HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/21/1976CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 21, 1976 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room of the City Hall on Monday, June 21, 1976. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Paul A. Farrar, Michael D. Flaherty, Catherine M. Neubert, John B. Dinklage and Frank H. Armstrong. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT City Manager William J. Szymanski, Charlotte C. Marsh, James W. Brown, P. Coldwell Munt, Frank Mazur, Lois C. Graffam, George Smith, Paul Graves, Deborah Weiner, William Knoff and William Dinklage. Chairman Farrar called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA By unanimous vote the following items were added to the agenda: 6a Tax Penalties Waiver as presented by the City Manager 6b Discussion on the use of motorized vehicles on city property. INTERVIEW CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE VARIOUS COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Chairman Farrar asked Mr. James Brown, a candidate for the sign Review Board to step forward and said that the Council begins interviews by asking why the person wants to serve. Mr. Brown said that Mr. Levesque had approached him about the vacancy, saying he thought he might be interested since the addition of a person with his knowledge, that of an Industrial Arts teacher, would be beneficial to the Board. In answer to questions from Council members Mr. Brown said he had not read the Sign Ordinance, that he would have the time to devote to the work of the Board, also that he would have no trouble working with the other members when the time comes to enforce the regulation that non-conforming signs must be removed. There were no questions from the others present. Mr. Farrar thanked Mr. Brown for coming in to be interviewed. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. Frank Mazur, a candidate for the vacancy on the Chittenden County Transportation Authority why he was interested in serving. Mr. Mazur said that since he moved to South Burlington he had been busy building his house and getting settled and now that he had more time he wanted to get involved. In answer to questions from the Council he explained that he was interested in the Transportation Authority because his job and education were geared to working with projections and planning of general business affairs. He felt he could contribute to the Authority also because of his experience as a negotiator and related work with labor unions. Chairman Farrar asked him if he would have an interest in an appointment to the Regional Planning Commission and Mr. Mazur said he didn't think so. There were no questions from those present. Mr. Farrar thanked him for coming in to be interviewed. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. Paul Graves, a candidate for an opening on the Planning Commission why he was interested in serving on that Commission. Mr. Graves said he was now free of any conflict since the matter he was working on has been settled. In answer to questions from Council members he explained that his main interest in wishing to serve was to be able to work with the Commission in the development of the Industrial Park. He would like to see the work on this project move ahead. Another area of concern to him was the city's need for a building code, one for private homes and trailers as well as for commercial and public buildings. He brought out that fact that it might be advantageous to have a lawyer on the commission. There was discussion on the possibility of matters being interpreted differently by the City Attorney and a lawyer on a Board. Mr. Graves said in any event the City Attorneys interpretation would supercede. In answer to questions about the benefit of having an Ordinance Committee, working along the same system as our Charter Committee, he agreed that such a committee would work. Mr. Graves was asked if he would be agreeable to serve on a task force to work on a building code. When asked if he would consider serving on the Regional Planning Commission he said he would if it involved working on the Industrial Park. As there were no other questions from those present Chairman Farrar thanked Mr. Graves for coming in to be interviewed. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. P. Coldwell Munt why he was interested in serving on the Recreation Committee. Mr. Munt said he has lived in the area for 19 years, 4 of them in South Burlington and he felt that he could work well in the area of recreation. He said there were Federal Funds available to expand facilities for recreation and felt this aspect should be looked into. In answer to questions from Council members Mr. Munt said that more interest should be generated in recreation, the city should have a nucleus of dedicated persons working on this. We should have more options for the older person as well as the young adult. When asked if he felt a swimming pool was a priority item, he answered yes, but it was not his one priority in life. He mentioned that Red Rocks beach was fine, but was not centrally located, and was sometimes dangerous for children because of all the boating on the lake. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. Munt if he would be interested in any other appointment and Mr. Munt said he would be happy to contribute in any way that he could. There were no questions from those present and Chairman Farrar thanked Mr. Munt for coming in to be interviewed. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. William Knoff why he was interested in serving on the Recreation Committee. Mr. Knoff said he has been active, professionally, for 10 years in recreation, that he had overseen the construction of large projects such as an outdoor pool on a 10 acre facility. He has experience in applying for State and Federal funding for such projects, as well as for day care, swimming and camping facilities. He liked the quality of life in South Burlington and wanted to see it maintained. In answer to questions from the Council members Mr. Knoff said he had been to Red Rocks many times, particularly in the trial area. He felt there were advantages to a municipal swimming pool but said he couldn't say how much priority it should have. Chairman Farrar asked Mr. Knoff if he would be interested in serving on the Natural Resources Committee. Mrs. Neubert said that the Natural Resources Committee is involved in protecting the quality of life. Mr. Knoff said he was more interested in the Recreation Committee but would think about the Natural Resources Committee. There were no questions from those present and Chairman Farrar thanked Mr. Knoff for coming in to be interviewed. READING OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1976 On motion made by Mr. Dinklage, seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously the minutes of May 17 were accepted as read. READING OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1976 Chairman Farrar noted that on page 2, line 3, the name Chief Carter is incorrect. It should read City Attorney Spokes. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the minutes of June 7, 1976 as amended. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Farrar announced that the disbursement orders were on the table for Council signatures. REPORT OF BICENTENNIAL COORDINATOR, LOIS C. GRAFFAM Mrs. Graffam stepped to the Council table and presented a Certificate to Chairman Farrar, which she said, now makes South Burlington a Bicentennial Community. Chairman Farrar expressed his thanks for the certificate. Mrs. Graffam exhibited a poster, a sample of what will be posted around the community, which advertises Bicentennial events as follows: Friday, July 2, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. on the South Burlington High School grounds there will be a Community Sing led by Robert Carruthers. There will also be the Presentation of the Bicentennial Flag. Saturday, July 3, 1976 from 2 to 5 P.M. on the South Burlington High School grounds there will be a Community Fair with Games, Crafts and Races. Also on this date a South Burlington Bicentennial Button will be put on sale for $1.00 apiece. Mrs. Graffam explained that she was fortunate to have Mr. Carruthers offer to lead the Community Sing since he is an expert. She also said that a South Burlington Bicentennial Button has been designed and is being made up at a cost of 32 cents apiece. They will sell for $1.00 each. There will be a silver collection taken up at the Community Sing. Mrs. Graffam said that her hope was to make enough money through the sale of the buttons and the amount collected to buy trees to be planted throughout the city in 1977. Plans are to plant a tree near the high school fountain and to install a Time Capsule at the same time, the capsule to contain 1976 graduation items, a copy of the brochure, Look Around South Burlington, a 1976 City Report and the names of current dignitaries. Mrs. Graffam said the Senior Citizens are participating in the Community Fair with 2 tables of antiques on display. She hoped that residents would consider wearing appropriate costumes to the events and said that those involved in working would be so dressed. Mr. Flaherty remarked that she certainly had done a wonderful job with no help and no money. Mrs. Neubert suggested that the city could pay for having some flyers printed and wondered if Mrs. Graffam thought that might be a good idea. Mrs. Graffam said that would be great. Mrs. Neubert said she would get together with Mrs. Graffam to get the flyer going. Chairman Farrar thanked Mrs. Graffam, complimenting her on her success in getting together this nice series of events for the city. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT HOUSE RULES City Manager Szymanski reported that the City Attorney had not been able to look over the above referenced document as yet. George Smith explained that these House Rules were formulated at the inception of the Fire Department and they should be approved by the Council so the Fire Chief's office would have more force. Mr. Dinklage made a motion to adopt the Fire Department House Rules subject to the City Attorney's review. Mrs. Neubert seconded the motion which passed unanimously. REVIEW CITIZEN'S DRAFT OF TAXICAB ORDINANCE Mr. Szymanski City Manager, said he wanted to know what the Council wished to do on this request for a Taxicab Ordinance for South Burlington. Mr. Dinklage wondered how adopting such an ordinance would help Mr. Early, the man who is requesting passage. Chairman Farrar suggested the item be tabled until Mr. Early could come before the Council to explain the details of the request. Mr. Armstrong felt that the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission should be approached about guidelines on this, since all communities are different and probably have different ordinances. There was a general discussion on enforcement of such an ordinance, and checking with communities of like size on whether or not they have taxicab ordinances. Mr. Dinklage made a motion to table consideration of a Taxicab Ordinance until Council has the opportunity to meet with Mr. Early and go over it further. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. RECEIVE CITY MANAGER'S REPORT ON WAIVER OF TAX PENALTIES Mr. Dinklage made a motion to receive the report of the City Manager with suggestions for the waiver of tax penalties. Seconded by Mr. Armstrong and passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON THE USE OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES ON CITY PROPERTY Mr. Dinklage said he was pleased to see this item was taken up at the June 7th meeting and also given some publicity in the Spokesman. He said he had received a complaint about minibikes being used in Red Rocks, going around the large loop that is adjacent to some residences. He wondered if some barricades could be put up. Mrs. Neubert said that barricades have been installed and have been removed. She said that even concrete blocks have been lifted out of place. City Manager Szymanski said he had ordered some signs that will be installed when they arrive. Mrs. Neubert remarked that she had had success in stopping some minibike riders in Mayfair Park, that the Police Department gets someone up there in a matter of minutes and really seem to be effective in stopping that particular rider. There was a short discussion on enforcing our present ordinance on the use of motorized vehicles on city property. COMMENTS BY CHARLOTTE MARSH Charlotte Marsh's letter of request to be reappointed to the Cemetery Committee was read. She then reported on affairs of the Cemetery Committee. She has requested that Mr. Winston Way of the Extension Service meet with her to tell her about the proper care of the lawn and tell her the best time to sow grass seed. She was pleased to report that she had received many compliments on the maintenance of the cemeteries. She said the committee has been very effective in seeing that there is proper placement of stones and markers as well as locating the proper gravesites when necessary. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to meet in Executive Session to consider personnel for appointments to boards, committees and commissions and then to reconvene in regular session for the sole purpose of making appointments to the various boards, committees and commissions. Mr. Dinklage seconded the motion which passed unanimously. At this point, 9:20 P.M., Chairman Farrar called a short recess. Chairman Farrar reconvened the Regular Meeting at 11 P.M. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to appoint Mr. James Brown to the Sign Review Board for a three year term and to reappoint Mr. Frank Plumley to the Sign Review Board for a three year term. Seconded by Mr. Armstrong and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to appoint Mr. Russell F. Lindblad and Mr. P. Coldwell Munt to the Recreation Committee for a three year term and to reappoint Mrs. Mary Anne Gucciardi and Dr. Robert M. Perrin to the Recreation Committee for a three year term. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint Jeanne Menard and Ethel Schuele to the Fine Arts Committee for three year terms. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint James Marvin and William Schuele to the Natural Resources for three year terms. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to appoint Mr. William Knoff to fill the unexpired term of Sheryl Larsen on the Natural Resources Committee subject to Mr. Knoff's approval. The term expires in 1977. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to appoint Paul Graves as Representative to the Regional Planning Commission and Charles Bolton as Alternate to the same commission, such appointments being subject to their approval. These appointments are for two year. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint Mr. Vincent D'Acuti to the Burlington Airport Commission for a one year term. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed with a vote of 4 to 1. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint Dr. Samuel Wiggans as Tree Warden for a one year term. Motion seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint all the members of the Charter Committee, Mr. Denison, Mr. Irish, Mr. Jameson, Mr. Sharpe and Mr. Nolting to one year terms. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Dinklage made a motion to reappoint the following to the Corrections Center Liaison Committee for one year terms; Chief Carter, Paul Dye, Alex Guyette and Beatrice Tabakin. Motion seconded by Mr. Flaherty and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint Charlotte Marsh and Frances Myers to the Cemetery Committee for one year terms. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint Albert C. Audette as Civil Defense Director and Mr. James Goddette as Assistant Civil Defense Director for one year terms. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to reappoint Lois Graffam as Bicentennial Coordinator for a one year term. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Noting that the Council has other appointments to consider, Chairman Farrar instructed City Manager Szymanski to warn a public Council meeting at the conclusion of the Steering Committee meeting on Thursday, June 24, 1976, in the City Hall Conference Room. He also asked that the Agenda list a possible Executive Session to discuss appointments and reconvening in regular session to make appointments. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and passed unanimously. Approved Frank H. Armstrong, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.