HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/18/1974SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, March 18, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Michael Flaherty and Paul Farrar MEMBERS ABSENT William Cimonetti OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Members of the Planning Commission, Mary Barbara Maher, William Wessel, Sidney Poger, Ernest Levesque, William Robenstein; Charles Balleine, Albert C. Audette, T. R. Irish, B. A. Irish, Walt Leavering, James Lamphere, Diane Rounds, Gary Rounds, Lorna Lecker, John McGinnis, Kristine McGinnis, Elizabeth Edwards, Donald A. Duell, William J. Schuele, Jere Meserole, Ray Unsworth, Policeman Phil McArthur, a member of the International Brotherhood of Policemen, Kenneth Boudreau, and another policeman. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 12, 1974 MEETING Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 12, 1974 meeting. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Nardelli reminded the Council members that there were disbursement orders on the table to be signed. MEET WITH PLANNING COMMISSIONERS TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL PARK LAND Mr. Nardelli introduced Chairman Mary Barbara Maher. Mrs. Maher stated that Mr. Unsworth should be present. Shortly thereafter Mr. Unsworth arrived. Mrs. Maher stated that according to the new Master Plan, So. Beach should be acquired by the City for recreational purposes. It was stated that the City does not have first option. Mrs. Maher also stated that she had discussed the purchase of his property with Mr. Unsworth and he is willing to discuss it. Mr. Nardelli asked about the background. The purchase of the land the City is interested in would be from the railroad tracks to the beach - 15 acres of land. The beach is stony but could be developed as a sandy beach, there could be pedestrian trails, camping trailer sites, etc. A good portion on the high ground is flat land and meadow. The Natural Resources Committee thinks it could be made into a sandy beach. Mrs. Neubert stated that only an expert could tell us if a beach could be built. Mr. Robenstein gave some data about said property, stating the value if $30,000.00, it is assessed at $15,000.00 and the taxes are $931.00. Mrs. Maher asked Mr. Unsworth about the price of his property. Mr. Unsworth stated that at the last Planning Commission meeting, he was asked directly if he would sell to the City. He stated he would. He stated he has no fixed opinion as to how he should sell and stated it should be as to what is best for the City. He also stated there is a grave question in his mind as to whether the City could buy at any price, and he really doesn't think there is much to be gained re: getting into figures, unless the City is a willing buyer for them to come up with a price they felt the property was worth. There was discussion, re: appraisal of the property and re: the Garvey property which the City owns and the DeGraff and Dumont properties on which the City has options. Mr. Nardelli stated that nothing can be done until the facts are researched, and stated there are a lot of factors involved before the City could make a purchase. Mr. Flaherty stated that the neighborhood feeling of this property should be looked into. Mr. Unsworth stated the neighborhood really would not be served by this property. Mr. Flaherty stated they would have to look into what the neighborhood would like as they did in Queen City Park before the purchase of Red Rocks. Mrs. Neubert stated the property along the lake has been in the Master Plan since 1969. Mr. Irish of the Bartlett Bay Association stated their association had a meeting and they agree to support a development with a density outlined in the Comprehensive Plan of 1974. He stated that generally speaking, they do support a development with a smaller density. A letter was read from the Bartlett Bay Association who would like to go on record supporting a density under the new 1974 Ordinance. They do not like the 96 number proposed by Mr. Unsworth, but would support 40 to 50 units. Some members in the group would like to see the City buy the property and see the open space remain. Mr. Irish stated it would be terribly expensive to maintain the beach for swimming, etc. They do not favor camping sites in the area. He stated it would take away tax revenue if it was a park. Their meeting was in support of a limited type of development. Mr. Robenstein again stated the fair market full value is $30,000.00 and the taxes are $931.00 per year, and Mr. Unsworth is being taxed on $15,000.00. Mr. Farrar stated that what we are discussing is what the community needs in the next 20 years and he would like to support a committee to explore this further. Mr. Farrar made a motion to appoint a committee to research this. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Nardelli stated that before they appoint a committee, a list of criteria will be set up. Mr. Nardelli then thanked the members of the Planning Commission for attending this meeting. MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE HIGHWAY AND POLICE DEPT. UNIONS Mr. Nardelli stated that the Highway Dept. members want more time and that they will meet with the Council on Thursday at 7:00 P.M., March 21, 1974. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the Council meet at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 21, 1974 with the members of the Highway Dept. and for any other business that may come forth. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The Council then met with members of the Police Dept. Mr. Nardelli stated that the final offer given was on March 4, 1974 which was As to salary - between $6000. and $7449., they are offered an increase of $540.00 per year. As to salary - between $7500. and over, they are offered $650.00 per year. Accumulative sick leave to 150 days from 120 days. Mr. McArthur stated that they had given a counter proposal at the meeting of March 12, 1974, it being a 10% increase or a cost of living increase. Mr. Farrar stated that it is impossible to plan ahead for 4 mos. to the fiscal time of June 30. 1974. There was discussion, re: fiscal year and state of negotiations. Mr. Nardelli stated there is another point involved. He stated that 10 or 11 patrolmen will be getting 8.3 increase and he also stated that the Council has gone in the direction that the police wanted. He stated that an 8.2 increase was mentioned at the first meeting. Mr. McArthur differed with Mr. Nardelli and stated that they did not go along with the 8.2 figure. Mr. Flaherty stated that they would like to form a Salary Committee and go over these things, upgrade the program or go into another type of pay raise, and there could be recommendations for a future type of negotiations. Mr. Nardelli stated that what has been offered is very good for the policemen. Mr. Nardelli also stated figures from other cities. Mr. McArthur stated he was talking about a 10% increase in pay, and stated Mr. Nardelli is using percentages on much higher salaries given elsewhere. Mr. Nardelli stated that relative to the taxes paid in the So. Burlington area, he thinks the 8.3 increase is very fair compared to what is taken in by the City. Mr. McArthur stated that what he makes is not enough to live on and that is his problem. Mr. Farrar stated that he and Mr. Nardelli feel differently and that he thinks the policemen have a problem and are certainly justified in asking for an increase for cost of living. He thinks carrying it to July 1, 1974 would be hard to figure out. He thinks that an increase based on the year previous to March 1, 1974 would be easier. Mr. Farrar stated he would like to make a motion, re: same. Mr. Nardelli stated that the final offer has been given to the police, and will not accept Mr. Farrar's motion and that it is out of order. Mr. Farrar stated he would like to appeal the rule of the Chair. Mr. Nardelli stated he will not accept the motion by Mr. Farrar. Mr. McArthur stated their feeling is that they cannot afford to go along with the final offer of the City Council and they will go into arbitration. There was discussion, re: arbitration and an arbitrator and the fact that they have to go into mediation first. There was also discussion, re: Vermont Municipal Collective Bargaining Law. It was suggested that the Council recess for five minutes. Mr. McArthur stated that their offer is 10% and they ill discuss dates, re: cost of living. The date to be discussed will be from Feb. 30, 1973 to March 1, 1974. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to recess for the purpose of discussing the offer by the police and for the purpose of arbitration. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The meeting was recessed at 8:20 P.M. and met again at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Flaherty stated that the Council cannot make another offer and made a motion that at this time the parties involved go into binding final arbitration and both parties agree to what final findings will be made by an arbitrator. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. FEE SCHEDULE FOR RED ROCKS Mr. Nardelli read the fee schedule for So. Burlington residents, etc. Re: Red Rocks. It was stated that if there are two cars per family, it will be $5.00 or $2.50 per car. Mr. Farrar stated that what is on this fee schedule is ambiguous. There was discussion, re: number of cars and price. Mr. Farrar suggested a compromise of $2.50 for the first car and $1.00 for each additional car. There was discussion, re: getting enough revenue. Mr. Farrar stated that maybe there should be a fee on the schedule for non-Vermont residents. He suggested that under Season Pass, we put down Out of State pay $15.00 for car stickers, and that under "*" families requiring more than one sticker should be made to pay $1.00 for each extra car. Mrs. Neubert stated that there is no fee for walk-in and there was discussion, re: same. It was decided that there would be several changes in the fee schedule, which are as follows: $2.50 for So. Burlington residents and $1.00 for each additional sticker Out of state - $15.00 for a car sticker $5.00 for each bus Children under ten years of age must be accompanied by someone at least 16 years of age. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the proposed fee schedule for Red Rocks with the above changes and also with the stipulation that the City Attorney review it. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:00 P.M. Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.