HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/29/1974SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 29, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting in the Conference Room, Municipal Building, 1175 Williston Road, on January 29, 1974. This was a work session continued from the work session meeting of the previous evening. Chairman Nardelli called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Walter Nardelli, Chairman: Michael Flaherty, William Cimonetti, Catherine Neubert. Paul Farrar arrived later. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator: William Szymanski, City Manager: Mary Barbara Maher, Chairman, Planning Commission: Stephen Page, Planning Assistant: Jack Tabaka, John Reilly, Mrs. Paul Krapchko, David Merrill, Ernest Levesque, Ronald Schmucker, Harry Behney, Ann Changes in Comprehensive Master Plan discussed as follows: Page 13 (beginning on bottom of page 12) - 2% annual increase in residence units. Also second paragraph on page 13. Problem of whether or not the two paragraphs are discriminatory. Mrs. Neubert felt the person who could find a lot in a residential neighborhood should not have to go through the hassle of the quota restriction, or be restricted because a large developer had used up the quota. Possibility was mentioned that a builder might sell his lots to individuals who could then build on them, thereby defeating the restrictions. Mrs. Neubert replied this problem had not been considered. The Chairman felt the individual owner is not controlled but the developer is controlled. Chairman Maher of the Planning asked that action be delayed on this until the arrival of Mr. Farrar and Mr. Szymanski. Page 10 - balanced rate of growth. Mrs. Neubert read aloud her revision of this section, with both the Chairman and Mr. Cimonetti commenting favorably. Then Mr. Cimonetti suggested eliminating the last eight words in first sentence of last paragraph, which he felt to be a bit cumbersome. Other recommendations were to delete light (light industry) and meaningful (job opportunities), place a period after opportunities and delete the rest of the sentence. Mr. Cimonetti then moved that the page prepared by Mrs. Newbert, as corrected, be inserted on page 10 in place of the paragraph entitled Controlled Rate of Growth, and using her new headline of Balanced Rate of Growth Seconded by Flaherty. Mrs. Krapchko suggested that some of these paragraphs be regrouped and redefined. Page 10 - Agricultural lands. Mrs. Neubert read aloud that paragraph she had written to be considered as a replacement for Agricultural Belt. Recommendations by Council members were to substitute agricultural use for original use in line 3, and in the last line to replace expansion with areas for development. Mr. Flaherty moved that with these changes this paragraph be used on page 10 in place of the Agricultural Belt paragraph in the comprehensive plan. Seconded by Mr. Cimonetti. Voted unanimously. Page 11 - Protection of residential neighborhoods. Mrs. Neubert then read aloud the paragraph she had written to protect residential neighborhoods. It was then recommended by Mr. Cimonetti to replace the word marketplace with the word market. It was moved by Flaherty and seconded by Cimonetti to adopt Mrs. Neubert's paragraph entitled Protection of Residential Neighborhoods to replace the paragraph on page 11 entitled Protection and Improvement of Residential Neighborhoods. Voted unanimously. Page 13 - paragraph at top of page. Mr. Cimonetti felt this paragraph contained the allegation that the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission sponsors 2% growth and he didn't think they should be credited with something that he knew at least one member of the Regional Planning Commission did not concur in. Discussion of growth followed including remarks and explanations by Mr. Behney. Mr. Cimonetti moved that on page 13, all words deleted in first sentence after Vermont Statutes Annotated. Seconded by Flaherty. Voted unanimously. Page 13 - 2% growth. Mr. Farrar felt the 2% growth rate is open to challenge. There should be more support for whatever figure is put in. There is discrimination against different kinds of construction, he felt: also should try to tie this growth rate to the tax rate; should show we are willing to accept our fair share of growth; should try to clarify the basis for these things somewhat. He then offered to try to put it together. Mr. Cimonetti felt the two full paragraphs are clearly in conflict. Mr. Nardelli didn't see how the 2% in units could be equated with a 2% in population. Mr. Behney said the economics of today are important also. Motion was made by Mr. Farrar to strike the underlined paragraph on page 12, in the next paragraph strike the words will also in the second line and substitute would. Then to insert assuming that the current trends of approximately 3.8 persons per residence unit remain constant; strike out as well as fulfilling, substituting this rate of growth would be in consonance with the projected planned expansion, continuing on with the same paragraph. This was seconded by Flaherty and voted unanimously. Mr. Reilly said South Burlington has the capability of growing. Business growth should be outlined as one of the priorities of the plan in order to facilitate residential growth. In answer to a question, Mr. Behney explained the meaning of Chittenden County Regional Planning projected population growth plan; that its purpose is to take care of people already here such as increase in new households set up; the purpose is not to encourage immigration. Mr. Farrar suggested making this 2% yearly limitation or two times the previous year's growth rate of the county in residential units, whichever is larger. In same paragraph Mr. Cimonetti suggested replacing in the same paragraph each such proposal with each such residential development. Mrs. Neubert mentioned the list of builders who want to build at the present time. Mr. Reilly stated it is the growth of the adult community that has caused the crunch in the apartment area. Mr. Cimonetti felt tying this to the County growth rate gives South Burlington a signal, something to give a positive warning of our situation getting out of control. Mr. Spokes said he was pleased with the changes suggested by Farrar and Cimonetti, giving ourselves the authority to implement this later. Re tying South Burlington's growth rate into Chittenden County's growth, Mr. Schmucker reminded that this is not a Council of Chittenden County, their planning is done by the Regional Planning Commission. We have a responsibility to meet the needs of the area morally, but keeping in step with Colchester for instance will cause a crunch. Mrs. Maher said we are encouraging industrial and economic growth. Does not mean density of our neighborhoods. Mr. Reilly said job availability is the one thing that will determine growth. Mrs. Neubert said all we can do is to provide the zoning so industry can move in. Mr. Cimonetti suggested striking out on new residential units and end the sentence with the word larger. This was restated as a motion as above with this suggested change. Moved by Farrar and seconded by Cimonetti. Voted unanimously. Page 13 - second paragraph. Mr. Farrar moved to strike out this paragraph reading The growth policy is... deleting entire paragraph. Seconded by Mr. Cimonetti. Reason given for striking was that we should avoid selling off lots individually — by striking it we don't take a positive action, we take a negative action. This was passed unanimously. Page 15 - first paragraph beginning on page 14. Motion by Farrar to strike out sentence beginning During next five years, deleting entire sentence ending on page 15. Seconded by Cimonetti. Passed unanimously. Page 15 - last paragraph. Mr. Farrar moved to delete the bottom line on page 15 starting with the word and This was changed to: replace (e) with the word a public hearing, and delete for Zone Change. Seconded by Cimonetti and passed unanimously. Page 22 - paragraph 2. Recommended by Mr. Szymanski and moved by Mr. Farrar to insert the words used in deriving the plan. Seconded by Flaherty. These words to be inserted after the word projections (Table 2 summarizes the eight projections) Passed unanimously. Mr. Spokes stated he had an Article to be added to the Warning -- should be signed by City Council. Mr. Reilly declared that Mr. Levesque holding membership on the Planning Commission and Mr. Nardelli on the City Council while they are paid employees (teachers) of the City School Department constitutes a conflict of interest. They are involved in matters of Capital Budget while the teachers' association is negotiating a pay contract. The City Attorney said there was absolutely no conflict of interest because the City Council (or Planning Commission) has no power to vote on the School Department Budget. Meeting was then recessed for a short coffee and sandwich break. Page 31 - Housing Committee - next topic after reconvening. Mr. Flaherty recommended that last paragraph on page 30 and top of page 31 be dropped. Mr. Flaherty moved that the word will be changed to may in first line under Housing Committee, with the rest of the paragraph to read This committee will be charged with studying South Burlington's housing problems in depth and making specific recommendations to Council within one year after the comprehensive plan is adopted. Recommended to change South Burlington to their housing problems. Seconded by Farrar and passed unanimously. Page 31 - Plans for Low Cost Housing. Motion made by Flaherty, seconded by Farrar that Plan A, Plan B. Plan C. and Plan D be changed to Proposal A, Proposal B, Proposal C, and Proposal D. Passed unanimously. Moved by Cimonetti that Proposal B, first line, read may appropriate rather than will appropriate. Seconded by Farrar. Also moved by Cimonetti and seconded by Farrar that the entire sentence beginning The advantage of this plan be stricken. Both motions were passed unanimously. Page 31 - Housing Committee. Mr. Cimonetti moved that the last sentence in this paragraph beginning The committee should also consider be retained in its entirety. Seconded by Farrar. Passed unanimously. Pages 31 and 32 - Plan B (Proposal B). Moved by Cimonetti, seconded by Farrar, to delete all of paragraphs for Proposal B and Proposal C on pages 31 and 32. Passed unanimously. Motion made by Mr. Farrar that Building Codes on page 32 be put on page 27 above Housing Needs for 1980. Amendment then offered that this be placed on page 26, second paragraph, after attractive and convenient locations. Then finish paragraph as written When a building code is adopted... Seconded by Cimonetti. Passed unanimously. Page 29,– 1980 Population Levels Chart Mrs. Neubert suggested asking Stephen Page to come in and explain how it relates to South Burlington. Page 87 - (2) Moved by Farrar, seconded by Flaherty to change (2) to read Promote cluster housing. (delete rest of sentence) and to change (3) by adding a period after Dorset Street and delete rest of sentence. Passed unanimously. Page 89 (2) Motion made by Farrar to place period after mass transit of all forms. Delete rest of sentence. Retain next sentence beginning this will:.... Seconded by Cimonetti. Voted unanimously. Page 91 - Discussion of Queen City Park Road Stated that relocating Queen City Park entrance would mean taking approximately 1 ½ acres from the parking lot of the shopping plaza. This item (2) also relates to what is done regarding item (1). Motion made by Farrar, seconded by Mrs. Neubert, that (2) read Study the improvement of Queen City Park Road entrance. Delete rest of sentence. Voted unanimously. Page 97 - last paragraph. Motion made by Mr. Farrar that last sentence in last paragraph on page 97 beginning If, at any time, be deleted. Also that references in the paragraph to Rutland Railroad be changed to Vermont Railway. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert. Voted unanimously. Page 111 - Chapter XI - Schools Motion made by Flaherty and seconded by Farrar that the words Prepared by South Burlington School Department be added to heading Chapter XI - Schools on page 111. Passed unanimously. Page 111 - last sentence. Motion made by Farrar and seconded by Mrs. Neubert that a communication be sent to the School Board requesting an explanation of item (3) beginning at bottom of page 111, continued on page 112, and the rationale for it. This was voted unanimously. Mrs. Maher mentioned the fact that Shunpike Road has been zoned residential and not industrial. Mr. Reilly mentioned conservation district as applied to private property. He doesn't feel it is right to zone a man's property into conservation open space. Mrs. Maher replied to this with the explanation she had given at a previous meeting, that the conservation area of a person's property is taken into consideration when computing density of the whole area. Page 131 - (3). Motion made by Farrar, seconded by Cimonetti, to replace Planning Commission in item (3) at bottom of page 131 with City Council. This same change is to be made in first line of item (2). but in item (1) the words South Burlington Planning' Commission are to remain. Passed unanimously. Page 132 - (5), (6) through (12). Moved by Mrs. Neubert and seconded by Farrar that in item (5) read to proceed with the implementation of the recommendations with respect to natural resources and aesthetics, after the word requested. Voted unanimously. Motion to change Planning Commission to City Council in item (6). Moved by Farrar seconded by Flaherty. Voted unanimously. Agreed that (7) and (8) should remain as is. Further motion made by Cimmonetti, seconded by Mrs. Neubert, that item (9) read will recommend revisions where necessary instead of make whatever. Also that item (10) be deleted entirely. Item (11) to remain as is, but renumbered (10). Item (12) to be renumbered (11) and Planning Commission be changed to City Council. Also the word study to be substituted for the words draw up. Passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti suggested giving the Planning Commission everything the Council has done up to date for their action. Mrs. Maher said the Planning Commission would meet next Tuesday when they would also have the recommendations from the Council's Thursday meeting. Chairman Nardelli stated the amendments to the comprehensive plan would be in writing and handed to the Planning Commission. Mrs. Maher requested Richard Ward to send out a memo calling for a special meeting of the Planning Commission for next Tuesday, February 5th. Mr. Flaherty said by waiting until Thursday for the zoning ordinance consideration, people who wished to attend could be made aware of the meeting by reading the paper. Mr. Farrar stated he had to go out of town on Thursday but could be in attendance by eight o'clock. Chairman Nardelli announced the meeting for the zoning ordinance would open at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday. Meeting declared adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.