HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/13/1975CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MARCH 13, 1975 The South Burlington City Council met in a work session at the City Hall, Williston Road, on Thursday, March 13, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Michael D. Flaherty, Paul A. Farrar, Catherine M. Neubert, Duane E. Merrill and John A. Dinklage. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT City Manager Szymanski, Highway Department Supervisor Audette, Police Chief Carter and Recreation Director O'Neill. Chairman Flaherty called the work session to order at 7:10 P.M. PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET The Council reviewed accounts in the Park and Recreation department budget. No changes were made at this time. There was a short discussion about the bleachers that were budgeted in Account no. 12. Dr. Dinklage suggested that the building of the bleachers might be a good project for the industrial arts students at the high school. It was agreed that this might not be a possibility. The cost of lighting for the tennis courts in Account no. 15 was considered. Suggestions were made to have the lights metered so there would be some revenue to help defray the cost of electricity. City Manager Szymanski was instructed to investigate methods of controlling the use of the lights by meter or otherwise. Account No. 22, the donation to help defray the cost of the B.I.G. games, was budgeted at the same amount this year when the games will be held in Burlington, as it was last year when the games were held in Canada. Mr. Flaherty explained that B.I.G. officials had asked for level funding since the project ran at a deficit last year. Director O'Neill was in attendance for a short time and he answered questions from the councilmen regarding the type of bleachers he was requesting and the account budgeted for the Red Rocks Gate Attendent. POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BUDGET The Council reviewed all the accounts in the Police Department Budget. No changes were made at this time. Chief Carter explained why he wanted to replace cruisers when they had attained mileage of around 50,000 to 60,000 miles. The Chief also expressed his desire to have a small garage built for Police Department use. He said that some of the little maintenance work could then be done by members of the department. He outlined the manner in which the upkeep and maintenance of the cruisers was presently being handled. No definite decision was made on this matter. Dr. Farrar suggested that the cruiser account could be presented in a different manner, i.e. the net cost should be shown as well as the original cost and the amount anticipated from the sale of the old car. DISCUSSION ON BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEMS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Carter reported on the difficulties he would encounter if more alarm systems were installed in his department. He said that his men were constantly being called out on false alarms with the systems that are now being answered. He distributed material which expressed the same views from police departments in other parts of the country. He mentioned that fact that people could dispute whether or not their alarm had been activated if they wanted to because so many of the systems malfunctioned. Dr. Dinklage said it would be a simple matter to work on the panel in such a way that a record could be kept of every alarm. Chief Carter mentioned that some communities charged owners if the department answered false alarms. He then requested the council to consider having an ordinance drafted so there would be some control over the systems he now took care of and any other systems he might have in the future. Councilman Merrill made a motion to instruct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance and contract for alarm system use, the documents to incorporate the following: 1. A liability clause. 2. Establishment of a yearly fee for the service. 3. Establishment of a fee for answering false alarms. 4. A clause pertaining to the acceptance of the Departments report of false alarms received. 5. The right to approve the alarm system. 6. A clause that the alarm system must be licensed by the state if the state has licensing requirements. The motion was seconded by Dr. Farrar and passed unanimously. Dr. Dinklage made a motion to instruct Chief Carter to obtain prices on a new alarm system panel. Motion seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. SEWER DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BUDGET The Council reviewed the accounts in the sewer department proposed budget and made no changes at this time. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT REQUESTS FOR REVENUE SHARING FUNDS The requests of the School Department for funds for several items were reviewed. It was agreed that further discussion on the items would take place at the Steering Committee meeting to be held on March 18, 1975. TAX RATE ITEM The balance of the meeting was devoted to making some cuts in the proposed budget in order to maintain a level tax rate. This included the following cuts: 222-07 (Community Library), library shelving $ 1,694 222-01 Park & Recreation, Salaries delete cost for part time program director 953 222-12 J.C. Field, for bleachers 1,500 317 Police Cruisers, delete request for one cruiser 2,450 552 Traffic Lights, delete cost of traffic light for pedestrian crossing signals at Williston 10,000 Road and Hinesburg Road intersection Total deleted $16,597 The City Manager was also asked to investigate the possibility of maintaining police cruisers jointly with the street department. Under item 222-23, Swimming Program, the Recreation Director was to give a detailed description of the program. City Manager Szymanski was instructed to compile the figures and have them ready to present to the members of the Steering Committee at the meeting to be held on March 18, 1975. On motion made, seconded and passed the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. 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