HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/17/1978CITY COUNCIL APRIL 17, 1978 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, April 17, 1978 at 8:00 pm in the Conference Room, City Hall, 1175 Williston Road. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Martin Paulsen, William Burgess, Frank Armstrong Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Stephen Page, Planner; Fran Brock, Free Press; Cynthia Rubin, The Other Paper; William Wessel, Kirk Woolery, George Mona, Planning Commissioners; Robert Martineau, Fred Fayette, Howard Perkett, Zoning Board members; Sylvia Smith, Michael and David Brassard, Ronald Schmucker, Rowland Peterson, John Shaw, Rene and Lucille Racine, Bill Spignesi, Albert Audette, Gary Rounds, Kenneth Dattilto, Gordon Hurley, David Nicholson, Linus Leavins Additions to Agenda Mr. Farrar added a discussion of drainage on Shunpike Road to the agenda. Resume adjourned public hearing on April 10, 1978 on Interim Zoning. Mr. Page put up a map of the correct interim zoning boundaries and Mr. Farrar went through the document pointing out what changes had been made. The Savings Clause was discussed. Mr. Flaherty said the city did not want to penalize someone who had gone through a lot of hearings already and Mr. Page said that Mr. Spokes wanted to make as clean a break as possible and not hurt anyone who was pursuing an application. Mr. Schmucker said the way Mr. Armstrong had amended the clause at the last meeting had been good. Mr. David Nicholson asked what would happen to applications which defy an easy definition - who would do the interpretation of the document as to grandfathering? Mr. Farrar said that the example Mr. Nicholson spoke about would have to be discussed with the Zoning Administrator and Mr. Nicholson felt it might be discussed by the City Council. Mr. Burgess moved that Section 7 paragraph C be changed as follows: between the phrases "shall not apply to any development for which application was made for a zoning permit" and "or for which approval has been obtained from the zoning board of adjustment. . ." the following should be added: "or for a zoning variance or for site plan approval or for subdivision approval prior to the date of adoption of this document by the City Council. In addition, the last sentence in that clause should be deleted. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. Mr. Schmucker asked about a subdivision where the developer was going to phase the building and Mr. Wessel replied that the Commission would give approval for 1 phase and during the time that was good the developer could apply for a zoning permit. Then he could go to phase 2. Mr. Schmucker asked the purpose of phasing if an applicant has acceptable levels of traffic and Mr. Wessel said that the Commission reserves the right to review traffic in the second and third phases because traffic can change and they need to control it in the future. Mr. Burgess said interim zoning would not change that because the Commission does that now. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Nicholson said he would like to speak on behalf of the Racines. They have owned property in South Burlington for 32 years and have paid tares on some prime BR land for the past 7 years. Interim zoning will adversly effect the value of their property and that is a real hardship because they have paid high taxes on property whose value is now deflated. He asked that if the Council passed interim zoning it actively address itself to looking at lessening the traffic problems on Williston Road so that interim zoning could be lifted in as short a time as possible. He also registered the Racines' opposition to the measure. Mr. Burgess replied that they have taken some actions but that if interim zoning passed it was to let the city resolve the emergency traffic situation. He was concerned that they did not have much agreement and had not thought much about what they would do during the period. He said he would like to have some course of action and something done by the Planning Commission in the interim period so that it could be limited to one year. The Commission wants two years, he said, and to him that signified an intent not to solve the problem. He said he would like to direct the Commission to take some positive steps. Mr. Wessel said they had been working on it for over 6 months and would continue to do so with or without interim zoning. He said they were working on a high traffic generators zone but had been slowed by the number of applications they are dealing with and that they have plans for a traffic study through the Regional Planning Commission. The Commission was making progress, he felt, it was just a matter of time. Mr. Burgess felt the city needed action, not studies and he wanted to look at the problems as they are defined right now. Mr. Wessel said they had asked a traffic engineer to give them definable things that can be done in two years, tell them the cost, prioritize them, and say where they should go. This is directly related to interim zoning he said. A lot of small things which would not cost much can be done, Mr. Wessel said, but Mr. Burgess was not sure those things solved today's problems. Mr. Mona said the Commission would deal with more than just the traffic situation and will examine the regulations and try to bring them in line with the growth rate the city wants to have. Mr. Burgess was not sure he wanted interim zoning on Dorset St. and Kennedy Drive and Mr. Paulsen agreed. Mr. Farrar said the Williston and Shelburne Road problems were potentially the same problems that the city could face on the other two roads and he said interim zoning on them would give them time to see what the solutions to those problems should be. If he could be sure that with its present zoning Kennedy Drive would not have traffic problems in 10 years, he said, he would leave it out of the proposal. The point is that the city does not know that for sure and they may be left in 10 years with a bad situation and no way to solve it. Mr. Wessel said one of the most important things interim zoning would do would be to give the city the opportunity to prevent irreparable damage in the future. He said he could think of situations similar to ones the Commission has gotten burned on all over the city and he would like to do something about them. Mr. Armstrong moved that the City Council adopt the interim zoning regulations for the city of South Burlington draft they received tonight, undated, subject to the amendments made earlier by motion. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and it passed with Mr. Paulsen voting no. He stated that he had reservations about the implementation of the program and Mr. Burgess agreed. Minutes of April 3, 6, and 10, 1978 On page 2 of the April 3, 1978 minutes, the last line on the page should read "and Williston Road widening between Dorset St. and Hinesburg Road." Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the minutes of April 3, 1978 as corrected and the minutes of April 6 and April 10, 1978 as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Paulsen and passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Act on fiscal 1978--79 budget Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council approve the expense budget as presented to the voters and approve the revenue sharing and anti-recession funds allocated as outlined at the budget hearing. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Meet with representatives of the S. Burlington Street Dept. Union The Union presented the Council with its requests to change the existing contract (see attached copy). Mr. Farrar felt that in light of the fact that he felt adjustments and compensation for all employees adequately reflected the changes in economic conditions, the request for additional vacation time was unreasonable at this time although it could be considered in a future year. Mr. Paulsen asked if the changes proposed were included in the budget just passed and was told they were not. The union wants to drop the Merit System, but perhaps retain the evaluation. Mr. Flaherty asked why they did not like it and Mr. Rounds said that they were evaluated on things which did not pertain to their jobs. There is also often a delay in getting the evaluations out, which the men do not like. There was unanimous opposition to the system, Mr. Rounds said, and the men do not like someone telling them whether they will get a raise or not in addition to all the other problems with the system. Mr. Rounds also brought up the question of salary increase, feeling it had been less than expected. Mr. Farrar said they could discuss it further at the Wednesday meeting of the Salary Review Committee and Mr. Rounds said he would come to the next Council meeting also. Consider restricting truck and through traffic on the north-south leg of Shunpike Road Mr. Farrar felt now was the time to think about controlling traffic on that road which might result from Digital coming on line. Mr. Paulsen asked how they would restrict the traffic and Mr. Farrar said it would be done with an ordinance and signs. The Council members discussed what traffic they wished to restrict and what they considered through traffic. Mr. Flaherty said that if the city put up signs, 80--90% of the people would obey them and that if it did not work they could try something else. Mr. Szymanski said the residents were concerned about trucks and that he had talked to the manager at Digital, who said he would ask employees not to use that road. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Manager contact the City Attorney and work on an ordinance with the appropriate language to prohibit truck traffic on Shunpike Road. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Executive Session to review a land swap at Dorset St and I 189 Mr. Burgess moved to go into executive session to discuss a land swap at Dorset St and I 189 and that they then adjourn and reconvene the regular City Council meeting. Mr. Paulsen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Sign application for Urban System work Mr. Szymanski told the Council the widening was to be around Gaynes and the Jughandle and also from Dorset St. to Hinesburg Road to make Williston Road five lanes. This will include work to the Williston Road, Patchen Road, Hinesburg Road intersection and Dorset St. will be made 4 lanes from Williston Road to Kennedy Drive. He said that he has also asked about traffic signals. Mr. Paulsen moved to sign the applications. The motion was seconded by Mr. Flaherty and passed unanimously. Review Planning Commission and Zoning Board agendas There were a few comments but no objections to either agenda's items. Authorize City Manager to sign the Honey-Gokey boundary line agreement for land located on Kennedy Drive Mr. Szymanski explained the situation and said that this change would just correct the deed and move a boundary line a little. Mr. Armstrong moved that the City Manager be authorized to sign the agreement. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion, which was passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar said that it would simply change the records since the line was recorded wrong. Discuss sewer plant flow metering Mr. Paulsen strongly recommended that the existing flow meter at the Airport Parkway treatment plant remain there, feeling that it was important to the city to know what the flow of the plant was. Mr. Szymanski said he did not want to spend any more money at the plant than necessary since it will be modified very soon. Mr. Paulsen felt the inflow meter would reflect the actual flow minus the buffering effect of the treatment and that knowing what the flow was necessary if the city wanted to get a handle on the inflow and infiltration problem it has, which constitutes about 63% of the total flow of that side of the city. Mr. Szymanski said the same information could be gotten from the outflow meter and said it would cost around $600 to do what Mr. Paulsen wanted. He felt the information could be gotten from the pumping station records. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Szymanski to find out how much it would cost and said they would discuss it at the next Council meeting. Drainage problem on Shunpike Road Mr. Farrar said he had gotten a report of drainage water running onto a lot on Shunpike Road and Mr. Szymanski said a culvert emptied into a corner of the lot and runs between two houses. The owner wants the city to pay for diverting the water and Mr. Szymanski said it would cost around $600 for the pipe and the fill. Mr. Burgess said the long-range solution would be storm drains under the street and Mr. Flaherty felt the Council should discuss that at a later date. Meet as Liquor Control Board to consider license renewals and entertainment permits Mr. Flaherty moved to adjourn as the City Council and meet as the Liquor Control Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Paulsen and passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski said that he had a letter from the Police Chief recommending these be renewed with a few exceptions. Mr. Flaherty moved to sign the Liquor Control licenses with the exception of St. Gambri's, the Kuala Mauna, Hank's Citgo, and the Old Board, until next week. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burgess and passed unanimously. The meeting was declared adjourned at 10:45 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.