HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/04/1974CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 4, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the Conference Room, Municipal Offices, 1175 Williston Road, on Monday, November 4, 1974, at 8:00 p.m., preceded by an executive session at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Michael Flaherty, Chairman; Paul Farrar, Catherine Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT Duane Merrill OTHERS PRESENT William Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator: Richard Spokes, City Attorney; Fred Mitchell, City Planner; Jack Tabaka, Harry Behney, Frank McCaffrey, Chief Monell, J. Everett Reed, Bernard Young, David Holmes, Clarence Morris Meeting was opened at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Flaherty. Complaints about dogs Clarence Morris, Bernard Young, and David Holmes appeared before the Council to ask that something be done about the dog nuisance. Mr. Morris stated his child had been bitten by a dog on the Chamberlain School Playground, as had several other children, with complaints to the Police Department bringing no results. In the discussion that followed it was learned that the police had found out the owner of one particular dog which had bitten children, but had been unable to contact the owner. The City Manager explained the new agreement with Goldset Kennels should be taking care of such complaints by November 15th, and that in the meantime if a vicious dog was caught, the City could have it taken to Dr. Brown's Animal Hospital. Mr. Morris felt none of the dogs in question are really vicious, but any dog that bites and draws blood should be kept confined for a ten day period, as provided by law; also that the leash law should be enforced. Mr. Szymanski promised to contact the police at the close of the meeting to be sure they made contact with the owner of the dog that had been identified; also he promised to have an officer on duty at Chamberlain School before the opening of school Tuesday morning. Chairman Flaherty said there was to be a meeting of Chamberlain School PTO on Wednesday evening, and that would be a good opportunity to have this matter discussed by the parents. Report from C. Harry Behney, Executive Director, G.B.I.C. Mr. Behney said that GBIC has an option, running until July 1, 1975, on a large parcel of land owned by Mr. Willis and zoned industrial by the City; also they have first refusal on two smaller parcels that Mr. Willis is holding on to at present. He indicated the location on the map, and the proximity of the Chittenden Water District lines, the New England Telephone line, and a power line. It is hoped to get State loans to develop a model industrial park similar to the one underway in St. Albans. GBIC is re-contacting every firm that has ever showed any interest in locating here. Mr. Behney said a determination must be made of the location of the proposed road in order that Mr. Willis can give a deed. Chairman Flaherty said the City needs a firm commitment from GBIC that a business client has been secured, before putting in the sewer line. Mr. Behney felt that both the sewer and the industrial construction could be done concurrently, mentioning Rossignol as an example. GBIC plans to buy the land, develop some kind of interior road, and will adopt covenants to preserve the appearance of the area, using the model covenants put out by the National Association of Industrial Parks. Money borrowed by means of State Loans is at the rate of 7.10%, with an extra 1% added to that, making the total rate 8.10%. Mr. Behney reminded the Council that the industrial park project was actually started in 1968 with the help of Ray Stearns and Fred Blais, among others. The City Manager expressed the City's appreciation of the work that has gone into this project. Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were presented for the signatures of the Council members. Five most pressing needs of the City, as presented by the Planning Commission These were discussed, with Mr. Behney saying that the time of the Regional Planning Commission is budgeted according to the most pressing needs of the communities in the county. Mr. Behney also said that transportation was given a high priority by many communities, and a section on transportation as part of the land use plan is being prepared for the communities to study, with a 45-day reaction period of time. Fred Mitchell said he is trying to get information together on what specific community development programs South Burlington might be able to get funding. Mr. Behney didn't think South Burlington would be eligible as it had not been receiving HUD funds or for Model Cities type of projects. However, he would recommend pursuing this anyway. The Council revised and added to the list of pressing needs submitted by the Planning Commission, as follows: 1. Capital Budget Program 2. Industrial Park Development 3. Regional traffic planning with emphasis on the need for relief of traffic congestion on Williston and Shelburne Roads 4. Subdivision regulations 5. Official map 6. Building codes 7. Investigation of funding for low and middle cost housing 8. City center Mr. Farrar moved that the Council accept this revised list of eight most pressing needs of South Burlington, and forward the list to the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert. Voted unanimously for approval. Report on city insurance program Mr. Duane Valine did not appear at the Council meeting, so the insurance program was not discussed. Request of city hall employees for change in holiday schedule Mr. Szymanski said the employees had asked that the holiday on February 12th, Lincoln's Birthday, be dropped, and replaced with Columbus Day, the reason being that February already has one holiday, Washington's Birthday, while there is no holiday in October. It was moved by Mr. Farrar to approve this change as requested. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and approved unanimously. Dogcatcher Agreement Mr. Szymanski explained the revisions made in the agreement with Goldset Kennels of 1900 Williston Road. He said Goldset Kennels should be in operation before the 15th of November. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement with Goldset Kennels. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously for approval. First reading of ordinance regarding underground gas tanks Chairman Flaherty read the up-dated copy of the ordinance. A discussion followed as to whether this ordinance could apply to pre-existing storage tanks. It was felt that the Fire Chief would have the authority to designate any tank as being dangerous. It was also brought out that any tank that is not filled must be either removed or filled with sand or cement, under the abandoned tank regulation. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council approve the first reading of this ordinance. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert. Voted unanimously for approval. Transfer of two parcels of city land in Bartletts Bay to private ownership Mr. Szymanski indicated on a drawing the location of a strip of land owned by the City of South Burlington but which has been maintained by Mr. Mazur, the owner of the adjoining land. Mr. Mazur wishes to obtain title to this strip and has agreed to allow Mrs. Lydia Lowell to have access to her land-locked property and has also agreed to give the City a sewer easement. These agreements have been formalized by the City Attorney and Mr. Mazur has approved them. Mrs. Lowell had requested that her right of access be included in the agreement even though it is already included in her deed. Mr. Farrar moved that the City Manager be empowered by the City Council to sign the agreement for the City. The second strip of land is off Brigham Road and is approximately 21 x 120. Is now owned by the City and it is proposed to transfer the parcel to Mrs. Lydia Lowell to fit in with the land she now owns. Mrs. Neubert moved that the City Manager be authorized to sign an agreement with Mrs. Lydia Lowell. Seconded by Mr. Farrar. Voted unanimously for approval. Beaver problem in Mayfair Park Mrs. Neubert said she had been asked by some of her neighbors to find out what had been done about the heaver pond which is considered to be a hazard in the Mayfair Park area. The City Manager said the situation is the same as last summer. The Fish and Game Department will not trap them for removal to another location. The only solutions seem to be to either allow someone to trap them during the winter trapping season for their pelts, or to try Dave Boulanger's suggestion of opening up the dam and filling the opening with barbed wire to discourage the beavers from rebuilding. Mrs. Neubert said she personally did not disapprove of the beavers being there. Liquor Control Board It was moved by Mr. Farrar that the Council reconvene as the Liquor Control Board. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously. The City Manager said the application to be considered was for a first class license for Thelma's Restaurant. Inc., of 1834 Shelburne Road. This has changed ownership, the former owner having had only a beer license. Mr. Szymanski stated Chief Carter had investigated and had no objection to the license being granted. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council grant the first class license for Thelma's Restaurant, Inc., upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and approved unanimously. Motion was then made by Mr. Farrar, seconded by Mrs. Neubert, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting declared adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Approved Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.