HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/19/1973SOUTH BURLINGTON JOINT MEETING OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL JUNE 19, 1973. The South Burlington Planning Commission and City Council held a joint meeting in the City Hall Conference Room, Williston Road, on Tuesday, June 19, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. Chairman Nardelli of the City Council opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MEMBERS PRESENT City Council Chairman, Walter Nardelli, Paul Farrar, Catherine M. Neubert, Mrs. Mary Barbara Maher, Ronald Schmucker, William Robenstein, Frederick Sargent, City Manager, William Szymanski and Zoning Administrator, Richard Ward. MEMBERS ABSENT Michael Flaherty OTHERS PRESENT Verle Houghaboom, Charles Church, Frank Jacquemard, Dr. Farmer, John Barnett, Steve Page, Jean Hildick, Charlotte Marsh, Richard Myette and Mrs. Barbara Bull, and Paul Zerr. This meeting was convened to work on a new Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. There was discussion re: Center super block - bounded by Williston Road, Hinesburg Road, Kennedy Drive and Dorset Street. Mr. Nardelli pointed out a map of this area. It was stated that there are between 40 to 60 acres of undeveloped land. Mr. Nardelli stated this concept can be applied and whatever is there should be defined. Mr. Farrar stated that the super block is not now feasible and should be best planned (meaning stated undeveloped land) for the city's use. Mr. Nardelli has asked the School Dept. to see what they might desire in this area. Mr. Sargent suggested that his colleague, Mr. Steve Page, take a look at this area. Mr. Nardelli then stated that the City Council and Planning Commission should take a look at the goals proposed on Page 2 of The Comprehensive Plan of 1969. Mr. Nardelli read said goals and asked for any suggestions which were: 1. Mrs. Bull suggested that "stream sources or stream protection" be added to #1. 2. Mrs. Neubert stated that "other natural resources" was not mentioned. Mr. Schmucker suggested adding "maintaining and preserving" to #2. 3. Mrs. Neubert suggested that this should be more comprehensive, re: economic factors and population. Mrs. Neubert was then asked by Mr. Nardelli to rewrite #3. 4. Mr. Schmucker was requested to rewrite #4. 5. Mr. Farrar suggested that the first sentence of #5 be added to the last part of #1. Mr. Sargent was requested to rewrite #5. 6. Mr. Sargent suggested a #6 be added to the list of goals concerning "lakeshore." 7. Mr. Sargent suggested a $7 be added to the list of goals concerning "greenbelt areas between the towns." 8. Mr. Sargent suggested a #8 be added to the list of goals concerning "bicycle ways." 9. Mr. Sargent suggested a #9 be added to the list of goals concerning "pedestrian trails." 10. Mr. Sargent suggested a #10 be added to the list of goals concerning "protecting the integrity of residential neighborhoods." 11. Mr. Sargent suggested a #11 be added to the list of goals concerning "low income housing." Mrs. Neubert then presented the category of "Flood Plain." A lengthy discussion followed re: meaning of flood plain, zoning of flood plain area, conservation areas and RCO areas, and uses of flood plain designations. Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.