HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/03/1976CORRECTIONS TO MINUTES CITY COUNCIL February 3, 1976 At the February 17th meeting of the City Council it was voted to accept the Minutes of February 3, 1976, with the following corrections: On page 2, 7th line from the bottom of the page the words if they wished should be deleted and the words for any legal reason should be substituted. On page 4, under Legislation regarding mobile homes, Mr. Merrill's comments should include: that there was a Supreme Court decision also that affected this; that he felt the City didn't have any right to discriminate; he felt the reason this bill was introduced in the Legislature was to help the farm labor problem; it didn't hurt South Burlington because of two reasons, the southeast quadrant with its 10 acre lots, and secondly, the cost of an improved lot in a development. CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 3, 1976 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday, February 3, 1976, in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road. The meeting scheduled for February 2nd was postponed because of the severe storm. MEMBERS PRESENT Paul Farrar, Chairman; John Dinklage, Michael Flaherty, Duane Merrill, Catherine Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager; John W. McGuire, Frank W. Plumley, Bill Robenstein, William Wessel, Arlene Krapcho, Robert Yandow The regular meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. following an Executive Session. Interviewing of candidates for vacancies on Boards and Commissions The following candidates were interviewed: Frank Plumley for the Sign Review Board, John McCuire for the Sign Review Board, William Robenstein for the Planning Commission. James Nuovo who had expressed interest in either the Planning Commission or the Sign Review Board did not attend the meeting. John Gravel, it was noted by the Chairman, had withdrawn his application for the Planning Commission. No appointments were made at this meeting. Additions to the Agenda Chairman Farrar asked to have two items added to the Agenda: the bill before the Legislature regarding mobile homes; the question of the March primary election. Minutes of January 19, 1976 It was moved by Mr. Flaherty, seconded by Mr. Merrill, and voted unanimously to accept the Minutes of January 19, 1976, as presented. Disbursement orders It was noted by the Chairman that the Disbursement Orders were ready for signatures of the Councilmen. Review of Subdivision Regulations Chairman Wessel of the Planning Commission gave a brief review of the new draft of the Subdivision Regulations, copies of which were in the hands of the Council members. Some of the points discussed were Item 4 on page 3, the problem of enforcing this provision; the definition of Minor Subdivision on the same page which might need to be modified in order to restrict it; the Cul-de-Sac requirement, Item 7 on page 14, which should perhaps be reworded to reflect the interpretation of a cul-de-sac and also reconsideration of the 150 dwelling units which was felt to be too high; On-Site water, 404.1 on page 16, whether the City would be concerned with this; School Sites, 412 on page 19, with Chairman Wessel explaining the Commission's reason for including this; Acceptance of Streets, 507 on page 25, whether this also included water, sewer, etc. Chairman Wessel stated the Planning Commission had completed the zoning of the Triangle and could meet informally with the Council regarding that at any time. He said he felt the zoning of the Triangle should have first priority. Mrs. Krapcho, a member of the Planning Commission, stated her opinion, that the Subdivision Regulations should come first because of the effect the new regulations would have on what takes place in the Triangle. Chairman Farrar said both the zoning and the Subdivision Regulations could be considered at the next Council meeting. Fire Department Rules and Regulations Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council accept the Fire Department Rules and Regulations as set forth in the draft of January 22, 1976. Seconded by Mr. Merrill. Mrs. Neubert stated she was not opposed to a committee which would meet regularly but she did object to the committee's taking over the prerogative of the City Manager and the City Council in personnel matters. She felt this was setting up an intermediary between the people who have the conflict and the City Manager, there will be another group making a decision. Mr. Flaherty explained the purpose of the intermediate step is to stop the problems right where they happen; the Board has no authority whatsoever except to make a recommendation, and Mr. Merrill added that under the Charter it would have to come back to Council anyway. Mrs. Neubert said she still did not like it, that other departments don't have the same situation. Mr. Dinklage asked if there were adequate personnel safeguards as to the Advisory Board holding public vs. private hearings, and Mr. Flaherty replied they could go into executive session if they wished, their meetings would have to be posted in advance. At the time of the Board's organization, a set time would be specified for their meetings. Mr. Flaherty also stated the draft of the Rules and Regulations had been approved by the volunteers in the department by a vote of 18 to 3. The motion made by Mr. Flaherty was voted for approval by four members, with Mrs. Neubert abstaining. Consider waiver of penalties A list was presented to the Council members of persons who had paid their taxes late and had not paid the extra amount allowed by law to be added to delinquent tax payments, and included the excuses offered as reasons for the late payments. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council authorize the cancellation by journal entry of these penalties upon the recommendation of the City Manager. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and voted unanimously for approval. Sign Annual Certificate of highway mileage and high way classification Mr. Merrill moved that the Council sign the Annual Certificate of highway mileage and the Highway classification Certificate. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously for approval. In answer to a question by Mr. Merrill regarding the National Guard road, Mr. Szymanski said the City of South Burlington has nothing to do with that. Mr. Dinklage said he had received comments about the condition of the road from Country Club Estates to the National Guard property and asked if there were plans to upgrade this. Mr. Szymanski explained it is a gravel road and this causes problems and he plans to do a cost estimate on all the gravel roads in the City. Adopt resolution for participation in the Economic Development Act Chairman Farrar explained this basically a formal resolution saying South Burlington wished to be included in this area and would mean the possibility of getting Federal funds for improvements. Mr. Szymanski said it would qualify the City for aid in the development of the industrial park. Mrs. Neubert asked what this would commit the City to, does the Act say there must be a Regional Plan, would it mean the City was agreeing to development in the area even though it does not take place in South Burlington. Chairman Farrar said it does not commit the City to anything, it simply is requesting the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission to formally request the designation of this area to be considered under the Federal Act for Federal assistance. It does not cost the City any money because the City is not committing any funds. A representative will be appointed who will vote as to whether or not the plan put together by the Regional Planning Commission is an acceptable plan; that is all that is being authorized by this resolution. There is money available for projects which will enhance the economic potential of the community, sewers, water, etc. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council adopt the resolution for participation in the Economic Development Act. Seconded by Mr. Dinklage and voted unanimously for approval. Meeting with a representative of the Police Department Union Chairman Farrar said the purpose of this meeting was to get input from the Police Department Union on what they wished to discuss as modifications and additions to the present contract. Robert Yandow was present to represent the Police Department Union. He described the problems caused by working a short-handed shift, saying this provides neither adequate coverage for the City nor maximum safety to the department members who have to work short-handed. Improving this situation would not imply additions to the force but would imply overtime. Another request was for additional compensation beginning July 1st for those members with college degrees. Two officers will have their bachelor's degree by then, four have associate degrees, five are currently attending college, three have taken courses but not presently enrolled in courses. This additional compensation would be only for degrees. Three sergeants, Mr. Yandow said, are interested in joining the union and there is no section in the contract dealing with this. A change in the allowance for laundry was also brought up. Mrs. Neubert asked about the turnover and Mr. Yandow said the last resignation was several months ago; the turnover hasn't been as bad as previously. Chairman Farrar told Mr. Yandow that Council has ideas of its own but is waiting for the Salary Committee to be ready; he would like to have things done by March. Asked by the City Manager if Chief Carter had seen the list of requests, Mr. Yandow said he didn't know, but he had given a copy to Lt. Searles. Legislation regarding mobile homes Mr. Szymanski said he had been informed by Mr. Babcock that a bill was to be considered Wednesday morning and he would like to receive a recommendation from the Council on this to transmit to Mr. Babcock early in the morning. The City Manager read the proposed bill aloud. Everyone was in agreement that something should be done to eliminate the discrimination against mobile homes but this proposed legislation was not the right answer to the problem. Mrs. Neubert objected to allowing a mobile home to be placed on an empty lot in an already established neighborhood although she was not against mobile homes and something should be done to accommodate people who have to live in mobile homes. Mr. Merrill said he agreed with this but he also felt that nobody is going to pay ten thousand dollars for a lot and then put a mobile home on it, that this would not be realistic, but he didn't feel the City had any right to restrict mobile homes to a mobile home park. He added that mobile homes had changed greatly in the past few years. The manner of taxation of mobile homes was also discussed. Mrs. Neubert moved that the Council recommend that its representatives vote against the bill because it is an imposition on the community and the existing home owners. Seconded by Mr. Flaherty and passed by a vote of 4 to 1, Mr. Merrill voting against it. Mr. Farrar asked the City Manager to communicate with each of the South Burlington representatives in the House and Senate to inform them of the Council's recommendation. March Primary Election Thus far only one Democrat and one Republican has registered for the Primary in Vermont, Chairman Farrar stated, and if a primary is to be held in South Burlington it must be posted by February 14th. Mr. Dinklage moved that Council empower its Chairman to cancel the City's Presidential Primary by February 11th if no additional candidates file. Seconded by Mr. Flaherty and voted unanimously for approval. Assessing a tax on PBX systems in South Burlington Chairman Farrar called attention to the fact these private PBX systems in South Burlington are no longer the property of the Bell System which was previously taxed for them and something should be done to make sure the City receives tax revenue from the private owners. He said a list of these can be obtained from the telephone company. The meeting was declared adjourned at 10:35 p.m. upon a motion by Mr. Dinklage which was seconded by Mr. Flaherty. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.