HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/28/1974SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 28, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall, Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, January 28, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, William Cimonetti, Paul Farrar. Michael Flaherty, and Catherine Neubert MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Stephen Page. Planning Assistant; Richard Spokes, City Attorney; Mary Barbara Maher, Chairman of the Planning Commission; Sidney Poger, Jack Tabaka, David Merrill, John Reilly, Mrs. Paul Krapchko and Mrs. William Luginbuhl DISEBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Nardelli announced the disbursement orders were ready for approval and signature. UNION REPRESENTATIVES OF THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT The Chairman read aloud a letter received which presented requests for sick leave, Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage, increases in pay as well as cost of living increases. No action was taken because no representative of the employees was present to present their requests in person. Chairman Nardelli felt this matter should be discussed "face to face" ― Mr. Szymanski offered to set a meeting date with them ― but the general feeling was to let it go until later. The matter of salaries was to be taken up anyway in executive session later in the evening. PRIORITIES FOR BOR FUNDS The City Manager said he had received a letter from the State of Vermont Environmental Conservation Agency informing the City that they are in process of reviewing applications ― that because of a drastic cut in available funds only one project per community can be considered. South Burlington had submitted two projects and now must decide which is to be given higher priority, the Demont property or the DeGraff property. The State must be notified as soon as possible. After discussion it was moved by Mr. Farrar that the Dumont property should be made the number one priority. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. Regarding the DeGraff property. Mr. Szymanski stated the owner is willing to grant an option, probably for two years or longer, and price has been negotiated. Mr. Farrar suggested following through on this with the hope of getting another grant next year. Chairman Nardelli next read a letter of transmittal from the Chairman of the Planning Commission with the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed Zoning Ordinance. This is to give the Council the opportunity to make any changes or amendments they feel are necessary. Mr. Spokes said changes can be made not less than fifteen days prior to the last hearing. Must be in effect by March 23rd. Mr. Nardelli called for a target date. Mrs. Neubert felt that there had not been enough explanation of the document and was in favor of more public hearings. Mr. Spokes mentioned the possibility of a petition for referendum, and as soon as a petition for referendum is warned precautions should be taken immediately to warn for interim zoning. Otherwise the City could be without any zoning at all. February 28 was set for the public hearing date, with Mr. Spokes emphasizing this should be publicized as a public hearing and not a voting date, that it would be informational only. With the warning date at least 15 days prior to the 28th, it was decided to take 17 days, making the warning date Monday, February 11th. Mr. Spokes then explained any changes makde by the Council must go back to the Planning Commission; that they must respond with their approval or criticism. Mr. Farrah moved that Council take up the Master Plan first. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert. Mr. Flaherty expressed his fear that the Council might get bogged down in this and not get to the more important zoning ordinance. Motion passed, with Mr. Flaherty in opposition. The changes discussed, and disposition of these follows. Page 4 - delete last sentence. Moved by Flaherty, seconded by Neubert. Approved unanimously. 15 (a) - delete the map. Moved by Flaherty, seconded by Neubert. Voted unanimously. Page 24 - draw in four lines on graph for South Burlington's share projection. Cimonetti suggested continuing the lines is meaningless. Attorney Spokes said it was a question of graphics. General feeling was that it would make it more complicated. No action. Page 25 - delete solid lines around projection #5. Moved by Farrar to delete the lines as requested and also reference (a). Seconded by Flaherty, voted unanimously. Page 24 (3) - graph to have additional lines. Moved by Farrah not to accept the recommendation to have the additional four lines requested. Seconded by Cimonetti. Voted unanimously. Mrs. Neubert asked that the x's be clearer. Stephen Page requested to do this in drafting. Page 63 - delete Alternative Plan - just the heading. Moved by Neubert and seconded by Flaherty. Discussion that material was not continuous to what has already been said; page 61 might be a better place for it. Heading called Acquisition. Voted unanimously to delete Alternative Plan. Mr. Farrah moved that this paragraph be relocated immediately following bottom of page 61. Furthermore, that sentence one be changed to read and all new and existing roads leading in the direction of Lake Champlain will be extended to provide access to the lake where feasible. He then changed his motion to read all new roads in the direction of Lake Champlain be acquired to provide public access to the water. Seconded by Flaherty. Mr. Nardelli said comprehensive plan shows three major proposed roads. Mr. Farrah then added the words when possible after acquired. Voted unanimously. Page 88 - delete last sentence. Moved by Neubert and seconded by Flaherty. Voted unanimously. Page 133 - delete last sentence under Capital Program and Budget. Motion made by Farrah to strike everything following the word "growth" to the end of that paragraph and also strike all of the capital budget items which are included in the plan and insert the following ― it is the intent of the City of South Burlington to prepare and adopt a capital budget and program by­law in accordance with Chapter 91. Title V.S.A. Would also strike pages 135, 136, and 137. Seconded by Cimonetti. Motion strongly favored by Attorney Spokes. Mrs. Neubert felt anyone reading it would not know what it means if there is no example. Mr. Cimonetti felt a sample capital budget would be more confusing and might introduce a real dilemna. Voted to accept motion by vote of 4 to 1. Mrs. Neubert opposed. Page 13 - fifth line - after controlled growth insert the words "such as" by the issuance of building permits. So moved by Flaherty and seconded by Cimonetti. Voted unanimously. Page 14 - first paragraph. Mr. Spokes stated he felt the original first paragraph was much better. This was deferred until later. Page 30 re the appointment of a special subcommittees on housing by the Planning Commission - Mr. Spokes questioned whether this should be done by the Planning Commission. Motion made by Farrah to replace the words Planning Commission with Council and also on page 31 to make the same substitution in first paragraph. Seconded by Flaherty. Voted unanimously. Page 35. #4 - Mr. Spokes felt document to be flexible and that a ten-year stabilization contract be discussed. Mr. Farrah thoughts for a minimum of ten years. If the acquisition of development rights is used a method of limiting taxation, it should be stipulated that no development take place before ten years. It was decided to take no action on this now but to ask Mr. Farrah to rewrite this paragraph for later consideration. Page 36. - at bottom of page the words Planning Commission be changed to Council. Motion by Cimonetti, seconded by Neubert. Voted unanimously. Chairman Maher of the Planning Commission stated she had no objection to this change. Chairman Nardelli stated this working session would end at 10:00 p.m. and the Council would then go into executive session. Another working session will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the 29th. Page 9 re regional cooperation. Motion made by Farrah to read to promote economic and efficient administration of public services with neighboring towns where practical. Seconded by Flaherty. Voted unanimously. Page 10 - second paragraph. Suggestion made to consider national growth as well as regional growth (population growth). Put in form of a motion by Farrah. Seconded by Cimonetti. Voted 4 to 2. Mr. Farrah then stated he felt the paragraph should be rewritten, adding it does not express the intention. Chairman Nardelli then requested Mrs. Neubert to rewrite this section on page 10. Page 10 - last part of last paragraph. Mr. Farrah expressed concern over what is meant. Mrs. Neubert said these goals have been rewritten many times. Chairman Nardelli requested Mrs. Neubert to rewrite this section also. Mr. Cimonetti suggested softening it a bit, perhaps substituting "we desire" for "we plan." Page 11 - protection and improvement of residential neighborhoods. Question was raised as to whether residential is the highest social use of land. Motion made by Farrah to delete we consider residential use the highest social land use - then retain rest of paragraph. Seconded by Cimonetti. Voted unanimously. Mrs. Paul Krapchko brought up the need to provide job opportunities that will be needed in the community, and not just the quality of life in South Burlington. Should be opportunities for something more meaningful than employment at a checkout counter. Mrs. Neubert replied she would like to add a goal about industry and jobs. Page 12 - second paragraph. Moved by Mrs. Neubert to take out we plan to protect existing neighborhoods. Seconded by Farrah. Voted unanimously. Page 13. Mr. Farrah said he felt all construction should be treated equitably. There is a realistic program but one portion of it is blown out of proportion. Major thrust of plan should not be to control growth. Any restriction should apply to all residential construction, no matter who proposes it. Mrs. Neubert replied there must be some control ― that the Planning Commission previously had no control over apartment houses. Mr. Farrah felt there would be no chance of supporting this 2% goal except by relating to some community fact. No motion and no action taken. Meeting recessed at 10:00 p.m. to conclude the work session and go into executive session to reconvene on Tuesday January 29, 1974 at 4:00 P.M. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.