HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/01/1978CITY COUNCIL MAY 1, 1978 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, May 1, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. in the Assessor's Office, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; William Burgess, Frank Armstrong, Michael Flaherty, Martin Paulsen Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Ethel Schuele, Hugh Marvin, South Burlington Representative to Regional Planning; Carl Blumberg, Free Press; Ken Dattilio and Gary Rounds; Street Department Union representatives Minutes of April 24, 1978 On page 1 of the minutes, the following should be added to the last motion on the page, "that the city funds in the amount of $2,000 come from the anticipated cost under run of the Dorset St. - Williston Road intersection improvement project." Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the minutes of April 24, 1978 with the above addition. Mr. Armstrong seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Consider a book selection policy for City Community Library, Mrs. Schuele Ethel Schuele presented the policy entitled, "Proposed South Burlington Community Library Materials Policy", dated January 30, 1978, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. Also attached is a copy of the "South Burlington School District Policy for the Selection of Library Materials" adopted by the School Board on April 12, 1978. Mrs. Schuele had several corrections to the policy and these are shown in pencil on the attached documents. Mr. Paulsen said that under the School District Policy page one, under Administrative Guidelines "D", that the statement was quite general and could be a problem administratively. Mr. Armstrong questioned the 30 day review period, stating that this may in some instances not be enough time. Mrs. Schuele replied that this would be a rare occurrance and that if it happened an extension would be requested probably. Mr. Flaherty asked what would happen if the review committee became deadlocked on an issue and was told that it would come before the City Council. Mr. Armstrong moved that the Council adopt the South Burlington Community Library Material Selection Policy dated January 30, 1978 with the revisions recommended by Mrs. Schuele. The motion was seconded by Mr. Flaherty and all were in favor. Mrs. Schuele referred to a letter from the City Attorney in which he recommended that the City Charter be amended to include the Library Board of Trustees. The Council agreed that this change could be prepared for the September primary election for voter approval. Meet with Hugh Marvin for a report on Chittenden County Regional Planning activities Mr. Marvin presented the Council with a written report dated May 1, 1978 (see attached copy). Mr. Marvin said that South Burlington was the third largest contributor to the Regional Planning Commission and that we should take advantage of their staff help, which consists of 7 people with experience in all fields of planning. Mr. Farrar questioned item 4 and was told that this question had been asked of Regional Planning Director Art Hogan who thought the time element was unrealistic and that this should be pursued beyond the State Highway Department, perhaps through our representatives in Washington. Mr. Marvin said he would look into this further to see who was best to contact directly. Mr. Farrar asked about item 1, stating the time element was very short for a through review. Mr. Marvin replied that the time had been extended. In reference to Mr. Marvin's last paragraph. Mr. Paulsen felt that he (Mr. Marvin) should accept appointment to the Regional Planning Executive Council and all the Council members agreed. Mr. Farrar stated that one of the most important things the Regional Planning Commission should do is to see to it that the local and Regional plans are consistent. That would eliminate all the present problems encountered with the Pyramid controversy in Williston. The Council thanked Mr. Marvin for his report. Sign applications for Urban Systems signalization work Mr. Szymanski said that these funds were for pedestrian signals for Williston Road and Shelburne Road. The Williston Road intersection comes under Urban Systems, but Shelburne Road does not - it is under the Federal Aid Primary Extension system. He said that he would make application for signals on Shelburne Road under that system and that this application was for money from Urban Systems for Williston Road intersections. Mr. Burgess moved to sign the application for Urban Systems traffic funds. The motion was seconded by Mr. Paulsen and passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski said that he hoped the intersection improvements at Williston Road and Dorset St. would be completed by July 1. First reading of ordinance regulating truck traffic on Shunpike Road. Mr. Farrar read the ordinance (see attached copy). Mr. Armstrong moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Flaherty and passed unanimously. Mr. Burgess then moved to set May 15, 1978, along with a regularly scheduled City Council meeting, as the date for a second hearing and to instruct the City Manager to so advertise and to postpone the date of the public hearing until June 5 if the warning time is not sufficient. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Meet with representatives of the Street Department Union Mr. Farrar said that the city did not feel it could meet the vacation requests of the Union this year and Mr. Rounds said that could drop. He said he would like to discuss why the city did not want to do away with the Merit System at this time and was told that the city felt there was some advantage to having a properly working Merit System which allows more productive workers to receive more reward Mr. Farrar said it did have the potential for problems and that there could be evaluation errors from time to time but he felt they should see if some of the problems could be worked out before they dropped the program. Mr. Rounds said the Department went along with it on a trial basis for 2 years and that it has not worked out. The men are unanimous in wanting it lifted, and the department head has conceded he sees no improvement in the men's working habits. Mr. Farrar replied that he personally felt all the System would do would be compensate those who worked harder, not impel men to do better jobs. Mr. Szymanski asked if they would accept it if the form were changed and was told they did not think so. Mr. Flaherty said he would like to have the department head, Sonny Audette's, comments on the issue. Mr. Farrar felt it was worth doing but would not come easily. Mr. Flaherty also said he would like Mr. Szymanski to discuss the system with other department heads. Mr. Burgess asked whether it would be better if more money were associated with doing well on the System, and was told that they did not know what the reaction to that would be but that they would discuss it with the men. Another complaint of the men, said Mr. Rounds, is that the foremen, who supervise the workers, do not fill out the forms; the department head does and he is not always with the men, so they feel that he may not be able to evaluate them accurately. He also said that people wait as much as two months for their raises. Mr. Szymanski felt that could be speeded up. Mr. Armstrong asked if the form could be simplified and changed and was told that might be better. As far as the allowance for work shoes requested by the Union, Mr. Rounds said the figure was negociable and that they could discuss it in two weeks. Planning Commission and Zoning Board agendas There were no comments on either agenda. Discussion of Gypsy moths Mr. Szymanski said he had received phone calls from concerned citizens on this issue. These moths attack birch and oak trees and there are a lot of them around the airport. Some predators have been put in certain areas as a test, and spraying can be done. If the city does spray, he said, it would be aerial and a public hearing would have to be held to explain what was going on. He said he would check to see how much it would cost but that the end of May is the last time one can spray. Mr. Flaherty also asked him to check into the predator thing. Citizen's letter Mr. Farrar read a letter from William and Mary Oaks on East Terrace which discussed some curbing. This started in the middle of their lot and they had not been informed it was going to be done. Mr. Szymanski said it was being done to correct a drainage problem in the area and he said he would make sure it was extended to the end of their frontage. Mr. Farrar felt that when any kind of construction was planned, it would be a good policy to inform people who would be effected. He suggested this be made part of the Street Department's procedures. Mr. Paulsen moved to adjourn as the City Council and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss a land purchase proposal and to then reconvene but take no action. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The meeting was declared adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.