HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/05/1975CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 5, 1975 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, May 5, 1975, in the City Manager's Office, 1175 Williston Rd. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Michael D. Flaherty, John B. Dinklage, Paul A. Farrar, Catherine M. Neubert and Duane E. Merrill. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT City Manager William J. Szymanski, Charlotte Marsh, Phyllis Marcell, Paulita Croker, John C. Gravel, Frank W. Armstrong and Albert C. Audette. The meeting was opened by Chairman Flaherty at 7:30 P.M. READING OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 21 and APRIL 28, 1975 MEETINGS It was moved, seconded, and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of April 21, 1975 and April 28, 1975. FIRST READING OF THE DOG ORDINANCE After a discussion on the legality of pursuing dogs running at large it was decided that legal opinions on this matter were necessary. Rather than accept the first reading of the Dog Ordinance, it was the decision of the Council to table the reading and request the City Attorney and a member of the Police Department to attend the next meeting to resolve some of the questions and possibly to improve the ordinance. CONSIDER TRANSFER OF KENNEDY DRIVE PROPERTY TO SCHOOL DISTRICT It was the unanimous decision of the Council to transfer to the School District everything except that portion shown as good land on the attached map and the area designated for the future pumping station. The exact dimensions will be determined by Mr. Szymanski. A sketch of the property in question is attached to and made a part of these minutes. REVIEW CITY'S 5 YEAR SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Dr. Farrar made a motion, seconded by Dr. Dinklage, that the Council approve a sewer charge rate of $3.50, starting January, 1976; also that the sewer area charge be set at 37 cents Motion passed unanimously. A copy of the 5 year sewer construction program is attached to and made a part of these minutes. FUNDING FOR PURCHASE OF LAKELAND PROPERTY IF APPROVED BY VOTERS Chairman Flaherty asked the Council to consider the proper way of funding the city's share, $26,000, for the purchase of Lakelands Corporation property if it is approved by ballot at the May election. The City Manager explained the $18,000 set aside for each year for land acquisition is already encumbered into 1976 for the Garvey and Dumont properties, with between $3,000 and $4,000 left over, part of the overage being used for formal surveys. The city is also committed to buy the DeGraff property and that would have to be considered first, according to Mr. Szymanski. Charlotte Marsh expressed her objection to the purchase of the Lakelands property, saying she was very much against it. Dr. Farrar said he would suggest paying for this over a three year period, basically by about 1 1/4 cents increase in the tax rate for three years, and let the people know this before the vote. Or it could be for four years at a one cent increase. The Chairman explained it cannot be changed on the ballot as it has already been warned. Dr. Farrar moved that this Council recommend to the future Council that if the taxpayers of the City approve the purchase of the Lakeland property, it should be funded in a 4 year period at an increase in the tax rate of one cent. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert. Voted unanimously for approval. OPEN HOUSE AT CORRECTIONAL CENTER Chairman Flaherty said the Open House at the Correction Center on Saturday, May 10, 1975 is for the general public and he hoped all the Council members could attend. He asked Mrs. Neubert to represent the Council in case he was unable to be there. Mrs. Neubert agreed to do this. OTHER OPEN HOUSE CEREMONIES The City Manager announced a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new Sherwin-Williams Store on Shelburne Road and a board-cutting ceremony at the new Wickes Corporation Yard also on Shelburne Road at Bartlett's Bay Road. Both of these are to be held at the same time, 10:00 A.M. on May 21st. HAZARDS FROM LEAF BURNING BY RESIDENTS OF SOUTH BURLINGTON A complaint was made by Charlotte Marsh about the smoke nuisance as well as the fire hazard in her neighborhood. She asked that something be done about it. Mr. Flaherty suggested that the City Manager talk with the Fire Chief. Mrs. Neubert asked why the Victory property had to be burned on a Saturday when everyone was outside working. She was told that was when the volunteer firemen were available, that it took a number of men to burn it safely. Mr. Merrill recommended that the property behind the Lutheran Church be burned also as there were several grass fires there last year. HADLEY ROAD PROBLEM After discussion, Mr. Farrar moved that the City Manager be asked to write a letter to Mr. Holcomb saying the City is going to fix the catch basin, curb the streets, and in addition will install STOP signs at the three corners, one corner already having one; that this is included in the budget and in the projects for the year and will be done sometime after July 1st. Seconded by Mr. Merrill and passed unanimously. The letter and petition sent in by Mr. Holcomb is attached to and made a part of these minutes. MEET AS LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD It was moved by Mrs. Neubert and seconded by Dr. Dinklage that Council convene as the Liquor Control Board to consider an application from Shakey's to have an entertainment license. They wish to have a piano, a banjo, and also to show 16 millimeter movies. Music from 8 to midnight on Friday and Saturday nights, with movies the rest of the week. A letter was received from Chief Carter stating he had no objection. Motion approved unanimously. It was moved by Dr. Farrar, seconded by Dr. Dinklage, and voted unanimously to approve this request for an entertainment license. The meeting was declared adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.