HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/07/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 7, 1973 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Monday, May 7, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Blais opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Frederick G. Blais, Walter Nardelli, Dr. Harold P. Brown, Michael D. Flaherty and Brian J. Gee MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PERSENT William J. Szymanski, City Manager; Highway Department Supervisor Albert Audette, Zoning Administrative Officer Ward, Fire Chief Melvin Monell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dandridge, Alex Verrett, Paul Schwartz, Virginia Kelleher, Franklyn McCaffrey, Charlotte C. Marsh, Kay Neubert, Cheryl Benfield of the Free Press, Steve Oviatt from WJOY and Catherine Hayden, Secretary, also Paul Farrar. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Chairman Blais remarked that he would open this last meeting of this election year with requests for additions to the agenda. The Councilmen unanimously agreed to add two items requested by Councilman Gee as follows: 1. Impose a ban on smoking at City Council meetings 2. Report on Police Auxiliary Force activities in the city of Burlington. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 5, 1973 MEETING On page 4, item 3, the motion should read as follows: Councilman Brown moved to grant dual use and to accept the Planning Commission's recommendations. Councilman Gee seconded the motion. Councilman Flaherty made a motion to amend the motion to review the zoning permit at the end of one year from the date of the permit. This amendment did not receive a second. Then Councilman Brown repeated his motion with the amendment that the zoning permit be reviewed at the end of two years from the date of the permit. Councilman Gee seconded. Motion approved by a 3 to 2 vote. Councilman Nardelli made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, after review of the tape substantiated the correction. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gee and unanimously passed. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 2, 1973 MEETING On page 4, last paragraph, where it reads "there is a 150 foot set back for major streams" it should read there is a 100 foot set back for major streams. Doctor Brown motioned to approve the minutes as corrected. Councilman Gee seconded the motion which passed unanimously. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 5, 1973 MEETING On page 3, paragraph 4, should be deleted and the following paragraph substituted: "Councilman Brown questioned if there would be sufficient manpower desiring to farm in the future to maintain the farms in the city - even if the farms were encouraged to stay." Mr. Nardelli motioned to approve the minutes as corrected. Dr. Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 12, 1973 MEETING On motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. Gee, the Council unanimously approved the minutes of the April 12, 1973 meeting. READING OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 16, 1973 MEETING On page 4, paragraph 3, "Councilman Gee said he had indefinite information on the Bottle Ban Levy" should be corrected to read City Manager Szymanski said he had indefinite information on the Bottle Ban Levy. Mr. Gee made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 16, 1973 meeting as corrected. Dr. Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Blais reminded the Councilmen that the disbursement orders were on the table for approval and signature. DEVELOPMENT OF CLOSER LIASON WITH THE CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT TO STUDY MUTUALLY THE SHORT RUN AND LONG RUN IMPACTS ON THE CITY IN ALL ASPECTS POSSIBLE - MR. NARDELLI Councilman Nardelli asked if a letter had been forwarded to the Corrections Department to let the Department know we are interested in their plans, concerned in the short run about the traffic, and what the time table for construction is, etc. Chairman Blais said he had sent a letter about a week before, stating that the city would abide by the Court Decision and had no intention of appealing it. He further wrote that we would work together so the facility would be something we would be proud of. Councilman Gee remarked that we did, in fact, communicate our intention to co-operate, and Mr. Blais said yes. Councilman Nardelli said that at this time we do not have too much control as to landscaping, and wondered about the requirements for water and sewer systems being met. City Manager Szymanski reported that he had conferred with Edgar M. Weed, Jr., Engineering Consultant of the Division of State Buildings, especially on the planning of the sewer and water installations, and he has the impression that we will have good cooperation. Councilman Nardelli then suggested that a Liason Committee be drawn from the City to work with the Corrections Department and to obtain Mr. Profera's ideas as to the Department's objectives. He suggested that the Committee be made up of representatives from the church groups, the school, police, the general populace from different sections of the City and a member from the Council. He felt we should get in touch with the Department to see whether such a working committee will be viable now. He said that many questions and problems could be brought to the Committee instead of coming to the Council or the City Manager. Dr. Brown remarked that this was a good idea, that we would know what was going on, and City Manager Szymanski was instructed to write to Mr. Profera and invite him to come before the Council for discussion on this. SIGN TELEPHONE COMPANY PETITIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF A BURIED CABLE ON KENNEDY DRIVE AND TIMBER LANE The City Manager explained the exact location of the proposed installation. Councilman Gee made a motion to approve and sign the Telephone Company's petition for installation of a buried cable on Kennedy Drive and Timber Lane as per sketch. Dr. Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. SIGN STATE-AID APPLICATIONS City Manager Szymanski explained that these applications were for State-Aid for the coming year for winter maintenance and town highway construction. Mr. Gee made a motion to sign the Highway State-Aid application forms. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER THE LIST FOR ABATEMENT OF TAX PENALTIES After Mr. Szymanski, City Manager, detailed the reasons for this request Councilman Gee made a motion to approve the abatement of 10 Real Estate items at $282.67, 2 sewer items at $3.10 and 53 poll tax items at $52.43. Doctor Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Councilman Gee asked if there would be an impact with the collection of poll taxes because of the Supreme Court Decision that it is unlawful to deprive a person of his driving license for non-payment of poll taxes. He wondered if we are empowered to institute a City Tax, and was told that such action could only be implemented by a Legislative Enabling Act. SIGN THE RESOLUTION AMENDING THE WINOOSKI PARK DISTRICT AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING COLCHESTER TO JOIN THE DISTRICT Chairman Blais explained that the addition of the Town of Colchester to the Winooski Valley Park District constitutes an amendment to the "Agreement to Create a Union Municipal District to be Known as the Winooski Valley Park District." Mr. Nardelli made a motion to sign the Resolution. Motion seconded by Councilman Gee and approved unanimously. The Resolution follows: Be it resolved by the City of South Burlington as follows: 1. The Agreement entitled "Agreement to Create a Union Municipal District to be Known as the Winooski Valley Park District," presently consisting of the Cities of Burlington, South Burlington, Winooski, and the Town of Essex, be amended by adding the Town of Colchester having agreed to be bound by all of the provisions of said Agreement between the present member municipalities. CONSIDER SETTLEMENT OF OLD HOSPITAL CLAIMS Chairman Blais explained that we have been working on a settlement with the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont's lawyers to clear up the outstanding account against the City of bills incurred before the State took over the Welfare cases. We now owe approximately $33,000 in claims outstanding and we have reached a settlement of $26,000 to settle all claims which now exist or may arise in the future. Councilman Gee made a motion to authorize the City Manager to settle for $26,000, paying what we can from this year's budget, and borrowing the balance to be paid out of future budgets or revenue sharing. Doctor Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ACCEPT LOW BID FOR SEWER CLEANING MACHINE City Manager Szymanski and Highway Department Supervisor Audette both recommended that this type of machine be purchased. It can be used in both the storm drains and the sanitary sewers. Mr. Szymanski said there is a surplus in the equipment fund that could be used to help make the purchase. Councilman Nardelli moved to accept the low bid of $5,990.00 from the C. R. Wood Corporation. Councilman Gee seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ACCEPT LOW BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A WALKWAY ALONG THE QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD RAILROAD BRIDGE. City Manager Szymanski reported that the lowest bid for this project was made by the Pizzagalli Company for $14,496.00 and we have about $12,000 to work with. He said he would work with the Pizzagalli firm in order to reduce the cost and suggested a 4 ft. wide walkway instead of the 5 ft. one be constructed in order to save some of the difference. Councilman Nardelli felt strongly that the bridge should be 5 feet wide, and made a motion to accept the low bid, with every effort being made to lower the cost in whatever areas possible, but to go with the 5 foot bridge. Doctor Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. SIGN THE FEDERAL SEWER GRANT AMENDMENT FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS City Manager Szymanski presented the forms for the Federal Sewer Grant amendment for additional funds, reminding the Council that this was for improvements at the Bartletts Bay Plan recommended by the Water Resources Board. Councilman Nardelli motioned to have Chairman Blais sign the forms as Authorized Agent. Mr. Gee seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CONSIDER RAISE IN PAY FOR ELECTION WORKERS FROM $1.60 to $2.00 per HOUR City Manager Szymanski said this item was put on the Agenda as a result of action by the Board of Civil Authority at its last meeting. Charlotte Marsh said she did not believe in raising the pay of workers (election) since this is a civic duty. It was explained to her that it was a 12 hour day, and the Board of Civil Authority had voted to request the Council to consider their action. It was noted there was no request for a raise for those who worked at night counting the votes. Councilman Nardelli made a motion to raise the rate of pay for the day workers at elections from $1.60 to $2.00 per hour at the recommendation of the Board of Civil Authority. Dr. Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLOTTE Charlotte Marsh's birthday was noted by Mike, and all present joined in wishing her well on her birthday. CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON SIGN ORDINANCE - MR. NARDELLI Councilman Nardelli reminded the Councilmen and those present that if the 1973 proposed zoning regulations ballot item is passed on May 15, the city would be without a sign ordinance. If the item is not passed the 1964 the 1964 sign ordinance will remain in effect. Councilman Nardelli urged the Council to resume work on the new sign ordinance as soon as possible, and said that if the vote is in favor of the 1973 proposed zoning regulations, the Council should adopt a Resolution instructing the Zoning Administrator, Mr. Ward, to operate under the 1964 Sign Ordinance. He said the Resolution would give the Administrator the power to follow the '64 ordinance. Actually the resolution would set up an operating procedure by a permit and fee system. It was decided to put the item on the agenda of the Organizational Meeting that is traditionally held on the day following election. TRAFFIC ON SHELBURNE ROAD Councilman Nardelli remarked that the traffic system used on Shelburne Road was really weird. Highway Department Supervisor Audette explained that the painted street lines on the road were now in accord with new Federal Traffic Regulations. Mr. Nardelli told about the confusion caused by the new lines and asked Mr. Szymanski if we could have some signs printed in the French language so that the Canadians, who seem to have a lot of trouble with the traffic on Shelburne Road could read them. Mr. Szymanski seemed to think he could get some. Chairman Blais spoke about the necessity of having the lights at Dorset Street and Williston Road arranged so that traffic would not be held up by cars making a left turn onto Dorset Street. Other traffic problem areas in the city were discussed and Mr. Nardelli questioned Mr. Szymanski as to whether or not we had anyone in the City employ who was knowledgeable about traffic. Mr. Szymanski told him that Sergeant Mullen is our traffic expert. Mr. Nardelli then asked the City Manager to have Sergeant Mullen give us an overall view as to where he thinks traffic lights should go. IMPOSE A BAN ON SMOKING AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Mr. Gee spoke, saying since the state and some local agencies have adopted a ban on smoking at their public meetings, he wondered if the Council would consider adopting such a ban at our meetings, especially in view of the fact that we are now so pollution and health conscious. After discussion on whether to impose a ban just for the Council meetings or for all meetings in the Conference Room the following motion was made by Mr. Gee: to post the Conference room "No Smoking" for all future meetings in the room. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. REPORT ON AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE ACTIVITIES IN BURLINGTON Mr. Gee said that 30 to 45 days ago he was asked to contact the Police Department in Burlington as to how they organized the Auxiliary Police Force. The Auxiliary Police Chief is Frank Mazza and he had also talked with him. The purpose of the Force is to give moral and material aid to Burlington and State Police. Any male citizen, resident of Chittenden County, between the coming of age and to age 65 is eligible to become an auxiliary policeman. The Burlington meetings are held monthly and presently the force has 28 members who come from Burlington, South Burlington, Milton, and Winooski. The Force is trained by the Burlington Police Force and the Detective Staff, and the course offered is similar to the one given at the Brandon Police Academy. As to finances, the City of Burlington provides a limited budget, for instance for 1972 the budget was $1,400 and the City supplies uniforms. All members work on a volunteer basis, receive no salary. The Auxiliary Force members are required a minimum participation of three times a year. It helps citizens, gives moral support, assists with traffic control at parades and public gatherings. The members fill in for regular policemen in times of sickness and vacation, as well as assist with bicycle registrations, enforcement of ordinances and during disasters. The Force has been in operation for 25 years. The work done by members is scheduled by Chief Carron, who notifies the Auxiliary Police Force Chief of his needs. The Auxiliary people never work alone. They are always accompanied by a regular from the department. It has worked out that several members of the Auxiliary Force have become regular members. The Auxiliary Police Force receives strong support from Chief Carron and the Police Commissioners who, Mr. Gee said, offered to help us in any way that they could if we wanted to form such a group. Having such a force would aid in the patrolling our Natural areas and parks. Councilman Nardelli asked Mr. Gee to have copies made of his report and have a copy sent to Chief Carter for his comments. Mr. Flaherty asked if the men were armed and Mr. Gee said they are not. Kay Neubert wondered if we have a policewoman on our force and Mr. Ward said the women clerks in our Police Department are sworn in as Policewomen. MOTORIZED VEHICLES IN PUBLIC PARKS Chairman Blais reminded the Council that it should consider the passing of an ordinance restricting the use of motorized vehicles in our natural areas and parks since the ordinance we now have restricts the use of these vehicles on school property only. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Gee and passed unanimously, after which the Council went into session as the Liquor Control Board. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD MEETING The Liquor Control Board considered the application of the Ramade Inn for permission to have entertainment on the premises, such as an organist, band, orchestra, singers. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to approve the request. Dr. Brown seconded the motion which passed unanimously. On motion made, seconded and so passed the Liquor Control Board adjourned at 9:24 P.M. Approved Brian J. Gee, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.