HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/07/1974SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 7, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, January 7, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar and William Cimonetti MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Jack Tabaka, William J. Schuele, Charlotte C. Marsh, Sonny Audette, Richard Spokes, Yvonne C. Baker, Paul Grenier, Frank McCaffrey, Roger E. Curtis, Harris C. Abbott, Dick Underwood, Ray Unsworth, Betty Loiselle, Mitch Loiselle, Paul S. Zerr, Richard Ross. Mr. Nardelli stated at this time that the notice in the paper was not clear. On January 8, 1974 there will be an open meeting with the Police to discuss their proposals. There will be an Executive session on this date. Mr. Nardelli also stated he would like added to this meeting's agenda a progress report from the City Manager, re: Committee interviewing a City Planner. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 17, 1973 MEETING Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the minutes as read of the December 17, 1973 meeting. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Nardelli reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. CONSIDER AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF WILLISTON AND THE RSL DISTRIBUTORS OF WILLISTON FOR A FIRE ALARM CONNECTION TO THE CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr. Szymanski explained the agreement. The insurance company for RSL requires that they be connected to a Fire Station. A fire alarm system will be installed in the So. Burlington Fire Station. If the alarm goes off, So. Burlington will call the Williston Fire Dept. In #4 of the agreement with RSL, "and RSL agrees to pay the City for said calls" will be deleted. Mr. Szymanski suggested a $25.00 yearly fee. Mr. Spokes thinks it advisable to make it a one year agreement that could be terminated within a thirty day period. It was stated that there is no cost to the City. Mr. Farrar made a motion to empower the City Manager to sign the agreement with RSL and the City of So. Burlington; the fee to be $25.00 yearly and that Clause? be rewritten by the City attorney so that there is an automatic renewal. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE PAYMENT OF ONE-HALF THE TUITION COST FOR A COURSE MEMBERS WISH TO TAKE AT UVM It was stated that three members on the Planning Commission are interested in taking a course at UVM. There was discussion, re: any other requests of this type, money in the budget to cover such items, etc. Miss Marsh stated she thinks this is an asinine idea. She stated it would set a precedent and should be stopped now. Mrs. Neubert agreed with Miss Marsh. Mr. Schuele stated that this could be limited and might be a benefit. Mr. Cimonetti stated that the City is now in the process of getting a new City Planner and we should get a professional on board first. There was discussion, re: money set aside for the Planning Commission in the amount of $4100.00. Mr. Farrar made a motion denying the request of the Planning Commission for the payment of one-half the tuition cost for a course members wish to take at UVM. Mrs. Neubert seconded said motion which passed unanimously. At this time, Mr. Farrar questioned a disbursement, it being money spent for a chain fence. Mr. Szymanski stated it was for a fence at Red Rocks and 35% will be washed out. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT ON ENERGY CONSERVATION Mr. Szymanski gave his report on the energy conservation. He stated there has been a saving of 35% of fuel oil from last year, the pipes upstairs in City Hall have been cut, plastic coverings have been put over the entrance to the upstairs, plastic storm windows are going to be put on some of the windows, they are going to close off the door to Catherine Hayden's office and the heat is completely shut off upstairs. There was discussion of reduction of approximately 30% electrical usage at City Hall and 28% at the Sewage Plant. Mr. Szymanski stated that at the City garage they have installed a large 4000 gallon gasoline tank and they have received their supply for January 1974. He also stated that through Civil Defense they received a 15 KW generator to supply the Fire Station and Police Department with auxiliary power. Mr. Farrar stated he wanted to commend Mr. Szymanski on his work re: energy conservation. Mr. Szymanski is going around now and getting a list of all the street lights. Mr. Nardelli stated he has been requested to look into some signs that have remained on. Mr. Szymanski stated he would check with the Police Chief, re: signs. Mr. Farrar questioned Mr. Spokes, re: an ordinance to close the few places who leave their lights on. Mr. Nardelli stated that a reminder might help. MEET WITH OWNERS OF LAND WHERE PEDESTRIAN TRAILS ARE PROPOSED Mr. Nardelli stated that the Natural Resources Committee and the Planning Commission have recommended pedestrian trails, and in order to have these trails, easements are necessary from people owning property where the trails are proposed. He stated that the owners of the land might want to discuss certain aspects. Mr. Unsworth asked if people owning property have been notified of this meeting. Mr. Szymanski stated that 13 owners were notified. This meeting only concerns the stretch from Hinesburg Road to Allen Road. Mr. Nardelli asked for questions from the floor. Mr. Schuele stated that basically it is to get walking trails, and stated that some people have been talked to already. So far, most of the people were not opposed to it but had uncertainties they wanted resolved. Mr. Flaherty asked about the area involved. Mr. Schuele stated that the trails would be following a contour or a stream. Mr. Nardelli read the planned concept by the Natural Resources Committee. There was discussion, re: liability of the City and implications of control of the trails, etc. Mr. Abbott of the University stated that the University was a little leerie of the East Woods area because of an experimental program. He stated there could be some cooperation with the University but they need to know more, re: concept. Ms. Baker was unable to give any easement on the property of the people she represents as it is in the process of being sold. Mr. Spokes stated the letter from the Natural Resources Committee was not an encumbrance on the property. She stated that at this time she cannot do anything. Mr. Grenier stated he was worried about the time element, re: 1:00 A.M. He stated the City could have the use of his property but does not want the property abused. He also stated a time limit would have to be put on and he would like to see a map of how the trail was to go through his property. Mr. Curtis representing National Life, stated that they will have a road, also two lots are in the process of sale at this time. He asked if the road could be utilized. Mr. Szymanski stated that the problem was through the University land. He also stated that the trail crossing the National Life property would be mostly through the green belt area deeded to the City. Mr. Curtis had some thoughts on the subject - he wondered if the City is taking on a problem greater than they anticipate. He discussed facilities, litter, etc. He would like to see something strong, re: power machines, trail bikes, signs left on trees. Mr. Schuele stated he hopes power machines can be excluded. He also stated that the Natural Resources Committee want suggestions, and stated that once it starts working more people will be interested in the idea, and the Committee would like to get something started. Mr. Nardelli stated that some changes could be made in the letter sent out. Mr. Nardelli thanked everyone for coming. Miss Marsh stated the idea should be discarded right now as it is dangerous, etc. Mr. Grenier stated that we should give it a try and agreed with Mr. Schuele. DISCUSS SWIMMING POOL COMMITTEE AND ITS CHARGES It was stated that the Council had charged the Chairman to appoint a committee to look into a Swimming pool for the City. The Committee was appointed and consists of Bruce O'Neill, Chairman, Ronald Schmucker from the Planning Commission, William Cimonetti from the City Council, Harold Noting of the School Board and Mr. Kranz from the Kiwanis Club. Letters have gone out to these people and no replies have been received as yet, so the Council will assume this is the Committee. The Committee is charged with the following: 1. To provide reasons why So. Burlington needs a pool. 2. What will the cost be and who will pay for it - land acquisition, construction, maintenance, etc. 3. Advantages and disadvantages of various sites discussed and any sites to be explored. The Swimming Pool Committee is going to try to arrange a meeting next week. Mr. O'Neill is going to try for January 17th. The Committee is directed to advise the Council based on the three above charges. Mr. Flaherty stated they should discuss the type of pool and experiences in other communities with pools. Mr. Cimonetti stated another possibility would be a particular point in time when the Committee should give a status report. PROGRESS REPORT ON INTERVIEWING CITY PLANNER Mr. Szymanski stated that the Committee to interview a City Planner, consisting of Mr. Szymanski, Dick Ward, Don Rich, Mary Barbara Maher, and Mr. Bart Simpson, the Chairman of the Committee, is going to meet on Tuesday, January 8th at noon. Mr. Szymanski stated that the City is still receiving applications. Mr. Farrar made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to meet as the Liquor Control Board to consider the application for an Entertainment Permit for the Sheraton Motor Inn. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski explained about this application and that it is a renewal. Mr. Farrar made a motion to grant the Entertainment Permit for the Sheraton Motor Inn. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Liquor Control Board and go into Executive Session. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.