HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/06/1974SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 6, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, May 6, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Paul Farrar and William Cimonetti MEMBERS ABSENT Michael Flaherty OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager, Jack Tabaka, Bruce O'Neill, Sonny Audette, Walter Douglas, Patti Douglas, Dave Greenhaus, Wright Caswell, Joseph Senesac, Peter L. Yankowski, Howard Shepard, Ethel Schuele, Arlene Krapcho, John Dinklage and Charlotte Marsh There were several items added to the agenda as follows: Mr. Cimonette wanted to add Pedestrian policy of the City and Pedestrian Traffic. Mrs. Neubert would like to add the appointment of Amy White to the Human Services Committee. She would also like to add a quick discussion of the City Center. Mrs. Neubert introduced two students from the high-school and she stated they could ask questions, re: any item on the agenda. READING OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 15 and 19, 1974 Mr. Cimonetti had a comment, re: the minutes. He stated that when certain things are noted in the minutes, the item should be attached. It was also stated by Mr. Szymanski that the Highway Dept. stated they would consider going into mediation. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to amend the minutes on Page 4 of the minutes of April 15, 1974 to read the Highway Dept. would consider mediation. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mrs. Neubert them made a motion to accept the minutes of April 15, 1974 as amended. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. As to the minutes of April 19, 1974, Mr. Cimonetti stated he did sign the warning but was not present at the time the motions were made. It should read that all the members were present, but Mr. Cimonetti was late. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion to amend the minutes of April 19, 1974 to the effect that he did sign the warning but was not present at the time the motions were made and also that all the members were present but he was late. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the minutes of April 19, 1974 as corrected. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Nardelli reminded the Council members that there were disbursement orders on the table to be signed. DISCUSSION ON OPERATION OF RED ROCKS PARK Mr. Nardelli stated the discussion had started before, re: surveillance and control of Red Rocks Park. Mr. Bruce O'Neill stated that he had requested a full time caretaker who would live in the park and be on top of the situation constantly. He stated the caretaker living in the park would be for a liability standpoint, re: injuries, etc. There was discussion, re: a summer person - they need an individual with a background of outdoor education, re: problems occurring in the park; such a person could run special types of programs, nature club, tours, etc. Mrs. Neubert asked about any proposals, re: use, picnic tables, beach, etc. It was stated that Mr. O'Neill is looking into prices of picnic tables, etc. Mr. O'Neill stated the water is being checked, they anticipate a full public beach program this summer with lifeguards, etc. They had hoped to open the beach after school closed. Now, they expect to officially open the beach by the end of June. There was discussion, re: swimming at your own risk, hours that lifeguards will be on duty. There was discussion, re: cars on the trails now at Red Rocks and some types of vandalism. It was stated that the park is open but not to automobile traffic. Mr. Cimonetti stated that the City should come out now and advertise Red Rocks. Mr. O'Neill stated that they are now interviewing people for summer staff. Mr. O'Neill stated that he personally feels that at this point, the chain has to come down and people let in. Mr. Senesac stated that guns have been fired in the park, there were cars way up on the top; the chain is picked up and the cars go underneath it; he stated the gate is inadequate, and a new type of gate is needed. Mrs. Neubert stated that they need signs. It was stated that there is no penalty that can be applied for vehicles in the area; the police will not make any arrests now. Mr. Yankowski stated the Committee has put up signs, there has been much vandalism and someone is needed to be there to keep on top of things. Mr. Cimonetti stated the City Council is not looking for comments on what is going wrong, but a statement of how we are going to operate the park, the rules, when the park will open, etc. It was stated that the Red Rocks Committee would like to open by May 15, 1974 but need someone to have the responsibility, re: opening gates, etc. It was stated that we need to hire a summer park director for approximately $2000.00 to see that everything is done properly. Mrs. Neubert stated she would like everything in writing, re: who they want to hire, the sequence of events, etc. Mr. Yankowski stated they need someone there who is a director of what needs to be done. He stated that they are planning to open the park on May 15, 1974. Gate attendants will not go on duty until the beach is opened; they will be on duty from the end of June until Labor Day. It was stated that the gate attendants are there to primarily collect money. There was discussion, re: what gate attendants will do. The beach will be opened when they can staff it. There was discussion, re: swimming instruction, types of swimming programs, Red Cross certification, number of students under each swimming instructor, etc. Mr. Cimonetti asked if they would consider putting a gatekeeper on May 15, 1974 and have him use a broader title - in charge of attendance. Mr. Cimonetti suggested actually starting a gatekeeper on May 15th. Mrs. Neubert asked if it would be possible to have one of the other people working in the Parks Dept. - could there be two people sharing the gatekeeper's hours and lock it up at night. Mr. Cimonetti stated that gatekeepers could be had on weekends until the beach is opened. Mr. Cimonetti also asked about the maintenance of the bath house. It was stated that the building should be finished by the swimming season. Mr. Audette stated that only a couple of dry days will be needed to make the walkway from the bridge to the park. Mr. Szymanski stated that until this walkway is finished, the park cannot be officially opened. There was discussion, re: park not opening until the walkway is put in from the bridge to the park. Mr. Yankowski stated that by opening the gates on May 15th, there will be less chance of vandalism with more people in the park; he stated there is still much to be done. There was discussion, re: picnic area (the picnic are to be behind the bath house), etc. Mr. Cimonetti stated that what he expected to hear at this meeting was a summation of the running of Red Rocks. Mr. Yankowski stated that they need money; they are in the process of making car stickers and who will set up the operation of the park. There was much discussion, re: stickers, who will procure them, etc. Mr. O'Neill stated they didn't expect to put staff down there until the beach opened. They are in the process of getting prices for picnic tables. Mr. O'Neill stated that as of right now, they plan to operate the park with the staff in the budget allocated to the Parks Dept. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion that the Recreation Director be authorized to have a gatekeeper in anticipation of revenues, and he should have the authority to start the man early. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. It was stated that revenue will have to be found to pay a gatekeeper. There was discussion, re: price of parking, stickers, etc. Mr. Nardelli stated he would like, in writing from Mr. O'Neill, his part in Red Rocks and the City's liability; is it the City's liability to maintain the park, what is the Highway Dept's, job, etc. Mrs. Neubert stated she would like a list of employees and programs from Mr. O'Neill. At this time, Mrs. Neubert stated that Amy White has been employed by Mr. O'Neill for the Senior Citizens. There was discussion by Mr. O'Neil, re: funds received from the State out of which Amy White is paid. It was stated that Amy White is not hired on a full time basis. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHANGES TO PRESENT DOG ORDINANCE Mr. Walter Douglas stated that there is a lack of communication between the City Poundkeeper and City Hall. He stated that the Poundkeeper should forward the names and addressed of dog owners to the City Hall. He stated that what we really need is a People Ordinance and not a Dog Ordinance; the owners disregard the City Ordinance. Mr. Douglas stated that to get to the owner of a dog, in Section 7, any person who should let a dog run in violation etc., shall be fined $25.00 for the first violation and no less than $75.00 for a second violation. Presently there is a $10.00 fine after the first warning. There was discussion, re: fees collected by the Poundkeeper and any kind of prosecution fee. Mr. Douglas stated that the dogs involved in his dog complaint case are still around. Mr. Szymanski stated that the dogs are not licensed. Mr. Farrar stated that the City is not enforcing the Dog Ordinance it has. Mr. Szymanski agreed with Mr. Douglas' idea. It was stated the police would have to make a charge and the charge brought before the Court. There was discussion, re: handling unlicensed dogs. Mr. Douglas read under Section 6 of the Dog Ordinance. There was discussion, re: who brings charges for a violation of the law. Mr. Douglas stated that the Police Department did an excellent job with his complaint and how it was handled. Mr. Nardelli stated that these recommendations could be put into a first reading after looked over by the City Attorney. Mr. Farrar stated that this suggestion by Mr. Douglas is good and we should follow up on it. He would suggest the first fine should be no less than $10.00 nor more than $25.00 and for the second fine, no less than $50.00 nor more than $75.00. It was stated that the offender should be fined on the first offense not less than $10.00 nor more than $25.00 and for the second offense not less than $50.00 nor more than $75.00. It was stated that under Section 4, re: communication between poundkeeper and City Hall, should be also warned. It was stated that a summons should be issued by the police after the second pick-up. It was also stated that if this is passed, every time a dog is picked up, they will go to Court. There was discussion, re: what happens to the dog after he is picked up even after the first or second time, warnings, It was stated that this will be warned for a first reading at the next City Council meeting. APPOINT SOUTH BURLINGTON CHAIRMAN TO BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Mrs. Neubert stated that Mr. Nardelli had asked her to do something about this a while ago. She stated that nobody is very interested. She also stated that Mr. O'Neill stated he is working on it. She stated that people do not feel money should be spent on something that does not do anything for the community. Mrs. Neubert stated she would rather spend any Centennial money on the City Center, etc., rather than give money to the County. Mr. Cimonetti stated that federal funds have already been allocated to Chittenden County in the sum of $20,000.00 which has to be matched. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to appoint Harry Behney to the Chittenden County Regional Planning Bicentennial Committee. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON A DOG COMPLAINT Mr. Farrar read a letter which was addressed to Mr. Nardelli, re: dog attacking a goat and a ram. The value of the goat is $75.00 and the injury to the ram amounts to $15.00. Mr. Farrar stated that he assumes that the Police have a report. Mr. Szymanski stated that the dogs are no longer in the area. The City is responsible for all the damages. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the City reimburse the claimant, Thieret, for the amount of the bill which is $90.00, and that the City makes a claim against the owners of the dog for this amount. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar also make a motion that these dogs, when identified, be denied licenses. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. SIGN EXTENSION OF COMPLETION TIME ON PHASE IV SEWER PROJECT Mr. Szymanski stated that this is for the construction of the green houses at the Bartlett Bay Plant. He stated these are aluminum covers for the sludge drying beds and there are problems in getting the aluminum and the extension is until November 15, 1974. Mr. Farrar made a motion that upon the recommendation of the City Manager the extension of completion time on Phase IV of the sewer project be to November 15, 1974. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC Mr. Cimonetti stated he had two points, re: pedestrian traffic, which are: 1. It is his understanding a law was passed to allow communities to set speed limits, re: Williston Road, Shelburne Rd., etc. 2. When an Ordinance is passed, is has to be accepted by the State Highway Dept.; proper signs have to be erected and the speed limits enforced in order for the City to get the revenues derrived from the fines for speeding. It was stated that the ordinances have to be warned, the signs purchased, etc. Mr. Cimonetti recommends that the City set the speed limit which is set by the State now. Mr. Cimonetti stated he would like the first reading of such an ordinance at the next meeting to be drawn up by the City Manager. Mr. Cimonetti stated that there are pedestrian traffic problems on Williston Road and Shelburne Road. He stated that putting in crosswalks and maintaining them properly should be done. Mr. Cimonetti stated he is proposing a well advertised crackdown and enforcement of the law and would like an estimate and that we mark some pedestrian cross walks on Williston Road, Shelburne Road and conceivably in front of City Hall. Mr. Szymanski stated that he talked to a painter on this date. There was discussion, re: where cross walks would be, etc. At this point, Mr. Farrar, suggested sending the Dog Ordinance copies out with the Water Bill so all in the community would have a copy. Mr. Szymanski was instructed, re: the first reading of the proposed Traffic Ordinance by Mr. Cimonetti; painting the cross walks and a crackdown on enforcing the ordinance. CITY CENTER Mrs. Neubert spokes, re: attending the Planning Commission meeting concerning the City Center proposal. She stated that the Council should see it. Mr. Cimonetti stated that the Chairman of the Planning Commission should come before the Council and give a report, re: proposed City Center. It was suggested that maybe Mr. Flinn should come in also. Mr. Farrar asked about the status of the relocation of Route 7. Mr. Szymanski stated that they are going to meet on May 10, 1974. There was discussion, re: meeting with various towns involved in this relocation. Mr. Cimonetti asked several questions, re: disbursements, one of which concerned litter and bottle collection, a budget expense and an expense for dog control which has been overspent by $1500.00. All questions were answered. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting for five minutes and go into session as the Liquor Control Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Farrar and passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski stated this is a request from Quarry Hill for a beer license. It was stated that the Police Chief Carter has no objections. Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the application of Quarry Hill Club for a beer license. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to reconvene the regular session of the City Council Meeting. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVE OF POLICE DEPARTMENT UNION Mr. Szymanski stated that the Arbitration Association from Boston has called him and wants to set a date on either June 10th or June 18, 1974 at 10:00 A.M. This is for a binding arbitration and the arbitrator has not been named. The police have not selected any arbitrator as yet. The police are authorized to pick a date and the date of June 10, 1974 was chosen. There was discussion, re: arbitrators to be chosen. Mr. Cimonetti stated that he is not very expert, re: legal negotiations and stated that this kind of thing can drag on for a very long time. He stated that at the beginning of the City's fiscal year, it is their intention to put into effect the increases voted on and if the route of arbitration is not affected by July then the policemen will not get them. There was discussion, re: retroactive increases or not, possibility of having a settlement at any time, etc. It was stated that arbitration will cost money and be borne by both parties. Mr. Szymanski stated that regarding the Highway Dept, they will accept the contract providing the Council establish the Salary Review Committee. The Highway Dept. also stated that if any adjustments are made with the police, they do not want to be discriminated against. Mr. Nardelli stated that everything should be in writing from the Highway Dept. It was stated that if the City volunteers to take action to adjust salaries, any settlement with the Police Department re: arbitration, should be held just to the Police Department. There was discussion, re: discrimination and determination of an arbitrator as to who would get the increase. There was a question as to whether this should be communicated to the Highway Department. Mr. Farrar stated that the City Manager be instructed to communicate with the Highway Dept. that we accept their offer to the wage scales as proposed by the City Council under the condition that we appoint a Salary Review Committee with Highway Dept. representation and it is the City Council's intention that if the City Council in the future chooses to reopen the question of City salaries that all City employees would be treated fairly and equitably. However, any settlement imposed by arbitration in respect to the Police Dept. would not necessarily be a condition for changing of any other salary of any other city employee. Mr. Farrar moved to incorporate the above in the letter to the Highway Dept. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion to adjourn to Executive session to interview applicants for the Planning Commission. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The time was approximately 10:00 P.M. Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.