPE III CONCRETE CURB BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT WHERE SHOWN 1 1/2' TYPE II 4' TOPSOIL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SEE SITE PLAN 2• FOR GRACING SHOULDER 1' 12' DENSE GRADED CRUSHED STONE • OR NtCLAIMEDFWATERIAI6 12' 4 STATE SPEC 704.06 • 4 R BAND q)SFWDN MINIMUM FABRIC OVERLAP 3/4' TO 1 1/2' MIRAFl 500X SEPARATION CLEAN STONE 12' FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUAL WRAPPED IN MIRAFl 140N FABRIC OR EQUAL 6' PE RF PVC 16' MIN SDR 35 WIDTH PARKING AREA DETAIL N TS STORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 1/2- RADIUS 1/4- RADIUS 6' 6" 7' 18' - - EMULSIFIED ASPHALT CONCRETE END AREA = 0 B4 SF PROVIDE UNOERDRAIN TRENCH WTH'/" TO 1)4' DIA STONE q WRAPPED IN NRIRAfI 140N OR 1 - 1/2' THICK TYPE III EQUAL. UNDMIRAFIN TO BE TOP COURSE BIT CONIC INSTALLED AT A DEPTH OF PAVEMENT SILT FENCE ACROSS SWALE APPROX 30' SHALL IE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY 2 - 1/2' THICK TYPE II UPG(SEE SEPARATE OF STONE OATH u BASE COURSE BIT (SEE SEPARATE DETAIL) I I CONIC PAVEMENT `18" THICK CRUSHED GRAVEL AS PER STATE SPEC / 704.05A OR #70406 MIRAFl 150% 6' FABRIC OR 6' TUCK SAND CUSHION AS PER APPROVED STATE SPEC N 70303 4' PERF PVC EQUAL) UNDERDRAIN (MIN GRADE OF 0 005) TYP I GAL PARKING AND UNDERDRA I N DETAIL NTS NOTES 1) CURBING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN 10' SECTIONS WITH 1/6" JOINT BETWEEN SECTIONS 2) CURBING EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED EVERY 20' AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIAL CONFORMING TO AASHTO DESIGNATION M-153 ( 1/2- SPONGE RUBBER OR CORK ) 3) ALL EXPOSED SURFACES TO RECEIVE 2 COATS OF AN ANTI-SPALUNG COMPOUND CONCRETE CUK5 NTS SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 15 IMPORTANT FOR TREATMENT AMC) CONTROL OF STORM RUNOFF FROM THE IArEKVI0U5 SURFACES IKOAD PARKING AMC) WALKWAYI THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS FORM THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS- 1 THE OWNER (OR REPRESENTATIVE) SHALL PERFORM INSPECTIONS DI -ANNUALLY AND FOLLOWING SIGNIFICANT (LARGE( STORM EVENTS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL DE REVIEWED CONDITION OF THE VEGETATION, CONDITION OF THE DITCH SURFACES DEPTH OF ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT (IF ANYI THE PRESENCE OF EROSION (IF ANY) CONDITION OF THE STORM PIPES, AND THE CONDITION OF THE PIPE INLETS AMC) OUTLETS ANY ODSERVADL.E DEGRADATION OF THE STORM SYSTEM SHALL DE NOTED 2 THE OWNER TOR REPRESENTATIVE] SHALL COMPLETE REPAIR OF ANY ITEMS AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN OPTIMAL SYSTEM OPERATION AT A MINIMUM, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL BE INCLUDED A ANT EK05ION GULLIES 6 INCHES OR DEEPER SHALL BE FILED AND VEGETATION ESTABLISHED IN THE DISTIMBED AREA D SEDIMENT AGGUMU.ATED TO A DEPTH OF MORE THAN 6 INCHES IN THE ROAD DITCHES SHALL ISE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF IN MN UPLAND AREA THAT 15 NOT WITHIN X)O FEET OF WATERS OF THE STATE VEGETATION SHALL DE ESTABLISHED IN ALL D15TURDED AREAS C VEGETATION SHALL DE ESTADLISNFIJ AS NEEDED IN AREAS OF DARE 501L THIS IS PARTICULARLY INPORTANT IN FLOW AREAS WHERE VEGETATION PROVIDES SEDIMENT REMOVAL D SILT FENCES SHALL DE USED IF NEEDED TO PREVENT EROSION AND AID IN THE ESTADL15HMENT OF VEGETATION THESE TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL DE REMOVED AFTER THE 51TE 15 STABILIZED AMC) THE K15K OF EROSION 15 REDUCED E THE GRASSED AREAS SHALL DE MOWED AS NEEDED TO PREVENT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF WOODY VEGETATION SACKFUL WITH APPROVED EXCAVATED MATERIAL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN 5' UFTS ME SIDES OF TRENCHES PROVIDE NEW CURBING TO END OF RADIUS 4 FT OR MORE IN DEPTH ENTERED BY PERSONNEL (DEPRESS ME END) SHALL BE SHEETED OR SLOPED TO ME ANGLE - OF REPOSE PRIOR TO PAVING NEW DRIVE. CUT EDGE OF EXISTING ROAD BACK 12' AND APPLY EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TO NEW EDGE APPROVED ROCK FREE /2' FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE t UNDISTURBED SOIL oVELCO PROVIDE MARKING TAPE PIPING . ROW (12'IWELOW GRADE) / IF COVET( IS LESS INSULATED MAN 4' PUCE 2 HICK MAN4' BOAIAR�DL.CE�VWHHICH IS SUITABLE OVERPIPEI - pE POF NO YE OVEE CO R S R THE CRI YN INV OUT 16 (D IS OUTSIDE 2194' DIAMETER OF PIPE) o p0(]OO o G �O� THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP ME TRENCHES 'D'/2 + 6' ,� 6'�p _o DO o o ENTIRELY FREE OF WATER UNDO UNTIL ALL WORK IS FINISHED AND READY FOR BACKFILLING 24" �, . ,e 3/4' TO 1-1/2• CRUSHED STONE BEDDING FOR INTERSECTION DETAIL PE PIPE NT5 STORM SEWER TRENCH NT5 FY•IM NOTE LINE SWALE WITH EROSION CONTROL MATTING [DON TERRA 52 OR APPROVED EQUAL) WHERE SIDESLOPES EXCEED I ON 3 PROVIDE 4 TOPSOIL BERM AS NECESSARY AND GRA55 LOVER TO MAINTAIN 12' DEPTH (CONSERVATION MIX) AND R MIN SLOPE IN DITCH DEPTH VARIES PROVIDE MIN OF 12' 2 MAX �t MAINTAIN SWALE INVERT -SLOPE TO NOTE DRAIN WITH MIN 12' OF IL AND MAX OF 5L USE STONE DITCH FOR GRADES IN EXCE55 OF 5L GRA55 C)RAINAGE SWALE NT5 PROVIDE SOLID CAST IRON COVER A DIA REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE TOP 24 17 OF CRUSHED SUMP STONE 11151111ING, II&A�J STORM MANHOLE NTS -4' DIA REINFORCED GONGRETE MANHOLE WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE TOP WITH SOLID GRATE FOR AGGE55, TOP ELEV •224 0' 12" DIA OPENING WITH #4 REBAR CAST IN PLACE H► 3' OG A6RO55 OPENING INV ELEV 222 O OUTLET STRUCTURE NTS PROVIDE 4 HOLE • 2200' 6" TO 12" OF CRUSHED STONE BEDDING DIRECTION 11 �j'V� O "X NGTH OF DITCH WITH STONE, EQUALSONE F STONE ED F OF FLOW r(/ly `%'T"Q O X" AT NE. X- STONE FINISH GRADE OF SWALE d `-' C)MIN 16" I CLEAN 4' TO 6' DIAMETER STONE (ANGULAR OR ROUND) CROSS SECTION VIEW NOTES: 1 STONE DAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PUNS 2 SWALE SHALL BE SEEDED 6 MULCHED (IF GRASS -LINED) PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ME STONE FILTER 3 THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREVENTING CLOGGING / SILTATION OF THE STONE DAM DURING AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THE PROJECTS PERMANENT EROSION CONTROLS ARE IN PLACE ( VEGETATION ESTABLISHED, ETC ) AND THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER IF NECESSARY THE STONE SHALL BE CLEANED AND REPLACED STONE CHECK DAM NTS POURED IN PLACE 3500 PSI CONCRETE OR A PRECAST CONCRETE RING BETWEEN ME C B TOP AND BOTTOM OF CAST IRON FRAME MAXIMUM HEIGHT SHALL BE 6 INCHES (BRICK SHALL NOT BE USED) FRAME I ORATE LEBARON NON -SHRINK LK 121 OR EOVAL OR LK120A IF SLOP GROUT OR rNEW CURB SHALL REST ON TOP BIT CONIC �OF BASIN COVER - ADJUST HEIGHT EXCEEDS 5x I OF CURB AS REWIRED FINISH GRADE,B. GROUT FRAME TO CONCRETE ME FRAME OPENING SHALL MATCH ME CATCH BASIN TOP WITH NO OVERHANG 13' PE ALL PIPE OPENING SHALL -� HAVE A WATERTIGHT FLEXIBLE PIPE SLEEVE OR GASKET BOLLARDS TO DE ,PROVIDED AROUND TRANSMISSION POLE 46 5 STEEL BOLLARD .� FILLED WITH CONCRETE FINISH GRADE 1 . AUGER HOLE FOR BOLLARD AND FILL WITH CONCRETE I; J000 fSl CONCRETE 46 BP L. �IIJ BOLLARD NT5 CATCH BASIN RIM TO BE SET A AT TOP OF BASE COURSE OF PAVEMENT ALL STRUCTURES SHALL BE DESIGNED D BY A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TO WITHSTAND AN H2O LOADING REQUIREMENT -SEE TABLE ALL BACKFILL THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 16" PIPE IN 6' LIFTS —I 4000 P SI CONCRETE 24' SEE TABLE . 12' MIN _. NDISTURBED SOIL 30" STOP FLANGED CHANNEL 6' STEEL POST TO GROUND VT SHT E-1V • SIGN SHALL CONFORM TO EI-1-1 REQUIREMENTS STOP 51 GN NTS VT SHT E-143 �r•cni ur•.�� �-3/A"&USHED STONE BEDDIN6�('V`­ UMITS OF EXCAVATION NOTES LINES SHALL DE WIDE PAINTED WHITE PRECAST CATCH f5A51N HANDICAP PARKING NT5 SIGN/L/// �CO�RETE CURB CATCH BASINS SHALL BE SIZED SUCH THAT 1 AT ANY ELEVATION, A MINIMUM OF 60% OF ME CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE CONCRETE 2 THE MINIMUM DISTANCE, AS MEASURED ALONG ME CIRCUMFERENCE, BETWEEN TWO OPENINGS SHALL BE 6' p p 3 ME BASINS SHALL ALSO MEET ME FOLLOWING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS W CATCH BASIN DIAMETER LARGEST PIPE DIA ALLOWED SIDEWALL THICKNESS CONCRETE COVER TMICKNESS 36' 16' 4- 6' 46" 30' S' 10" 60 36 6" 12 72 M' 7- 16' 2 HANDICAP VAN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY "DIGSAFE" AT ACCE55 0LE PARKING 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION NTS FINISH GRADE RAISE FRAME TO GRADE WITH POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE OR CONCRETE GRADE RINGS ASTM C478 PRECAST REINFORCED CONC MANHOLE CONE AND RISER COPOLYMER POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC RUNGS WITH 1/2' GRADE 60 STEEL REINFORCEMENT OR EQUAL 12' 0 C MAY 6" 0 C MIN S T GRISWOLD PRECAST 48' MANHOLE OR APPROVED EQUAL CONSTRUCT SHELF WITH RED SEVER BRICK OR CONCRETE 2" RISE (MAX) - MANHOLE FRAME Y COVER NNNIM NO PARGNG OF INTERIOR NEENAH RI642, LEBARON BRICKWORK OR JOINTS LC266 OR EQUAL WITH MORTAR SHALL BE ALLOWED GROUT FRAME PTO CONCRETE RISER CAST IN PLACE I RUBBER GASKET FOR WATERTIGHT MH- CONST (TYP ALL PIPES) COAT EXTERIOR OF CONCRETE AND BRICK WITH TWO (2) COATS OF WATERPROOF SEALANT SEE SPEGFlCATIONS FOR MH TESTING REQUIREMENTS 0 RING RUBBER GASKET IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-443 AND AST M C-361 OR BUM ROPE -WELDED STEEL WIRE FABRIC VARIABLE STANDARD LENGTHS (1,4.3 k 4 FT) SUITABLE BACKFlLL CHANNEL ` VARIABLE ' •O •• S-0' PLUG STANDARD LENGTHS O50 _X MAX �\ (2,3 k 4 FT) LEDGE PAVEMENT i2. 4" LIMIT B' 6' PRECAST MONOLITHIC �` / �/ / CONCRETE BASE MIN 2' HEIGHT 58' TO 1 1/2' CRUSHED STONE BEDDING /4 • 6" 0 C DO NOT USE LIMESTONE EACH WAY EXTEND BEDDING TO UMITS OF EXCAVATION TYPICAL PRECA5T 5ANITARY MANHOLE NT5 NOTE FOR SANITARY LINES IF WW R IS LEES THAN 5 1/3', PLACE 2• USE 4' DIA PVC PIPE THICK INSULATION BOARD WHICH TO MARK LOCATION AND DEPTH IS SUITAaE FOR BURIAL OWN CE SERVICE CONNECTION PIPE IN NO CASE SHALL THE EXTEND FROM PIG TO 2' 4TIOUHO COVER BE LESS THAN 3 1/2' ABOVE FINAL GRADE V£R THE CROWN SEE SEWER TRENCH DETAIL FOR 5EWER MAIN AND SEANCE BEDDING DETAILS TENPmARY B' MINIMUM PLUG SERVCE SDR 35 PVC CONNECTION d� 30PE I/4•/FT IN EWER UNLESS OTHERWISE MAIN 30M SDR 35 PVC NOTED SHEEP FTTNG SDR >5 PVC WYE SANITARY SEWER 5ERV I CE CONNECTION NT5 BACKFlLL WITH APPF EXCAVATED MATERIA N ORWGHLY COMPS IN 5" LIFTS THE SIDES OF TRENCHE FT OR MORE IN DEP �� GED By PERSONNE EI-D OR - 0 TO THE ANGLE OF REPOSE PROVED ROCK FREE BACKFlLL THOROUGNLY COMPACTED IN P' LIFTS (NO STONES URGER THAN I I/Y DIAMETER) A UNOSI UNDISTURBED SOL NO DE MARNING TAPE WITINN EELCOI OW (12' ELOW GRADE) I STOW UNE% wNER Is LESS THAN 3 I/2' LACE Y ". INBJUTED GA G�UWAIC ONSUITABLE NO GA. SET RP AD EnLLOVSENI"1NE C1R10WINPO SDF DIAMETER OF PIPE) NO READY FOR BACKFI TYPICAL 5ANITARY + STORM TRENCH NT5 GENERAL 5ANITARY 5EWER 5PEC,IFICATION5 1) SEE OTHER SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2) CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL UTILITIES BEFORE EXCAVATION TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND LINES UTILITIES INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON WERE OBTAINED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE SOURCE AND MAY OR MAY NOT BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY UTILITY, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON 3) THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION FOR SEWER AND WATER LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE "TEN STATE STANDARDS - RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR WATER' 4) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER 5) STORM SEWER PIPE UP TO 15" IN DIAMETER SHALL BE PVC SDR 35 CONFORMING TO ASTM D-3034, ASTM D-3212, AND ASTM F-477 STORM SEWER PIPE 18" AND GREATER IN DIAMETER SHALL BE ASPHALT COATED CORRUGATED METAL CONFORMING TO AASHTO-M-190 6) ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC SOP 35 CONFORMING TO ASTM 0-3034. ASTM D-321Z AND ASTM F-477 7) ALL TRENCH FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN 6" LIFTS AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED TO 95X OF MAXIMUM DENSITY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE AS DETERMINED BY ASTM D968 STANDARD PROCTOR 8) ALL NEW GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER MAINS SHALL BE LEAK TESTED BY A LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST AND DEFLECTION TESTED THE LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST WILL BE USED TO SIMULATE INFILTRATION OR E%FILTRATION INTO OR OUT OF ALL GRAVITY SANITARY SEWERS ALL TESTING WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE ENGINEER AIR TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C628-80 THE MINIMUM ALLOWED TIME FOR A PRESSURE DROP FROM 35 PSI TO 25 PSI SHALL BE 12 MINUTES PER 100 FEET OF B" SEWER AFTER THE FINAL BACKFlLL HAS BEEN IN PLACE AT LEAST 30 DAYS, THE DEFLECTION TEST MAY BE PERFORMED NO PIPE SHALL EXCEED A DEFLECTION OF FIVE PERCENT (5%) IF THE DEFLECTION TEST IS RUN USING A RIGID BALL OR MANDREL, IT SHALL HAVE A DIAMETER EQUAL TO 957E OF THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE THE TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED WITHOUT MECHANICAL PULUNG DEVICES 9) ALL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL BE TESTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE INVERT BY THE VACUUM TEST METHOD DESCRIBED IN THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS THE MINIMUM ALLOWED TIME FOR A VACUUM DROP FROM 10' OF MERCURY TO 9' OF MERCURY SHALL BE 2 MINUTES 10) ANY SURFACES, LINES, OR STRUCTURES WHICH HAVE BEEN DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT IN WHICH THEY WERE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION 11) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL LOT SEWER LINE SERVICES WITH THE OWNER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION 12) MARKING TAPE TO BE UTILIZED OVER BURIED UTIUTIES WITHIN THE VELCO RIGHT-OF-WAY NO E5 B' CIA D I AND LARGER SHALL HAVE A MIN OF 6" GATE VALVE THREE (3) BRASS WEDGES BACKFlLL WITH PER JOINT EXCAVATED MATERIAL ALL SEflVCE LINE GATE VALVES (NO STONES LARGER b' SHALL BE SECURED TO ANCHOR TEES 6- OVER CWD MAIN) MINIMUM ON THE MAIN UNE 6' GATE VALVE AT END OF LINE TO BE SECURED TO REDUCER AND SECURED WITH APPROVEDRETAINER GLANDS i ALL NJ GLANDS SHALL BE 'MEGALUG' OR APPROVED EQUAL WATER 6' D I CL 52 8" D I CL 52 SEE WATER TRENCH MAIN DETAIL FOR BEDDING REQUIREMENTS e v WATER CONNECTION DETAIL NT5 IXtED BWAIEIY" C.- OI/4 I wS r� n c"LLsm��RRW�ED���S"iEn VE L / WMKIN PIKE F[w SECTION �urolsTu"� F""T"J ELEVATION TUN— EARTH NOTES. I AREA FMm�G AGAINST UNOSNRED EARTH SHALL BE AS PER TN"UST 2 UPON FINAL TIGHTENING ALL EXPOSED NUTS AND THREATED BAR SMALL BE BRUSH COATED WN COD APPLIED BITUMASIIC MATERIAL 3 SEE WRITTEN SEEOFlCATIONS FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS GATE VALVE DETAIL NT5 12• /VALVES. court SH COCKWSt OPENING AND SHALL HAVE A WORKING PRESSURE OF ISO PSI 12' PROVIDE - e THRUST BLOCKS - - (SEE DETAIL) NOTE SEE WRITTEN N SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR TAPPING VALVES M, SLEEVES TAPPING VALVE TAPPING VALVE AND SLEEVE DETAIL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE CAST IRON TWO PIECE SIDE TYPE WITH 3 1/4' SHAFT AND A CAST IRON COVER MARKED "WART' BACKFlLL WITH APPROVED UNDISTURBED—W SOIL EXCAVATED MATERIAL PROVE MARKING TAPE M WING THOROUGHLY COMPACTED MANHOLE IN e' LIFTS ROW (12' BELOW GRAE) NFLCDE WALL o THE SIDES OF TRENCHES 4 FT OR MORE IN DEPTH ENIFAED BY PERSONNEL - AT ALL '_. ORNN GRosa SHALL BE SHEETED OR SLOPED TO THE ANGLE F CE Y THICK INSUUTED B CARD WHICH IS SUITABLE LL RTTNGS SHALL OF REPOSE 12" FOR NRIAL OVER RIPE eE DI MJ IN cONfd1MANCE WITH AM -A c-153 ANO :TURF SQU APPROVED ROCK FREE ('D' IS OUTSIE BACKFlLL THOROUGHLY COAPACTED IN P' 6" DIAMETER CE PIPE) LIFTS ( STONES LARGER THAN 1 1/2• CJ DIAMETER) Balm - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT _ALL TIMES KEEP THE TRENCHES ENTIRELY FREE OF WATER UNTIL ALL WORK IS FINISHED AND READY FOR BACKALUNG uax sGAw1E MANHOLE CHANNEL NT5 UNDISTURBED SOL WATER TRENCH NT5 NEW SEMER PIPE _—(CE TER ONE L UNE) GTH B' MIN NEW WATERLINE OR SERVICE CENTER ONE LENGTH CE PIPE UNDER SEWER CENTER ONE LENGTH OF PIPE OVER SEWER NEW WATERLINE OR SERVCE • iB' MIN • IF 16' OF VERTICAL SEPARATION CAN NOT BE MAINTAINED, THE SEWER LINE SHALL BE NEW SEWER PIPE CONSTRUCTED TO WATERLINE STANDARDS, A (CENTER ONE LENGTH MINIMUM OF 20 FEET BEYOND EACH SIDE OF UNDER WATERLINE) THE CROSSING SEWER / WATER SEPARATION DETAIL FOR CRO551 NG5 1B' I SQUARE CLEANOUT FRAME k COVER T LeBARON R-808 OR EQUAL T 2500 PSI CONCRETE SHORT LENGTH OF PIPE 45'BEND AS NOTED ON PLANS FLOW GLEANOUT DETAIL NT5 NT5 NOTE: QURP STOPS AND/. GATE VALVES SMAL OIROT BE PP,LACED IN PAVEMENT. I. V/WI �OISJ c RIP , m QU I -NONE.. M G DL OS Aa rWA BY-2iI N. TIT HYDRANT DETAIL NT5 5477 -= I� i GENERAL WATER 5PEGIFIGATION5 I CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT UTUTBEFORE EXCAVATION TO WRIFY THE —TON OF ANY UNDERGROUND UNES LL NOTIFY'IPS1-BN AFE- AT -OIG-SAFE PROR TO ANY EXCAVATOR ON SHEET I WERE OBTAINED FROM THE BEST —ARE SOUIRGE AND EAY OR N T BE EITHER ACCURATE OR COMPLETE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL E RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY UTILITY, PUBUC OR PRIVATE, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREDN 2 THE HMINNTAL AND vE SEWER AND WATER UNES SHALL E INSTAIIFD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THETILATEST EOTDH NO" THE 'TEN STATE STANDARDS - RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOn WATER WORKS' 3 THE WATER MAINS SHALL E CONSTRUCTED. TEST. AND OfECTL SNIN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA ESAN AIDw S C-PAND C-651 M THE CEPTIOTABLET 4 OF THE METHOD OF T GS. CAPS. AND ALL OTH ED IPMENTAANO LABOR TG PERFORM LEAKAGE. PRESSURE ATHE CONTRCTGR IN FURNISH ALL GAUGES, TIESTNO IUND OSINFECTION TESTS INRSECTIONS NECESSARY OF AN APMOWD LENGTH EACH VALVED SECTION OR A MAXIMUM O ONE THOUSAND FEET (II.GOD) OF THE RPE SHALL BE TESTED ALL WATER REWIRED FOR TESTING SHALL BE POTABLE ALL TESTING SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER FOR THE PRESSURE TEST, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN 200 POURS PER SQUARE INCH FOR TWO HOURS FAILURE TO HOD THE DESIGNATED PRESSURE FOUR THE TWO-HOUR PERIOD CONSTITUTES A FAILURE OF THE SECTION TESTED THE LEAKAGE TEST SHALL BE ERFORMED CONCURRENT-Y WITH THE PRESSURE TEST DUMPLING THE TEST, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEASURE THE QUANTITY OF WATER REWIRED TO MAINTAIN THE TEST PRESSURE LEAKAGE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE QUARTTT OVEN BY L SD (SQUARE ROOT OF P) / 13J.2w IEAXAGE IN GALLONS/HOUR S + LENGTH OF PPELME TESTED D + DIAMETER OF PPE IN INCHES P - AVERAGE TEST PNESJRE IN LL PS ATESTING SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCOROANCE MIN AWWA Gw LATEST ME -ON SHOULD ANY SECTION OF THE RIPE FAIL THER THE PRESSURE OR IF -A 1. TESTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO EVERYTHING NECESSARY TO LDCAR AND REPAIR OR REPLACE THE OEFECTW PRE RTTNGS, OR JOINS AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OMNEA IF, FOR ANY REASON, THE ENGINEERSHOJI ALTER THE FOREGONO PRwFDURES IN CONIIRALTM :HALL REMAIN SPIXNSEE FM THE TC HI I OF THE LINE WITH THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS THE METHOD OF DISINFECTION SHALL BE BY THE CONTINUOUS FEED METHOD UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER ASTER RING, FLUSHING, AND ADOTON OF CHLORINE SOLUTON. TH .1-CRNE CONCENTRATION WITHIN THE PIPE SHALL WE AT LEAST 20 IDA THE CHLCRINATED WATER SHALL REMAIN IN THE MAIN FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS AT TIE ENO 6 THIS PERIOD, TH AHED WATER IN ALL PORTIONS OF THE MAIN SHALL HAVE A RESIDUAL OF UO NOT LESS THAN 10 MG/L FREE CHRWE. ALL DISINFECTIDN SHALL BE PERFORMED UNDER THE SJPERVSION CE THE ENGINEER THE OISNFECTIDN PIROGESS SHALL BE DEEMED ACCEPTABLE ONLY AFTER SAMPLES OF WATER FROM THE FISHED. DISINFECTED MAIN TAKEN MY THE ENGINEER AND TESTED AT AN APPROVED UBOMTORT SHOW NO EVDENGE OF BACTEROLOOCAL CONTAMINATION DISINFECTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST AWWA CB51 REVSON THE PIKU E AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN AN UNCONTAMINATED CONDITION UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE DISNFECTON SHALL E REPEATED MH04 AND WHERE REWIRED AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE OWNER 4 LL NEW WATER MAIN PIPE SKALL BE OF THE SIZE AND TYPE SHOWN ON THE PUNS CL52. CEMENT UNED DUCTIE IRON. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABPWA C-151, C-104, AND C-111 PVC NPE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA C-POD ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE CEMN T-LINED DUCTLE IRON, 3SO POUNDS NINNG PRESSURE, AND CONFDRM TO AWWA 11 AND L-110 OR C-T53 FOR COMPACT FITTINGS MECHANICAL JOINT NUTS AND POLTS SHALL BE HIGH STRENGTH. LOW ALLOY STEEL PER ANSI A-21 II 5 ALL HYDRANTS SHALL •E KENNEDY MODEL KITA. WULLER SUPER GE-2w, OR EQUAL ND CONFORM TO AWWA C-502 WIN A S 1/' W OPENING. A MEOMNICAL JOINT INLET. A A' MECHANICAL JOINT SHDE, AND ME LEFT WITH FT OPENING NATIONAL STANDARD TYPE ANDARD THREADS E CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVDE AND INSTALL AN AUXILIARY VALVE O"INOCATED ON THE CONY ACT DRAWNGS AND A LENGTH OF P' DUCTILE IRON PIPE SUFFICENT TO CONNECT THE HYDRANT TO THE MAIN P ALL TE VANES SHALL ED BE STGNE NODDED IN A MNMUM OF P' OF 3/4' - I' OW E ST STEM. INSIDALL �A ALWSE SCREW, RESaIR GAL SEAT CONSTRUCTION WITH O-RNGASIEM S:ALS.BRASS SEA3,NIXN-RSNG 7 ALL WATER MAIN TNIRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 3.500 PS CONCRETE B THE WATER MAINS SMALL HAVE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF COVER OF V 4' DPERATOTIS SHALL BE RESTORED TO A CONDITION AT LEAST EQUAL TO THAT IN WHICH THEY WERE FOUND IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTON 10 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATED AND INSTALLATON OF THE INOIVDUAL LOT WATER UNE SERVICES WITH THE OWNER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION 11 MELHAXICAL JOINT RESIIRAW115 WTI ROUST OF NUR SHALL BE EBAA I SOMA, 01R APPROVED EE 13 UNE WTE VALVES SHALL BE BEDDED IN A MINIMUM OF VOF 3/4' - V STONE CONCRETE SHALL NOT BE USED 13 "ALL WA LINE AND RELATED WORK TO BE KNIFOIRMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPEOFCATONS DETAIL FOR THE INSTAUATON OF WATERUNES AND APPURTENANCES, HENCEFORTH THE CND SPE 14 MARKING TAPE TO BE UTUZED OVEN BURED UTLITES WTHIN THE — NOHT-CF-WAY CHECK DA(,KFLOW PREVENTION VALVE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY •DIGSAFE- AT 1-888-DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION SPRINKLER SYSTEM DRAIN VALVE IPOTENTIAL FUTURE) POTENTIAL FUTURE - 5PRI NKLER SYSTEM PIPING GATE VALVE _ DOUDLE CHECK DACKFLOW PREVENTION VALVE REDUCER ,DOMESTIC WATER LINE FIRE CONNECTION / � -6" CL 52 DI WATER SERVICE TO SPRINKLER J SYSTEM (4 5TORZ) WATER / SPRINKLER CONNECTION N TS NT5 II Ili �I LOADING DMK MELR iiII III 12'X 12' OVERHEAD DEER RHFAD DOOR in -LJ1----J ---11-L SOUTH ELEVATION 14'X14' OVERHEAD 11 14'X 14' ili I' DOOR QVIIIIAD DOOR 140 ' 0' WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION OVERHEAT) RE C 19. -�' IRV L U AUK 0 9 2913 City (),C so, curlington No DATE REVISION < -Z O E m E 0 NW 'K, F, J i ELEVATIONS 9-� Z:\2005\5050\dwg\5050-SrrEPLAN.dwg, 12/29/2008 11:42:20 AM, \\SERVER\Imagisbcs cm4530 PSL3 /%/r%/�%/%/��%//��/J 1��j/ ///� /5;z r /// /// / / % ��/�lI l J//I��/% �������rOri��i�/ii���/ /./k f/i//%iiii//%j///i r / / /// ///�/i �y I------------ ///////i %///�i/ 1 f T ///(/%/// %///%j a' /f( ar// 1 1 \.8 //////jzf I// I 1 \ I �/ !r� / y 114 Ko / �, / / % \ I +11 j/ l III � / / `` ��� • •� I J 1 #/ ( II\1\ / 4 \ ----- ---- ' L)/� c� s� $ C C RUL11 i-j - J&OL_1 J � I I II I I / I I I ' I�i IIII I Ir I , I/N / f'k I I� MAR wl f� V 1 1 m 1 / xC III I \,IH y III \ l p yROW _-- \ 1i 1\I II \ / GO t r Z At 0 ye~O •� O yl�n a� a rm � y y C5 ym oNM o y T C ti U o � y 1 � 1 1 z� m' O 3 F yl N N N a N !r \ — 11 Ql/ a a 0 y y £y � hy, 1h� h ■h 1h, ■h � � � � � g � �A h N h N N N N N h b h 5 H 5 44 y olz 1! W 3 � w 1 FF w olo 1 0 0 0 * of, I loll 1 11, 1 jfl 11 MI'■ yI £lSd 0£SI,--Qs'5ewI\M3Ad3S\\'Wd BT:bS:T SOOZ/£Z/ZT '6MP'NVld31IS-OSOS\6MP\OSOS\SOOZ\:Z //// / / 1 % � ------------ Z�l/ \ it //% It it I/JII/LL l ,J/ �,/; 11�1\\�� /^I — _� �oia�xwreall� ' / I •� mw el "Y Snow tj \ , O` v� if n. HI sm - — / i - - — — - - f — 7 r / � a �C///T\\\\ I ,\ n� gyp❑ '� a g e 14 CIO co co � y 6 � 1 � I I I I rn =m -mIR x o m a O RUBBER BINGEE TYPE TIES OR A FLAT, SOFT WOVEN MATERIAL (2103)r X 2- HARDWOOD STAKES DRIVEN (WIN. 1B7 FIRMLY INTO SUB- GSADE PRIOR 70 BACKFILLZ , WHEN IQOUIIND (SEE M07E Q): STAKE ABOVE FIRST BRANCHES OR AS NECESSARY FOR FIRM SUPPORT. STAKES SHALL BE CAPABLE OF STANDIIIG FINW PLUMB TREE TRUNK FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR r MULCH - DO NOT FORM 4' SAUCER APPLY MOUND TRUNK BREAK MAT EDGE OF EXCAVATION W/SIDVEL BACId1LL WARN EXCAVATED SOIL AND AND rEND PLANT NIX TO TO Do TING SOL WATER AND TAMP TO REMOVE MONDE SOIL TRANSITION AN POCKETS UNDISTURBED SOIL i CUT AND REMOVE WME MESH BASKET. ROPE AND/ ON BRIAP WRA FROM 2 X BALL DIA. 1100 LL AT .1 OF PLANTING MOTEL- 1. PLANT THEE SO THAT ME ROOT COLLAR IS AT OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 2 STAKING AS REQUIRED ONLY IN SITUATIONS WHERE TREES WALL BE SILECTED TO WINDY CONDITION AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. I TREES SHALL WE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AFTER RANTING, 4 EXAMINE ENTIRE TREE AND REMOVE ALL NURSIM TAGS, ROPE STRING AND SURVEYOR TAPE PRIOR TO PLATING M PREVENT GROUPS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NTS TREE PLANTING 5PEG I F I GAT I ON5 ALBERT A SUSAN OENTES I EXISTING! L 01INCRIM77 '"" Nr GaNc 32 I nE'RHt4N.VIIHVDRNE I PARNM3 FAIILH DNOOODm 15ET/MNALLE/DRARE - - - — — — — — — M•- = -o- _ _ _ _ COMMERCE AVENUE ______-_w___-____ ____ _______ _ _w___________ -.�wRurhiaa.Xam rwanww ______ ____ NO C O PMI•VO J 31 SAME -VT LLC /ANGEL ONFGOOW7 f1 COA•161GEAVE 1. ALL TREEES WILL BE SINGLE STEMMED AND TREE FORM PRUNED. PRUNE INJURED OR MASHED ROOTS I 2 REMOVE BURLAP ROOT ROOT PROTECTION FROM TOP 1/3 OF HILL 1 1 I TREE ROOT COLLAR SHALL BE PLANTED AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS IT WAS PLANTED AT THE NURSERY. (DO NOT OVEN -EXCAVATE PIT). _ I - I _ _ 4. WITH SOIL UNLESS IS POOH. SOIL SMALL WIDE TREE PIT BACTREE BE COMP T EISTrq BE COMPACTED BA L TREE THE TIES WALL FILL TREE ►n WA7M SOIL MINE Di 7N0 PANTS TOPSOIL, ONE PART MIX F TWO A PART PEAT MOSS, ONE PART MANURE AND SIX 0111/CE5 OF 'NAGANP' &MVEL I 5. ALL REFILLEDPITSWALL BE MULCHED WARM FOUR INCITES (4') OF COMPOSTED BARK MULCH AND WATERED PARKING IMMEDIATELY AFTER 1lAN11Na. I B. ALL BEES WALL BE WRAPPED WITH TREE VAtM FROM GROUND LINE 10 ARSE OF LIVE CROWN. 7. STAKE TREE USING STEEL OR HARDWOOD r X 4' STAKES SECURE TREE WITH WIDE BELT STRAPPING I DO NOT USE WARE I B. FERTILIZE AND WATER AS NECESSARY. j ENT r P - - - - - - �— — - - ---------- - EXIST r B. AWINBRUSOE _ ANN SOU7IERE is LNACI 1f COLBIERCEAVF ` \ ` SEE FWVDA7AOLV PLAN7lNNO DETALL 30 6 ROTH FAMILYPARINERSHIP PARCEL OAYJIOOD MCDYMECEAVE 1-1 � 1" 1QN p ST e / WAREHOUSE Oo L IM71-19M I JOE HOLDINGS,LLC 1 EL 045OA75 PARCEL L0a17 I 37COAVAERCEAVE JOE EDDY HOLDYWMI LLC EWTINO PARCEL 0443500041 In CONIC 4/CCIAMERCEAVE MNOIAD 1 _ ERIBnmo INN CONE I ►ARATO 1 wAREAaLASE � '� '� RM �� 0 Qn) ``\ \ RAF RM RM y ` • • { R� j J ./OHN6 ✓OYCEBELTER \\\ P \ • '� RM 102 E'nMNAlEN OIINE LAND5GAPING 5PEGIFIGATION5 ALL P15TUtDED AREAS SMALL DE STADILIZFD WITH 5EMIN6 AND MU - INS PRIOR TO OCTCDEK D OF EAGN YEAR DISTLWDCD AREAS SHALL DE SEEDED AND MULG/m WITHIN D DAYS OF FINISH OKADIW ANY WORK IDWOKMD AFTER OGTODER D OF EACH YEAR. SMALL DC STADLIZED WITH MIILGH OR NETTRID SUFFIGIENT TO PREVENT EROSION AND SMALL DE OA41!D1ATELY SEEDED AND REMI1LUm AS SOON AS WEATHER M"ITS IN THE WRING, ALL D15TURDW AREAS SMALL KEC IVE A MINIMUM OF 4' OF TOISOIL AND ONE SEEDED, FERTILIZED. LIMED, AND ML.IOKD IN AGLARDANGE WITH THE FOLLOWING- I SEED MIXTURE IN ALL AREAS SHALL ONE UKDAN NO COMORMIM TO THE TAMS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS FOR SWDINS AFTQ OGTODM D. WINTER RYE SHALL DE USED AT AN ArrLIGATION KATE OF DO roU DS TER ACRE 2 FFIRTIL:ZEK SMALL DE STANDARD COMMERCIAL GRADE NF RADE COOKMING TO THE STATE FERTILIZE K LAW AND TO THE STANDARDS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AERICULTLRAL DEMISTS. DRY FEKTILIZM IF USED. SHALL DE ARLI07 AT THE RATE OF 500 PONDS PER ACRE LIQUID FERTILIZER. IF USED. SIMIL DE AfFLIED IN A 1-2-1 RATIO WITH THE MINI" KATE TO INLLUDE DPOUNDS O POS OF NITROHEN. 200 FOUNDS OF rHDSFHATE ID Do roUD AS OF IOTA" rER ACRE O LIMESTONE SHALL CONFORM TO ALL STATE AND FFDCRAL RE6ULATION5 AND TO THE STANDARDS OF THE ASF OF SOCIATION OFICIAL ASKIGU•TUIUL GIEMISTS THE LIMESTONE SHALL DAMLIED ALIED AT A RATE OF TWO TONS PER ACRE OK AS DIRECTED 4 WITHIN 24 HIDURS OF ARLIGAT ION OF FERTILIZER LINE. AND 5915D. THE 5LRFACE SHIALL BE MIA-GZD WITH A MAY Ml - WLGH SHALL DE 5MEAD UNIFORMLY OVER THE AWA AT A KATE OF TWO TONS rEK ACRE Olt AS ORDERED DY THE ENOINUX LRDAN MIX GRASS SEED E DY WEIGHT L.S5E�I � SEW TYK CF 5® 575 45 GREEPNtlG RAJ FESCUE 0125 57S KEN7UGRY 15LREGRA55 5125 37.5 WINTER HARDY. rERENJIAL RYE DO 120 4 LIVE SO'D PER ACRE Heartwood IindsK Ape DvsHgning 874-4425 I ✓"ES MRRON PARCEL 043!-W MCOMIAERCEAVS I 0Ef,, 0 2 CitV Of So, aurlingtor? 2- PJM MOclodactron - 2-Gnmor N•w YBW 1 • Pyr*.Id YBw 1- IIfth Hs2B1 SR nburs! 2 - UffWgfN Hyd-Wes PUIP&49d NMIWI PW 2 - PJM Rhododendron 2 - DYBINNWw Yew 1 PIn"YBw 1 • TW*Wbgm LAND 1 • Wfth H UM Sunburst 5 - UnNO K HydrYpr OBAN- PufphHwf WANererwper Da" M3-/gal. P" Building FOUNDATION PLANTING DETAIL 0 0 i PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE SHMwx OL4N777Y CCIMKAVNAAIE B0TAAWN4W SIZE OOSr Pw 2 NEEPMtl PLssr NXLOW SMa eAdBs l4Baa1AB' 10081 ANX /0'NOT J113BBR)1,0/7,a1 7 NfSrEAAD(AVTAAV Phunamrx STAB, AWVAMVn' 21/P-r CAL .A'27Be•AT1,04500 R.oRERM CIAERRY ANX 12'MOT ARP 5 AXWPAE PAR flmvo 110GAL swas./351GO0 rMC4l. MAXEL 6 MEEPAVC4 E(ARQ EANLARCR LrrkdreA� MwidAY' 1 //2'-2 r285MI$1,42500 Aux /aHOT 7ror. 5 Al2O%4NDWWLXAC Sylhp nArytA•1711BNn' r-4'AGr 3113s•/ASLTW AE4X OF MOT. 38 COBIOWI IVLA.IC ✓ Sp*wN to**a-,*-m—Wy GA JLE26N./Jf,QAS MOT. Y B SPREADING )EW TBWwxnNaMr Ar Her. 4152M./5MW Mx 10'hGT. PE 5 PHR1MCE70WAAHER1CWELAf LoWurm wfw lrEALYw 2'-2 hr IS AL $248 s•/31,241aov As 2 4 RYSALKLL'AC S~ afuWB NpySRY 2N2'-r CAL J270M/J540.W RAF 10 REDANPLE AawnADTxrr r-31/2'C4L SM r,/JXM D 8 3 NEEPARGCA&WADONWELM Mhsep•bB cNr4 •d1Bn' 21/2'-r GAL 32700B./351aOO 3 SERViWaSARY ArIrBIWDAWOotamor Audum BIRW16w' 210-r CIL S270M./351aa1 15 *NITESPRLCE ALM•rp•urr r-faAYLT- 5MIN11,t4,13LO0 Et 4 SM0ClAFARY PnAWr De/BSA1•xeBAW,e 5D4L. 323BL=ZOV F00612471aw PLAA17AET 4 AAIfRhODOLTEAVRON RhmbdRidmISAI 10 GAL 6/3JeL/woo F01AMC470N MAN7)VOG 7 L*K4J tffHn%TAAA9FA ISd• vmpalbAbo I*-W nF Sac 57550ma.417/.50 FOLND47m PLANTAVG 4 SPREAD/Atl*W TBmt"Ads YA7Nn , 30'-JWHGT. $M50ml$272 FOLVWMn7W P1AN7AG 1 78wfERBELLELILAC SO*W x ICBAOBLW' JW-42'AGT M26B•/54Q25 FOUAAEM)XAV PLAA7A0 2 PNTMA'D YEw 7imuc awpNFY S -r AKIr J/51•R7$I2200 FOUVLM7AON PLANIAVD 2 N77C7NNZEL /WBnrrnah fYxlGxei JC-4rMOT, $41.50Ba/S92010 FO(A1EEA770N P/ANIMRO N PL12PL.� WAVIER CREEPER E. "mur ftft N RG'Dow C dhow 025B A.1010 FOLAO47XAV PllA1DND 11.7 DAYLKY MRmB•GC•f/S IGAL J500BBAT57B.00 ALL Tor" A71,M..75 rorAL room Pu XAGHc R[VITm r•l R(GORD GpOHIGb E EunFr A EE ` % I It A,� \� p•Lf �f GRAPHIC SCALE D 4W • HNI �'� 547 4►q,PB \\� IN In? L T LDeh - 40 EL COCA o IRWID MHAIUD C RDeB ARr � AWAt C aAtfoVWXmr PROPOSED OFFICMAREHOUSE +moo• a-oe on LDOs 38 6 Ao - Ethan A11en F07m5 Indus°w Pak #27 3 031 Commerce Ave. - SDufh SudmVton ,wE sbso HREmCWp O LEARY-BLTRKE CHI. ASSOCIATES, PLC 5p50 REC PJD LANDSCAPE PLAN rR,W IEErI 7 &4EL