HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/01/1975CITY COUNCIL CORRECTION TO MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1, 1975 At the December 15th meeting of the City Council it was voted to accept the Minutes of December 1, 1975, with the following changes: Page 1, 4th line from the bottom, Federal grants are available should be changed Federal grants may become available. Page 2, 4th paragraph, the last sentence should be deleted which begins This was done in Canada... The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, December 1, 1975, in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road. MEMBERS PRESENT Paul Farrar, Chairman: John Dinklage, Duane Merrill MEMBERS ABSENT Michael Flaherty, Catherine Neubert OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager; Marguerite Armstrong, Frank Armstrong, Cynthia A. Rubin, Wm. J. Schuele, Mrs. Duncan Brown, Ruth Winton, Ethel Schuele, Lance Fraga, Margaret Fraga, Bruce O'Neill, David Cronin, Bob Perrin, Paul Jordan, Frances LaBerge, Margaret Picard, Don Duell, H. T. Long The meeting was opened at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Farrar. Minutes of November 17, 1975 It was moved by Mr. Dinklage, seconded by Mr. Merrill, and voted unanimously to accept the Minutes of November 17, 1975, as printed. Disbursement orders Chairman Farrar called attention to the disbursement orders prepared for signatures. Presentation by Ruth Winton on the Community Education Study The Recreation Committee was present for the very complete presentation by Ruth Winton of what she preferred to call the Community Concept rather than Community Education. Some of her material was the result of research done while on sabbatical last year. Her explanations were reinforced by the use of overhead projections and colored slides, some of which showed a similar project undertaken in a Michigan community with excellent results. She described the resources already being used in South Burlington, additional steps which could be taken for community involvement in educational and recreational programs. Miss Winton recommended the adoption of the Community Concept by the South Burlington Steering Committee, the formation of an Advisory Council, a survey of the needs of South Burlington to be city-wide, and the appointment of a Director. Federal grants are available for such projects and the requirements for eligibility for such grants were outlined. A copy of the six-page presentation is on record. A question and answer period followed. Mr. Dinklage asked if the impetus for the concept would have to come from the School Board. Miss Winton said it sometimes comes by way of the Recreation Department but South Burlington's unique structure would enable it to be presented through the Steering Committee. Asked by Mr. Merrill if she was implying that such things be adopted as open classrooms, open campus. Miss Winton said she had only explained different kinds of things which could be adopted; that is why the needs survey is so important to get community in-put. Mr. Merrill said he would suggest that the assets of the community be assessed along with the needs survey to learn what people might be available. Asked about the availability of trained people for this type of job, Miss Winton said they could come from away or from South Burlington's own educational system. Asked about the chain of command, she said the most logical way would be to have this person as part of an administrative staff within the school eventually because most of the activities occur within the school buildings. Mr. Szymanski asked if there would be two governing boards. City and School Department, and Miss Winton said that ideally it would be one, the Steering Committee, because it is concerned with expenditures of the whole City. Mr. Schuele stated some of the things have already been done and Adult Education certainly did not arise in the School Department and the recreation aspect is directly under Bruce O'Neill. Things are already coming and not necessarily only from the traditional school approach. Mrs. Schuele said that in large communities the approach has to come from the schools whereas in a community of this size it could come from either side. Mr. Merrill said starting a program without financing would mean using the students to do the survey work to get the information together and also to survey the people who would be interested in working in these areas; otherwise it would cost a great deal of money to hire people to come in and survey. The idea of the coordinator would be to determine the area which is most needed or determine whether we need to coordinate more. He said he felt the City was very active in most of these areas and he would have serious reservations about getting into new aspects of the school system such as open classrooms, etc. This was done in Canada and caused an upheaval in the school system. Mrs. Schuele said people don't like to have something pushed on them; it would be necessary to determine exactly what the community wants and needs. Mr. Dinklage said one of the first steps would be to better advertise the programs already under way because many people don't know what services, are now available. Mr. O'Neill said the School Department is extremely cooperative with the Recreation Department but it means dealing with five separate schools and their basic concern is with the educational point of view and the problems revolve around the maintenance schedule. The new concept would almost mean becoming partners in the utilization of these facilities. In talking about new facilities they should work together not just to plan them but in the utilization of them. This is one of the things which is missing now. Mr. Dinklage suggested changes could be made such as closing off the school when the library was used in the evenings and said there might be a need for funds to help bring about such changes. Miss Winton was thanked by the Council for presenting her information at the meeting and the thoroughness of her presentation. Chairman Farrar announced Item 4 on the Agenda would be deferred until after Items 5 and 6 were taken care of. Resolution to make the intersection of Swift Street and Spear Street a four-way stop The City Manager said there had been requests for this change and Chief Carter had investigated and agreed that this should be considered. Mr. Dinklage moved that the City Council accept this resolution that the intersection at Swift Street and Spear Street be made a four-way stop. Seconded by Mr. Merrill. Mr. Schuele, referring to the four-way stop at White Street and Patchen Road, asked whether or not this system really reduces accidents. Mr. Szymanski explained it was felt that rather than putting up a complete signal at this intersection the four-way stop was the best solution to the problem of the White Street and Patchen Road intersection. The motion was passed unanimously. Renewal notes The City Manager explained these notes are now renewed every three months rather than every six months as was done previously. This is on the advice of the accountant to take advantage of possible lowering of interest rates. The interest on these notes being renewed will be four percent. Mr. Dinklage moved that the City Council approve the renewal of these notes as recommended by the City Manager. Seconded by Mr. Merrill and voted unanimously for approval. Consider going into Executive Session with Recreation Committee to discuss the acquisition of a parcel of land for recreation purposes Mr. Szymanski explained the owner of the property wishes to have the matter kept confidential until a decision is made by the City. Mr. Dinklage moved that the Council go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the possible acquisition of a parcel of land for recreation purposes, and after the completion of the Executive Session the Council will not carry out any further business. Seconded by Mr. Merrill and voted unanimously. The regular meeting of the City Council was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.