HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/21/1974CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a short meeting prior to the meeting of the South Burlington Steering Committee, on March 21, 1974, in the Conference Room of the Municipal Office Building. The meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. with Chairman Nardelli leading in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Walter Nardelli, Chairman; Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, Catherine Neubert Also William Szymanski, City Manager MEMBERS ABSENT William Cimonetti Mr. Nardelli's first announcement was that he would not attend or participate in the meeting of the Steering Committee because he did not feel it would be appropriate for him to do so. Mr. Nardelli next announced the members of the Highway Department who had planned to be present at the Council meeting were all out clearing the roads because of the bad storm. However, a proposal had been submitted saying they would accept an increased based on the increase in the cost of living from February 28, 1973. to March 1, 1974, and they expect to have definite information soon on the exact increase in cost of living for this period. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council take no action on this proposal of the Highway Department, conveyed by the City Manager to the Council, at the present time. Seconded by Mr. Flaherty, Voted unanimously. The Council felt they would have to have more information on the exact amount to be requested by the Highway Department. The Council members were then reminded that the orders for disbursement were on the table awaiting their signatures. City Manager William Szymanski then explained the situation in the sewer area; that the new system is nearly completed, some bonds have already been sold, will have to begin charging for sewer service in that part of the City. Revenue sharing funds can only be applied to the operating expenses, not to the indebtedness; but if some of the revenue sharing can be applied to the operating, it will provide more money for debt payment. Mr. Szymanski will have more information on this soon and no action is required by the Council at this time. Mr. Szymanski then stated the $4,000 had been put back into the budget for the computer print-out, explaining how useful this would be to the City, especially in the preparation of tax notices. Mr. Flaherty made a motion that $4,000 be included in the budget for the purchase of the computer print-out. This was seconded by Mrs. Neubert, and passed by the Council with Mr. Farrar abstaining. The City Manager announced that a public hearing for the budgets would take place at the High School on April 11th. Chairman Nardelli said he would not sit with the Council at that hearing; either the City Manager or the Assistant Chairman would have to represent the Council. Mr. Farrar then moved that the Vice Chairman, either by himself or with the City Manager, be authorized to present the budget at the public hearing on Thursday, April 11th. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously. Chairman Nardelli said he had already advised Superintendent Tuttle that he would not sit with the Council at the hearing. Chairman Nardelli then announced the next Council meetings would be on the dates of April 1st and April 15th. Mr. Farrar asked if there would be any action to be taken at the public hearing. Mr. Nardelli said the Council could take action if it wished, within the limits of the Charter. The Council cannot add to the maximum but it could interchange items, also remove items, by vote of the Council. Mr. Farrar any changes requested of the Council to be in writing and to be more specific, referring in particular to the suggestions for changes in the Sign Ordinance. Mrs. Neubert agreed that the recommendations of the Sign Review Board and the recommendations of Dick Ward should be submitted in writing if they wanted to have changes made. Next the interim zoning was discussed. No petition had yet been received. The majority of the members felt the deadline had passed but there was a slight possibility of someone interpreting the deadline to be the 21st rather than midnight of the 20th, thus creating a possible problem. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council take no action on interim zoning at this time; that the Council meeting be adjourned to be reconvened following the Steering Committee meeting. Seconded by Mr. Flaherty. Mr. Farrar suggested that when the meeting was reconvened the Council would vote on the budget, and if nothing more had been heard by that time, the meeting would be adjourned to the call of the Chairman for Friday evening. If nothing comes in by then, there would be no need to call a meeting on Friday. Mr. Farrar's motion to take no action at this time was passed unanimously. Meeting declared adjourned until after the close of the Steering Committee meeting. The City Council meeting was reconvened at 9:00 p.m. on March 21, 1974. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council add $500 to the Revenue Sharing Proposal to be voted on, for the payment for library services. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert. Mr. Farrar explained that how the School Department handles it would be an internal budget matter for them. Mr. Szymanski said he believed there were two part-time paid helpers in the school also. Mr. Farrar suggested contracting with the School Department for providing services for X number of dollars per year, and the money could be used for other things than salaries. He thought the "bugs" could be worked out next year. The above motion was voted unanimously. Mr. Szymanski then said he needed the formal approval of the Council for the City Budgets. Mr. Farrar suggested April 1st for a complete explanation of what can and can't be done on the budgets. Mrs. Neubert moved that the Council have on the Agenda for the April 1st meeting all the procedures for the budget hearing for April 11th. Seconded by Mr. Farrar. Voted unanimously. Mr. Farrar then moved that the Council accept the 1974-75 Budgets, as amended. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously. Superintendent Tuttle then expressed his appreciation, and that of John Lucas, for the cooperation received from Mr. Szymanski, saying that he wished to say to the Council that "Bill is one heck of a guy." The Council members all said they agreed. Mr. Flaherty then said that with no petition for referendum having appeared, the interim zoning is not in effect. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council adjourn to the call of the Chairman until 7:30 p.m., March 22, 1974. This was seconded by Mrs. Neubert and voted unanimously. Meeting declared adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.