HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/04/1974SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 4, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, March 4, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar and William Cimonetti MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager, Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Leo O'Connor, Paul Graves, Peter Matta, Gordon Wright, William S. Wright, Harry Wallace, Albert C. Audette, Arlene Krapcho, Barbara Matta, C. Martell, Alex Guyette, Fire Chief Monell, Policemen Kruger, Blondin and McArthur, Kenneth Boudreau of Boston, a representative of the International Brotherhood of Policemen, and Richard Carter READING OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, 1974 and PUBLIC HEARING OF FEBRUARY 28, 1974 Mrs. Neubert stated that in the minutes of February 25, 1974, the name of Mrs. Lee Robenstein should be corrected to Mrs. William Robenstein. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion that the minutes be accepted as amended on Page 3 of the meeting of February 25, 1974. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mrs. Neubert made a motion that the minutes of the Public Hearing of February 28, 1974 be accepted. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Nardelli reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. MEET WITH SIGN REVIEW BOARD REGARDING POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS TO SIGN ORDINANCE. The Councilmen were handed the minutes of the Sign Review Board meeting of March 1, 1974 and the proposed amendments to the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Graves spoke for the Sign Review Board and stated that they have views and ideas that are worthy of merit. He stated that they have run into problems of changes in existing signs, i.e. changing a dinner sign to a breakfast sign. He stated there could be minor changes. He also stated that they thought that if someone had a non-conforming sign, they should be compensated for a change; they should have a partial credit of compensation for giving up a non-conforming sign. Mrs. Neubert asked how they could find the fair market value of the sign. Mr. Graves stated an appraisal would have to be made for depreciation and then an agreement reached or then a litigation. Mr. Nardelli stated the book value can be written off and any expenses can be written off - he found this out from the IRS. Mr. Nardelli also stated most signs have a tax value of only about 10 years. The Sign Review Board then got into the size of the signs. They thought it should be made 60 Sq. feet instead of 40 Sq. feet. He stated they do not feel that 60 sq. feet is too large, depending on the size of the lot. Another area raised was temporary signs, i.e. using 25% of a window of a business for a "Sale" sign. He stated that a permit fee could be charged. Mr. Graves also stated that the Sign Review Board should meet monthly instead of bi- monthly. They also thought that signs in a residential area could be larger than 2 sq. feet, i.e. 20 sq. feet. There was discussion, re: permits not being filed every three years, size of signs, etc. It was stated that there is no penalty for not returning permits. There was also discussion, re: request from the State regarding arrows directing people to businesses, etc. There was a question as to the control of these arrows. Mr. Graves stated he would recommend doing away with the permit every three years for conforming signs. The Sign Review Board's final recommendation is on Page 3 of their minutes. Mr. Graves stated that if they still use 40 sq. feet, there are 103 non-conforming signs in the City. Mrs. Krapcho asked about certain signs given permission with a variance. Mr. Flaherty stated that he read it from Mr. Graves that the Sign Review Board favors compensation after five years or an extension of the deadline. SIGN QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR QUEEN CITY PARK PROPERTY This piece of property consists of 10,000 square feet which the City would buy for 25¢ a square foot. It is owned by George R. and Mary K. Farmer. Mr. Szymanski read the Quit Claim deed. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the Council sign the agreement. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. APPOINT COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH THE VERMONT HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT IN STUDYING LOCATION OF ROUTE 7 Mr. Nardelli read a communication from a Mr. Arthur Goss requesting names to serve on a Committee to work with the Vermont Highway Dept. in studying relocation of Route 7. Mrs. Neubert stated that she plans to be a party on the Committee and she stated Mr. William Wessel of the Planning Commission is also interested. Mr. Farrar suggested that Mr. Szymanski be also appointed to serve on the Committee. Mr. Farrar made a motion to appoint the City Manager, William Szymanski, Mrs. Neubert and Mr. Wessel of the Planning Commission to a Committee to work with the Vermont Highway Dept. to study the relocation of Route 7. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. SIGN ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT'S CONDITIONAL AGREEMENT This concerns property on Hinesburg Road owned by Mr. Bruce Ladeau. Mr. Ward stated that in May of 1972, Mr. Ladeau requested a subdivision of five acre lot. He was granted a variance with the condition not to subdivide again. Mr. Ladeau received subdivision approval from the State and in the meantime, the variance because null and void. The five acres are to be divided in half and then there will be no more subdivision. Mr. Nardelli read said agreement. Mrs. Neubert stated she would like the agreement reviewed by the City Attorney. It was stated that the variance was granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on February 25, 1974 and the condition not to subdivide again was placed on the variance. Mrs. Neubert stated she would like protection, re: the driveway never becoming a street. There was discussion, re: width of driveway, zoning on the property, frontage, etc. Mr. Farrar stated that what they are really doing is conforming with what was done in the past. Mr. Cimonetti stated it should be cleaned up. Mr. Farrar moved that the City Attorney review this and rewrite the agreement, if necessary, and then it should be returned to the City Council. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. HIGHWAY MILEAGE CERTIFICATES. Mr. Szymandki stated there are a total of 66.8 miles in So. Burlington, including Class 1, 2 and 3 highways. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to sign the Highway Mileage certificates. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. POLICE DEPT. WAGE NEGOTIATIONS Mr. Nardelli stated that in reviewing the Police proposals, the Council offers the following: As to salary - those earning between $6000.00 and $7449.00, they are offered $500.00 increase a year. Those earning between $7500.00 and over will be offered $600.00 a year increase Accumulative sick leave to 150 days from 120 days. It was stated that the City cannot afford longevity this year. Mr. Boudreau stated that the longevity would not cost the City $300.00 a year. Mr. Nardelli stated it would affect the whole City. The Policemen stated it was not a fair offer. Mr. Nardelli stated that most men were falling into 7.0 to 7.5 increase percentage. The policemen stated the offer does not conform with the rise in the cost of living and they are not accepting the offer at the present time. It was stated that the policemen are entitled to at least a 10% raise because of the cost of living going up so fast and so high. Mr. Nardelli discussed the negotiations of three years ago, re: pension received, insurance package up from $5000.00 to $10,000.00, etc. He also stated that 80% of the total group fall into the $600.00 a year increase. The men stated there was nothing to discuss. They were asking for 10% of what they were getting, i.e. 10% of $7500.00 which would be $750.00. Mr. Nardelli stated that most would get a 7½% increase. Mr. Boudreau stated that 10% is a realistic offer. Mr. Nardelli stated that the Council has to consider social security, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The offer was not accepted. Mr. Nardelli asked the Council if they wished to go into Executive Session. Mr. Flaherty stated they should discuss it now and have a recess. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion the City salary negotiations. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. The regular meeting resumed at approximately 9:10 P.M. Mr. Nardelli stated that in reviewing constraints of the budget and in view of the amounts of monies spent in the past, re: 40 hour week with overtime, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, increase in insurance, uniform allowances, etc., the City would give the following offer: Those earning between $6000.00 and $7449.00, the increase would be $540.00 per year. Those earning $7500.00 and over would get an increase of $650.00. Accumulative sick leave to 150 days from 120 days. Mr. Nardelli stated that this is the final offer. He would like the policemen to review this and come back at the next meeting. The policemen stated they do not want an across the board figure but a percentage figure. They would like to know the percentage for everyone and what they make. The Council will meet next Tuesday, March 11, 1974 and will have the percentages asked for by the policement. Mr. Narcelli stated the Council is of the opinion that this is their final offer and would like it studied very carefully. HIGHWAY DEPT. NEGOTIATIONS Mr. Nardelli stated they would like to make the following offer to the Highway Dept. Those earning between $6000.00 and $7449.00 would receive an increase of $540.00 a year. Those earning $7500.00 and over will be offered $650.00 per year increase. Accumulative sick leave from 120 days to 150 days. It was stated the Council would like to meet again with the Highway Dept. next week on Tuesday, March 11, 1974. Mr. Nardelli stated this is the Council's final offer. There followed work on the proposed 1974=1975 budget. The meeting adjourned at approximately 11 P.M. Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.