HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/18/1974CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 18, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, November 18, 1974, in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road. MEMBERS PRESENT Michael Flaherty, Chairman; Paul Farrar, Duane Merrill, Catherine Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager; Lois Graffam, J. Everett Reed, Richard Ross, Steve Kershner, Bruce Butterfield, David Webster, Dr. A. G. MacKay, Doris Bailey, A. C. Audette, Frank Mazur The meeting was called to order by Chairman Flaherty at 7:35 p.m. following an executive session called for 7:00 p.m. Minutes of November 4, 1974 It was moved by Mr. Farrar, seconded by Mr. Merrill, and voted unanimously to approve the Minutes of November 4, 1974. Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were presented to the Council for signatures. Bartletts Bay Association request Several members of the Bartletts Bay Association attended the meeting to present their emphatic request for a traffic light at the intersection of Shelburne Road and Bartletts Bay Road. David Webster outlined the problems involved, saying that trying to enter Shelburne Road is playing "Russian Roulette." It is actually a five-way intersection now. Shelburne Road becomes a speedway after the last traffic light is passed. Traffic coming out of the Milbrook property and Willie Racine's compounds the problem. Also the entrance to Bartletts Bay Road is very poorly defined, whether approaching from the north or south. The whole situation is extremely dangerous and the Bartletts Bay Association is requesting once more that something be done before a serious accident takes place. Mr. Webster said they realize the State controls Shelburne Road, but with the City of South Burlington supporting the Association's request it should be possible to get some action from the State. Mrs. Neubert stated that in her opinion there are several other sections of the City which have more serious traffic problems, Laurel Hill for example. Mr. Flaherty answered that Laurel Hill has an alternative of using Twin Orchards and coming out where there is a traffic light. Also, he added, these others areas have not complained to Council, whereas the Bartletts Bay Association has presented their request several times. Mr. Farrar said he felt a light would solve the problem of Laurel Hill also, and would serve to break up the flow of traffic which would reduce some of the speeding on Shelburne Road. The City Manager said he had written to the State Highway Department in July, and read aloud the answer of July 17th which stated that traffic control in the location by means of a light is not warranted, but that the Department would look into the matter to see if changes have been made that would justify it. Mr. Szymanski said he wrote again in September, and read the answer of September 25th from the Department explaining their studies had not shown that a traffic light was justified, but that they would re-investigate to see if traffic has changed since the studies were made. Mr. Farrar suggested asking for help from the three South Burlington representatives to the legislature. Mr. Flaherty commented there would be still a lag of from four to six months for a light to be installed after it was approved. Dr. MacKay said the situation gets worse, with the volume of traffic in and out of Bartletts Bay almost double this year over a year ago. He also mentioned the hazard of people coming in and out of Shearer's and American Motors. Mr. Merrill suggested doing something about curb cuts, with Mr. Farrar answering that the real answer is a traffic light which would solve several problems. Mrs. Neubert said there should be some standards to determine where traffic becomes dangerous. Chairman Flaherty suggested checking with the manager of Millbrook to see if they are willing to have one curb cut closed. Mr. Flaherty also wanted another letter sent to the State with the City Council's recommendation backing up the City Manager. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council, through the City Manager, again contact the State Highway Department and indicate in the most strongly worded terms possible that they install a light at the intersection of Shelburne Road and Bartletts Bay, without studying it further; that the Council also instruct the City Manager to contact the manager of Milbrook to see if he is willing to close the southernmost exit on Shelburne Road. This motion died for lack of a second. Dr. MacKay said it would do no good for the State to make another traffic study if it is done at the railroad track again. Mr. Merrill said the problem should be turned over to the City Planner. Mrs. Neubert, saying she is on the Route 7 committee, felt more study should be done to see what could be accomplished by curb cuts, etc. Mr. Flaherty said the City has been on record for two years as being in favor of a light, and the longer the time taken to decide again that a light is needed, the longer the wait for the light to be installed. The Bartletts Bay Association wished to remind the Council that the Chittenden County Transportation Authority had refused bus service to Bartletts Bay unless a light is installed. Mrs. Neubert moved that the Council ask Fred Mitchell to look at the situation and that the question again be brought up at the next Council meeting, taking into consideration Mr. Mitchell's recommendations; also that Mrs. Neubert and Mr. Merrill go down to look at the situation. Seconded by Mr. Farrar. Mr. Merrill suggested that Mr. Mitchell meet with the Bartletts Bay people. Motion voted unanimously for approval. Mrs. Lois Graffam - Vermont Bicentennial Commission Mrs. Graffam said she had received a number of phone calls from people wishing to help, and would like to pull something together to see how much is needed. She does not feel this is the time to be spending money, although she understands lesser grants will be available later if needed. She would prefer to keep it at the local level with the help of JayCee's, Kiwanis, Scouts, etc. Chairman Flaherty suggested she get in touch with the reporter from the Free Press for more publicity. Mrs. Neubert said she received a list from the historical group of 48 buildings in South Burlington built before 1869, and asked what review is to be made on this. Should it be done by Council or by the Planning Commission? Mr. Farrar moved that this be referred to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Mr. Merrill. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Neubert is to have copies made, including a copy for Mrs. Graffam. Mrs. Neubert said it would have to be decided whether or not all 48 of these properties should be declared historic sites; also the wishes of the owners should be considered. A copy of this list is also to be made available in the Community Library. Second reading of ordinance to amend the Ordinance for Control and Prevention of Fire. Following the reading by Chairman Flaherty, Mr. Farrar moved that the City Council approve the second reading of the amendments as read by the Chairman of the Council. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously for approval. Appointment of local fuel coordinator Mr. Szymanski said this appointment is required by the State Department of Safety and that last year the Civil Defense Chairman was appointed to this position. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council appoint the Civil Defense Chairman, Mr. Audette, to the position of local fuel coordinator, in compliance with the request of the State Department of Safety. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously for approval. Review of proposed sewer expansion ordinance Council members received copies of the proposed ordinance prepared by the City Attorney. Mr. Farrar questioned Section 2, feeling the charge per lineal foot of frontage could be unfair to a property owner who had wide frontage. People should be encouraged to hook up, and the City can require them to do so, but this could place a burden on a lot with 500 feet of frontage. Mr. Szymanski said the City is required by both State and Federal law to pass these ordinances. Mrs. Neubert said this should be re-written for the southeast quadrant where conditions are different. The City Manager said the price must be set before the line is built, not after. Mr. Farrar agreed that the procedure and a proper formula must be set up. Considerable discussion followed as to how much reimbursement and who should get the money, the developer, the City, or the purchasers of homes in the development who had indirectly paid for the cost of the sewer in the price paid for their homes. It was decided that more study and more information was needed. Mr. Farrar moved that this proposed sewer expansion ordinance be tabled until the next meeting of Council when more information might be available. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously. Requests for help from various agencies Using the Visiting Nurse Association request as an example, Mrs. Neubert said the City will be receiving numerous requests for financial assistance for various groups. She feels these requests should be reviewed carefully in light of what they need and what benefit the City is getting from them. Mr. Farrar said any organization should submit its request to the City Manager for his recommendation to include it in the budget. Mrs. Neubert said she felt an intermediate step was needed to evaluate the request and break it down before it is submitted to the City Manager. Mr. Farrar said he assumed the Human Services Committee would make its recommendations based on their study. Mr. Farrar then moved that the Council go into executive session for the purpose of discussing appointments to the City Council, and that following that the Council will reconvene in regular session for the purpose of making an appointment to the City Council. Seconded by Mr. Merrill and approved unanimously. Regular session went into executive session at 9:10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.