HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/07/1974CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1974 The South Burlington City Council held a Special Meeting on Thursday, February 7, 1974, at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall Conference Room. Mr. Nardelli, Chairman, opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Walter Nardelli, Chairman; Michael D. Flaherty, Paul A. Farrar, Catherine M. Neubert and William J. Cimonetti. OTHERS PRESENT City Manager William J. Szymanski, Zoning Administrative Officer Richard Ward, Planning Commission Chairwoman Maher, Planning Commissioner Robenstein, Frederick Blais, Jean Hildick, Thelma Tilley, John Dinklage, and Free Press Reporter Leo O'Connor. WORK SESSION ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE Chairman Nardelli said he though the best approach was to start where the Council left off on page 25 and to go on from there until the work was completed. Page 25 The new section 13.105 which was voted on at the February 5, 1974 meeting was discussed - no changes. Page 26 No changes Page 27 Section 13.401, amendment to section on parking travel trailers made at February 5, 1974 meeting was discussed. Mr. Farrar asked about hardship cases, those residents who didn't have enough room in the allowed parking locations. Mr. Ward replied that special exception could be applied for. Page 28 No changes Page 29 Discussion centered on the use of the land in the Flood Plain District. Mr. Cimonetti expressed his concern about the proposed definition as submitted by Mr. Szymanski. He felt a parcel of land within the Flood Plain District should be zoned for residential use and so indicated on the map. Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept Mr. Szymanski's "Boundaries of Flood Plain District" with the following insertion, "and land above elevation 230 that would be surrounded by water in the event of a flood of the Winooski River that would raise the water to elevation 230." The motion was seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed with a 4 to 1 vote with Mr. Cimonetti casting the negative vote. Page 30 No changes Page 31 Add new section 13.85, as voted on at Council meeting of February 5, 1974. Page 32 No changes Page 33 No changes Page 34 No changes Page 35 Several definitions of the word "Complex" were considered, and Mrs. Neubert made a motion to accept the following definition of Complex: All buildings included in each separate multi-unit building development. The motion was seconded by Mr. Flaherty and passed unanimously. The Council recessed for a short coffee break and Mr. Nardelli reconvened the meeting. The Council then discussed and took action on the following items in the proposed ordinance. Page 7 Residential Planned Unit Development. Sec. 6.20 Mr. Farrar made a motion to delete the period at the end of the first paragraph in section 620, substitute a comma, and then add the following: "provided, however, that the setback requirements are maintained on any major collector streets and that the side yard and rear yard requirements are met on any lot abutting the boundary of any Residential Planned Unit Development. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion which passed unanimously. DENSITY DISCUSSION Councilman Cimonetti remarked that the potential for very large densities exist if a gross figure is used in its determination. If 20% is commercial the density would be greater. Mr. Flaherty said the gross figure was used because it was easier for people to understand. Planning Commission Chairman Maher pointed out that if a development was 80% residential and 20% commercial the density was figured on the 80% which lowers the density. Mr. Nardelli reminded the council that 50% of the units in a Planned Unit Development would have to be constructed before any retail or service facilities could be started. Page 20 Sec. 12.002 (4) of A Correction - Mr. Farrar noted that the minutes of February 5, 1974 were in error. On page 5, for this section, the minutes record a motion to delete the paragraph. This is in error. The correct motion is as follows: Page 21 Sec. 12.002 (4) of B Mr. Farrar made a motion to delete all of subsection 4 in section 12.002, Specific Standards. Mrs. Neubert seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Page 20 Sec. 12.002 (1) of B Mr. Farrar made a motion to remove the period after the first and only sentence and add "that this is calculated on the entire area of the Planned Unit Development. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mrs. Jean Hildick wondered if the Capital Improvement Program was in fact a by-law. She was told that it was. Mrs. Neubert explained that the program is flexible. She then asked about the budget and was told by Mr. Nardelli that before we could spend for a large project it would have to go to the voters for a vote on a bond issue, however some items, such as sidewalk construction would be paid for out of the operating budget. She was also told that the Council approves the yearly budget, and that changes in the capital budget could be made by the Council after holding the required public hearing. Page 14 DENSITY CHART Mr. Flaherty said he would like to refer to the Area, Density, and Dimensional Requirements chart. He felt that the lot depths in R7 were too little. He then made a motion to change side yard minimum depth from 8 to 15 feet and the rear yard depth from 10 to 30 feet. Mr. Farrar seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar made a motion to increase the Minimum Lot Size in R4** from 15,000 square feet to 18,000 square feet. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion which passed unanimously. DUPLES Someone asked what the definition of a Duplex was. No action was taken on having a definition of Deplex written up and included in the Zoning Ordinance. Page 21 Sec. 12.004 Open Space Mrs. Neubert read the section 12.004, Open Space, and Wondered why that section wasn't written up in every district. Mrs. Maher told her that this applies to all of the Planned Unit Development. Page 21 Sec. 12.004 Open Space Councilman Cimonetti pointed out a typographical error in the second paragraph of this section - the word (on) between the words "space and common" should be the word or. The secretary noted the correction. PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT Mrs. Neubert reported that a new district, Park and Recreation, was being added to the ordinance. She said that the CO District would have to be retained as stated in the Statues under Title 24. Mr. Farrar wondered if the map would have to be changed to reflect the added district and was told that it would. MUNICIPAL ZONE Mr. Flaherty made a motion to create a Municipal Zone to include municipal land excepting Park and Recreation. Permitted uses to be Public Buildings and Facilities. Seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. Page 14 AREA CHART Mr. Farrar made a motion to set the minimum lot size on R7 at 40,000 square feet per complex. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion which passed unanimously. SOUTHEAST QUADRANT After a discussion on the density allowable in the southeast quadrant Mr. Cimonetti made a motion that the density allowed be 3 units per acre. For the purposes of discussion Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion. Mr. Cimonetti said he got into the discussion on growth control or density because he felt that growth can be controlled by other methods. Mr. Blais agreed, saying he felt that the 3 per acre was better than the 2 per acre, explaining the expenses to the developer for installing the necessary services. Mr. Cimonetti said the change he was proposing was in the direction of decreasing the cost of ownership of a new home. In speaking of have a mix of low and high cost housing in one neighborhood, Mr. Flaherty said he thought it was too hard on the families, that people tended to group together by financial status, race, etc. Mr. John Dinklage said he thought we had imaginative proposals in the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. He said if the people see that it is not the kind that is needed in South Burlington they will stand up and make changes. Mrs. Neubert felt the motion should be amended in some way to use the word "cluster". SOUTHEAST QUADRANT CONT'D Mr. Cimonetti then amended his motion to read, that the density allowable in the southeast quadrant be 2 units per acre, except to be 3 units per acre if clustered and approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Flaherty seconded the amended motion. Mr. Nardelli called for a vote. The vote was 3 against, 1 for, and 1 abstention, as follows: Mr. Nardelli, Mr. Farrar and Mrs. Neubert, No; Mr. Cimonetti, yes; and Mr. Flaherty abstained. LAKESHORE PROPERTY This property is all of the R1 property westerly of the R R to the lakeshore. There was a short discussion on the zoning of this property. Mr. Flaherty felt that if we were going to be innovative this was the area for cluster zoning. He made a motion to leave the area in the R1 District, but R3 could be considered if the plans called for cluster development. Mr. Cimonetti seconded the motion which passed with a three to two vote, Mr. Nardelli, Mr. Flaherty, and Mr. Cimonetti voting for and Mrs. Neubert and Mr. Farrar voting against the motion. LOW-COST HOUSING Mr. Cimonetti brought up the question on how to qualify for the bonus for low-cost housing and it was referred to the Planning Commission. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 A.M. Mrs. Neubert seconded the meeting which passed unanimously. Approver Paul A. Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.