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Minutes - City Council - 03/17/1977
CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 17, 1977. The South Burlington City Council held a short meeting on March 17, 1977, in the Conference Room, City Hall, for the purpose of taking final action on the proposed City Budget for 1977-78. The City Manager and all members of the Council were present. The meeting was called to order at 10:35 p.m. by Chairman Farrar. Mr. Dinklage moved that Council include the amount of $4,000 in the City Budget for 1977-78 for the use of the Planning Commission in obtaining the assistance of consultants. Seconded by Mr. Armstrong. Mrs. Neubert said she would vote for this but would go on record that she would rather hire people to work in City Hall than to hire consultants. Mr. Dinklage amended his motion: that the funds be used for consultants and/or administrative assistance for the Planning Commission. This modification was accepted by Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Dinklage felt the intent was to make the funds available to assist the Planning Commission in fulfilling their planning duties, and as always. Mr. Szymanski will oversee the administration of these funds. Mr. Szymanski explained this would be put into the regular operating budget, and Revenue Sharing will increase by that amount, with the referendum items being up another $4,000. The motion was voted unanimously for approval. In further discussion of the budget it was brought out that there would be approximately $5,000 interest income from the proceeds of the sale of bonds before the bond money would be spent; also an estimated $10,000 interest from the Revenue Sharing funds which would remain intact until next year, or an estimated total income of $15,000 to be added to this year's budget. The Chairman felt it would be better to reduce the tax rate slightly this year, knowing there will be additional income next year, and he was trying to find out what moneys the Council would have some discretion in either allocating or not. Adjustments made to the budget were changing the estimated grand list from $6,900 to $6,930; the operating budget tax rate was increased to 1.50 and the surplus used to eliminate the Council bonded debt tax rate of .02, giving a total of .28. The total tax rate will be 1.78. The meeting was declared adjourned at 10:55 p.m. following a motion by Mr. Dinklage, seconded by Mr. Flaherty, and voted unanimously. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.