HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/17/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, September 17, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar and William Cimonetti. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Charlotte Marsh, Arlene Krapcho, Richard Bingham, Albert Audette, William J. Schuele, Mary Barbara Maher, Lydia B. Lowell, Albert Guyette, Ray Danus, Katherine Gregg Mrs. Neubert wanted to add an item to the agenda. The item was her resignation as liason to the Planning Commission. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 MEETING On Page 4 in the first paragraph, it was stated that after the 4 to 1 vote, the fact that Mr. Farrar voted yes and the other four members of the Council voted no, should be added. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the minutes of September 4, 1973, with the added correction. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Nardelli reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. REVIEW JOB DESCRIPTION FOR CITY PLANNER Mr. Nardelli read a memorandum from Mrs. Maher dated September 14, 1973. He also read the Job Description submitted by Mrs. Maher, and also the suggested ad for the City Planner. There was also a communication from Mr. Sargent. Mr. Ward's letter to the City Council was read by Mr. Nardelli, re: assistant to Zoning Administrator and full-time secretary. At this time, there is a motion on the table that the Council is in favor of hiring a person to assist in the general area of planning. Mrs. Neubert made a motion that the motion stating that the Council is in favor of hiring a person to assist in the general area of planning be taken from the table and put into action. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar stated he would like to hear from Mr. Ward at this time about his letter. Mr. Ward stated the zoning and planning has grown too big for one person, and stated he just doesn't have time for everything. He stated that in the last six months they have had three men who have gone out into the field and it has been helpful. Mr. Farrar stated he thinks that the person discussed should go out into the field. Mr. Ward thinks there should be someone with a planning background. He stated that Steve Page has been very helpful. He also stated that Mr. Levesque and Dr. Sargent have been very helpful. In essence, Mr. Ward stated that they need someone who just does not do administrative work. Mrs. Maher stated that the City needs help on site review. She stated that many of the things Mr. Ward does now would be taken over by a Planner. Mr. Nardelli stated there has not been any imput as to what a Planner would do to help the City Manager. Mr. Nardelli stated he would like imput from the City Manager, Zoning Administrator, Zoning Board of Adjustment and Recreation Department as to how a Planner could help. Mr. Farrar thinks it is the time now to decide whether we should go forward and make a decision. Mrs. Neubert stated she is very comfortable with the present motion and thinks more work should be done before an ad is placed. She is not against hiring a person to help in the area of planning. Mrs. Krapcho asked if the word "professional" could be added to the motion. She thinks there is a need for a professional. Mr. Schuele asked if the whole package recommended by the Planning Commission could be considered, and wonders if the Council should consider both parts. Mrs. Neubert would like a list of what was paid to Mr. Boyle, Dr. Kent, Dr. Nadworny and Steve Page. She wants to know what money was best used. Should people applying be trained more in one area than in another. It would help the Council to make a decision. She feels any professional Planner must have an office and a secretary. Mr. Guyette stated he would like to back up Mr. Schuele and thinks the motion is weak. He thinks a Planner should be given some responsibility and authority. Mr. Farrar stated the reason for the motion was to decide whether to make a decision, not a job description. Mr. Flaherty stated the Council should take it together, but really can't until they know what work has to be done - Mr. Ward's work and Mr. Szymanski's work. He stated he would also hope to get a Planner in administrative work. Mr. Cimonetti asked where the information was about the hiring of a City Planner by the previous Council and the amount of $15,000.00. Mr. Szymanski stated it was in Item 201 of the Budget. Mr. Cimonetti also asked what funds have already been expended. Mr. Szymanski stated Steve Page's salary is $120.00 per week and we have had him since mid July. He stated that there is an additional $1500.00 for office expenses added to the $15,000.00. Mr. Danus asked about Steve Page. Mr. Szymanski stated Steve Page is a graduate of Dartmouth and is going to take a graduate course. He has been making maps, reviewing zoning and doing a lot of field work. Mr. Danus also thinks "professional" should be added to the motion. Mrs. Krapcho stated a Planner would have to have a secretary and stated a secretary is also needed for Mr. Ward and should be decided separately. Mrs. Krapcho thinks a Planner should be ready to go after Dr. Nadworny has finished his report, and that having the Planner ready would save time. Mr. Nardelli stated that before the ad was placed, the job description would be developed. Mrs. Neubert stated it should be discussed amongst the Council and with the City Manager. She would like more information before interviewing people. Miss Marsh asked how the Council could vote for a Planner if it is not in the budget. Mr. Szymanski stated it is in the budget. She also wondered where the money for a secretary would come from. Mr. Nardelli stated it was never in the budget, re: hiring a secretary. Miss Marsh stated that if a Planner is hired, he should be a regular member of the City. Mr. Nardelli asked if Miss Marsh was in favor of a City Planner. She stated she can't quite decide, but stated that if the City has one, it should be a regular job and a continuing job. Mr. Farrar stated that using consultants was not very profitable, and someone permanent is more valuable. Mrs. Neubert stated that secretarial help is badly needed at City Hall. Nardelli stated that the motion was before the Council with a second. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the Council is in favor of hiring a person to assist in the general area of planning. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. JOB DESCRIPTION Mr. Cimonetti stated the job description and ad are different. He stated the job description will be a vehicle for general performance. He stated the ad they had before them lacks specifics. He would be willing to assist in preparing an ad. Mr. Flaherty directed the City Manager to come up with ideas where a City Planner could help him. He would also direct Mr. O'Neill of the Recreation Department, the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Mr. Ward, all of whom would come up with ideas in writing. Mrs. Neubert stated the Council might discover that it needs two people. The Planning Commission has presented theirs, but they need a job description from the City Council, Zoning Board and Recreation Department. Mr. Bingham stated the relationship should be stated between the Planning Commission and a Planner. He also stated that there should be a strong vital function of the Planning Commission. Mrs. Neubert stated the City has to be careful about hiring someone who does not overshadow the Planning Commission. Mr. Nardelli stated the relationship of a Planner to the Commission is very important. Mr. Farrar stated points of the Zoning Administrator have to be brought out. Mr. Cimonetti was asked to submit ideas to the City Manager to help him. Mr. Cimonetti stated that a separate charge should be made to the Planning Commission, re: come closer to grips with the problem of how they want to relate to a Planner. They should be more specific as to how they would relate to a Planner. Mr. Guyette stated that if the City hired a Planner, there is a question, re: Planning Commission members will change and the Planner would not. Miss Marsh asked about paying people for applying for the job of Planner. There is $1500.00 in the Planning Commission budget for paying expenses, but Mrs. Maher stated they would only have to pay for motel and meals. Mr. Nardelli stated it is understood that at the next meeting Mr. Szymanski will submit a resume of what has been charged to him. MRS. NEUBERT'S RESIGNATION AS LIASON TO PLANNING COMMISSION Mrs. Neubert stated she wished to resign as liason to the Planning Commission. She stated she has checked with an attorney and the right for her to speak is abridged at the Planning Commission meetings. She would like the Council to decide what liason means between the Council and the Planning Commission. Mrs. Maher concurred and stated it should be discussed as to what liason means. Mrs. Neubert stated she would like to resign first. Mr. Farrar made a motion to accept the resignation of Catherine Neubert as liason officer to the Planning Commission. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar stated that there should be a replacement for Mrs. Neubert. Mr. Nardelli stated at the next meeting they would appoint someone. FEE STRUCTURE FOR SIGN APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS Mr. Ward stated a charge of $5.00 should be made when an applicant comes forward with an application for a sign. He stated it had to be advertised and also the actual fee should be continued with a minimum of $2.00 charge. There is now a charge of 5 cents per square foot per lettered side for the permit, with a minimum charge of $2.00. It consists of preparing work and inspection. This would ad up to a minimum charge of $7.00. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the fee schedule proposed by Mr. Ward which is $5.00 charge for each application and a charge of 5 cents per square foot per lettered side for the permit, with a minimum charge of $2.00 be approved as of September 10, 1973. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. At this time, Mr. Danus asked if each permit was numbered. Mr. Ward said they were. REQUEST TO CLOSE RICHARD TERRACE BETWEEN BERKLEY AND CLOVER STREETS ON OCTOBER 31. 1973. Mr. Szymanski stated that the residents in this area are having a Halloween Party. The area will be closed between 6:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. He stated there will be no problem for the area will be open for emergency police and fire department, if necessary, during that time. He would recommend the request. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept Mr. Szymanski's recommendation that Richard Terrace between Berkley and Clover Streets be closed on October 31. 1973 between the hours of 6 to 9 P.M. for a street party. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Schuele stated that around 9:00 P.M. there should be a policeman to make a trip through the area. CONSIDER APPOINTING CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND AN AIR FORCE INFORMATION MEETING IN COLORADO ON OCTOBER 8th to 11th, 1973. Mr. Saymanski stated he received a call from someone from the Air Base requesting someone attend this meeting from the City. The cost is $16.00 a day for the room. All other expenses are paid by the Air Force. They would like to know by September 18, 1973. It was stated that Mr. Brian Gee attended last year and the fee was paid out of Council's expenses. Mr. Nardelli stated that for public relations, someone should attend. Mr. Szymanski stated that all the surrounding communities sent representatives last year. Mr. Nardelli asked for volunteers and Mr. Szymanski and Mrs. Neubert volunteered. Mr. Farrar made a motion that the City Manager. William Szymanski, and Mrs. Neubert be appointed to attend the Air Force Information meeting in Colorado on October 8th to 11th, 1973. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. WORK ON PROPOSED ZONING REGULATIONS Mr. Nardelli stated that all the work so far has been put together for a new proposed Zoning Ordinance. This was a work session. There was much discussion, re: flood plain, flood plain definition, R.C.O., recreation conservation, open space, agriculture, residential districts, cluster housing, business retail, Business Planned Development, industrial, airport industrial, airport approach, etc. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 P.M., after which the Council would meet as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD APPROVE ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT FOR SHERATON MOTOR INN On motion made by Mrs. Neubert, seconded by Mr. Flaherty, and unanimously passed, the application for an Entertainment Permit for the Sheraton Motor Inn was approved. On motion made, seconded and so passed, the Liquor Control Board adjourned its meeting at 10:25 P.M. Paul A. Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.