HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/27/1974CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING AUGUST 27, 1974 Corrected Minutes The City Council and Planning Commission met in a joint session on Tuesday, August 27, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Conference Room. MEMBERS PRESENT Council members present were Chairman Flaherty, William J. Cimonetti, Mrs. Catherine M. Neubert and Duane E. Merrill. Planning Commissioners present were Chairman Mary Barbara Maher, Sidney Poger, William Wessel, Ernest Levesque and John Dinklage. MEMBERS ABSENT Councilman Paul A. Farrar and Planning Commissioner William Robenstein. OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; City Attorney Richard A. Spokes and William Schuele from the Natural Resources Committee. Chairman Flaherty called the meeting to order. MOTION TO MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilman Cimonetti made a motion that the joint meeting go into Executive Session to discuss the Queen City Tap condemnation item. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chairman Flaherty gave a brief history of the Velco transmission corridor through South Burlington. A copy of the brief history is attached to and made a part of these minutes. It is marked Exhibit #1. Attorney Spokes outlined procedures that can now be taken as follows: 1. Participate throughout the condemnation proceedings as an active party. 2. Take no action. 3. Confirm our underground utility policy and if the city can render assistance to the landowners we would do so. Planning Commission Chairman Maher questioned Attorney Spokes, wondering if we cooperated with the lawyers, would his work be covered under his present fee arrangement. Attorney Spokes said that it would, since he did not think it would take too much time. Mrs. Maher thought that the litigation would be a long legal process. Councilman Cimonetti thought the city should proceed as recommended by the City Attorney and so did Commissioner Poger. Councilman Cimonetti said our position should be made clear both to Velco and the property owners, the powition being that we support the line underground, but if we have to go overhead we favor the southern route. Commissioner Poger then made the following recommendation: That the city confirms its policy of desiring underground utility lines and further that the city will not participate in the Queen City Tap condemnation proceedings as an active party but that the City Attorney is authorized to cooperate with any litigant in gathering and preparing evidence in support of the city's underground utility policy. All present supported this recommendation except Councilman Cimonetti who supported a strong active participation in support of underground lines. Planning Commission Chairman Maher made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session. Mr. Merrill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Chairman Flaherty called the joint meeting to order in a regular session to act on the Velco Queen City Tap. REGULAR SESSION - VELCO QUEEN CITY TAP Mr. Cimonetti made a motion that we enter actively into the case to fight for underground installation. The motion was not seconded and Mr. Cimonetti withdrew his motion. Mrs. Neubert made the following motion: Resolved that the city confirms its policy of desiring underground utility lines and further that the city will not participate in the Queen City Tap condemnation proceedings as an active party but that the City Attorney is authorized to cooperate with any litigant in gathering and preparing evidence in support of the city's underground utility line policy. Also that the City reaffirms its support of the southern route if the route is to be overhead. Mr. Cimonetti seconded the motion. Chairman Flaherty called for a vote. The motion passed with a two to one vote, Mr. Merrill voting against passage and Mr. Cimonetti abstaining. Councilman Cimonetti made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Neubert and passed unanimously. Approved Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.