HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/05/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 5, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, November 5, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Walter Nardelli, Catherine Neubert, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar and William Cimonetti MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator, Charlotte Marsh, Walter Dandridge, Ray Unsworth, Ray Stearns, Les Graffam, Robert Martineau, Carlo Wolff, Hal Bensen, Arlene Krapcho, Richard Bingham, Sonny Audette Mr. Nardelli asked if there was anything to add to the agenda. He had a communication from Mary Barbara Maher, Chairman of the Planning Commission which he added to the agenda. Charlotte Marsh also had an item to be added and Mrs. Neubert had an item regarding the Northeast Air Defense Command to be added. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 15, 1973 MEETING Mr. Cimonetti stated that on Page 2 in the last paragraph, the word "preserved" should be changed to read "perceived." Also, on Page 3, Mr. Flaherty stated that under the heading of DISCUSSION ON CITY GROWTH CONTROL LIMITATIONS, at the end of the paragraph, "under certain circumstances" should be added. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of October 15, 1973 as corrected. Mr. Cimonetti seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Nardelli reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. MEETING WITH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Nardelli stated that they are following through on the request of the Council on October 1, 1973 that the Growth and Development Committee come before the Council. Mr. Nardelli questioned whether the charges made to the Committee are feasible and practical. He read said charges made to the Committee. Mr. Unsworth stated that the first charge is an extremely broad one. He also stated it will be difficult to actively solicit industry, and stated it is somewhat difficult to interest industry to locate in the City without certain hard facts. He also stated that to some extent the Growth and Development Committee would be working in competition with GBIC, but he did state that the Committee could work harmoniously with GBIC. Mr. Stearns stated that South Burlington has not actually solicited industry, and stated that with all the bickering, zoning problems, etc, it does not look as though South Burlington really wants industry. He also stated that South Burlington does not have the money to advertize, and stated that any lead would first go to GBIC. He stated we should establish a repore with GBIC. Mr. Nardelli asked what the City should do. Mr. Stearns stated the City should work with GBIC, and stated that we are one of the few communities who have supported GBIC. Mr. Martineau stated that most people who are coming to Vermont usually contact Montpelier, and stated that we could work with Montpelier also. He also stated that the first charge as of now is not practical, and stated that maybe there should be two goals - one short term and one long term. Mrs. Neubert asked what the Committee was doing in the time that they have been a committee, and stated that she sees no results. Mr. Unsworth stated that they have marked time until the zoning was completed. Mrs. Neubert stated that she feels the Committee should have some sort of recommendation to make to the Council. Mr. Flaherty stated we should not rehash, but start again. He also stated that there should be communication between the Council and the Committee. Mr. Szymanski stated that the Committee had made some recommendations, re: southeast quadrant and industrial areas. Mrs. Neubert asked why the recommendations haven't been used. Mr. Nardelli stated the first charge is too broad and should be more viable and practical. He stated the Committee should work with the Master Plan, re: industrial areas, and have a liaison with GBIC. Mr. Steams stated that there should be some member of the Growth and Development Committee on the GBIC committee. Mrs. Neubert stated there should be some recommendation on the Willis development in South Burlington. Mr. Flaherty asked about sewage in the Willis development. Mr. Cimonetti stated that a possible charge to the Growth and Development Committee would be to select the specific property being discussed and prepare a model specification for its development, re: put together a package for GBIC and the Vermont Development. Mr. Cimonetti stated that GBIC is out of properties at this time and it is time for another go around. He also asked what the Committee's thoughts were on this. Mr. Stearns stated the City could, if there was less haddeling about zoning, etc. There was discussion, re: tax rates, broad zoning, etc. Mr. Bensen stated that some adjustments are being made in GBIC and we could possibly establish a very good liaison. Mr. Cimonetti asked if GBIC would listen to the Growth and Development Committee. Mr. Unsworth asked if Mr. Nardelli would put the charges in writing. Mrs. Neubert stated that when the Council talked about controlled growth, they meant residential building. Mr. Martineau asked if there is anything ready for the Committee in writing. Mr. Flaherty recommended Professor Nadworny's report. There was discussion, re: transportation plans, access to industrial area from interstate, etc. Mr. Stearns stated the Council should approach GBIC, re: $1000.00 expenditure. He stated the Council should contact GBIC and express displeasure with results. Mr. Nardelli stated there were three charges: to select a specific property i.e. Willis development for consideration, including tax considerations, assessing of industry, commercial and BPD on the Master Plan and a more viable liaison with GBIC. Mr. Cimonetti asked how the Board of Directors of GBIC was made up. It was stated there should be a representative present at the next City Council meeting. Mr. Nardelli thanked the Committee members for attending this meeting. CONSIDER CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT Mr. Nardelli read the third paragraph of the statement and stated that the City Government Committee started this a year or two ago. He stated that if this was acceptable, it would be part of the policy of the City of South Burlington. He also stated the City Attorney would have to look at it and okay it. Mrs. Neubert questioned the "divergence of private interest." She felt it did not say very much. Mr. Nardelli stated that some place in the City policy, the Conflict of Interest should be defined. Mr. Farrar stated he is comfortable with the wording of this statement, and he also stated that in the last paragraph, a person could abstain if there was a conflict of interest. He also stated that the last paragraph should come into play only when the person did not declare a conflict of interest. Mrs. Neubert asked if the wording was good enough for the Council to investigate a person. Mr. Nardelli stated the Council should accept this and have the City Attorney look it over for legality. Mr. Farrar suggested a change in the last paragraph which would read, "in the event the Council determines that a substantial conflict of interest exists, which has not been previously disclosed, etc." Mr. Farrar made a motion that this statement of Conflict of Interest be sent to the City attorney for his perusal with the one change before the Council accepts it. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISCUSS SOUTH BURLINGTON'S APPLICATION FROM THE VERMONT BI-CENTENNIAL COMMISSION Mr. Szymanski read the letter from Lt. Gov. Burgess, re: United States birthday in 1976 and Vermont's birthday in 1977. In the letter, Mr. Burgess asked the City to set up a Bi-Centennial Committee. Mr. Nardelli suggested that the School Board should do something about this along with the Council. Mr. Szymanski stated that funds would have to be appropriated along with a program, committee members, etc. Mrs. Neubert asked if the Council would like her to take it around to the grade school principals. Mr. Szymanski will make copies of the letter and application. The members of the Council will look it over and peruse it, etc. Mrs. Neubert would get names of people interested in the Committee. SECOND READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGULATING CONDUCT IN RED ROCKS PARK Mr. Nardelli stated that the changes in the proposed Ordinance Regulating Conduct in Red Rocks Park were made after the first reading and incorporated, Mr. Nardelli read said Ordinance. Mr. Farrar made a motion to approve the second reading of the Proposed Ordinance Regulating Conduct in Red Rocks Park. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Mrs. Neubert had a memorandum from Dr. Houston, re: erosion on trails, etc. She asked if the City was going to do something about it, and also there is a tree in front of the bath house that has too much dirt around it which could cause the tree's demise. Mr. Szymanski will take a look at it and will answer the memorandum more concretely at the next meeting. Mr. Farrar asked if there was a memorandum from Dr. Hoagland, re: trail going to his property and asked Mr. Szymanski to seek it out. APPOINT DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER Mr. Szymanski stated he had an application from a Mrs. Madeline Cook, who is a nurse, applying for the position as deputy health officer. Mr. Cimonetti made a motion to appoint Mrs. Madeline Cook to be Deputy Health Officer. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON THE PROPOSED LEGISLATION ELIMINATING THE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX Mr. Nardelli stated most towns and cities have written stating the loss of income would be enormous. Mr. Szymanski stated this came up once before in 1972. He read a letter he had written to senators and representatives, re: personal property tax and more equitable personal property tax. At this time, Mr. Farrar stated he had a potential conflict of interest in the matter. Mrs. Neubert stated Mr. Tudhope could come to a meeting and explain the legislation, re: this matter. There was discussion, re: the basis of taxes of the IRS and State. Mr. Flaherty stated we could sit on this until the next meeting and have Mr. Tudhope, Mr. Graves, Mr. O'Brien, etc. at the next meeting to discuss same. CONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF A CITY UNITED SERVICES COMMITTEE Mr. Szymanski stated that Mr. Flaherty, Mrs. Neubert and Mr. Farrar attended a meeting re: City United Services Committee. The Committee is desired to oversee disbursement of funds that go through the United Services. Mr. Szymanski cited a service i.e. the visiting nurse. Mrs. Neubert stated that housing problems might be considered for this Committee. Mr. Nardelli suggested that Mrs. Dorothea Sims could be questioned, re: these services, etc. She could advise the City what areas come into play. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT ON PROGRESS IN ACQUISITION OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Mr. Szymanski stated we have the Garvey property; we have the deed but we have not been paid by the State as yet. We have not received the BOR money as yet. The property consists of approximately 7.37 acres - the BOR funding is $25,000.00. The City has a deed to the Potter property which consists of 7.5 acres. Mr. Potter is asking $20,000.00 an acre, re: 2 1/2 acres the City desires. The City appraiser has appraised the 2 1/2 acres at $10,000.00 an acre. The DeGraff property is a parcel of 12 acres off Duval Street just to the south of Kirby Road. The Dumont property consisting of 8.3 acres along with the DeGraff property run close to $50,000.00 a piece. Mr. Szymanski has options on the Dumont property and Mr. Dumont is requesting 10% of the cost of the option. All of this property has to be in BOR by the first of December. Mr. Flaherty asked what the acceptance rate is. Mr. Szymanski stated land purchases go through more often than developments. The Dumont property involves $5,000.00 down. There was discussion, re: appraisals, price of appraisals, buying options, BOR funding, etc. Mrs. Krapcho stated that some effort should be made to acquire land in the Laurel Hill area if the 2 1/2 Potter acres are not purchased. Mr. Szymanski was asked to communicate with Mr. Potter, re: another piece of property he might have that might be purchased. There was discussion, re: point of contact between Mr. Potter's road and the green strip belonging to the City for bicycles, park area, right of way, etc. Mr. Nardelli stated that he and Mr. Szymanski would go and look at the property and stated the Council would look at the maps of the general area. CITY PLANNER'S JOB DESCRIPTION TO BE BACK AT COUNCIL TABLE AFTER BEING SENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Szymanski stated that there was a small change - experience from one year to 3 to 5 years. Mr. Nardelli stated that the next step was to advertize. Mr. Szymanski stated he has already written to the TAB magazine. He stated it would be in at the end of December or early January. Mr. Nardelli asked who should do the interviewing and the Council should consider this; he also asked for names. Mr. Szymanski stated they will advertize in a local publication also. Mr. Flaherty made a motion that the City approve the Job Description as amended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. COMMENTS BY CHARLOTTE MARSH Miss Marsh asked about land on which school buildings exist. It was stated it is School District Corp. land, and the Council has no jurisdiction over the land. She then read a letter, re: ordinance that no commercial advertizing be placed on city owned property. Miss Marsh was told that no signs could be erected without first going through the Sign Review Board. COMMUNICATION FROM MARY BARBARA MAHER This communication from Mrs. Maher was in regard to the southeast quadrant. Mr. Nardelli read said communication which suggested that there should be a study by a select committee of townspeople of the southeast quadrant. Mr. Nardelli suggested the communication should be studied and tabled for the next meeting. Mrs. Neubert wanted permission to contact the people in the southeast quadrant, re: sewers, etc. Mr. Nardelli stated he thinks the communication should have perusal by the City Attorney, and would like to have the City Attorney present at the discussion of this communication. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to table this communication until the next meeting. Mr. Farrar seconded said motion which passed unanimously. NORTH EAST AIR DEFENSE COMMAND Mrs. Neubert spoke about the North East Air Defense Command and passed on the information of how important the South Burlington National Guard is. Mrs. Neubert made a motion to adjourn this meeting at 9:50 P.M. and go into Executive Session to discuss the sale of Thompsons Court. Mr. Flaherty seconded said motion which passed unanimously. Paul Farrar, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.